Revelation on 11-4-2015: My Rapture Vision in 2012
Shalom Brothers and Sisters I just got another revelation. I had a vision in 2012 and I was at the beach with my family and I was waiting for one person to join me at the beach. In the dream we were waiting at the beach for some hours and we didn’t want to leave without this one person. Keep in mind I knew that the end was about to come. I had faith in this one particular person so I waited patiently for this person to arrive at the beach. Suddenly I turned around and I saw him running towards me and I was so excited that he had showed up. I had been waiting for him to come and when he showed up I reached out my arms towards him and he took my hands and he joined me and my family. After this happened, a tsunami wave came over our heads and it’s like a door opened in the water. We disappeared in a twinkling of an eye and the vision ended. This was a rapture dream and it was letting me know that as soon as the last person is saved the end will come.
This is amazing because this is connecting to my other dream that I had 2 nights ago. I am currently on a 40 day fast. Please check out my post called, Preparation for the Bride (144,000): Repent and Purify Your Bodies (Temple). I received a dream on the night of November 2, 2015. Please check out my post called, The Beginning of my 40 Day Fast: Dream on November 2, 2015. In that dream I was building an ARK and the ARK in my dream represented Noah’s ARK. When this ARK was finished the Most High revealed too me what I was building. In the beginning of that dream I did not know what I was preparing and getting ready for. The ARK that I had built was on the beach. After I finished the ARK, I remember one person coming to look inside of my ARK. That person was the first guest.
Finally the pieces to my end time puzzle are coming together. In the vision that I had in 2012 I was on the beach, and in this recent dream I built an ARK on the beach. In my dream on November 2, 2015 I had one person to enter my ARK when it was finished; this could be symbolic of the saying, “It is finished.” In my vision in 2012 me and my family was waiting on one person to join us at the beach. If I put my vision and my dream together what is the Holy Spirit revealing?
The Holy Spirit is revealing that the Beginning of the End has started!!!!!
I’m now going to put the pieces to the puzzle together with the help of the Holy Spirit.
In my dream the spirit was upon me and I started to build an ARK. I was like an architect in my dream and I was forming the front of a boat. After I completed building the ARK the Most High allowed me to see what it was that I was building. It was an ARK like Noah’s ARK and me and my family was preparing to get on the ARK. While we were waiting for the end to come, I had gone out to invite others to join me and my family on the ARK. One person accepted my invitation and I told that person the location where to meet me. I told that person that the location was at the beach because that’s where the ARK was located. When the time of the end had arrived, my family told me to come on the ARK but I knew that I had to wait just a little while longer. My guest didn’t arrive yet but I had faith that my guest would come. So I waited patiently. Then suddenly I turned around and behold my guest had come. I was so excited and I was rejoicing because the time has finally come. I took my guest hands and I led my guest towards my ARK, which is called the ARK of Safety. My guest joined me and my family and the end had finally come. The Lord shut the door to my ARK and he said, “It is finished.”
Wow!!! Isn’t that amazing? Well it’s amazing to me. Praise Yah! Surely there is hidden manna in my dreams and I can’t wait for more dreams to connect to my other dreams and visions. I revealed some of the things that I had written in bible in my post called The Beginning of my 40 Day Fast: Dream on November 2, 2015. It is now time to reveal something else that I had written in my bible. I have a name written down in my bible and this person’s name was by the time that I had written down for the time of the end. The name of the person in my bible is the person that I saw in my vision. That person was the person that I was waiting for at the beach. All of my dreams and visions are starting to connect and it’s like a book of revelations and one of my favorite books of the bible is the book of revelation. I made a wedding invitation this year around the Day of Atonement and the spirit led me to start sending the invitations out. One person wrote back and rejected the invitation because he doesn’t believe in Yahshua. I have been sending out this wedding invitation since then. Who knows what’s next but I will continue to do my Father’s will and I will keep preparing myself and others for Yahshua’s return.
Do you want to join me on the ARK (ship) that I have created in the spiritual realm? There is plenty of room on my ship and I hope you come aboard my ship (chariot) so that we can meet Yahshua in the clouds. Get ready because soon we will lift off to the New Jerusalem. Make sure you keep plenty of oil in your lamps because you don’t know the hour in which Yahshua will return.
Written by Sister Carter
I had a similar Dream I was in this large room full of many people slowly they were leaving thru this large Doorway until I was the only one still remaining in this large room so I went out thru the large doorway and I saw this Large Ship rising up into the Sky I cried knowing that everyone else boarded that Ship accept me then I awoke from the Dream