The Arrival: Sign in the Heavens

Shalom brothers and sisters. If you have been watching the sign of the Son of Man then you will have recognized that there is an object or multiple objects getting closer to the earth. Regardless of what people are saying around the world I know that there are other planets and moons coming closer to the earth. Many people have to actually see it with the naked eye to believe that it exists but I don’t need to see it to believe that it’s approaching the earth. I have seen other planets passing by the earth in my dreams and I have seen 2 moon sized objects in the sky in my dreams also.

The Most High already showed me in the spirit of what’s to come and what’s already here and he has confirmed it many times. Another amazing thing that I seen in my dream was a chariot arriving on the earth and it came in front of my house and the angels came inside my home and they came to gather me and some other people. It was actually the rapture and they took us on the chariot. So I have seen many things already in my dreams and I know those things are going to happen one day in the near future because I believe what the Most High has shown me.

Right now it seem like there has been an increase in asteroids and comets flying close by the earth and there has been many sightings of UFO’s or Chariots in the sky. I don’t see how the rest of the world is sleeping right now because there is so much that is going on. Get prepared because Yahshua will come like a thief in the night if you are not watching. Check this video out and see some signs for yourself. This short video is a warning!! One day the sky will open up or should I say a portal will open up in the sky. The government knows what’s coming and you should know too! Stay informed and do your own research. I believe Yahshua and the angels will come through a portal and they will come on white horses or chariots but that’s my belief because I believe in the Word.

Yahshua went to prepare a place for us and that place is an unseen world that is behind the veil. We can’t enter inside that realm until the door (portal) of heaven opens. When that door opens we can enter in and there we will dwell with the Lord forever. We will dwell in the higher realms of the universe where there is pure Love and Energy and we will live forever in our new bodies on a new world (earth). Surely it is another planet that is located in the higher regions of heaven. We have to understand that there are countless worlds in the Father’s universe. The mind of the Creator is beyond our thoughts and we won’t be able to comprehend all of his creations in the universe. Just know that there are different dimensions in heaven and there are so many other things to be revealed.

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)


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