The Arrival of Light and Love!

The awakening is occurring NOW as light from the heavens descend upon mankind. Wake up my dear children, hear my voice from within. I am sending forth Love and Light upon the earth to awaken your souls. Feel my energy, feel my love as I am calling out to you. You all are light beings who have emanated from the source, the Creator of the Universe. Heaven and earth are aligning which means you are merging with your higher self. We are all ONE! We are all Connected! It is THOUGHT     that manifests REALITY! We have all manifested this world that we now live in. Change is now coming to this world. The chosen ones are awakening and raising their vibrations.

It is a time of ASCENSION! Heavenly beings are here to assist us on our journey. They are here in another dimension you just can’t see them. It Is the unseen world/the higher dimensions which is invisible to the naked eye. But soon many shall see their lights descending upon the earth. I believe the portals to heaven are opening up around the world and many heavenly beings/light beings are arriving in their light ships. This is my belief and it shall manifest for the world to see. Thousands upon thousands of angels will descend in their light ships (chariots).

It is the LOVE and the Light of the Creator from the higher realms that will descend upon the earth. Ascension shall take place and we shall dwell in the higher dimensions/higher heavens in the universe where there is pure LOVE and ENERGY. We shall live forever in our new bodies on the New Earth, it shall be a New Reality to those who believe in a world full of LOVE and LIGHT! Surely the New Heaven and the New Earth will descend for those who believe in this reality. There are countless worlds, countless realities in the Universe and we create those worlds and realities with our THOUGHTS. The Mind of the Creator of the Universe is beyond our thoughts, endless possibilities exists in the Universe and you are connected to the Universe. I believe LOVE and LIGHT exists therefore light beings exists who are filled with LOVE AND LIGHT. These light beings inhabit the heavenly worlds and higher dimensions. I am LIGHT, I and LOVE, I am PEACE, I am ONE with my Father, the LIGHT of ALL things in the UNIVERSE therefore I create Light because my Father lives within me. Change your THOUGHTS my dear ones and CHANGE your world. I am here guiding you all into the LIGHT. My energy flows throughout this earth, for I am LOVE AND LIGHT, and I exist in the past, present and future. All things are aligning NOW!

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)>>>333<<<

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