Hear my cry Father because I need your help. It’s been 5 years since I awakened. I remember you telling me not to get distracted and now I understand why. I knew that I had to begin my assignment so I left my job and spent 9 months away from the world from May 2015 to February 2016 and much came forth in this ministry through dreams and visions. I know that in order for me to begin my assignment I needed to find my partner so you led me directly to him. For some reason I feel like the two of us were on this mission together. I knew that it had to be him. We were inseparable and it was my duty to awaken him which I did. We have been on this journey together and we know that it’s something that we must achieve together. After the 9 month journey it was time for me to go back into the world. When I went back into the world, I had a hard time adjusting then I became distracted. There has been a disconnection and I don’t like this at all. I desire so badly to return to the heavenly state that I was in but I have to work to live. My job is the biggest distraction of all. I spend so much time at work and I wish I could spend those 40 hours a week reading, writing and traveling the world. I am in distress Father, I knew that this would happen but I had to get back to work. There is no time for me to read, study or to meditate. Time flies by so fast. When I get home I am tired, drained and stressed out from work.
Dwelling in this world has caused me great suffering and my soul has been crying out to the light source for deliverance. You told me not to get distracted but it’s hard to focus on the mission when there are so many distractions in this world. Descending here in this dimension has caused me to drink from the cup of forgetfulness. I feel like I’m getting so close to knowing the fullness of your plan Father but I am experiencing this imbalance in my physical body. Why must this be? When shall the New Earth descend from heaven? When shall these things come to pass? How much more work do we have to do on this earth? I am aware that there are many of us here on this earth completing a mission. When does that time arrive when we get to go home? I am aware that the activation of the 144,000 has already happened. I sense that the time is now, to work harder then any time before by raising our individual vibrational frequency to help the earth for ascension. The rapture/ascension is what we look forward to. I have sent out the call, Father to All light beings in the universe who are filled with your love and light to participate in this event. The call has been sent to the higher dimensions/worlds in all galaxies across the universe. My light ship is among many that are coming to the earth, for I know that it exists in a higher dimension that can travel in time and space. The portals of heaven shall open and the angels/light beings shall come to the 4 corners of the earth to assist in ascension to the New Earth/New Heaven.
Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)
Sending you so much love and light dear sister! Peace be with you!
Thank you so much!