End of 40 Day Purification of the Mind: 11/7/2017

Shalom Brothers and Sisters it has come to the end of the 40 day purification of the mind. This period of time has been the most difficult for me. I thought that I would have experienced joy and happiness but instead I have experienced anger and frustration.  I have been surrounded around negative energy and I have tried to release that energy. The other day as the waters poured upon me in the shower I took a deep breath 12 times. Each time I took a deep breath I released all of the negative energy within my whole being in all four directions. I took my finger and inscribed on the door of the shower 3 marks on each side visualizing the camps of Israel. Why did I do this? I know that everything I do seems to be symbolic.  Only the Creator knows it’s true revelation.

As of now, there is still more work to do.  I am hurt from all that I’ve experienced while being here on this earth and at this stage in my life I am struggling with the pain. I desire to be set free from all that is hurting me but most importantly I desire for the whole world to be set free from bondage. Deliverance is necessary and the Creator will save us. It saddens me to know that most of the world is in darkness. Most people are hurting inside and most people don’t know how to deal with the hurt and pain. It’s easy for someone to say pray but healing is a process and it takes time. When faced with trials and tribulations I feel like fleeing to a place of safety.  I feel like being alone with the Creator so I can recharge. I need the Creator’s LOVE to fill my mind, body and soul. I need his light to shine upon me. I desire the purest thoughts.  I need to merge with his pure light energy. I need the highest form of energy (love) in the universe to descend upon me. It is the Creator’s love that I desire right now.

Hear my cry O’ Father, send help my way. Raise my vibration to the highest frequency. Love is what I need. Purification is what I seek. Rescue me from this darkness surrounding me.

Holy Spirit, I need you in this very moment in Time. I have descended in the world and have forgot who I am. Remind me, allow me to remember who I am when things get tough in this world. To my fellow brothers and sisters please pray for me! Send your love and light my way! Right now at this very moment I need your positive energy. I honestly feel like I am getting attacked and this energy is very strong. It seems to be dominating me and its really hard to break away.  I am fighting this battle and I’m enduring to the end. I am weak right now but I know that Yahshua and the holy angels are fighting for me as before. I put my Trust in the Creator not man. Man has hurt me, betrayed me and lied to me. My help comes from above and The Creator always send help my way.

Deliver me O’ Father for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

I know I have been sent here for a purpose and I want so badly to complete my mission. Father please help me refocus on spiritual things and help me gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom.  All that I have done is not in vain and I know that it’s a reason for everything. During this time of darkness, I need clarity in my mind. Please cleanse me Father and continue to help me on my journey. I know I have been releasing negativity into the atmosphere but all negative energy will be purified. I know myself for I am an open book, I am honest and I seek the truth. I must express myself and with that said I have cried out to the Creator in my distress.

Who knows maybe I must experience this negative energy to be able to understand what is transpiring on a global level. I always say that wisdom is obtained through experience. All that I have experienced is being sent back to the Source, The Creator. All data is being collected and stored in the library of heaven. All realities and experiences are sent back to the Source. We are all connected to Source Energy, a Collective consciousness expanding through Time and Space. The Creator is infinite wisdom and it is through us that the Creator experiences All things. The eyes of the Creator are EVERYWHERE!

I would like to leave you with this.

My dear ones, be on guard as negative energy is being amplified on this earth. Things are quickly manifesting here and you all have to be very careful with your thoughts. When all fails think about LOVE!

LOVE is the highest frequency in the universe. The Creator is LOVE, You are LOVE and the Creator’s  LIGHT is shining upon us all! Always remember this no matter what. I LOVE YOU LIGHT BEINGS! 

Written by Sister Carter

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