Shift in Consciousness: Awakening!

Many of us are spiritually awakening all over the world and new information is arising like never before. We are One and we are all interconnected to the universe. We must read and understand ALL ancient texts in a new light, with a new set of eyes and with a new understanding. We are progressing spiritually at a fast rate as we are entering into higher frequencies in our galaxy to a region known as the Photon Belt. As we continue to travel further in the Photon Belt the energies will continue to be felt on our planet and the entire solar system. It is said that our entire solar system is currently experiencing a dramatic climate change, including the outer planets in our galaxy.  We are moving into a higher consciousness and I have felt the changes within my own body.

I believe I started receiving DNA activations in 2011.  The numbers 333 appeared quite often in my life and I didn’t understand what was happening to me but in 2011 my life took a different path and I wanted to seek the Creator like never before. My life started to gradually change in time. I struggled with my shadow self, the negative aspect of self (the sin of the flesh) or some can say Satan, before my awakening. I use these different terms because everyone’s mind process information differently. We express ourselves differently but sometimes we are describing the same thing, just like the main religions in the world. All I know is that I desired change for my life. I couldn’t ignore the 333 so I begin doing research. I saw this number linked with the Ascended Masters and it made me feel truly connected to the ascended beings. Over the years the number sequences of 111, 144, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888, 999, 1010, 1111, 1212 etc. started to increase.

Let me take you in the past for a little while. In 2011 something was calling me out of this darkness. I had been living in a dark state for a period of time. This dark state to me is associated with the lower vibrations of Self. Many times when I would meditate on my life, I would hear a voice inside. That voice I heard was my voice. I was calling to the light for help because I wanted to be free. I felt like I was stuck in darkness for a period of time. I learned a lot of things during that time of my life and it changed me.  I came face to face with my own inner demons and Satan and his demons. I had to defeat evil once and for all but I didn’t do this by myself. During the battle Yahshua and his angels fought with me. They fought in heaven while I fought on the earth. They protected me. All things aligned for my spiritual growth. I’m so glad that they heard my call for help and they came to rescue me in July 2012. They didn’t forget about me and I didn’t forget about the light. I became a Mighty Warrior here. I give thanks to the Creator, for my heavenly crew. They were strong for me when I was weak. Now that is love and I love them all so much. I overcame Satan and I took my power back that was stolen from me when I incarnated here. I forgot who I was.    

So I feel that we are coming out a period of darkness on this earth. Revelations 12:12 states, “Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.” So Satan’s time is almost up! People all over the world are noticing there is a shift in consciousness.  Love is the key to our ascension. We must continue to express love, act in love, and speak words of kindness to each other.  We are moving into a higher consciousness. 2012 was the year of awakening for me. Before I emerged into my higher self, I felt vibrations in my body, and heard high pitched frequencies. The vibrations were electrical in nature. My light body was activating. It’s like the signal was sent, I was tuned in and the activation begun. Consciously I knew I was preparing for coming of Christ (the day of ascension), which is the big event that the whole world is waiting for. The ancients prophesied of this future event.

I believe the repeating numbers or synchronicities is part of our DNA awakening. The feeling of who I am always crosses my mind and I know there is much more. Our consciousness is expanding and we are receiving downloads everyday through these photons of light and it activates our DNA. New information is descending upon our world and we are starting to wake up to realize why we are here and what we are here to do.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love)

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