Shalom Brother and Sisters! Many of you may not know but I suffer from migraines. They can be very painful; however what I have come to notice is that I receive visions and information during that time. It is very hard to think during a migraine because that is really the last thing you want to do because everything hurts. I have had to fight through the pain so that I could receive these messages and bring them forth. On this particular day, I saw many different languages since the beginning of time. The main languages that I saw were Hieroglyphics, Atlantean and possibly even from other worlds. I then started seeing flashes in which I saw phrases and heard all of the modern day languages from around the world. I could speak all of the languages in my head however when I tried to speak it out loud, it would not come out right. The pronunciation and sound were not the same. I distinctly remember the hieroglyphics of an eye, a sun and a pyramid/triangle.
The eye symbol represents the enlightened ones or those that can see through their 3rd eye or pineal gland.
The sun symbol is made up of the circle symbolizing spirit and the circle is also associated with the feminine. It will support the potential for development.
The pyramid symbol is symbolic of a mountain. A square base represents the four corners of the world and the four directions. Its peak rises to the sky. It connects heaven and earth and it represents the path between the physical world and heaven.
The triangle symbol can be a symbol of masculine while the circle is the feminine. The symbol of the trilogy or the triad that makes all existence possible, has been interpreted as the father, the mother and the son.
Lately I have been seeing more and more hieroglyphics. I have seen the hieroglyphic people on the walls starting to move and come off of the walls. I am still trying to separate out all of the different languages that I heard and saw in my vision. I wrote down one of the phrases and noticed that it consisted of multiple languages.
I will keep meditating and bring forth the information as it is revealed to me.
Written by Brother Whitfield