333 Light Code Transmissions!

The light codes/scripts is written by the Source/the Creator. Light codes are sent from the Source in the form of photon light. I am speaking from the Galactic Command Center in the Milky Way Galactic Core. Stationed here is a Enormous Mothership where light beings operate from and exchange information from other galaxies in the Universe. All knowledge and wisdom is stored at the center of each galaxy. The Galactic Center stores all living experiences within itself from all living conscious beings and lifeforms throughout the galaxy. A Galaxy consists of a network of Suns (stars) and Planets that are interconnected together. All is energy and all is light (information). There are beings of light that upload and store information to the core of all Suns, Planets, Galaxies and Universes.

The Earth’s contain a living library filled with records of all life that has ever existed on this planet. The Earth’s core is a crystalline structure made of sacred geometry. There is a Mothership stationed at the center or at Zero Point. There is a command center inside of the Earth where light beings work and gather. Light ships travel to and from the center of the Earth. There are light chamber stations for light body activations and resurrection chambers on the light ships. There are multiple layers or levels on Earth’s Mothership. The Mothership extends through all dimensions on the Earth. All souls that incarnate on the Earth enter here through their Merkaba (Light Body Ship). Your merkaba traveled here to the womb/belly of the Mother Earth, which is the center of the Earth. Your merkaba or light ship stations itself within the Earth’s energy field until you are ready to be activated and reunited with your higher self on the light ship.

All of your light can’t descend in a physical body. There is infinite light within your higher self/god self and it can’t be contained in one vessel which is why a fragment of your being is birthed here in the 3rd dimension. You actually exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously. There are parallel worlds/universes where you are experiencing other realities and there are multiple timelines happening at the same time. Remember you are an infinite light being experiencing life throughout time and space. There are many portals and pathways from the Earth’s core. There is a light grid on the Earth where sparks of light (souls) travels. You are a spark of light that entered the physical world through a physical body and you traveled through portals. When your body was formed inside the womb of your Earthly Mother, all the instructions of life were placed and stored within the cells in your physical body. The cells of the human body carries all of the information for creating your human body. All of your cells are embedded in light codes and your DNA carries information including memories of previous lifetimes or incarnations on other worlds or previous incarnations on this Earth.

Here is one perspective of how our energetic body or light body receives light code transmissions. The Sun is like a projector of our physical reality, it is like the pineal gland in the center of our brain projecting beams of light through the crown chakra in all directions. For example, you are a Sun projecting infinite rays of light into space. Your pineal gland is a cosmic antenna and it sends and receives signals in the Universe. It sends out waves of energy and your thoughts ride on the waves of energy in the infinite ocean of space. We are able to communicate telepathically to other beings in the universe. We can send out photons of light and receive photons of light. Information travels from sun to sun, star system to star system, galaxy to galaxy and universe to universe. No matter the distance information can be transmitted instantaneously through electrons which is how we are able to pick up on information as multidimensional beings. I can receive information immediately within any dimension or any point in time if I am tuned in.

For example, information was released from the Galactic Center during the Galactic Alignment which occurred on 12-21-12. It traveled though the Pleiades Star System to the Sirius star system to our Sun and solar system down to the Earth’s Core. Our Sun received information from the Source Code then released it as photons to the Earth as light codes. The photons carry encrypted messages/scripts to the receivers. The receivers are us! It is best to have your pineal gland activated so you can tune into the light messages and receive the incoming light codes that are being sent by the angels/light beings. I received a massive upload, download and light body activation during a solar flare transmission. I was brought online and reconnected to the Earth’s command center. I reunited with my light ship at my appointed time. I was dormant or sleep in my light chamber on the Mothership until I was ready to be activated. It was all scheduled before I incarnated on the earth. It was all planned. Light beings travel in their light ships to the 4 corners of Earth assisting humanity. They have the ability to release the light codes from their ships.

The codes are being sent to individuals and groups in the appointed times. For example, the 144,000 is a collective group of souls who are on the same mission. They are all interconnected and they receive uploads and downloads. It is a collective consciousness and they all work together on releasing the information. The light codes are stored within our energetic body and it is transmitted to our physical body. The physical body downloads the light codes within our DNA cells. The light codes are programmed to activate our light bodies during certain times. There is an appointed time for everything under the Sun. Our DNA executes or activates the light codes within and the information is released in our body. If there is a blockage in our chakra system, our physical body can’t operate properly. So we must work on clearing our energetic fields and removing any blockages.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333-The Magenta Ray Angel-Galactic Center Star Gate Keeper -Commander LoveJoy, Member of the Council of New Jerusalem Mothership

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