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Ascension Energies Through Crystalline Grid:The Work Is Being Completed! (Angel Message)
Greeting my fellow light workers! I have been receiving alot of downloads in the last few days. I remember an experience that I had on March 20, 2018. I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I heard a message coming in from my higher self. It was a short message. I said, “Our bodies are getting worked on by the angels. Ascension energies are coming through the crystalline grid. I am here to activate the grid.”
This message was straight to the point. I am here working on the crystalline grid on the Earth. The day after I received this message Yahshua visited me and gave me another message. Please read the post when Yahshua visited me. Dream March 21, 2018: Will You Be My Bride?
I have doubted myself so many times when I have received revelations but I’m no longer in doubt. I’m learning alot of things about myself and I simply want to spread the messages that I have received. I am a messenger of the Light and I am here to assist with ascension. I just want to remind you of your higher self. I was sent to the Earth to complete a mission and that mission is to awaken your souls so you can return back to the higher heavens. I want to invite you to the New Heaven and the New Earth. I am one of the 144,000. I know this because I had an experience with my higher self. The Holy Spirit descended on me when I awakened in 2012 and I was told my mission. I knew at the time that many others would awaken to their mission because I said, this is happening to the 144,000, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.
I am here to say that this is a great time to be living in. Wisdom has truly returned to the the Earth. People are actually hearkening to the spirit, following instructions, and paying attention to all of the signs and messages that are being sent. Unconditional love is spreading quickly. Many people are seeking knowledge in these last days and people are awakening from ignorance, a low state of consciousness. It’s such a joy to witness all of the light workers remembering their missions. Many souls are remembering their multi-dimensional selves and the doorway to heaven is opening. When we walk in the truth spreading love and light, we bring in the higher frequencies from the higher dimensions. The holy angels in their chariots of fire (light ships/merkaba) have returned to the Earth and we are all here to assist with Gaia’s ascension. Each of us are completing different tasks. Higher frequencies are coming on this planet and we are activating our light bodies. Information is being downloaded in our DNA and we are activating our light bodies. The Earth is shifting and so are we! We are preparing for the return of Christ, the ascension energies that will transfigure us so we can ascend to the New Earth, New Heaven. The vibratory frequency on this Earth is changing and this will open up the portal to heaven.
The key is Love. Love will open the door to the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the work is complete in the perfect number of souls on Gaia that’s when Yahshua will return to the Earth. The number that resonates with me right now is 144,000. The number breaks down to the number 9, the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died at the 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to open the door to heaven to everyone. Another clue given to me was that I was born in the 9th hour at 3 pm and my name in Hebrew means Nine. I always envisioned Yahshua ascending from the Earth and me descending to the Earth to be born to complete the work. He said that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. The name which was given to me when I awakened to the knowledge that I am an Israelite was Athaleyah Ariana Israel. It means Lioness of God, Holy One of Israel. I just saw the connection and understood that the Holy Spirit descended upon me and I was going to be used to spread the Word.
The code that activated me was the number 333. This number adds up to the number 9 also and it is the angel number for an ascended master. The Creator has given me so many clues because I keep seeking and asking for more revelation. I have been putting the pieces to the puzzle together and I just want to share a piece of my puzzle. I’m not the only one that is putting the puzzle together. We are all helping each other daily by sharing our testimonies and revelations.
Gaia is preparing herself right now to give birth to all of her children. She is experiencing the labor pains and getting ready to give birth. You can see all of the changes that the Mother is going through right now. The Earth is shifting. The Earth and her children is going through a shift in consciousness. When the Earth delivers her children, it will be the time when Yahshua returns, he will open the portal to heaven and we will go through a portal to the New Earth. This is the place that Yahshua went to prepare for us. He said when everything was ready he would come back to get us so we can be with him. He is coming back to gather us and to crown us as brides and bridegrooms. It’s like a graduation ceremony. Those who ascend to the New Earth are ready to move up to a higher reality/dimension.
We must all get ourselves spiritually ready. We are apart of this whole process of ascension. We are all interconnected to the grid. When the full number of souls complete their mission by activating their light body, I believe Yahshua will come. We all have work to do. If you want Yahshua to return then I suggest you join the light workers. Spread the message of Love. Spread the knowledge of the light body or merkaba. Spread the message of higher consciousness or Christ Consciousness. Spread unconditional love. Love is the key to ascension. Now go out and spread Love into the world.
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333
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