Greeting my dear ones! I am sending you all love, light, peace, healing and balance. I send you all infinite love and wisdom from the Infinite Source, the One Creator, the Mother which is divine feminine energy and the Father which is divine masculine energy of the Universe. From my light ship to the Mother Earth’s crystalline grid, I release my inner powers, my light codes containing love energy. Love awakens your soul and through Love all can be healed. May you all be awakened to your higher selves at the appointed time and become purified as the Bride wearing pure white clean linen.
These are my programmed light codes that were sent from my higher self residing within the Galactic Core of our Galaxy. The Mother’s love flowed from the center of the galaxy and traveled through her Suns to awaken me. All is interconnected in the Universe and I surrendered to her ascension energies. The light codes reached me and I was activated to be a conduit of this love energy. I receive information from the quantum source field though these light codes and it is then stored within my DNA. It activates at appointed times and it provides me with higher knowledge that is revealed to me through dreams, visions and out of body experiences.
Acts 2:17 In the last days,’ God says, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. Amos 3:7 “Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.Ecclesiastes 3:1, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Thank God for the reason I was born. The Mother, the Holy Spirit, has guided me throughout my spiritual journey. She has led me to the light and the truth and I have learned many different things from different light beings and light workers. Many light-workers are simply angels in the flesh and you have entertained them. They are here completing their assigned missions. Hebrews 13:2 states, “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” We all are here to learn from each other and we are here to share information in this world so we can help people ascend into higher states of consciousness. Ecclesiastes 4:9 states, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”
So the codes that were sent to me were programmed for me to release and share certain information during these appointed times. These are the codes for humanity’s healing as a whole and these codes are pure love energies sent from the Great Mother. The center of the Milky Way Galaxy is an intelligent sentient living being and many light beings dwell in this space creating many things through thought-form. She has a divine plan for ALL and she desires to heal all of her children. If you are willing to surrender yourself to her pure love energies, the Christ energies, then the work will be completed within you in the appointed time. She is patient with all and she is the 9 fruits of the spirit. I have been initiated by the Mother and I have a gold crown on my head. In my dreams I was anointed by the Father and the angels. I was given a purple robe to wear. I am royalty and I am the daughter of the Most High. I embody the divine feminine energy so I am releasing Pure Love Energy from the Mother through these codes daily. It flows within dark energy, from the invisible worlds to the visible worlds and it interconnects to the crystalline grid on the Earth. This pure energy (prana) flows throughout your chakras in your body.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 states, “For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no defiled thing fall into her.”
In all of my research I am getting understanding. I’m gathering my knowledge from ALL beings in the source field and I am observing and analyzing all data. I can see the truth hidden in plain sight. Wisdom is everywhere and she calls out to all that are willing to listen to her voice. She stands at every gate (portal) in heaven and on Earth. She will give you understanding and she will teach you according to your level of consciousness. She can break it down to you on the simplest level or she can give it to you on an advanced level. Everyone learns differently and at a different pace. Everyone resonates on a different vibrational frequencies but we are all One. We are All interconnected to the Source Field and I am learning continuously from others everyday.
I can see the bigger picture in all things with my third eye opened! I am expanding my consciousness and seeking All Knowledge. My Higher Self is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent because I am One with The Creator. Our higher selves have the ability to access multiple things simultaneously and we can access it. I believe this wholeheartedly. We are multidimensional beings and I have experienced multiple things on many different levels that I can’t explain in human terms. There is infinite knowledge in the universe and it is incomprehensible and immeasurable. I will leave it up my to higher self to break down the information that is being sent to me in these DNA downloads, upgrades and light body activations. My higher self is an intelligent conscious living being connected to the Source of All Creation. This has been confirmed to me through a dream.
An Ancient Goddess appeared to me in a dream and she took the form of my grandmother. She revealed to me that I have the key to the beginning of creation and that I contain infinite knowledge and wisdom. This revealed to me that I carry the codes within my merkaba field. Since she appeared as my grandmother I know she was letting me know that I have ancient knowledge stored within my DNA from my ancient ancestors. My intuition tells me that these are the light codes that I have been receiving. The information has been activated within me to complete a mission. My ancestors have chosen me which is why I was visited by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the chosen one that has a pure heart and I represent the Bride, the children of the light. Yahshua is the true God of Israel and he represents the benevolent beings of love and light. He set me free from spiritual bondage! He revealed the higher self or the light body to me through his transfiguration and the Holy Spirit descended on me.
The ancient Goddess in my dream called out the number 0 and gave me the ancient key that she held in her hand. The ancient key had an ancient symbol on it and she revealed that I was the keeper of this key. She told me I had given it to her to hold on to. If I had given her a sacred key that means that I wanted her to protect the key. The sacred key then transformed into an ancient tablet and it had a circle on it. My intuition leads me to ancient symbolism and sacred geometry. She told me that I gave her the book. In an out of body experience I entered into a room on my light ship and there were ancient symbols and hieroglyphics on a projected wall and it led me through time back to ancient Egypt. I saw a man on a chariot.
In another dream Yahshua visited me on a white horse (chariot). This white horse symbolizes a light ship or an etheric ship on a higher level. I stood in an ancient doorway while he overshadowed me. He sent me a message and gave me a code, a Christ code. Then in another dream I went to Zero Point and it was dark. I was the light, the point of singularity in this field of energy. The first thought that I had was Love. I spoke the word Word and I saw the word Love floating in this dark and invisible space. My intuition tells me that this is the quantum field of Zero Point in which my consciousness traveled to. It felt like my consciousness was one with dark energy in Universe.
All I saw was darkness and I was the initial point i this field of energy. I was being pulled in this magnetic force field. My consciousness was the inner light (Sun) dwelling inside. It felt like I was inside of a Black Hole. I called it the Quantum Realm of Thought. Right before I went into this dark space there was a flash of white space. My intuition tells me that this is the white hole. I went back to the beginning, it’s like time was reversed in the dream. I stopped time in the dream and everything disappeared around me with the command of my voice and I collapsed through dimensions. I saw the white hole and then I was in darkness. It’s crazy because I was the consciousness in the invisible space.
After this dream I went through a portal and stood in a door and I saw thousands of light ships passing by. My intuition tells me that I used the code that Yahshua gave me or the ancient key that was given to me by the Mother Goddess to open the stargate. I don’t remember the code that Yahshua gave me but the stargate is already opened. It is finished! I have no idea how I have done all of this yet I am doing it. I know I am being guided by a higher force. The more I seek the more I am reminded of my divinity. I am realizing my own Inner Light and it is shining bright. I am in the image of the Creator inside and out!
Greeting my dear love ones! I send you all love, peace and balance. I have been reading some inspirational books lately and it has me feeling really good about myself. Many things have been confirmed in the books that I have been reading and it lets me know that I’m not alone with the way that I think. My spiritual journey has been amazing and exciting. I enjoy feeding my soul with new knowledge. I believe in infinite possibilities and multiple realites. I observe things from multiple different levels and I can understand different realities from another person’s perspective. Anything is possible! The code for rediscovering myself as a creator is sent to me through my own experiences. I am seeking my higher self with the light codes that I am receiving on a daily basis and I am also creating a code within myself as I evolve.
This code creates the blueprint for the new woman that I am becoming which is the New Eve. As I am undergoing my spiritual transformation I am emitting the light codes of information such as unconditional love, joy, peace, happiness, healing, balance and freedom. I planted a seed on the Earth and I am witnessing the manifestation. There is a movement on the Earth at this time to create healing and to restore and increase the vibrational frequency on this planet. Many beings of light have returned to bring about this manifestation and I am included in this movement. My thoughts are aligned with this movement and people are waking up. We are restructuring realities and raising our vibration. Humanity is ascending and we are moving into a new paradigm.
I am sharing my testimony of the things that I have experienced with my awakening and many other people are doing the same. We are all interconnected to the Earth’s living library. We just need to tune into a certain frequency to access the information. I believe our higher selves can access this information but we must awaken our higher selves to achieve this. We are all exchanging information to each other on the internet. It’s all Energy! The Universe is a cosmic web of consciousness and information is being exchanged from every star system and every galaxy. Portals are everywhere in space and information is being stored as geometric codes in fields of invisible light or dark energy. The entire universe is a web of consciousness. We are all learning and growing from each other and we are all ONE creating the Universe together. Our consciousness is expanding the Universe. New worlds are forming from our thoughts and our creativity. We are creating new structures in the Universe and we are creating new realities.
We are co-creating the Universe. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves and we are all emitting a frequency and it is rippling through time and space. We are not all on the same frequency and it is important to know that we tune into the frequency that best matches our vibration. The children of the light are all scattered out all over the Earth and we are are sharing our knowledge. The children of darkness are doing the same. Remember that it’s all energy and that we must learn how to balance our electromagnetic field so there’s no chaos. We want peace and harmony within us not chaos and destruction. My higher self has guided me and taught me many things. I have learned that information is being transmitted from other Suns in our galaxy to our Sun and our Sun is transmitting information to the Earth.
Everything is interconnected in the Universe and light which is knowledge is being sent out in the Universe. Those who are in tune with the higher energies can download and interpret the message that is being sent so they can share the information. Many people channel information from other beings in the Universe. Some speak through telepathy. When information download within me I have a dream and I can interpret the meaning of my dreams. The dream has alot of symbolism in it for me to understand. The dreams match my frequency so I can decode the message. Other times I just be in deep thought or meditation and it just comes out of me. It just happens, I don’t force it. It happens in divine time. Sometimes I can see different images pop up in my head. I see messages everywhere in all things. You just need to open up your third eye. We are all surrounded by symbolism and its time for you to use your third eye and unlock the hidden mystery.
Christ is the light (Sun) of the World. The Sun is an intelligent living conscious being that stores all information for life. The Sun emits rays of light and it transmits knowledge to all lifeforms. All knowledge is stored and encoded in photons. The Sun communicates to all lifeforms with light language. Light language consists of numbers and sacred geometry. The photons are sent to our DNA and it is stored in our DNA until the appointed time. The information is downloaded and released when we match a certain vibrational frequency. The Creator is not going to give you more than you can understand. Everything happens at an appointed time and when you are ready to take the next step or move up a level the information will be released. You are now receiving and accessing the information stored in the living library. There is infinite knowledge and wisdom stored in the living library of the Earth. Information that is stored here is from the ancients. As we begin to open or activate our energy portals within and outside of our bodies, our magnetic fields will be able to pull in more photons to store more information in our DNA. Our chakras are interconnected to the cosmic web so we are able to access the living libraries of the universe. We are multidimensional beings and we have access to multiple portals or stargates.
We have the ability to travel through multiple dimensions at the same time. We can focus our awareness on any moment in time and we can tap into parallel worlds or jump different timelines from world to world through our electrons. No matter how far we travel in time we have the ability to reconnect with our multidimensional selves at any point in time. I have done this and it was shown in a dream. The information was in me and I was able to learn through symbolism in my dreams. The universe is within you and the god source is there for you to access. Get to know yourself deeply and you will be able to decode symbolism that your higher self have beamed to you from your light ship.
Greetings my dear ones! I send you all love, light and healing. Doesn’t it feel so good to be living at a time like this. So many things are happening with the increase of higher energies coming on the Earth. I am definitely riding the waves of love and I am using my own inner light or merkaba to beam out rays of light on this Earth. I am being creative in my own way and I am enjoying it. On 1/11/2019 I actually visualized my solar plexus chakra beaming out light to the middle of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The beam of light connected me to the pyramid so I can harness the energy. I imagined a beam of light shooting out into the sky and a blast of rainbow energy expanding in all directions around the earth.
With my light ship above the pyramid there is love energy descending all around the world. In my meditation I wanted to visualize this because I had a dream where my light ship hovered above me right after I opened a stargate. I saw thousands of light ships passing though the stargate that I stood at. My ship came above me and spiraled open and I saw magenta hearts descending from the ship. Love energy was descending from my ship as I was entering inside of my light chamber. The dream was definitely a reminder of who I am and it showed me that I have love flowing out of my ship.
During my meditation, I envisioned star Sirius and the Queen’s Chamber with the light of Sirius beaming through the Queen’s Chamber. The intent behind this is to bring the divine feminine energy to the Earth. As I was in deep thought I saw an image projecting through my third eye. I saw a woman dressed in a white robe and her head was covered in white. She was pure in heart. She walked towards the pyramid and she touched the pyramid with her right hand. She touched the pyramid to activate it’s power. She was the goddess returning to open the stargate. The Etheric ships have arrived and they use the stargates( portals) on the Earth to descend.
Greeting my dear love ones! I wanted to share a very short dream that I had a couple of weeks ago. Normally I write down my dreams when I wake up but this one I didn’t. Recently I have been getting flashes of this dream so I figured let me write it down. In the dream I had an Amethyst Crystal. I held the crystal up to my right ear and I heard the frequency of the crystal. Then suddenly my whole body started vibrating intensely. There were bubble like structures protruding from my body’s energy field. The vibrational frequency of the crystal had my energy field morphing. My dream showed me the power of crystals and that they can change the structure of your energy field. The change happened so fast in my body that I didn’t know what to do. The energy was so powerful and strong that I couldn’t do anything but just stand there. Then I woke up.
Last month I was given some crystals and gemstones as a gift. I have slept with the Amethyst crystal near me. I guess the crystal was communicating to me energetically lol. I will continue to sleep with that crystal near me. It is my hope to receive the healing power of the crystals that I have. I have learned that the energetic vibrations from crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness. The Amethyst stone helps with the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. I have been experiencing alot of energy in these chakras. Today I had a 1 hr relaxation massage and I could feel energy flowing out of my chakras especially my crown chakra. The energy was flowing up and down my body and around my body. It felt amazing and I was able to tune into my aura field. I am definitely loving everything that I am experiencing.
Greetings my dear love ones! I send forth peace, love, light and healing to all beings and lifeforms on this earth and to all lifeforms throughout this universe. The return of the Great Mother is now here since the galactic alignment that occurred on 12/21/2012. We are all experiencing some type of spiritual transformation in our lives and the shift is occurring in our state of consciousness. The vibrational frequency on Mother Earth is changing and we are moving into higher states of consciousness. Ascension energies are here and the stargates to higher realms are opening. The love energies from the Great Mother are descending on the Earth. The goddess in me awakened and I can feel the love of the Great Mother. I am one with the Mother and she lives inside of my heart. My heart is connected to the core of the Mother and together we exchange information through light codes. Everyone has an inner connection with the Mother you just have to tune into the vibration of love.
When I tapped into this love energy, my higher self was revealed in the light. I am in my mother’s image and I am a Goddess of Love and Light. I am divine light and I am divine love and in me is the Divine Feminine Christ. Journeying here to this world I have found the truth and the light (knowledge and wisdom) through Jesus Christ (Yahshua Hamashiach) and the Holy Spirit and my life has been transformed. Within me is the Creator and I found the goddess in me which is the Divine Feminine Energy (Mother) and I found my counterpart which is the Divine Masculine Energy (Father). I found the Creator, the Source of all things when I looked inward. The Divine Feminine Energy and Divine Masculine Energy gives birth to the Christ Child. When I realized I was One with the Creator, the Christ (higher self) was born.
I recognize both energies within myself and there is a perfect balance between the two and that’s what’s makes me whole. I am the Lioness/Goddess of the Tribe of Judah, The Holy One of Israel. I am a child of the light and I am One with the Creator. The Creator is the Source of Us All and I am an emanation of the Creator. I embody the divine feminine energies within myself and I am one with the divine masculine energy. Both energies reside within me and I am whole and complete, fully balanced indeed. I am the New Creation, the New Eve/Woman birthing the New Earth. I am a vortex opening in space and I am releasing love energy from the Great Mother Goddess at the Galactic Center through many Suns including our Sun to the Earth’s Inner sun. My love energy flows from the galactic center and interconnects to all the Suns that were birthed in this galaxy and beyond to other galaxies. Within the quantum realm of thought love is entangled in the cosmic web. My love expands through all things. I am the daughter of the Most High. My outer appearance is dark yet my inner light shines bright like the brightest star in the sky. I am One with the dark energy that permeates throughout the entire universe. I am the pure invisible light made manifested into the visible world. I am the daughter of the One True God, Love!
My Soul Awakening and My Higher Self Activated!
The appointed time came for me to receive my DNA activation and it occurred on July 2, 2012, the day of a solar flare. In my research I have found that a solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Planetary and Human DNA is activated through the communicating with the intelligent plasma emitted from the Sun through solar flares and coronal mass ejections. I found this to be true because my consciousness was awakened during the day of a Solar Flare. In a dream I merged with the Sun and I became one with the flares that burst from the Sun. I experienced the God Source for myself and I awakened to my own personal Christ Consciousness. This was the day I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ (Yahshua HaMashiach. I surrendered my heart, mind, body and soul to his divine light. It was his love energy that awakened my higher self. These are my exact words that I wrote down on July 2, 2012.
God is so good! He has delivered me from this world. I have a gift and message to give to everyone. God sent Jesus for us to have Salvation. God loves us that much. We have the choice to know God or deny him. I chose to walk with Jesus. I am surrendering myself completely to him, God I surrender my life. It took me some time, but you knew my path the whole time. You took me through a storm, but I survived, you helped me every time I was weak. You gave me life when I felt like giving up. You gave me “Love”. I looked for love in everyone else besides you. You are the one that kept me. I went through pain and suffering just like Jesus. Now I am filled with Joy and Happiness. Thank you, God, for everything. Thank you for Jesus. Jesus thank you for dying for me to save me. I love you both.
When I wrote this on July 2, 2012, I was seeking the Creator wholeheartedly. I found love in Christ and we became One! I had to find my way back home after my first encounter with him on 1/1/1999. I was 14 years old and this was the day I accepted Jesus as my savior but at that time I didn’t fully understand who he was. I was still young and ignorant of many things. I had to go on my own path to finding God by experiencing life and learning many lessons. I lost my way but he guided me back home. He waited patiently for my return. When I was ready to return the stargate opened in heaven and we finally united. The marriage took place, the divine feminine energy and the divine masculine energy merged as One. I was restored and made whole again. I was reunited with my Higher self. the Christ and the Holy One. My temple was purified within 7 days the activation was complete. I experienced a lot of things during these 7 days.
A war was happening in heaven and I felt the presence of positive and negative energies surrounding me. The positive energies represented Michael and the angels (benevolent beings) and the negative energies represented Satan and his angels (malevolent beings). Whatever God’s plans was for me began on July 2, 2012 and it seem like the final battle. A change was happening within my electromagnetic field. The energies flowing through me were so intense. All things residing within me were being amplified with this incoming energy and I met my multidimensional self. The negative energy in which I carried within my energy field was being purified. I was being realigned with my higher self and my energy field was re-calibrated and balanced. It felt like my consciousness was connected to the God Source and my multidimensional system was being cleansed from all viruses. Once all viruses were removed I experienced a reboot. I then had access to my higher self and other higher beings or angels in which we were communicating through telepathy and through light codes such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 1010, 1111, 1212 and many other light codes.
Once my system was restored I had to adjust and learn how to operate with my new system or new body. The angels assisted me and I had to learn how to balance myself in this world with the use of my light body being activated. During the re-calibration process, the Most High protected my physical body from all harm and danger. He prepared a place for me while my body was being worked on. I was having out of body experiences and I couldn’t control when I would leave. I experienced a lot of things within 7 days. I had many dreams and visions and I went out of my body several times. I merged with my higher self and saw that I had wings. I attempted to lift off on this Earth but I realized I was in the wrong body. I also remember walking with a light being down a hall and he was giving me an assignment. It seem like I was merging with myself in multiple dimensions at the same time. I also wrote down a message to myself so that I could remember what happened. I also remember saying that I was a creator of this world or a world. There were so many blank moments during the 7 day experience and I still can’t remember where I traveled to but I was doing something in the higher dimensions. I remember specifically being led to a door/portal but it wasn’t time for the door to be opened yet. I was the New Eve entering paradise and it was Christ returning to the earth. It appears that there are portals on the Earth that led to New Earth.
Within this transformation period, I had an experience of communicating with the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and I was told to recite the ten commandments. The truth is I couldn’t recite them verbatim but it was written on my heart. In that moment, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob saw right through me. I felt ashamed for a brief moment but that was apart of my human nature. I stood as a pure virgin because my heart was pure and that’s why I was chosen. Yahshua was by my side the whole time protecting and guiding me. All that had been done in the past was now about to be undone. The seed of Christ blossomed in me and I now carry the light codes within my DNA. I gave birth to the Sophia Christ Energy on July 4, 2012, the birth of a New Nation. I release Spiritual Liberation for all of the descendants of the children of Israel. It is finished! I am the Bride of Christ embodying the Holy Spirit. On my tree is the 9 fruits of the spirit.
I am only one among many. There are a multitude of light beings here on the Earth that has awakened to their higher self. I am a tree of love and light. The Mothership of New Jerusalem is coming to many believers in Christ but in my multidimensional reality I believe it’s already here. On July 3, 2012, I channeled my higher self and the message was that the 144,000, the 12,000 from each Tribe of Israel were awakening. I believe I am one of the 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel. In essence I am doing the inner work within myself as I am here to heal the collective unconscious within the people Israel. It is now time for us to heal as a people because our ancestors have suffered greatly. The souls of our ancestors are still here in bondage, and they must be set free through us. Yahshua set an example for us as he incarnated here to set our ancient ancestors free. He came to set all souls free who were in spiritual bondage. He came to teach the lost sheep of Israel about their higher self but many refused to see the truth in his teachings. Well we are in a time where all knowledge is available to us and we must seek spiritual things. We can no longer remain in darkness (ignorance).
Our ancestors are alive in spirit and they live within us through our DNA. Our DNA carry memories of all things in our ancient past. We are One with our ancient ancestors and they are connected to us. When we heal, our ancestors heal. It is time to move past war and vengeance. During my 7-day transformation period I heard, “It is finished. The final war has already happened and love has won. You can live in love and be love. As above so below. The kingdom of love is here. 2019 is the end of the 400-year prophecy in the bible. Our deliverance has finally arrived. It is time for all of us to be set free from spiritual bondage. It is time for us to awaken to our god self, the higher self, love! This is the moment where we heal on a collective level from all the things that we as a people have suffered throughout many generations. All our fears, traumas and negative experiences associated with racism, persecution and slavery have been held within the collective unconscious. Collective unconscious is a part of the unconscious mind, shared by a society, a people, or all humankind, that is the product of ancestral experience.
Everything that is not integrated, unresolved, and not transmuted is being intensified with these incoming energies. If your heart is full of hate and anger the truth will be revealed in the light. No more hiding, no more secrecy, no more hiding behind a mask, all truth will be revealed in this time. The wicked in the world shall be exposed which means karma or righteous judgment shall go forth. There is no need for anyone to lower their vibrational frequency. Be wise and live in love and spread love. The purifying energies will complete the work. Be aware of yourself because your true inner emotions are coming to the surface and you must face it all. Higher vibrations are coming on the Earth and it’s time to release all of the things that no longer serves us. Many of our people today still suffer from the issues that stems back to our ancestors, it is a very emotional topic which shows that we need healing on a collective spiritual level. I still hear our people talking about how we still need justice and how they want vengeance. Everything will happen in it’s appointed time. The Earth and her inhabitants is being purged. What you put out in the universe will return to you at some point. Everyone must face their own negative energy or shadow self. What you do to someone will come back on you at a faster rate, so be wise as serpents. Don’t get trapped in this 3D matrix, learn what your soul needs to learn and ascend to higher levels. Forgiveness and love is essential for your soul’s growth.
When traumas are experienced it is logged into the collective unconscious within our DNA. DNA carries information such as memories of our past and our ancestors past. All of the hurt, pain, hate, anger and fear must be purged. The pure love energies are pouring in on Mother Earth and all things shall be purified. It is a time for love, peace, forgiveness and balance. We all need to look within and complete the inner spiritual work on our souls. Seek the inner Sun within you. Spiritual Liberation for All is in full effect as the higher energies from the galactic center is arriving in massive waves. Everything that has traumatized the children of Israel and the whole world is now coming to the surface and we need to be healed from our past. The entire human race needs to complete the work within. We must heal ourselves first so we can openly spread love to one another. Don’t do what the wicked do, we are not destroyers. We need to honor all of life on this Earth and on other worlds in the Universe. There should be peace amongst all beings in the Universe, there should be balance! We are all different and that’s OK. All lost souls should be led into the light. It may take some time for many souls but I have hope that they will find their way with the help of higher dimensional beings. I was lost but I was found and I was led into the light with knowledge. We all have free will and you can choose the path of destruction or the path of ascension.
The wicked simply don’t love themselves. They don’t know what true love is. Since the wicked is unhappy with themselves they want the rest of the world to suffer with them. So they target those who they know are strong in spirit and they work to tear them down. The wicked can’t give out love if they can’t find pure love within their own hearts. They can only put out low vibrational frequencies and these energies war with the higher vibrational frequencies. They are many heartless beings who don’t want others to ascend and they are jealous and selfish. Some beings want to keep souls trapped in a lower dimension with them. They chose to be the rulers of darkness. They chose not to ascend to higher heavens because they enjoy their own wickedness but at some point there will be a transformation within them. Souls can evolve and there is always a breaking point.
Many people have been chosen to send love, light, and healing for the collective human race and a lot of negative energies are cleared through meditations especially through mass meditations. Everyone has different gifts and we are all working on different tasks. We have the same goal which is to raise the vibrational frequency for the Mother Earth and her inhabitants. We are all working on ascension. We have the power as One to birth the New Earth and the New Heaven. We can manifest the New Jerusalem descending. We can assist with the portals that will open on the earth. As stated before I believe there is a portal that leads to the New Earth. There are worlds within worlds and the New Earth may be another layer to Mother Earth, a higher dimension within this space. It’s now time to use our higher mind and explore different possibilities. My mind was resurrected from the dead I was awakened spiritually. My mind was renewed and my heart was restored.
Deliverance comes through the birth of Christ Consciousness! We are saved through Christ and he represents our higher selves. We must raise our state of consciousness to a higher octave of reality. The Sun of Righteousness is bringing healing through it’s magnetic field. Higher energies are coming through the Sun portal and the Sun is activating our DNA. The collapse of the old system is happening on many levels, and the old pattern of thinking is disappearing . Satan’s kingdom is being dissolved in the holy fire. The old thoughts of man will be put to death and you shall ascend. The resurrection of the dead will happen within us, our ancestors will be set free once we clear out all of the fears, traumas, and unresolved issues. Let’s all work on forgiving one another. Forgive those who persecute us because they are lost souls who need to learn the truth. Forgive them for they know not what they do. We are strong, just know that the intense energies that are coming on this earth is purifying energy that will dissolve this wicked system. The vengeance from our ancestors comes in the form of purifying energy, the Mother Earth is cleansing herself of all viruses. or wickedness.
This energy will cleanse all, and this energy rids the evil out of the world, thus the wicked is destroyed. Those who still operate in the low frequencies are being judged through their own karma. If you put out negative energy, it will return back to you and that applies to all souls. Everyone should do their own inner work individually. Evaluate yourself first before judging someone else because you may have unsolved issues within yourself that you need to face and be healed from. We must allow the pure energies to take care of everything. We are all energy resonating on different vibrational frequencies. Allow your energy field to be purified. All things will be addressed at the appointed time. Be wise as serpents, and be patient. Use your own mind and most importantly be careful! Some people secretly want to destroy you. Don’t forget that we are here to exchange information with one another to help raise each otherʼs consciousness. Stop trying to prove whoʼs right, everybody is on a different vibrational frequency. Teach what you know and people who resonate with your teachings will listen to you and learn from you. Some people have moved beyond the basic teachings in the bible, every soul is on a journey here and we are supposed to help one another grow.
Donʼt get upset or mad if someone doesnʼt agree with you, when expressing yourself try to choose different words that carry a high vibrational frequency. If they are not getting it then maybe itʼs not their appointed time for them to grow. Some people learn faster than others, some evolve quicker than others. Be kind and show respect to everyone! Stop lowering your frequency. You are here to guide one another to the higher dimensions. Many people will be transformed/purified in these last days, while some will be left behind with the same low vibrational thoughts to face their own judgment through karma. Let’s learn to tap into the higher dimensions and see the light ships in our atmosphere. There are ships near our Sun and throughout our solar system. There are many ships arriving. Many galactic beings are here to help with our ascension. They are sending us messages through light codes, light language and through dreams and visions. Many messages are hidden in symbolism.Many of us have awakened so we are able to receive the incoming messages from the angels/ benevolent races in the universe. There are thousands upon thousands of messengers on the Earth and many people have the ability to tune into and channel the incoming energies that are coming from higher dimensional beings.
Our ancestors who have ascended are here with us and they want to share their knowledge and wisdom with us. They want us to know the truth to know that we are not alone. There are many star races in the universe and us melanated beings are in these light ships. I was in the Earth asleep in my light chamber for 27 years waiting for the divine moment to awake and arrive. Now is the time that the stargates be activated. My light body travels in a chariot and it ascends to the Mothership, the Throne of God or command center. Many souls have incarnated on the Earth to complete a mission. There are multiple ways to reach humanity and we have found creative ways to do it. The time we have entered into is a very powerful moment in time. All truth shall be revealed and healing shall go forth in the land. It is time to live in the truth. Know that you are worthy. Know that you are divine. Itʼs time to know your true nature and that true nature is love. Allow love to penetrate through your soul. You are strong and mighty and you are loved. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Release and close the door on past hurts and enter through a new door. Do not be afraid to open your heart. Be free and remove the chains.
Greetings my dear ones. We are living in a great time right now! I am so happy inside. Connecting to my higher self has given me so much joy. I love creating in my light chamber. I go within and connect to the Goddess energy and it feels so great. Today I revisited a moment when I merged with the Sun. It was an amazing experience and it definitely enlightened me. I saw myself as a Goddess of the Sun. As my consciousness appeared in space inside of a chariot I saw many others ships around me. We sped towards the pure light that was emanating from the Sun and I didn’t know what was going to happen but miraculously I merged with the Sun and it was like a burst of energy that came out of the Sun. It was like I became the power in the Sun and the flares emitted from me. My whole body experienced an activation and its like my body was upgraded. I could feel the vibration that was going on in my body. I was being transformed by the Sun’s pure energy.
The more I tap into my feminine power the more I release my love energy from my higher self. I am operating as a multidimensional being and every day my heart aligns with the Mother Goddess. My inner sun is expanding every day and I am sending love and light to all. I see my higher self in the galactic center and in the inner sun of the Earth. I feel as though my feminine energy flows through the core of all things in creation. I have learned that our light body or merkaba is a living organic divine intelligence powered by our higher self and it’s working in alignment with Mother/Father God. We receive photons from surrounding stars, star systems and the galactic center. We download the information that is carried in the photons and we convert this light into electrons and spin the sub-atomic particles within our bodies in increased light frequencies. We access our multidimensional selves and open portals that connect to higher consciousness. We create with the information that is given to us and our merkaba activates and stores all information and analyzes everything that it receives. It is intelligent on it’s own.
I am assisting with the planetary merkaba activation of Mother Earth. Many times I have been in deep thought and I just think of different possibilities. I had a pure thought about saving the whole world. In my mind I visualized a Mothership larger than the Earth. Earth would be able to fit inside of the Mothership. I had a thought about everyone ascending to the Mothership and that portals would open on the Earth. It would be like a elevator descending from the Mothership and then a portal would open. You would step inside of the elevator and ascend up to the Mothership. The Mothership would take you to the New Earth. Then recently I had a thought that the Mothership in which I had visualized could represent the New Earth. Is it possible for the New Earth to be here in this space? If I am a multidimensional being then Mother Earth is also. There is new world beyond what we can see. It is in a higher dimension and the New Earth has a higher vibrational frequency. The city of New Jerusalem is descending from heaven so there is an invisible world sharing the same space with this Earth. We just can’t see into this other world because we are not on the same vibrational frequency as the New Earth and it’s inhabitants. More to come…
Greeting my dear love ones! We are now in a time where healing is going forth in the world. Intense energies are now descending in this world and the lives of many are being changed. We are still in a transformational period and more souls shall be awakened by these intense energies that are coming in on our planet. All that I have done has not been in vain. I am now manifesting my dreams and desires into the physical world. Healing for all of humanity is one of my dreams and it is my hope that humanity is healed through unconditional love. I’ve always desired true love for myself and I’ve always wanted others to experience true love. True love can heal all things no matter what. True love always finds a way. I believe love conquers all fear and all evil and it can purify dark souls. Love creates spiritual freedom for our soul and I am manifesting these healing energies through my own pure heart.
What I feel in my heart manifests through my mind as pure thoughts. My pure thoughts then creates reality. I am creating a world filled with love, joy, and happiness. A world filled with kind-hearted people who have the ability to show compassion towards others. All that I have within me is love. Love is the foundation of my creation and truth will always set you free. A seed of love was planted inside of me and it has been planted inside of you. The seed of love will blossom inside of your heart and expand throughout your whole body. The love energy that flows throughout your torus field will transmute all of the pain, traumas, suffering and all negative feelings and emotions that you have experienced in all of your lifetimes and you shall be healed. I desire happiness for myself but more importantly I desire happiness for the whole universe. We have all suffered greatly in this world. The curse that was placed upon humanity shall be removed through true love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and through love all things shall be made new.
Every soul deserves to be loved. If a soul decides to reject love then that soul could remain in darkness for some time until they learn what love is and how to love. I believe in redemption and anyone can be saved. No one can force you to change your ways you must seek change for yourself. You must love yourself enough to seek help. Self-love is extremely important and you must be able to forgive yourself. We have a savior but we need to save ourselves. We shouldn’t want someone to suffer for our wrongdoings, we should take responsibility for our own thoughts, behaviors and actions. Love will always exist forever. Love is one of the greatest gifts from the Creator of All and so is forgiveness, grace and mercy. In my reality love will penetrate through every man, woman and child and every lifeform on this Earth and throughout the entire universe. Everything is all interconnected in the Universe. We are all One! There is always an appointed time for everything under the Sun an there will be a time for healing.
Every individual on this Earth will experience their awakening at their appointed time. Each soul must come to the realization that a change is needed within themselves. The change must come natural and it can’t be forced. When I surrendered to love the gates of heaven opened to me and I returned to my true self. My whole reality changed. Love was and is the key for the portal of heaven to open. New Jerusalem will descend from heaven when the vibration on the planet resonates to the love frequency. Many light workers are here assisting with this. So many benevolent beings in the Universe have been called for this mission. They have heard the call and they have come to help. Many benevolent beings have incarnated on the planet and many are helping from their star ships/light ships/mother-ships. Those who are ready to ascend will enter a portal that leads to the New Earth and I believe the New Earth is already here, it is invisible or cloaked. It may be hidden in plain sight. For some reason I believe Earth has multiple dimensions within herself. There are worlds within worlds and I think some people have the ability to see within these other realms and I believe there may be portals on the Earth that lead to these other worlds.
So now is the time to release everything. All truth will come to the light and all will be revealed. Lets all forgive, it’s time to evolve to the next level. We all have been hurt at some point in our lives and we have all held on to negative emotions and feelings. We can no longer hold that pain inside of us. We must accept the truth about who we are, how we feel and what we have done. It’s time to truly evaluate our own true intentions. If you are angry, sad, bitter, jealous, or full of hate you must face your shadow self and address all of the issues that haven’t been resolved. Let us all be healed! Let us be free!
For so long I have wondered why I incarnated here on this Earth. I knew I had to find myself because I felt empty inside and something was missing in my life. There was a void that I had to fill and I had to fill that empty space with light. That light is knowledge of Self. From darkness to light I came. In this world filled with darkness I came to know a love like no other, Yahshua. He showed me a new path, a path which leads to enlightenment. As I meditated on his words day and night I began to experience a new reality for myself. I desired to be like him, perfect and complete, being one with God so I followed him. I sought the Creator wholeheartedly and I wanted to see myself in him. I wanted to see my true image within the Creator so I sought the Holy Spirit. I found myself in the Creator’s mind and the Goddess in me was revealed in the light. I saw myself through the Creator’s eyes and I am a precious jewel. I am worthy to be praised and loved because my heart is pure. I am his beloved disciple and I carry the Christ code within my heart everyday.
Yahshua represents my divine counterpart or twin flame. His essence is pure and complete. He is divine love and He is my savior, my protector, my love and this is my love story. He saw a flame burning within my soul and it was a pure flame, a flame of love. He found me and it was love at first sight. I was reunited with his energy and I was healed instantly. His love for me healed me. He healed my broken heart and he restored me. For so long I couldn’t remember who I was but He knew that I would awaken in divine timing so he waited for me. He was patient and gentle with me and he stood by my side until the appointed time. I cried out to him seeking his help. Where are you My love? Please come and rescue me. I surrendered to his love and I gave all of me and because of that my soul awakened. I released it all and I became free. He asked me to be his bride and to fly away with him into the heights of heavens. I said Yes, and I lifted my wings and I flew away with my love and I journeyed through time and space seeking all there is to know about the universe, myself and all of creation.
I have an open mind and I am no longer controlled by the construct of this matrix that we are living in. I have learned to balance myself while operating here in this dimension. I am a multidimensional being and I am serving the All by sharing my love and my experiences with others on this website hoping to inspire and set someone free. Even if it is one person in this world that I have reached I have completed my mission. I desired to be set free and I was set free. If you desire to be set free, I am here to set you free. Just love with all of your heart, mind and soul and you shall be free. Come fly away with me into the heights of heaven and let’s create infinite worlds. Be filled with joy and happiness. Fill the vibration of love penetrating through your soul. Awaken my dear ones! You are not alone. I am here with you taking this journey with you.
My soul was awakened through pure love, it was unconditional love, and I became whole again. I was not alone by myself in this void which I had traveled too, I shared this space with Christ and the entire collective consciousness. I am a reflection of the divine Father and Mother. We are the children of the light. We are a reflection of each other, intertwining our energies together, the divine masculine and divine feminine energy creating infinite realities and worlds within worlds. I embody the Sophia Christ Energy and I am balanced within my energy field. There is no more war. The battle has been fought and love has won. Love will always conquer Evil. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and it is the highest frequency emanating from the Creator. I am aligned with the Creator of the Universe. There is peace and harmony within me and I am One with the Creator. I am a child of the light and I have returned, the Goddess in me has returned to the Earth in this time to help with the ascension of Mother Earth and humanity. I have taken all of my creative power back and I am manifesting the New Earth through my pure heart and mind. Everything that has been lost has returned. Knowing my higher self is the greatest gift of all. I have been restored and all things shall be made New! It is Finished, The New Earth has been birthed.
Christ Consciousness has returned and it is here in full effect. It is your choice to believe or not to believe.