Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the sixth repentance prayer of Sophia.
Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead
*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*
Philip is commended and continueth writing.
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip speak these words, that he said: “Well said, Philip, well-beloved. Now, therefore, come, take thy seat and write thy portion of all the discourses which I shall speak, and [of all things which I shall] do, and of all that thou shalt see.”
And forthwith Philip sat down and wrote.
It came to pass thereafter that Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “Then did Pistis Sophia cry to the Light. It forgave her sin, in that she had left her region and gone down into the darkness. She uttered the sixth repentance, saying thus:
The sixth repentance of Sophia.
“‘1. I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, in the darkness below.
“‘2. Hearken unto my repentance, and may thy light give heed to the voice of my supplication.
“‘3. O Light, if thou thinkest on my sin, I shall not be able to stand before thee, and thou wilt abandon me,
“‘4. For thou, O Light, art my saviour; because of the light of thy name I have had faith in thee, O Light.
“‘5. And my power hath had faith in thy mystery; and moreover my power hath trusted in the Light when it was among those of the height; and it hath trusted in it when it was in the chaos below.
“‘6. Let all the powers in me trust in the Light when I am in the darkness below, and may they again trust in the Light if they come into the region of the height.
“‘7. For it is [the Light] which hath compassion on us and delivereth us; and a great saving mystery is in it.
“‘8. And it will save all powers out of the chaos because of my transgression. For I have left my region and am come down into the chaos.’
“Now, therefore, whose mind is exalted, let him understand.”
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?”
Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord, concerning the solution of the sixth repentance of Pistis Sophia, thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and-twenty-ninth Psalm, saying:
Andrew interpreteth the sixth repentance from Psalm cxxix.
“‘1. Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord.
“‘2. Hearken unto my voice; let thine ears give heed to the voice of my supplication.
“‘3. O Lord, if thou heedest my iniquities, who will be able to pass [the test]?
“‘4. For pardon is in thy hands; for the sake of thy name have I waited for thee, O Lord.
“‘5. My soul hath waited for thy word.
“‘6. My soul hath hoped in the Lord from the morning until the evening. Let Israel hope in the Lord from the morning until the evening.
“‘7. For grace standeth by the Lord and with him is great redemption.
“‘8. And he will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.’
Jesus commendeth Andrew. He promiseth that the tyrants shall be judged and consumed by the wise fire.
Jesus said unto him: “Well said, Andrew, blessed one. This is the solution of her repentance. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all mysteries of the Light and all gnoses from the interiors of the interiors to the exteriors of the exteriors, from the Ineffable down to the darkness of darknesses, from the Light of lights down to the . . . . of matter, from all the gods down to the demons, from all the lords down to the decans, from all the authorities down to the servitors, from the creation of men down to [that] of the wild-beasts, of the cattle and of the reptiles, in order that ye may be called perfect, perfected in all fulness. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: In the region where I shall be in the kingdom of my Father, ye will also be with me. And when the perfect number is completed, so that the Mixture shall be dissolved, I will give commandment that they bring all tyrant gods, who have not given up the purification of their light, and will give commandment to the wise fire, over which the perfect pass, to eat into those tyrants, until they give up the last purification of their light.”
Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus.
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I speak with you?”
Mary said: “Yea, Lord, I have understood the word which thou hast spoken. Concerning then the word which thou hast said: At the dissolution of the whole Mixture thou shalt take thy seat on a light-power and thy disciples,that is ourselves, shall sit on the right of thee, and thou shalt judge the tyrant gods, who have not given up the purification of their light, and the wise fire will bite into them, until they give up the last light in them,–concerning this word then thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David, in the eighty-first Psalm, saying:
‘God shall sit in the assembly (synagogue) of the gods and try the gods.'”
Jesus said unto her: “Well said, Mary.”