You Are Set a Part For A Reason

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! As we journey through the 40 Day Dedication: Purification of the Mind, The word for today is that you are set a part for a reason. Many of us feel that we are not of this world as Yahshua states in the bible. And you are not crazy for thinking and/or believing that. We are a set a part people, we are not meant to conform to this world or just go with the “program.” We are the ones that refuse to listen to all the lies told by people, the media and government of this world. We are different so we think differently from those that are caught up in the world. Yes, I know that being set a part can be lonely; you are not alone the children of light are here with you. We do not want to be caught up in the darkness and sins of this world either. There is something terribly wrong, people are thinking more like animals and savages in this day and age and they just don’t care like they use to. That is not you and that is not who the children of light are. We are compassionate, we want the best for everyone. We question things that others go right along with because we know it is not right, we know it just doesn’t add up or make any sense at all. Do not let anyone try to make you feel bad for thinking differently. No one can tell you what to think. So stay strong, don’t give up on your pursuit for knowledge and truth and continue to seek the Creator in all that you do and let the Holy Spirit guide you.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:2 NLT

Written by Brother Whitfield – Be Blessed, Stay Safe, Keep Smiling!




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