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Month: May 2020
The Ancient Ones Have Returned! Day 2 Meditation on my Soul’s Journey!
While reviewing the Ancient Records of the past I have learned alot of things through the testimonies of my Ancient Ancestors. While many people reject and deny the writings of the ancestors I have become wise over time, seeking all KNOWLEDGE using discernment because WISDOM is present in all things. Learning never ends for me…
Thousands upon thousands of ships are Arriving!
There are countless chariots or spaceships that travel through the Universe. There is life found in other star systems and there are many extraterrestrial races or beings that come from distant planets. Many different extraterrestrial races have traveled to our Solar System for space exploration seeking resources and several other things. At this moment in…
40 Day Fast Begins may 23, 2020: Restoration of the Temple and the children of Israel!
Shalom Brothers and Sisters! The 40 Day fast begins for me as I go on another journey. When I do my fasts I meditate on many things that has happened in my life. I deeply reflect on my soul’s journey since my spiritual awakening by going back to past experiences to see how I have…
Knock at heaven’s Door: Yahshua stands at the gate (Portal)
Truly I can say that Yahshua stands at the door and knock! In the past before my spiritual awakening I raised my voice to the higher heavens and I called out for help because I felt like my soul was trapped in bondage! At that moment in Time Yahshua found me ashamed, shattered, lost and…
Humanity’s healing: Return to the Earthly Mother and her angels
Shalom Brothers and Sisters, according to the Gospel of Peace, No one sees the light of life, for all men are diseased! Clearly this is a message that that humanity needs to heal the physical body. We have all suffered in the body and I know that our Earthly 🌍 Mother can heal us all if we…
Higher Self Sending Light Codes through the Sun!
My Higher Self 😇 is sending more Light Codes through our Sun ☀️ for DNA 🧬Activation! I am establishing a time for myself to review my own records 👁 so I can evaluate the progression of my soul! We are all here expressing and exploring ourselves in the 3rd dimension. I will be aligning with my Stargate ⭐️soon which means I will be…
Reflecting on the Lotus Flower Dream! Wisdom come forth!
I had a vision and my body was vibrating intensely. A colorful owl 🦉 flew out of me, landed on my dresser, looked at me and said, “Now is the Time! I was then shown that I had the gift of telekinesis. I worked on my powers in the dream and when I tried to show others…
DNA Activation and our ancestors!
Most people won’t understand this post because most people are not aware of DNA activation! Many people have the ability to unlock and access their own DNA🧬 records! Most people talk about their ancestors being their spirit guides yet they don’t even know where their ancestors came from! Most people are unaware of the Annunaki or…
Dream on 4-29-2020: DNA Records and Egypt HIEROGLYPHICS!
Exactly 2 weeks ago, on April 29, 2020 I had a dream where I was in a empty room and my consciousness was observing the space. In the room I saw the word Love on the wall. It was the same image that is hanging on my wall in my home. I was greatly puzzled…
Dreams can Guide us and teach us: Akashic review!
Our dreams can help guide us in our life! They can help us solve problems, receive insights and higher teachings from higher dimensions even parallel worlds. We can learn about ourselves by connecting to our higher self on a deeper level! It is important that we become more in tune with our dream time. The truth…