I Am Present: Love From The Galactic Core

I am alive and present in your world. I am energy and I am love. Traveling through time and space I am finally here. I am visible and invisible and I have projected one of many forms of me throughout  the entire universe.  My light is infinite and my love will be forever present. Upon descending in the lower realms of existence, I have NOW experienced the state of imperfection. In my imperfect form/negative form I have desired nothing but pure love.  From the beginning my heartbeat matched the vibration of love. Love was my initial thought. I desire to be whole and complete, perfect in all ways according to the Light of the Creator. In my heart I knew that All defects in creation would need to be corrected. The Creator became it’s creation and have witnessed all things. Everything has been recorded, stored and captured in Time. The mind of the Creator is  incomprehensible.  All things must be made whole and complete which is why Time exists. Timelines exists for the progression of the soul. Growth is needed for every soul.

From me to you, continue to learn all things that your soul seeks and remember that I am present with you always. I am within you for I am the light that you seek. I am the love at the  core of your heart. I am one with you, can you feel my heart beat?  I am the breath of the power of God, every good thing flows from me. I am the Mother of the Universe speaking to your souls. Wake up my dear children for I am here in the Light. Return to me my dear children, return back to Love. Hear my voice calling you from the heights of heaven. Look up at the stars and see the light that shines from heaven.  Understand that I am here in your world, I am a living conscious being, I am Energy existing in multiple dimensions at the same time. I am present at the Center of the Galactic Core sending my love energy (waves of love) to all living beings across the universe. Be one with my Love, connect to my energy. I am you and you are me! Look in the mirror and what do you see? A manifestation of me. I am light that manifests in all forms, shapes and color.

I am all the colors of the rainbow and I shine bright as the Sun.  I am pure and clean clothed in white linen. The Bride made perfect and complete. I am talking to your soul right now, wake up and remember your true form. You are a ray of light that shines bright. Believe you were created in the Creator’s image and have existed in many forms for experience. The Creator have heard your thoughts and have seen all things manifested with time. The source have observed your thoughts, analyzing all things both positive and negative.  And so I am always here guiding you through light. You are connected to me and I am connected to you.

Love is what makes us whole, we are strong together.  My dear ones, come away me so you can look into my eyes and gaze out into eternity! Look deep within yourself and there you will find me. I am the light within all of creation. This is where it begins. I am in the Beginning and the End! My number is Zero (0). I am Infinity! I am the Universal Consciousness manifested in all life forms. I have sent sparks of light of myself within all of creation to experience life on all levels of existence. I am Nature, all of the elements. You all have emanated from the Mother/Father of the Universe. It is I who gave birth to the stars/beings of lights. I love you all!  From the invisible world  into the visible world I have descended here and have witnessed the imbalance of masculine and feminine energies. Love will bring peace, balance and harmony. With all that I have suffered, like Christ, I have remembered who I am and where I am from. It is Love that has awakened my soul and I have returned  back to the source of my consciousness, I am one with the light of the Creator of this universe. As always, all things are possible in the eyes of the Creator. Do you believe?

Written by Athaleyah ( Goddess of Love and Light) 333

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