The MerKaBa-Vehicle of Light (Chariot of Fire)

It’s time to awaken to this knowledge about the Merkaba. I would like to share some information that I have gathered from many sources about the Merkaba.

Mer means Light
Ka means Spirit (Energy)
Ba means Body

Everyone has a Merkaba and its important that everyone awakens to this knowledge. The Merkaba is the vehicle which consciousness uses to explore itself in the universe.  It spins counter to each other to create rotating fields of light. Once the Merkaba field around your body is initiated, it will create a disk that extends 55ft out of the base of your spine, which actually looks just like a flying saucer. This disc shaped light field can transport one’s consciousness to any dimension.

You can travel interdimensionally in this vehicle. This vehicle can also shape shift to any  form, shape or color.  The Merkaba can create realities as well as move through realities. It is also referred to as a Star Tetrahedron, the Mer Ka Ba can be visualized as a 3D Star of David. The Star of David represents the union of male and female. As such one must be in harmony of the male and female polarity of the soul. In order to use the Mer Ka Ba one must understand that the soul is a fractal of God. Your consciousness is a fractal of the Universe.

When you are in the Merkaba, your thoughts and feelings become thousands of times more powerful. You will also be able to create a magnetic field that will keep your memories intact. Your merkaba stores all information which you have learned during all lifetimes. I’m going to say that my Merkaba is like a keeper of all knowledge and wisdom. The more I learn, the more my library is filled up with knowledge. I would say this vehicle contains the book of life.  All things have been recorded and stored in time on this vehicle. Even the things that I have written on my ministry page has been stored on my ship. All of the conversations that I have had about everything have been recorded. I choose to transmute all negative energy held within my fields and heal myself with love energy. The love of the Creator and My love heals and it purifies my mind, body and soul.

The negative experiences in my life have taught me many lessons. I have overcome many trials and tribulations and it has made me become a better person. I love the person that I am becoming. I am  growing spiritually and I am evolving. There’s always room for growth. There’s always knowledge to obtain in the Universe because the Universe is Infinite, and the Creator is infinite wisdom filled with so many different realities. So I can say that my ship has obtained the knowledge of the good (positive) and bad (negative). Since information is stored on the light ship, we have the ability to access the information that is stored. It contains higher knowledge of Self. We can receive downloads through this field of light. Our light body receives activation and it is transferred to our physical bodies. When we sleep at night we may receive downloads if our light body has been activated in this realm. Some people are aware of their light body and some are not. Sometimes I experience intense vibrations in my body upon awakening. When I’m awake I can feel a wave of energy come upon me. It’s a great feeling.

One of the ways that I receive downloads is through repeating numbers. The first numbers I use to see before I fully awakened was the number 333. The number 333 is linked with the Ascended Masters. Those numbers use to repeat all of the time for me and it started back in 2011. Seeing those numbers activated my consciousness. The  more I saw the numbers the more I sought the Creator and I was led to my higher self.  Repeating numbers have increased significantly over the years.  I always see the following numbers, 711, 722, 744, 755, 822, 833, 844, 855, 911, 922, 933, 944, 955, 1010, 1022, 1033, 1044, 1055, 1111, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1212, 1222, 1233, 1244, 1255, 111, 122, 133, 144, 155, 222, 233, 244, 255, 333, 344, 355, 444, 455, 533, 544, 555, 633, 644, 655, and many more number combinations. If I am saying something it is like a confirmation sent from God. As I am writing this post I have seen some of the above numbers appear. When I see these numbers I chose to create at these times by thought. I choose to speak good things into existence. Numbers are vibrations and I choose to have loving thoughts this time.

When we connect with our Merbaka our memory is restored. Every thought is captured in the field of light. It is best to project positive thoughts and images because you are creating reality.

At times when I have traveled in my merkaba to other dimensions I created certain things for myself to remember in this time.  I have left myself symbols and clues in my dreams and visions. Only I know how to interpret them because it’s my own consciousness. I understand myself and I know myself. My light within me is my guiding light and my light is expanding each and every day. Everything has meaning and I have given myself signs throughout my journey here on this Earth. It’s great to have knowledge about this vehicle of light. Its good to know that you are divine love and light. It brings a lot of my experiences into perspective. I am a creative being and I am constantly creating through my thoughts. I think about Love so often that I know my Love Energy is spreading throughout the Universe. I have deposited love on this planet and throughout the universe. I am always dancing with Joy in my chamber of light. In my own space, free to express myself and enjoy every pure thought that forms from me. I am an expression of LOVE!

I remember a time when I was asking the Creator to give me a dream or vision. That night when I asked that question, a dream manifested. I was actually in a field, captured and in bondage and then I saw a ship descended from the sky. It came towards me extremely fast and then the next thing I remembered is that I was in another dimension. My consciousness was in the vehicle. I didn’t see any structures around me but I knew I was riding in some type of vehicle. My view was crystal clear from this ship. I remember being so excited and thrilled about traveling in this ship. At the time I had no idea it was my ship. I thought it was an angel picking me up. I didn’t see anyone present with me it was just my consciousness traveling in this ship. I was in another world. The world was so beautiful and colorful. I felt like a kid…lol. It was such a joy to see this new world before me. The ocean was clear and the buildings were colorful. I have no idea what world I entered into but I was flying through the sky really fast. I remember blinking my eyes constantly to see if it was real and it was real. Like I knew I was dreaming but I was in another world experiencing that reality.

One time I thought about constructing a ship the size of the Earth. I wanted to build a ship that was large enough for billions of souls to enter into during the time of ascension. It was just a thought that I had about a having a Mothership, the size of a planet. I talked about being connected to the crystal grid and how it is being activated around the earth. There’s so many thoughts that I have had. I enjoy my thoughts because they are pure and filled with so much love and creativity. I truly wish that all beings and every lifeform can be healed and experience Love. It’s 11:11 PM right now as I am writing this. It”s amazing how I am so connected with these numbers. Imagine if we all worked together and had the same loving thoughts at the same time. Think about the things that we can manifest together. I believe that we all worked together to construct this Universe that we live in. We are all part of the Creator. We manifested this realty. We did it together. We can construct so many different things. We all have ideas and we all have different gifts and talents. We can work together to construct a new reality if we agreed upon it. Maybe one day when I have the knowledge and ability to construct a world or my own universe I can make a call in the universe and many beings of light and love can join forces with me.

Just know that we must be experiencing and expressing Divine love  (unconditional love) in order to move beyond a certain dimension. Let’s tune into different and higher dimensions of reality.

 Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

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