Word for Today September 6, 2015

Word for Today September 6, 2015

Christianity is a religion and so called Christians say that they follow the Word when they don’t follow the Word they follow the doctrines of Christianity which is false. Some churches do not teach the true gospel of Yahshua. It’s too deep to get into and that’s why people need to study to show themselves approved. Too many people defend the religion Christianity and don’t even know the background of where this religions stems from and its pagan. So if you associate yourself with Christianity you are partaking of her sins. Revelation 18:4 states And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. To my knowledge a Christian is a follower of Christianity and a follower of Yahshua is a follower of the Word/ Bible which the Word itself is the way of life which society has defined as religion. The Word does not teach paganism Christianity teaches a mixture of lies and truth which is confusion. There’s a flaw in that religion and true believers of the Word should be set apart from all man-made religions.

Written by Sister Carter

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