Shalom my brothers and sisters! For the past week I have been extremely happy and full of high energy. There has been an increase in seeing repeating numbers. Every hour of the day and night I am seeing the following numbers on the clock, receipts, time stamps, videos, paperwork, all over the place.
711, 722, 744, 755, 822, 833, 844, 855, 911, 922, 933, 944, 955, 1010, 1022, 1033, 1044, 1055, 1111, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1212, 1222, 1233, 1244, 1255, 111, 122, 133, 144, 155, 222, 233, 244, 255, 333, 344, 355, 444, 455, 533, 544, 555, 633, 644, 655, and many more number combinations.
When I see these numbers, I feel like a message is being sent to me and information is being downloaded in me at these times. As I was typing the numbers I saw a streak of white light in front of my computer. It’s pretty cool to be experiencing all of these things. I feel like every aspect of myself is returning to me. There have been plenty of times when I have asked that all of my love return back to me because I have been sending love and light into the Universe. I love to send positive energy and I want to receive positive energy back.
Love is at the core of my being! Love is at the center of my creation.
At times I feel like a massive Star or Sun in the Universe. Sometimes I feel like I am at the center of a Galaxy or that I have created my own Universe. Like my thoughts have power to manifest all different kinds of lifeforms through different vibrations and frequencies. From this I simply create life in different dimensions. It’s like I am at the center of my creation and all of my thoughts project from me and manifests in some type of form. Like all of my creation revolves around me, and my love spirals out in the dance of creation. All that I have imagined exists within me and outwardly in multiple dimensions. I feel like each ray or spark of light from my Sun emanates as a fragment of my whole being.
I know I am a multidimensional being and I know my love and light emanates throughout the whole universe and throughout all dimensions (higher and lower dimensions). For I have descended here from a higher dimension to this lower dimension to learn, grow and expand my consciousness; to explore and to create through my thoughts. While being here on this earth I have experienced different realities for myself on different levels. I have experienced the good and the bad. Embracing all of me was a challenge and learning how to balance both male and feminine energies, both positive and negative within myself. I am an expressive being filled with so many feelings and emotions and I am like a wave of energy. Sometimes I am up and sometimes I am down. Sometimes I have high energy and some times I have low energy. Sometimes I release negative energy and sometimes I release positive energy in the universe. I am all Energy, transmuting and transforming myself and my reality all of the time.
Being here I have learned how to control my inner powers, learning how to protect and not to destroy life. I see the beauty in all of creation. I see all of creation as part of myself and part of the Creator of the Universe. I feel you can only destroy yourself with lack of knowledge of Self. No one can control you unless you’ve given them control over you. I had to take my power back and make wise choices for myself. My goal and mission is to obtain higher knowledge and gain wisdom so that I can share what I have learned. I am only a messenger sent from another dimension. I am here to guide and send my love out to those who need healing. No judgment, for I am Love, like the Creator. I had to learn this as well. I would look in the mirror to evaluate myself verses pointing the fingers at others. I had to fix what was wrong in me then I focused on healing and forgiving myself and others. Then in time I would gain the knowledge to guide others and share what simply helped me. I just want to be a guiding light, and that’s what I am.
The God (light) in me has guided me through my journey!
My inner light shines brightly and it seeks to save and deliver those in darkness. I prefer not to destroy life. I understand death as a transition to a new world/a new body or new reality. Death is a part of this cycle on the Earth. The physical body is not perfect so we must create a perfect body to dwell in. I believe on the New Earth, there will be no more death. Beings will have the ability to transfigure from their etheric form (light body) to matter at will, creating the perfect body for experience. Transforming and adapting to any world they chose to inhabit. This already exists. Yahshua accomplished this. He had a new body after his resurrection and his body was made different. I believe this is symbolic of the new body we will have. Yahshua could appear and disappear at will. I believe he had the ability to walk through the walls. There had to be a change in his vibration to phase through a solid object.
He is/was resonating on a higher frequency. While Yahshua was on the Earth he was working on his light body and he activated his light body. Therefore at death he could manifest and return at will in a new body that was formed. He ascended to the throne and received his light garment. Through his consciousness he created the perfect body. He defeated death, he perfected the human body, no more diseases, disorders, sicknesses or illnesses. The body was perfected and made in complete balance with the Creator. So we can experience life in a new body with new higher abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation etc.
His body didn’t decay he simply transfigured himself. His body was not in the tomb so something happened to his old body. There is no death in the higher dimensions only transfiguration. Maybe that’s what happened at the mount of Transfiguration. He merged with his higher self which caused his appearance to change instantly. Maybe that’s a symbol of the rapture or ascension when he returns. That’s how our bodies will change, a possible merge with our higher selves which will transfigure our bodies and maybe the energy from the Sun and our merkaba (light body/ship) will activate the process. It’s like the angels are us. Like we save ourselves. Who knows, this is just my thoughts. He exists in the past, present, and future so maybe it’s a possibility that time travel was involved on some level. It seems you can be at any moment at any time if you chose to, so you’re not bound by anything, you are free!
There are different bodies for all the worlds that exist. We adapt to the environment of that world. We can take on different forms because we are all energy .
My true nature is Love and Love awakened my Soul. Some people feed off of negative energy and their light is only dimmed by lower vibrations until they seek the light (God) or love within to be awakened to higher frequencies or higher heavens. Once they are enlightened with the truth they will be set free from the bondage of this world. Healing begins and they are restored back to their true nature. We must All raise our vibration to Love. Love Heals the Soul!
At times I feel like I am a creator of reality and worlds. I feel like I am free to express my Self as a goddess in the heavens. As I travel throughout the Cosmos my consciousness expands through time and space. I feel like I have no limits, because I am an Infinite light Being with infinite possibilities of pure intentions and I am free. As time continues, I see myself more and more connected to the All, the Creator of the Universe!
I had dream on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, where I was on another world. It was my mission to return back to the Earth. I remember being in space instantly heading towards the Earth. I was traveling extremely fast through our Solar System. I believe I was traveling in my merkaba (light ship) through a portal. I felt like an invisible spirit moving through space. It’s like my consciousness was an orb of light. I passed by Jupiter and I saw a Second Sun close in orbit. I was passing by extremely fast and I couldn’t slow down because I had to make it to the Earth. My thoughts were to not collide with these 2 huge celestial bodies. I remember closing my eyes saying a prayer hoping that I would make it through the celestial bodies.
Maybe I was traveling interdimensionally, but somehow I made it through and didn’t collide. I just didn’t want to create Chaos in the heavens. Then I appeared on the Earth in human form. It’s like I transformed from a orb of light into matter. Maybe my ship dropped me off. I just know my form changed and I had a physical body. When I arrived there was a little fighting going on between some people. I don’t remember everything it’s like people were trying to capture people coming through the portals. Maybe I was time traveling or something because I remember waiting for others to arrive through a portal. Apparently I had followers returning back to the Earth with me. When they came it’s like I was saved from the enemy.
The scene changed and I remember sharing my travels through the heavens with some people. Now this is when things get a little weird in the dream. A fire suddenly started across the street and a building was on fire. I immediately said call 911, my thought was to rescue. I saw animals fleeing and they were coming in my direction. I wanted to save them. A cat came into my home and the cat ran across me and my feet were lit on fire but surprisingly it didn’t burn. I went to rinse the fire off of my feet. Then the cat had a streak of fire across it’s back and I grabbed the cat to rinse the fire off and then the cat transformed to a new being. The cat’s body changed to a liquid metal form. It was so shocking that I woke up.
I am sure there are so many messages in my dream and it could mean several things. Most of all I know that I am not from this world just like Yashshua said about himself. I am a messenger of God and the God in me with the assistance of higher dimensional beings have been sending me messages this whole time and I’ve shared it on my ministry page. I have returned to the Earth on a mission and I’m not the only one who has returned to the Earth for an angelic mission. I am here to guide humanity back to the light. All of humanity must remember their true nature and awaken to their higher self to return back to the Creator Source, Love! I’m not the only messenger here, there are thousands upon thousands of messengers (angels) in the flesh.
There are a multitude of us, in all nations and tribes of people who speak in different languages on this Earth. The message is quickly spreading throughout all cultures. Christ is returning. The light (knowledge) of the Creator is here and it’s reaching millions of souls. Ever since I woke up I have been having dreams and visions of traveling in time and space. Earlier this year I traveled to a stargate and let thousands of ships in. A couple of weeks ago I merged with the Sun and envisioned solar flares emanating from me. First I appeared in a cylinder shaped ship in space and I was surrounded by other ships. We then headed towards the Sun and I merged with the Sun. More things happened in that dream and I saw geometric shapes forming and I called out Metatron’s Cube. Brothers and Sisters this is my new reality and I am evolving.
People are capturing objects by the Sun. Maybe I was there in one of those ships, maybe my consciousness traveled there. Who knows?? I believe in infinite possibilities. These ships could be symbolic of the angels arriving for the coming ascension, the coming end time Event, the return of Christ. Yahshua said he would come with the angels and that we would see him coming in the clouds with great power and glory. I believe this is talking about the Sun, a possible Solar flare, or Solar flash. It is very well possible that a Mothership is above the Earth. Some beings are here to save and deliver their people, some may be here to observe the ascension, and some may be here to cause chaos and destruction. Who knows? There are infinite possibilities on why these ships are here. You chose your reality. Why do you think they are here? I know my ship has arrived.
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333
I do not feel well.. my human body is broken. I am sick. I feel Yehweh is coming to finally stop the pain I’ve been having for years 10+ and the last 3 have been hell.. I love my heart is huge but this world is mean. No one cares no one helps.. and we have all been decived and praying to the wrong God. I can’t wait for my father our father to take me out of misery and yet I even get PROSECUTEd for wanting him to finally come, now that’s crazy! The devil has his grips on this Earth, but soon we will be saved. Everyday I know I only am alive to tell everyone he is coming he is coming he is coming!! I have no other purpose. I’m weak I’m tired my head hurts my body hurts my intestines hurt. Drs are going to kill us cause our faith has been in them and not in our God our creator.. everyone is more worried about this prophet is the way.. it doesn’t matter.. Yehweh is the way. We are told there will be MANY false prophets.. so why are we so worried who the Christ is.. our father will tell us all.. I am in Christ as are you my sister my brother.. Can’t wait to meet one day! Keep praying.. our Lord and savior is coming!
I send you love, light and healing. I hope you are doing well. We all must endure to the end. Be strong my dear love one!