My Thoughts Part 5: If it’s your will Father

My Thoughts Part 5: If it’s your will Father

Deep inside my mind I travel throughout the universe seeking the invisible one. It is the Creator of the universe which I seek. How did the Creator form me? I must know. Who am I? I must know. Which star is connected to me or does my star shines brightly in the heavens? Let me connect to the source of everything. Let me connect to the one who gave me energy and life. The source of everything is where I want to be. Inside dark energy which is unseen to this world where the invisible energy dwells. Let me gaze into the Creator’s eyes to see within his eyes. Let me search and find the mysteries of all the things man sees if it is your will. Your creation from the very beginning I seek. Let me see through your eyes Father. Let me see your light and let me feel the burst of energy emanating from you. Flames of fire, coals of fire and hailstones before you as you dwell in thick darkness. Traveling as the wind like the speed of light. Oh Father I want to follow you everywhere you go. Please allow me to travel behind you because I want to expand with you. I hear your voice Oh God which is the sound of thunder. I am afraid because I feel your power magnifying. I will hearken unto your voice because I desire wisdom therefore show me all your mysteries. Allow me to be the keeper of knowledge if it is your will. Incorruptible I shall be. A tree that produces good fruit. Oh how I want to understand all your ways. I know that I am with you Father because I am separated from this world. I am attached to you because I want to follow you everywhere you go. Teach me and correct me. Let me be perfected as you are majestic perfection. Carry me on your wings and hide me beneath your wings and let me fly with you. Allow me to see what was created beforehand. Let me inside of your mind only if it’s your will. I feel as though I was there always because I know I existed within you because we all came forth from you. You are the source to everything. Please identify which light I am. In all my getting I want understanding. My image was revealed to you by forethought. You wanted a light within you to find its way home through the connection of the mind. A soul that continues to search through time to understand all of your deep mysteries. A source of light undefined. Now I wonder if I can find a heartbeat that matches mine. Love. We are inseparable, we are one, we are thousands upon thousands of beings of light created from you Oh Father and Mother of the Universe. Can you allow me to understand time? The Past, Present and the Future. Explain to me the revolution of the stars above and the transformation which takes place. Perfection again is what I desire. Let me understand the incomprehensible light which all things flow. Let me understand your immeasurable light if it’s your will.

Written by Sister Carter

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