Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! Ressurection!

Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! I am gaining more insight searching through my own records.

As I lay in my bed on 7/6/2019 suddenly my third eye opens. Deep into my mind’s eye, a vortex opens and my consciousness travels. What do I see? My body is laying on the surface of the earth. Where is my location? I am on the ground. What am I feeling? I am one with Mother Earth! I am in the Earth. Suddenly, the earth’s crust is broken up like there’s been a great earthquake. What caused the earthquake? My awakening. My merkaba activated inside of the Earth. I am being raised up to heaven/the sky. It sounds like I am describing a resurrection. As I accelerate through earth’s atmosphere, I notice chunks of rocks alongside me. No longer am I bound; I am free. In that moment, I am aware that I am inside of a wheel that is rotating.  The spinning wheel is my light ship, my merkaba, I am aware that I have been activated. I am in the Earth’s atmosphere and my merkaba is rotating. First thought was, “What goes up must come down!”

I wanted to descend below to see what was stored in the heart of the Earth. I shifted my consciousness to the center of the Earth. I felt my energy field rotating and it pointed in the opposite direction. I could sense my built-in navigational system within my merkaba. My consciousness is the heart of my merkaba. I am the source of power within my light vehicle. This experience was programmed through activation codes that I sent myself through Time.

When I was in the atmosphere of Earth I felt light as a feather, free in space more specifically not bound by Earth’s gravity. I could travel freely and explore what was in my heart.

Next the command was given in the ship, and my code was activated!  Just like you have a password that gives you access to your personal things likewise does your merkaba. You create an access code. Everything that you do in this life, or another is recorded, all memories are stored. You carry your records with you everywhere you go. So, guess what that means, my etheric library is filled with many books. I am the force creating and expanding inner space. As my consciousness expands so does the Universe. My shelves in halls of wisdom are getting filled with more light (knowledge) so I need more space to build/create.  Before you know it, the merkaba will have all the information that it needs to create a Sun, then an entire system. Just like you have files stored on your computer I have files stored in my merkaba. DNA stores information. My consciousness has been accessing DNA records. I’ve experienced myself traveling along the structure of dna.

Separate vision. Sirius Starship beamed information to me. Access code was given. I went somewhere stationed near a Sun. Maybe I was carrying some information to a Source, most likely to store it there.  Anyways, countless ships were present, then I accessed the bottom of my ship. At the bottom of the ship, I saw a magenta hexagon pattern. It spiraled opened and I went into a room within the ship. I gave myself a symbol as I was ascending. I created an identity for myself as a goddess of Love, Light and Wisdom. Operating through the magenta ray in the field, there were Magenta hearts descending around me. I felt the love in my ship. I am the source of love. I am love energy. So, what would I create? The symbol of a heart. Where is my location? I was at the center. I create a language that I can comprehend. Learn from this. Keep it simple don’t make it complicated. As I went into this space, my consciousness created a room. How? Information is stored within me, right? So that means I have the knowledge on how to form and create certain structures through geometry. I used a simple cube to create a room. Simple right? Ok, moving on. If I don’t know how to build something I will just call on the architects in the Universe. It’s great to know people, right? One great architect I know is Thoth (Ningishzida), who did he learn from? His Father, Enki. You get where I am going. Case closed. Review your ancestral records and seek those who have the skillset to help you. Not going to spend so much time on something that another being has mastered and is willing to help other souls if they have pure intentions. We all have gifts that we specialize in. I will focus more on my spiritual gifts and how I can assist the universe. I am doing that now and I probably have created different ways on how I can send a message to reach certain souls who are willing to receive information as they progress on their soul’s journey. I have experienced high or low vibrations so no judgement here, call me a spiritual guide to help you get back on the right path. I can be here teaching in 3D, 4D or 5D or beyond. How? I am a multidimensional being.

Back to the hall of records. As I was scrolling through the records I literally saw everything that I have collected through time to store on my shelves in the hall of records. This vision occurred as a reminder. Simply to remember the knowledge of the Merkaba and the information that’s stored in the halls of records. While humans fight against each other I am doing other things. Everyone’s focus is different on Earth, and we are all projecting different realities. Don’t get trapped in someone’s reality. Focus, focus, focus on your soul’s journey.  I was told by my crew, focus, no distractions. Did I get distracted? Yep, plenty of times. What did they do? They created an event that caused me to focus and to get back on mission. Anyways, if I traveled back to earth through time from the future, this only means one thing, I am here to gather more information because I am trying to create something else. While I am here I might as well complete other missions and enjoy life on Earth.

All the knowledge I have obtained, explored, stored on this Earth over time is automatically transferred to my merkaba. I store EVERYTHING, the good and the bad. Also, I want to throw this out there I don’t believe in letting random people have access to your records. You must fully trust them and know their full intentions. They must be pure hearted. I will open my records and provide information to you at my will. I am the record keeper, and I will place certain guardians at my gate to guard my sacred temple. I have to fully trust them.

Now my journey begins to the underworld chambers of Egypt. Higher self only released small details for me to remember for teaching purposes. My posts are to be thought-provoking. I am here to stimulate your higher mind, open the pineal gland, and touch your heart in a way that inspires you to seek knowledge and wisdom.

As I descended at a fast rate in the land of Egypt I entered through the halls of the Earth. The gate (portal) was opened, and I traveled recall traveling through a vortex of purple light. Notice how I gave a clue. The purple light represents the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Violet relates to self-knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality and your higher consciousness. Want to know more? Look it up, information on the Crown Chakra is stored online. Many people have created websites, blogs, books etc. No excuse for humans. You have access to Earth’s living library. Moving along.

I saw walls of hieroglyphics and pillars spread throughout the halls of the temple. There were rooms filled with treasures of Egypt, all sacred knowledge and wisdom was stored within the rooms of this etheric temple. I was traveling through the space within the earth, and it felt like I was underwater traveling on a boat. This could be an indication of a possible merkaba journey as I or an ancestor of mine was traveling through the afterlife in the land of Egypt. The soul was probably guided through the information that was stored in the etheric temples of Egypt. As I was there, I realized, space is like an infinite ocean and my consciousness was traveling through some type of fluid. Just simply imagine a submarine deep in the ocean. My consciousness was observing all the ancient knowledge and wisdom within the secret chambers in the underworld. It appeared that I had entered a hidden dimension. I don’t think everyone has access to this unless given. You must protect your treasures. We already know certain people like to steal from original creators. But I saw many symbols, the Sphinx, statues of a Pharaoh etc. What was in ancient Egypt was copied and stored in the Etheric temples. The physical and etheric structures were formed and created at the same time. Everything starts with a Thought, right? Thought creates reality. It was created at the same time. For example, “Who build the Great Pyramids of Egypt?” Well, there are ancient records that provides the answer to this. Thoth said, he build the pyramids in the Emerald Tablets. Why is everyone acting like they don’t know who build the pyramids? And people are still stuck on this. People spend to much time seeking answers to questions that were already answered. If he is the original creator than apparently, he is the original gate keeper. He will grant access to the temple as he sees fit. Get to know him on a personal level and make sure your heart is always pure.

I traveled from room to room and each room had different information stored within them. As I continued through the halls of the Earth, I noticed different portals would open in front of me as I passed through the rooms. I saw rooms filled with scarabs, scorpions and one room that was interesting was a just room of floating triangles. There were rooms filled with sacred geometry. So much was stored there that I couldn’t capture it all to bring back when I woke up. The whole point of the dream was to remind me know of the hidden world in the land of Egypt. Just glad I was given a little peak, my heart was attracted to Thoth, the pyramids and all the knowledge and wisdom stored in Egypt. I figured Thoth granted me access. I continued to travel through the portals which led me to a purple crystalline core. It felt like I journeyed to the center of the Earth, and I traveled through the purple ray. There are many portals throughout the Mother Earth, and I felt like I was one with the heart of the earth. Some people experience different things when they travel out of body, and one must question, “Which ray of light were you traveling through? You have Upper and Lower Chakras. You will experience different realities depending on your vibrational frequency. Stay in high vibrations. I was told to put on a purple robe and walk in it. I see why I was told this.

Written by Sophia ( Wisdom) 333 -Latisha W.