Dream on January 15, 2016: Mass Exodus and Officers Trying To Keep Us In Bondage!

Shalom Brother and Sisters on January 15, 2016 I had a very interesting dream that I wanted to share.

I was leading a mass group of Hebrew Israelites through a neighborhood. There was a group of back police officers that were harassing us. One of the officers came up to me and put a handcuff on one of my hands indicating that he was arresting me; however when I asked him what I was being arrested for he took the handcuff off of me. Another officer told the officer that attempted to arrest me, “You cannot arrest someone and then unarrest them.” The officer that attempted to arrest me then pulled out a book of laws to attempt to find something to arrest me for.  I continued to lead the people through the neighborhood, when I heard a voice say “Moses.” I looked around and said “What, Moses?” I was in disbelief surely and thinking surely I am not being referred to as Moses. I then woke up.

I believe this dream signified that we are soon to be taken away from this world and that this is the mass exodus that is going to occur.  I believe we were being harassed by black police officers in my dream because there are so many Hebrew Israelites that are trying to place themselves at a level of authority and that is why they appeared in my dream as police officers. There are too many attacks taking place amongst our own people. Many are trying to distract and have us focus on the white man being the enemy when those trying to distract us are the enemy. Many of them call us brother and sister; however they have betrayed us and come against us, they teach false doctrines and try to silence us for speaking the truth. They attack you when you say anything against their belief or question what they are teaching.

Word from AthaleYah (Sister Carter)

When we hear the name Moses that means we need to go to the Book of Exodus. We all need to be reminded of what happened in Egypt and what events occurred when Moses was raised up to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Moses went to Pharaoh and gave him messages. Plenty of times Moses told Pharaoh, “Let my people go,” and when he didn’t the Lord sent 10 plagues against Egypt. While he sent the plagues the children of Israel were protected. Today modern day Egypt is America and many of the children of Israel lives in America. The Israelites were scattered out to the 4 corners of the earth and I believe the Most High is sending a message to the entire world, both Israelites and Gentiles.

He is sending a worldwide message not just America. The message is, “Come out of Babylon or Come out of the World!” He wants everyone to stop sinning and and he wants everyone to turn from their evil ways. The Creator wants his sons and daughters to turn back to the light so they can learn spiritual things. The Creator is Love so we must seek Love and when we do we will find him. His light dwells in the highest heavens and he sends his light down to the earth so we can receive his light. He wants to deliver us from all evil. When you walk in the spirit and love the Lord with all of your heart and love other people as you love yourself you will be on a journey to fulfilling the Law as Yahshua. Love is the highest vibration of all.

Matthew 22:37-40 states, “Jesus (Yahshua) said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

A message to all: Don’t let people hold you back from receiving the love of the Father. There are so many distractions in the world and evil is increasing at a fast rate. Stop allowing people to control you through the beast system, through religion, through other people’s thoughts and opinions. Stick to the facts which is the Word of God and do the Father’s will. Follow the Most High’s commandments and walk in the spirit. Do away with sin and live in peace. Help one another and be kind to one another and pray for all. Pray that all people be delivered from sin. Don’t be judgmental, seek understanding and live a life full of righteousness and love. Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts and surely things will start to change in your life.

Soon and very soon the Most High Yah will send Yahshua and his angels to the earth for a mass exodus. Our deliverance is coming and while we wait let’s continue to do the work so we can bring in a Great Harvest. When the appointed time comes all things will be made new, perfect and complete. We all need to be ready to meet our deliverer Yah. We need to prepare ourselves spiritually daily and prepare for the day when the Most High and his Son Yahshua descends on the earth in the clouds.

Written by Obadiyah (Brother Whitfield)


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