My Thoughts: Infinite Possibilities

We are in a period of infinite possibilities. As your vibration changes your perception changes. The Creator has infinite wisdom and he will continue to guide your footsteps if you allow him to. I have come forth to tell you, “Please don’t have a limited mind. When you seek the wisdom of the Creator, his light will descend upon you and raise you up to higher dimensions and to higher consciousness. Your thinking will elevate tremendously.

There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom coming forth in these days.  There are so many different perspectives leading to the same truth. I am sure there are many perspectives that can be difficult to process. There will be some who align with the information that is coming forth and others won’t. It’s ok though because there’s a time for everything.  With any information that you read or research take what resonates with you and put the rest aside. Seek the Creator with all things and he will lead you into all truth.  The light activates in you when you are ready. As an individual, you are part of the whole which simply means, you are connected to the Father, the source (the Creator).

Within this source contains infinite wisdom and you have access to this source once you are awakened.  It is like a library of all knowledge and all wisdom which is all powerful. The source examines all things from all perspectives. We are one with the source.  Each individual experiences different things in life and therefore it is sent back to the source. Wisdom is gained through experience. The source gathers all things, all thoughts and ideas, which is All Knowing. All I’m here to do is to say that the Creator is limitless and immeasurable so there are infinite possibilities in the universe.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

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