Purification Of The Bride (144,000) and the Temple (Body) from 11/2/2015 to 12/11/2015

the bride

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! If you have joined me in the 40 day fast that began on November 2, 2015 all praises goes to the Most High for this great experience. The 40 day fast will be ending today at sunset and the Sabbath day will begin. HalleluYah! All things are aligning and this fast was really important to me because it represents my dedication to the Most High during my spiritual journey. My 1260 day period ends on December 13, 2015. I have counted the days since I surrendered my life to the Most High and I have been preparing myself as a Bride. I desire to be one of the wise virgins that’s in Matthew 25. The Day of the Lord is at hand and we must all be ready to go to the marriage when Yahshua returns. Once the door or portal in heaven has been shut that is it. I have done my part with providing all the revelations that my Father has given me and I have shared much knowledge and wisdom with you all on my ministry page. I’m doing what my Father has sent me to do and if people choose not to listen that is on them. I have given my 40 day warning by giving you all the dreams that my Father has given me during this fast and the first night of the fast the Most High showed me that I was building an ARK. Check the post out for yourself. The Beginning of my 40 Day Fast: Dream on November 2, 2015.

I have given so many dreams and warnings yet few people seem to be interested in what the Most High is saying. I have been sent here to the earth as a messenger to dwell among you to assist you in the end days. I am a servant of the Most High Yah and I am not of this world. I finally merged with my higher self and that’s when I woke up and surrendered on July 2, 2012. It was the day that I renewed my vows with the Most High. I accepted Yahshua into my life on January 1, 1999 and that’s when I entered into the covenant with him. During those 13 years from 1999 to 2012 I became unfaithful and I broke the covenant. If I would have had the knowledge and wisdom I would have stayed faithful but I was ignorant and I did not have understanding. If I could change it I would but I know that all things happen for a reason and through experience I have the knowledge of good and evil. Once I ate the Word of God my eyes were opened and all my sins were exposed. When I finally started seeking the truth in the Word, the law revealed my sins and I was ashamed. I truly recognized that I was a sinner. Satan tricked me into believing that what I was doing was right and I believed him and over a period of time I deceived myself. I had listened to the serpent voice inside of my mind and I had committed sin and became disobedient.

During those 13 years I didn’t know that I would get trapped by Satan and his demons. I was warned but I didn’t take it seriously. I cried out to Yahshua plenty of times because I wanted a way out but I felt trapped. The light which I had known was still in my heart and I held on to that light. I always felt like I was trapped in a cage and I was Satan’s prisoner. I wanted to be free from sin but I was ruled by the works of the flesh. Ephesians 6:12 states, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” During those 13 years I didn’t know how to wear my armor of God and I didn’t know how to use my weapons against Satan and his demons. I struggled and went through a lot of heartache and pain and suffered greatly in my body. I became self-willed doing what pleased me and it left me in bondage to sin.

James 1:14-15 states, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

Everyone needs to know that their own evil thoughts gives birth to sin. You are creating your own demons which means you have birthed them into existence in another realm by sinning. You can’t blame no one else but yourself when you commit sin. You have to take responsibility for your own sins because you are driven by your own selfish desires. The more you continue to sin, the more demons you will create and each of them have power because you gave them power. The more you indulge in sin, the more powerful your demons become. When you decide to surrender your life you now have to face all those demons that you created and gave power to. Your demons are going to bring all their powers against you to try to destroy you because you want to destroy them and get rid of them. When you were committing sin you didn’t know that you were creating these demons because you were dwelling in darkness. Demons are created ignorantly through sin and they have a realm of existence and this dark realm of existence was separated from the light. Satan and his demons have their own kingdom and it’s a world of darkness. Satan’s kingdom represents sin which is death. His kingdom is driven by a Self-Willed Serpent Power which is a deceiving spirit. His kingdom operates from fleshly desires or lusts of the flesh.

I have learned much wisdom from the 13 Repentance Prayers of Sophia. Check out my post called, “The Thirteenth Repentance of Sophia.” I find it very interesting that it’s a total of 13 prayers and I was in bondage for 13 years. Yahshua is definitely my Lord and Savior and I’m glad that I received salvation. Yahshua loosed me from the chains of Satan and set me free. When I was in chains Satan’s army of demons continued to attack me and they wanted to destroy me but my Father did not allow this to happen. At the time of my deliverance the demons said they were after me since the day I was born then they were cast out of me. Afterwards I had to figure out what that meant. I thought to myself, “Why is Satan after me? Who am I? Why does Satan seek to destroy me?” I use to say, “I am nobody.” I’m not special so why me? But now I know the truth. I am light and I am a precious jewel.

My Father’s light shines upon me and I am sent from heaven and my name is AthaleYah, A Lioness of Yah, Queen of Fire and I am a Mighty Warrior of Yah. The armies of Satan didn’t want me to wake up but now that I am awake, rays of light are emanating from me and I have experienced several vibrations throughout my body and my mind has elevated to higher consciousness and my flames of fire are glowing brightly. I have received a burst of energy from my Father and I have received my light power back. I have taken all my light power away from the demons that was created due to me sinning and I am learning how to use my power by learning Self-Control. No longer will I let the enemy deceive me. I will not allow the carnal mind which is self-willed to have dominion over me. Yahshua is coming to rescue me as he has indicated in my dream that he would come to get me tomorrow which is symbolic of the 3rd day. Hosea 6:2 states, “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” The Father will send Yahshua to deliver all those who have received salvation on the 7th trumpet and afterwards the armies of Heaven will be bringing weapons of indignation that will leave the land (earth) desolate, the Destroyer (Nibiru) is coming. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.  Shout out for joy because our deliverance is soon coming.

I have overcome Satan and this world and I have fled away in the wilderness away from his flood of lies. My Father has protected me and nourished me with his Word for a period of 1260 days, which will be on December 13, 2015 and I ate the scroll gladly and when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth. I have trusted Yah with all of my heart and I have gained strength through my Father and his son Yahshua. When I needed help the Holy Spirit guided me and the ministering spirits went forth to minister to me during this period of time. It has been amazing and a breath of fresh air.

My awakening was very powerful and at the time of my awakening a solar flare went forth on July 2, 2012. It happened suddenly and my higher self merged aligned or merged with me. My mind went through a powerful transition. My mind changed from one state to another and I became connected to the source which is my Father. I had to learn his ways and I had to let the Holy Spirit purge sin out of my life, praise Yah that I was delivered. The angels ministered to me as I was going through this transformation process, due to the merging I became unbalanced for a short period of time because my mind was being renewed. It’s like the Most High’s power snatched my old mind and replaced it with a new mind. It was a 7 day process and on the 7th day my mind was renewed and the process was complete. It was a new beginning for me on the 8th day, it’s like my mind was resurrected, I was truly alive. It was so powerful. My Father created in me a clean heart and renewed a right spirit within me. HalleluYah!

I know that I come from heaven and that I am a spiritual being. Now that I am awakened I have looked back into my past and I have seen how I have struggled in this carnal world. Knowing that I am a spiritual being, the physical body seems like a prison to me. From the beginning I have always desired perfection and the mortal body became imperfect due to sin. The bodies that we have are corruptible and I long to receive my incorruptible body when Yahshua returns. When we receive our new bodies we will truly be set free and delivered.

Earth is a temporary home and my true residence is in Heaven with my Father. My Father knew me before I was born on this earth and he sent someone to see and he told me, “Thank God for the reason you were born.” Truly I am a daughter of the Most High Yah and I know that I am to keep his commandments. I’m embracing my divinity and I’m allowing my Father to transform me. Please allow him to transform you.

The 40 day timeframe was a time that symbolized repentance, purification, obedience and the cleansing of our bodies (temples) from all sins and abominations. This fast happens to end during the week of the Feast of Dedication/Hanukkah. This whole experience means a lot to me because when I was born into the world it was the beginning of the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, Israel. I think this is amazing! So many things have been revealed to me and I’m just embracing all that my Father has given me. I truly love him with all of my heart. I have had so many dreams since I surrendered my life to the Most High and since then my Father has sent to me his ministering spirits (angels) to assist me during this transformation process. The time for completion has finally arrived. Here comes the Bride.

the bride 3

Written by Sister Carter (AthaleYah)

2 thoughts on “Purification Of The Bride (144,000) and the Temple (Body) from 11/2/2015 to 12/11/2015”

  1. I’m so touched by your story. Its like seeing myself all over again. I’m dissappointed that I missed the 40 days fasting. I have been searching for the truth for 15 years. The dreams shown to you are similar to mine. I’m so hungry for the truth. Just lately I have been connected to some of my hebrew brothers and sisters on facebook. I am of Fijian descendant from the island of Fiji in the jewel of the South Pacific. We have recently discovered that we are the negroes of the south pacific that sailed through from East Africa on a canoe called the DRUA. Of current we have been able to trace back our roots as one of the lost tribe of Israel. It is not clear yet whether we of the Judah tribe or Naphital but there is evidence that our culture and beliefs is as similar to the Israeli 12 tribes. Our history speaks of as a tribe of cannibalism and we still practise circumsision from the days before white man took over and it is still practice today. Knowing the truth is so liberating. I am hungry to know the truth of Yah’s way as you know. Please help me. Im buying books like Apocrypha The book of Enoch Torah etc. I am facinated by all that you have revealed here. I want to rededicate my life again to TMH…Halle lu Yah. Your hebrew sister. Sisi. Shabbath Shalom!

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