8 Year Spiritual Anniversary! July 2, 2012 -July 2, 2020

Today makes 8 years since my spiritual awakening! I will never forget what happened to me on July 2, 2012. Also there was a solar flare that occurred the same day as my awakening which was interesting to me. Then 2 days later my spirit was caught up to the Sun! ☀️I traveled around the Sun and saw the fire ?of the Sun! I was like the angel of the Sun and I was One with it!

I had several dreams during 7 days and I was taken out of body. I returned somewhere which I believe was a Mothership and I was talking to some beings. I was sent here on a mission. All that I experienced during those 7 days changed my whole reality! I will never return to my old ways because I have been awakened to the truth! I even had to face my own inner demons to be set free from spiritual bondage. I went through Spiritual Purification and it transformed my entire life. I even felt dark forces around me and they said they were after me since I was born! They were trying to take me out! I went through a spiritual battle and it was the scariest moment in my life. I never knew how much evil and darkness was in the world until I saw it for myself.

Thank God for my family on Earth and my Star Family in heaven because they all were present and intervened. I saw the angels at work in real time because I was operating in heaven and on earth simultaneously! I even said in spirit, “It is finished.” I said those words on July 4, 2012. I overcame the enemy and the curse was broken. I realized that I was seeing the past and the future in my visions! There is much more to this but I will just wait for the appointed time so people can see for themselves what I have been trying to tell them. People have mocked the chosen ones throughout the ages but in the near future you will see why they were warning you of the things to come so you can be prepared!

I am just a messenger angel and I volunteered for this mission and I was chosen by the Most High! It all occurred to me when I heard from the council on the Mothership. I was sent here to awaken my brothers and sisters and yet I got attacked by them. I’ve learned so much in 8 years and I am progressing spiritually!

Written by Goddess of Love

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