Dream December 2016: “Time is being shortened!”

Shalom brothers and sisters. I had a dream in which I was in a room full of people. Sister Carter and I were sitting on a couch and she was asking me questions in reference to bible verses. We seemed to be playing a bible trivia game. I remember giving her the answer Proverbs 3:4 KJV which states: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. All of a sudden Sister Carter sat straight up and a soft white light appeared to descend upon her. There were stars in the light and they seemed to be flowing into Sister Carter. Sister Carter than said lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of time. I immediately thought of Matthew 28:20 KJV which states: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. The message sounded as if it was coming straight from the Most High. Sister Carter had a serious look on her face as she spoke the words. The people in the room started looking at their watches and started talking about how much time they had to complete a certain task. As the light continued to descend on Sister Carter she said, “Don’t worry about anything 3 hours or more. Everything under 3 hours will be done!”  As soon as she finished saying that everyone’s watches started spinning forward in time. She spoke again and  said, “Time is being shortened!” I immediately thought about Matthew 24:22 KJV which states: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

We cannot continue to think we have all of this time. The dream clearly shows that even though this world is plunging into darkness, the Most High has not broken his promise, He is with us. He is shortening time for our sake, so be prepared and make sure you are spiritually clean.

Written by Brother Whitfield

Dream on September 6, 2016: Traversing Through Dimensions

Shalom brothers and sisters. I had a few dreams and I would like to share them. In the dream I was standing outside some where by some buildings. I looked up towards heaven and said, “My father  is calling me!” Moments later I ascended towards heaven. Then as I entered space I saw a blue object with white swirls inside of it. Not sure what it was but I looked towards the right of the blue object and I saw a huge red object like a red sun. I then went into another dream and I appeared on a couch.  I was trying to relax then I closed my eyes and I started to fall asleep.  Suddenly I started to vibrate and the vibrating  continued to increase until I separated from my body. I was floating above my body and I was about to leave out of the room. I didn’t want to leave so I ran towards my body to get back in.  When I tried to move towards my body I started to leave out of the room like I was being pulled.  With all my strength I made it to my body and I was concentrating really hard to wake up. I knew I was having an outer body experience and I didn’t want to get stuck in another realm. I knew it was a dream so I tried waking myself up which took a short time. I called Yahshua’s name a few times and then I woke up in another dimension.  I was laying next to my fiancé and when I woke up I lifted up and actually slouched over the bed. My love lifted me up to check on me. I was so weak and drained from sleeping. It’s like I was sleeping for a very long time in that dimension. Then I heard the alarm and I woke up in this dimension. It all felt so real.

After I had these dreams I decided to go back to sleep. I wanted to see if I could get into another dream. So after 15 minutes I drifted off and I saw this man zoom into an object that was hovering in the sky. I’m not sure what type of technology he was using but he was able to show an outline of the object that was in the sky.  I saw that it was a light being in the form of a man sitting in a sphere. As the being moved inside of the sphere the sphere moved and light emanated from the sphere. Then I woke up in another realm with my fiancé laying next to me again just like the first dream. I was vibrating again and I was in my body looking at him but I couldn’t move. I saw my fiancé looking at me and he tried to wake me up from the dream. I tried to tell him to stop because I had to wake up on my own. I continued to vibrate then I woke up. As I woke up my body jerked it’s like I popped back into my body then I opened my eyes. I felt the jerk and the movement on the bed but my fiancé said I didn’t move at all. Hmm… I guess I felt myself entering back into my body.

This experience was awesome. I still wonder about the vibrations that I had while sleeping. I know it means something and I will continue to seek more knowledge. All I know is that we travel to other dimensions when we are sleep. The more I continue to awake the more that I will remember.

Written by Sister Carter



Message: Hear These Words

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! I have been getting information downloaded into my spirit and it is imperative that I share it with you.

There is an Internal battle raging inside of us. Good and evil war inside of us. There are those that have given into and embraced their evil side. There are those that have lost their way; however by the grace of the Most High they have found their way back to the light. The ones that have found their way back to the light, join those that have conquered their evil side and walk in the ways of the Most High. These are the chosen. In this age-old battle between good and evil, The Most High’s chosen have transcended the earthly bondage/ divisions such as race, color, religion, sex, political affiliation, etc. They are not bound by human laws. They see everyone through spiritual eyes. When they look at someone they see light or darkness. The chosen only seek the Most High’s righteousness and want to see His righteous judgement carried out to purge this world of all evil, not that they want people to be destroyed, they want all evil and corruption destroyed. They seek to have the Most High’s perfect order restored. The Most High’s chosen are rising as this world gets more and more chaotic. The darkness in this world has ignited the Most High’s flame within each of the chosen. No longer can they sit by and stay silent, they cry out to the Most High. Just like in my dream 6/4/14 dream – Heed the Call Guardians, a call went out from the grand commander Yahshua, calling all of the righteous warriors to gather together. In my dream the righteous warriors came from the different worlds in the universe. The closer Yahshua gets the more righteous warriors are awakened, the more they start to remember who they are, they start to remember their purpose and their mission. The closer they are to unlocking their powers. Once reunited with their incorruptible bodies, their full potential and abilities will be unlocked. That is what the demons fear most, that is why the righteous are being attacked. The demons want to prevent them from remembering who they are, they want to prevent them from returning back to their spiritual nature. They know when Yahshua returns that their judgement will be rendered.

Written by Brother Whitfield