Shalom Brothers and Sisters. I had a very powerful dream on December 5, 2015 and it was on the Sabbath day. I still can’t fully understand it but I will share a few things from the dream. I did not want to share this dream but I have to be obedient to my Father. He knows the interpretation of this dream even if others can’t see what he is trying to reveal. In the dream I was one of the two witnesses. I know that I’m not one of the 2 witnesses because my Father has been revealing a lot of things about Enoch and Elijah as the 2 witnesses. This dream is a confirmation to me that the 2 witnesses ministry has started or it’s about to start. From my understanding I was seeing through the eyes of the two witnesses. Who knows I could be announcing the arrival of Enoch and Elijah. Please check out my other posts called, Mystery Man: Who was the man that appeared to me on November 28, 2012?, Dream on the morning of November 28, 2015: Elijah is COMING!, Dream on November 23, 2015: Secret Agents/Betrayers in Israel, 2 Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) and Government Secrets, Revisiting Dream on August 13, 2015: A Messenger (Angel) Was Sent To Me From God, and Dream on August 13, 2015: Two Witnesses and Yah’s Chosen People.
In the beginning of the dream, a messenger (angel) appeared to me and told me that I’m one of the 2 witnesses and that I must go forth. In the dream I couldn’t believe what I had just heard and I was in shock. I was with Brother Whitfield (ObadiYah) when I had received this message and we were walking with each other. My thoughts were, “I didn’t want to be killed.” As soon as I had this thought the scene changed in the dream. I suddenly looked towards the direction where a lot of people were gathered. Someone had just been killed and in the dream it was me. I saw a crowd of people just standing around and then suddenly the sea pulled back and a big wave of water stood high up in the sky. Afterwards dry land appeared. Heaven opened above the wave of water and I saw a bright light coming from the clouds. I then heard a voice and my body which was alive started to ascend up to heaven. Everyone watched as I ascended to heaven. When I entered the cloud I entered into another dimension. From there it seem like I was being carried away by the spirit. I journeyed through the portal for a little while and came to a curtain. I went through the curtain and entered into another world. I simply came out of the portal. I descended on a walkway or a bridge. When I stood at the bridge my Father greeted me. It’s like he was a guardian. Just so you know my dad is deceased. I was so happy to see him and I gave him a big hug. In the dream I knew that I had arrived to heaven because I wanted to see my cat that had also passed away.
Then my Father, who then represented the Heavenly Father, led me to another place and there I met with my Mother. She represented the Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Mother. I was seeking answers from her and she was there to guide me. I asked many questions and I was trying to understand how I was a witness. I had died but I didn’t remember being killed by anyone and I had ascended up to heaven alive. I couldn’t understand what had just happened but I was so full of joy in heaven because I knew that prophecy was being fulfilled. (Maybe this is symbolic of the rapture, being caught up alive). The whole time that I was working on the earth the completion of the 2 witnesses ministry was being fulfilled. I then remembered Brother Whitfield (Obadiyah) and I had hoped that he had listened to me because I had been telling him that Yahshua will return shortly after the 2 witnesses die. I was in heaven counting the days and I wondered more about the completion of my mission.
When I looked towards the earth I remember seeing Obadiyah and a crowd of people gazing up towards the sky. Some people were in disbelief that I had ascended up to heaven, it took them by surprise that the 1260 days had just ended with the 2 witnesses. I heard my name on the earth and I saw my last name appear across the TV and I was known worldwide. For now that is all that I am to reveal about my dream.
I know for a fact that this dream was referencing the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11. I was seeing it from their perspective and my dream confirms that the 2 witnesses will be killed at the end of the 1260 days. I’m not having these dreams for nothing. Please continue to read my other posts as I continue to bring forth revelations. This is the week of Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication, and my 40 day fast will be ending soon. If you want to know more about the fast that I have been doing please check out my post called, “Preparation for the Bride (144,000): Repent and Purify Your Bodies (Temple).
It is now 3/12/2018 and I remember another part of the dream that was not revealed before. I was in a room with another person and right before me he vanished. It’s like his body dissolved right before me. He simply disappeared or became invisible. I have been learning about the rainbow body recently and I thought to add this to this post as I was reflecting on what happened in my dream.
Written By Sister Carter (AthaleYah)/333
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