Category Archives: 13 Repentance Prayers of Sophia

50 Day Dedication: Balancing Mind, Body and Soul

John 14:26, “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

As of Sunday April 1st, 2018 I begin my 50 day dedication for balancing my mind, body and soul. I’ve decided to put forth all of my efforts into  balancing my whole being. I desire to be in complete alignment with the Creator. I desire to be made whole, to be in perfect balance, made perfect and complete. The 50th day ends on May 20, 2018 which is the day of Pentecost. That date is interesting to me because May 20, 2017 was the date that I was supposed to get married but the wedding was delayed. Still don’t have a definite date yet. I am waiting on the Creator to tell me when it’s time. But May 20, 2018 is the day that represents my transformation by the Holy Spirit. It represents my oneness with the Mother of the Universe as I have allowed the Holy Spirit to dwell in me.

Many people always reference the Holy Spirit as a He, but I reference the Holy Spirit as a She. It really doesn’t matter because at the end of the day the Mother and the Father are one! The Creator is energy and can manifest in any form, even the physical form if desired. If you separate the Creator, or individualize the two energies you have the masculine (male) energy and feminine  (female) energy. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” You have to understand the beginning before you can understand the end. Hopefully you understand that man (male and female) were made in the Creator’s image. We (human beings) are the manifestation of these 2 energies. The Creator created and formed the perfect human image which is our light body or spiritual body which is stored in heaven for our return. The Creator has two images, only for identity purposes, the male and female image which we see in our human image. We are a reflection of the Creator.

So to identify the Holy Trinity for me, The Mother is the Holy Spirit, and you have the Father and the Son. To go further the Creator not only has a Son but the Creator has a Daughter. It appears the woman is always left out of the picture but the woman is a Goddess in her higher manifestation in the Kingdom of Heaven. We are all sons and daughters of the Creator. For the 2 witnesses (old and new testament) shall testify- Psalms 82:6 states, I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.  John 10:34 states, Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

The truth is that we are all gods and goddesses in our higher forms. I know my true self, therefore I know I am light being. I know this because I desired to understand Yahshua’s teaching. I know that I am One with the Creator. I understand why Yahshua said he was One with the Father, and if you have seen him you have seen the Father. I get it. It was even shown to me in a dream. I was called to the throne and I ran to the Father with so much excitement.  I saw myself as a child when I ran to him then suddenly I manifested in an adult form and I saw another image of the Father and he was in the form of Yahshua, the Son. I sat next to Yahshua on the throne and I didn’t want to leave his side.

My interest was in heavenly things and I wanted to go to heaven with him. In the dream he took me to a door and he showed me the way to heaven through a portal. I saw light at the end of the tunnel or portal.  I always talk about this dream because when I am down he gives me hope. He told me he would return back to me tomorrow and I held on to his promise. I believe in his words alone. He is the only one that has never hurt me. He never lied to me, he only shows me unconditional love no matter what I have done in my life. He has protected me from all danger. He has kept me safe.

Even though Yahshua didn’t return to me within 24hrs, he has been protecting me and guiding me from above. He returned recently to give me a message and he met with me face to face in a dream. It has been 5 years since I met with him face to face. It took a long time for him to return but he did return. Please read  Dream March 21, 2018: Will You Be My Bride?Truly he is the true manifestation of Love and he taught his disciples the truth by setting an example of the true nature of God. The 5 years reminds me of the 5500 years in the First Book of Adam and Eve.

CHAP. XXXVIII: AFTER these things the Word of God came to Adam, and said unto him:– “O Adam, as to the fruit of the Tree of Life, for which thou askest, I will not give it thee now, but when the 5500 years are fulfilled. Then will I give thee of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and thou shalt eat, and live for ever, thou, and Eve, and thy righteous seed.

It is totally amazing how Yahshua was talking about his incarnation on the earth and how he would come to save us. He was in the beginning and he will come in the end.  I love how the Holy Spirit leads me. I have invited the Holy Spirit to descend upon me many times.  The first time I invited the Holy Spirit in my home was on July 3, 2012. I actually opened my door and invited the Holy Spirit to come in my home, it was after I experienced an eye opening event. I was Eve and I was led back to the gate of heaven by a female angel but I didn’t enter through the gate because I was just beginning my mission and I was awakening from a deep sleep.  I was reminded of my true form which was pure and clean and I knew where my home was. The message that I was given when I appeared as Eve was to be patient while being in this world. I know for a fact that I must endure through the trials and tribulations in this world until it’s time for me to return. Revelation 14:12, “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

I know I am not from this world, I am from above. It was during the week of my spiritual awakening when I finally realized I am a multidimensional being. On that day I was operating in two dimensions at the same time. It’s like my higher self and lower self merged as One. I was aware that it was me but it had to be a higher form of me because I was just awakening to my higher self that day.  My higher self took over for sure because I specifically remember my higher self stating that she knew what was happening but my lower self was confused. It was weird but I trusted the Creator at this time of my life and I knew to keep my focus directly on the Creator. Apparently I knew all of this before I was incarnated on the earth. Everything was aligned, and it had to be planned before I was born. I even said that this was happening to the 144,000, the 12,000 in each tribe of Israel. My lower self did not understand this at all at that time. The spirit was speaking through me.

But my family was gathered in my home and they prayed for me. All were women who gathered with me to pray. They were even speaking in tongues that night. Surely the Holy Spirit filled my home. It was amazing to see them speak in an unknown language. That night I had holy angels surrounding me, we were joined in a circle and I could feel their presence in my home. This was just the beginning of my transformation. After midnight, my higher self actually merged with me and I was off balance for a while. I was operating in 2 realms at the same time. It was interesting because I literally thought I could fly, but it revealed my powers in my higher form. It’s so cool that my higher self was revealed as an angel.

I had wings to fly. The wings represents flight and ascension and it awakens me to my light body.

I was in the middle of rescuing someone that I loved.  So much was revealed to me that night, from creating a world to giving birth to a perfect child or an angel. Everything is starting to come together in my life. It now makes me look at the wall of Egypt in a new way. So many images were left behind of beings with wings.  The ancients ones or our ancestors have been sending us messages. The wise will understand and the wicked corrupts wisdom.

It brings back an experience that I had in February. Please read Portal Opened February 16, 2018.  

A wall appeared before me and it actually resembles that picture, I saw alot of different things on the wall and I know that it did remind me of ancient Egypt,  I went back through time. There is definitely alot of wisdom on the walls of Egypt. There is wisdom all over the world, our ancient ancestors left alot of knowledge for us, we just have to unlock the mysteries. The pieces of the puzzles is everywhere.

So with that said I will spend my 50 days of dedication seeking the Creator, and I will work on myself. I will work on balancing my mind, body and soul. I have been learning about the chakra centers in my body and I believe I have identified which chakra is blocked. I truly desire a physical healing so please pray for me. I’m not afraid to say that I have been suffering from a hormone imbalance in my body. It’s a struggle and there’s alot of women who suffer from this.  Truly balancing the chakras is the key to wholeness by bringing the mind, body and soul in complete alignment. It seem like I have been doing quite well with my mind and my soul but I struggle with this physical body but I understand that I must endure through it all. I need physical healing but it’s not about me. I desire for the whole world to be healed. In time this will happen. I leave you with this my dear ones.

In Pistis Sophia, The Savior answered and said unto Peter: “Finely, Peter; this is the solution of her repentance. Blessed are ye before all men on the earth, because I have revealed unto you these mysteries. Amēn, amen, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all fullness from the mysteries of the interior to the mysteries of the exterior and fill you with the spirit, so that ye shall be called ‘spiritual, perfected in all fullness.


The Holy Spirit Comes

Acts 2: 1-13 states, “On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.  And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. They were completely amazed. “How can this be?” they exclaimed. “These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages! Here we are—Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, the province of Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and the areas of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), Cretans, and Arabs. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other.  But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, “They’re just drunk, that’s all!”

There is a wealth of knowledge in this world at this time brothers and sisters. Take the time to learn because it’s all being revealed in our time. Wisdom and knowledge has been given to All people who have lived on this earth, in every language, nation and tribe of people on this earth. We are in the time of KNOWING! The mysteries are being revealed. Knowledge has increased greatly and the light body revelation is spreading very quickly around the entire world. People are waking up and having experiences, even of things that they can’t explain. The merging is taking place! This is definitely the time to seek knowledge. It’s time that you know who you are. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!  The ancients left us alot of information. READ, READ, READ and meditate on heavenly things. There are so many ancient books for us to read. Find what interests you and the Holy Spirit will speak to your soul. The Holy Spirit will guide us all  when we seek Truth. The Holy Spirit will give us understanding in time. Be patient! Truly the Holy Spirit is a gift sent from heaven and she is here with us all! Love you all!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light <<<333>>>

The Exodus and The Destroyer

Shalom brothers and sisters. I want to share some information on the Exodus and the Destroyer. There is a connection between the two and I hope people can see what happened in the past and what will happen in the near future when the Destroyer returns and when Yahshua returns at the end of the age.

Exodus 7:1-6 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.  And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.  But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.  And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, so did they.

The Book of Manuscript 


The dark days began with the last visitation of The Destroyer and they were foretold by strange omens in the skies. All men were silent and went about with pale faces. The leaders of the slaves which had built a city to the glory of Thom stirred up unrest, and no man raised his arm against them. They foretold great events of which the people were ignorant and of which the temple seers were not informed. These were days of ominous calm, when the people waited for they knew not what. The presence of an unseen doom was felt, the hearts of men were stricken. Laughter was heard no more and grief and wailing sounded throughout the land. Even the voices of children were stilled and they did not play together, but stood silent. The slaves became bold and insolent and women were the possession of any man. Fear walked the land and women became barren with terror, they could not conceive, and those with child aborted. All men closed up within themselves.

The days of stillness were followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the Heavens, and the people became as frightened beasts without a herdsman, as asses when lions prowl without their fold. The people spoke of the God of the slaves, and reckless men said. “If we knew where this God were to be found, we would sacrifice to him”. But the God of the slaves was not among them. He was not to be found within the swamplands or in the brickpits. His manifestation was in the Heavens for all men to see, but they did not see with understanding. Nor would any God listen, for all were dumb because of the hypocrisy of men.

The dead were no longer sacred and were thrown into the waters. Those already entombed were neglected and many became exposed. They lay unprotected against the hands of thieves. He who once toiled long in the sun, bearing the yoke himself, now possessed oxen. He who grew no grain now owned a storehouse full. He who once dwelt at ease among his children now thirsted for water. He who once sat in the sun with crumbs and dregs was now bloated with food, he reclined in the shade, his bowls overflowing. Cattle were left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their neighbours. No man owned anything. The public records were cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves and who were masters. The people cried out to the Pharaoh in their distress, but he stopped his ears and acted like a deaf man. There were those who spoke falsely before Pharaoh and had Gods hostile towards the land, therefore the people cried out for their blood to appease it. But it was not these strange priests who put strife in the land instead of peace, for one was even of the household of Pharaoh and walked among the people unhampered. Dust and smoke clouds darkened the sky and colored the waters upon which they fell with a bloody hue. Plague was throughout the land, the river was bloody and blood was everywhere. The water was vile and men’s stomachs shrank from drinking. Those who did drink from the river vomited it up, for it was polluted.

The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth so let’s verify this. Is this testimony true? Exodus 7:14-25 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharaoh’s heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river’s brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand. And thou shalt say unto him, The Lord God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness: and, behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear. Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river. And the Lord spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone.

 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the Lord commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the Lord had said. And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to this also. And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river. And seven days were fulfilled, after that the Lord had smitten the river.

The dust tore wounds in the skin of man and beast. In the glow of The Destroyer the Earth was filled with redness. Vermin bred and filled the air and face of the Earth with loathsomeness. Wild beasts, afflicted with torments under the lashing sand and ashes, came out of their lairs in the wastelands and caveplaces and stalked the abodes of men. All the tame beasts whimpered and the land was filled with the cries of sheep and moans of cattle.

Exodus 9:8-11 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh.  And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt. And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast.  And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boil was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians.”

Trees, throughout the land, were destroyed and no herb or fruit was to be found. The face of the land was battered and devastated by a hail of stones which smashed down all that stood in the path of the torrent. They swept down in hot showers, and strange flowing fire ran along the ground in their wake. The fish of the river died in the polluted waters; worms, insects and reptiles sprang up from the Earth in huge numbers. Great gusts of wind brought swarms of locusts which covered the sky.

Plague of Frogs

Exodus 8:1-6 states, And the Lord spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me.  And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs:  And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs:  And the frogs shall come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy servants.  And the Lord spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.

 Plague of Lice

Exodus 8:16-17 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.”

 Plague of Flies

Exodus 8:20-24 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; lo, he cometh forth to the water; and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me. Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground whereon they are. And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth. And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be. And the Lord did so; and there came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants’ houses, and into all the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies.”

 Plague of hail

Exodus 9:22-26, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven, that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egypt. And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field. Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail.”

Plague of Locusts

Exodus 10:12-15 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath left. And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an east wind upon the land all that day, and all that night; and when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts. And the locust went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such. For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left: and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt.”

As the Destroyer flung itself through the Heavens, it blew great gusts of cinders across the face of the land. The gloom of a long night spread a dark mantle of blackness which extinguished every ray of light. None knew when it was day and when it was night, for the sun cast no shadow. The darkness was not the clean blackness of night, but a thick darkness in which the breath of men was stopped in their throats. Men gasped in a hot cloud of vapor which enveloped all the land and snuffed out all lamps and fires. Men were benumbed and lay moaning in their beds. None spoke to another or took food, for they were overwhelmed with despair. Ships were sucked away from their moorings and destroyed in great whirlpools. It was a time of undoing.

3 days of Darkness…Exodus 10:21-23 states, “And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.”

The Earth turned over, as clay spun upon a potter’s wheel. The whole land was filled with uproar from the thunder of The Destroyer overhead and the cry of the people. There as the sound of moaning and lamentation on every side. The Earth spewed up its dead, corpses were cast up out of their resting places and the embalmed were revealed to the sight of all men. Pregnant women miscarried and the seed of men was stopped. The craftsman left his task undone, the potter abandoned his wheel and the carpenter his tools, and they departed to dwell in the marshes. All crafts were neglected and the slaves lured the craftsmen away. The dues of Pharaoh could not be collected, for there was neither wheat nor barley, goose nor fish. The rights of Pharaoh could not be enforced, for the fields of grain and the pastures were destroyed. The highborn and the lowly prayed together that life might come to an end and the turmoil and thundering cease to beat upon their ears. Terror was the companion of men by day and horror their companion by night. Men lost their senses and became mad, they were distracted by frightfulness.

On the great night of The Destroyer’s wrath, when its terror was at its height, there was a hail of rocks and the Earth heaved as pain rent her bowels. Gates, columns and walls were consumed by fire and the statues of Gods were overthrown and broken. People fled outside their dwellings in fear and were slain by the hail. Those who took shelter from the hail were swallowed when the Earth split open. The habitations of men collapsed upon those inside and there was panic on every hand, but the slaves who lived in huts in the reedlands, at the place of pits, were spared. The land burnt like tinder, a man watched upon his rooftops and the Heavens hurled wrath upon him and he died.

In the end at the height of Yah’s wrath (read Revelation 16:1-14) the 7th bowl will be poured out on the earth.  Yahshua will come to save his people in the end during the last trumpet. Revelation 16:15-21 states, “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.  And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.  And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” Yahshua says it is done on the 7th bowl/vial and he said the same thing in the ninth hour (3pm) when he gave up his spirit on Passover Day and there was darkness in the land and there was an earthquake and the dead bodies came out of the grave.

 Matthew 27:51-54 states, “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus (Yahshua), saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

John 19:29-30 states, “Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.  When Jesus (Yahshua) therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. In the end we must have the seal of God in our foreheads to be safe from the Destroyer and his plagues. Yahshua is the Passover Lamb and he have the power to deliver you from God’s wrath in the end. The Blood of Yahshua saves you and I hope you have faith in him because he will be your savior on the Day of the Lord. I’m sure that you don’t want the destroyer to enter your houses in the last days.

Exodus 12:21-23 states, “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the Destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

The land writhed under the wrath of The Destroyer and groaned with the agony of Egypt. It shook itself and the temples and palaces of the nobles were thrown down from their foundations. The highborn ones perished in the midst of the ruins and all the strength of the land was stricken. Even the great one, the first born of Pharaoh, died with the highborn in the midst of the terror and falling stones.

Exodus 12:29-31 states, “And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead. And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said.

 The children of princes were cast out into the streets and those who were not cast out died within their abodes. There were nine days of darkness and upheaval, while a tempest raged such as never had been known before. When it passed away brother buried brother throughout the land. Men rose up against those in authority and fled from the cities to dwell in tents in the outlands. Egypt lacked great men to deal with the times. The people were weak from fear and bestowed gold, silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise and copper upon the slaves, and to their priests they gave chalices, urns and ornaments.

Exodus 11:2-3 states, “Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neighbor, and every woman of her neighbor, jewels of silver and jewels of gold. And the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants, and in the sight of the people.”

Pharaoh alone remained calm and strong in the midst of confusion. The people turned to wickedness in their weakness and despair. Harlots walked through the streets unashamed. Women paraded their limbs and flaunted their womanly charms. Highborn women were in rags and the virtuous were mocked.

Wickedness will continue to increase in the earth in the end days. This is a sign to this generation. 2 timothy 3:2-5 states, “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

The slaves spared by The Destroyer left the accursed land forthwith. Their multitude moved in the gloom of a half dawn, under a mantle of fine swirling grey ash, leaving the burnt fields and shattered cities behind them. Many Egyptians attached themselves to the host, for one who was great led them forth, a priest prince of the inner courtyard. Fire mounted up on high and its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It rose up from the ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain in the sky. In seven days, by Remwar the accursed ones journeyed to the waters. They crossed the heaving wilderness while the hills melted around them; above, the skies were torn with lightning. They were sped by terror, but their feet became entangled in the land and the wilderness shut them in. They knew not the way, for no sign was constant before them.

Exodus 14:1-3 states, “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.”

They turned before Noshari and stopped at Shokoth, the place of quarries. They passed the waters of Maha and came by the valley of Pikaroth, northward of Mara. They came up against the waters which blocked their way and their hearts were in despair. The night was a night of fear and dread, for there was a high moaning above and black winds from the underworld were loosed, and fire sprang up from the ground. The hearts of the slaves shrank within them, for they knew the wrath of Pharaoh followed them and that there was no way of escape. They hurled abuse on those who led them, strange rites were performed along the shore that night. The slaves disputed among themselves and there was violence.

Pharaoh had gathered his army and followed the slaves. After he departed there were riots and disorders behind him, for the cities were plundered. The laws were cast out of the judgment halls and trampled underfoot in the streets. The storehouses and granaries were burst open and robbed. Roads were flooded and none could pass along them. People lay dead on every side. The palace was split and the princes and officials fled, so that none was left with authority to command. The lists of numbers were destroyed, public places were overthrown and households became confused and unknown.

Pharaoh pressed on in sorrow, for behind him all was desolation and death. Before him were things he could not understand and he was afraid, but he carried himself well and stood before his host with courage. He sought to bring back the slaves, for the people said their magic was greater than the magic of Egypt. The host of Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from them by a breath of fire. A great cloud was spread over the hosts and darkened the sky. None could see, except for the fiery glow and the unceasing lightnings which rent the covering cloud overhead.

A whirlwind arose in the East and swept over the encamped hosts. A gale raged all night and in the red twilit dawn there was a movement of the Earth, the waters receded from the seashore and were rolled back on themselves. There was a strange silence and men, in the gloom, it was seen that the waters had parted, leaving a passage between. The land had risen, but it was disturbed and trembled, the way was not straight or clear. The waters about were as if spun within a bowl, the swampland alone remained undisturbed. From the horn of The Destroyer came a high shrilling noise which stopped the ears of men.

The slaves had been making sacrifices in despair, their lamentations were loud. Now, before the strange sight, there was hesitation and doubt; for the space of a breath they stood still and silent. Then all was confusion and shouting, some pressing forward into the waters against all who sought to flee back from the unstable ground. Then, in exaltation, their leader led them into the midst of the waters through the confusion. Yet many sought to turn back into the host behind them, while others fled along the empty shores.

All became still over the sea and upon the shore, but behind, the Earth shook and boulders split with a great noise. The wrath of Heaven was removed to a distance and stood upwards of the two hosts. Still the host of Pharaoh held its ranks, firm in resolve before the strange and awful happenings, and undaunted by the fury which raged by their side. Stern faces were lit darkly by the fiery curtain.
Then the fury departed and there was silence, stillness spread over the land while the host of Pharaoh stood without movement in the red glow. Then, with a shout, the captains went forward and the host rose up behind them. The curtain of fire had rolled up into a dark billowing cloud which spread out as a canopy. There was a stirring of the waters, but they followed the evildoers past the place of the great whirlpool.

The passage was confused in the midst of the waters and the ground beneath unstable. Here, in the midst of a tumult of waters, Pharaoh fought against the hindmost of the slaves and prevailed over them, and there was a great slaughter amid the sand, the swamp and the water. The slaves cried out in despair, but their cries were unheeded. Their possessions were scattered behind them as they fled, so that the way was easier for them than for those who followed.

Then the stillness was broken by a mighty roar and through the rolling pillars of cloud the wrath of The Destroyer descended upon the hosts. The Heavens roared as with a thousand thunders, the bowels of the Earth were sundered and Earth shrieked its agony. The cliffs were torn away and cast down. The dry ground fell beneath the waters and great waves broke upon the shore, sweeping in rocks from seaward. The great surge of rocks and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the Egyptians who went before the footmen. The chariot of the Pharaoh was hurled into the air as if by a mighty hand and was crushed in the midst of the rolling waters.
Tidings of the disaster came back by Rageb, son of Thomat, who hastened on ahead of the terrified survivors because of his burning. He brought reports unto the people that the host had been destroyed by blast and deluge. The captains had gone, the strong men had fallen and none remained to command. Therefore, the people revolted because of the calamities which had befallen them. Cowards slunk from their lairs and came forth boldly to assume the high offices of the dead. Comely and noble women, their protectors gone, were their prey. Of the slaves the greater number had perished before the host of Pharaoh.

The broken land lay helpless and invaders came out of the gloom like carrion. A strange people came up against Egypt and none stood to fight, for strength and courage were gone. The invaders, led by Alkenan, came up out of the Land of Gods, because of the wrath of Heaven which had laid their land waste. There, too, had been a plague of reptiles and ants, signs and omens and an earthquake. There, also, had been turmoil and disaster, disorder and famine, with the grey breath of The Destroyer sweeping the ground and stopping the breath of men. Anturah gathered together the remnants of his fighting men and the fighting men who were left in Egypt, and set forth to meet the Children of Darkness who came out of the eastern mountains by way of the wilderness and by way of Yethnobis. They fell upon the stricken land from behind the grey cloud, before the lifting of the darkness and before the coming of the purifying winds.
Rageb went with Pharaoh and met the invaders at Herosher, but the hearts of the Egyptians were faint within them. Their spirits were no longer strong and they fell away before the battle was lost. Deserted by the Gods above and below, their dwellings destroyed, their households scattered, they were as men already half dead. Their hearts were still filled with terror and with the memory of the wrath which had struck them from out of Heaven. They were still filled with the memory of the fearsome sight of The Destroyer and they knew not what they did.

Pharaoh did not return to his city. He lost his heritage and was seized by a demon for many days. His women were polluted and his estates plundered. The Children of Darkness defiled the temples with rams and ravished women who were crazed and did not resist. They enslaved all who were left, the old, young men and boys. They oppressed the people and their delight was in mutilation and torture. Pharaoh abandoned his hopes and fled into the wilderness beyond the province of the lake, which is in the West towards the South. He lived a goodly life among the sand wanderers and wrote books. Good times came again, even under the invaders, and ships sailed upstream. The air was purified, the breath of The Destroyer passed away and the land became filled again with growing things. Life was renewed throughout the whole land. Kair taught these things to the Children of Light in the days of darkness, after the building of the Rambudeth, before the death of the Pharaoh Anked. This is written in this land and in our tongue by Leweddar who, himself, chose it for saving. It was not seen until the latter days.

When you see all these things which I have showed you please lift up your head because redemption is coming. If you ever wanted to know the wrath of God, the above scriptures describes the Wrath of God and it comes from the heavens above. The Creator controls all things in the heavens and on the earth. Sadly this will happen again one day. The Destroyer is seen in the heavens and when it passes over the land, death and destruction will come. This is where we need to have faith in Yahshua. The Father shall send Yahshua to the earth with the angels to deliver us. All I can say is don’t be afraid when the chariots (light ships) arrive. The ships are here to deliver us! The scriptures tell us in the book of revelation ch. 19:19, And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army the kings and the armies of the world will fight with Yahshua and the angels.  This is so sad that this have to happen!

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)

The Thirteenth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the thirteenth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass again thereafter that Pistis Sophia cried unto me, saying:

“O Light of lights, I have transgressed in the twelve æons, and have descended from them; wherefor have I uttered the twelve repentances, [one] for each æon. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, forgive me my transgression, for it is exceedingly great, because I have abandoned the regions of the height and have come to dwell in the regions of the chaos.’

“When then Pistis Sophia had said this, she continued again in the thirteenth repentance, saying:

The thirteenth repentance of Sophia.“‘1. Hearken unto me singing praises unto thee, O Light of lights. Hearken unto me uttering the repentance for the thirteenth æon, the region out of which I have come down, in order that the thirteenth repentance of the thirteenth æon may be accomplished,–those [æons]  which I have overstepped and out of which I have come down.

“‘2. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, hearken unto me singing praises unto thee in the thirteenth æon, my region out of which I have come down.

“‘3. Save me, O Light, in thy great mystery and forgive my transgression in thy forgiveness.

“‘4. And give unto me the baptism and forgive my sins and purify me from my transgression.

“‘5. And my transgression is the lion-faced power, which will never be hidden from thee; for because of it have I gone down.

“‘6. And I alone among the invisibles, in whose regions I was, have transgressed, and have gone down into the chaos. Moreover I have transgressed, that thy commandment may be accomplished.’

“This then Pistis Sophia said. Now, therefore, let him whom his spirit urgeth to understand her words, come forward and proclaim her thought.”

Martha came forward and said: “My Lord, my spirit urgeth me to proclaim the solution of that which Pistis Sophia hath spoken; thy power hath prophesied aforetime concerning it through David in the fiftieth Psalm, saying thus:

Martha interpreteth the thirteenth repentance from Psalm l.“‘1. Be gracious unto me, O God, according to thy great grace; according to the fulness of thy mercy blot out my sin.

“‘2. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.

“‘3. And may my sin be ever present to thee,

“‘4. That thou mayest be justified in thy words and prevail when thou judgest me.’

“This is then the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

Jesus said unto her: “Well said, finely, Martha, blessed [one].”


Jesus sendeth forth a light-power to help Sophia.And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had said these words, that the time was fulfilled that she should be led out of the chaos. And of myself, without the First Mystery, I despatched out of myself a light-power, and I sent it down to the chaos, so that it might lead Pistis Sophia forth from the deep regions of the chaos, and lead [her] to the higher regions of the chaos, until the command should come from the First Mystery that she should be led entirely forth out of the chaos. And my light-power led Pistis Sophia up to the higher regions of the chaos. It came to pass then, when the emanations of Self-willed had noticed that Pistis Sophia was led forth into the higher regions of the chaos, that they also sped after her upwards, desiring to bring her again into the lower regions of the chaos. And my light-power, which I had sent to lead up Sophia out of the chaos, shone exceedingly. It came to pass then, when the emanations of Self-willed pursued Sophia,  when she had been led into the higher regions of the chaos, that she again sang praises and cried out unto me, saying:

Sophia uttereth a song of praise.

“‘1. I will sing praises unto thee, O Light, for I desired to come unto thee. I will sing thee praises, O Light, for thou art my deliverer.

“‘2. Leave me not in the chaos. Save me, O Light of the Height, for it is thou that I have praised.

“‘3. Thou has sent me thy light through thyself and hast saved me. Thou hast led me to the higher regions of the chaos.

“‘4. May the emanations of Self-willed which pursue me, sink down into the lower regions of the chaos, and let them not come to the higher regions to see me.

“‘5. And may great darkness cover them and darker gloom come over them. And let them not see me in the light of thy power, which thou hast sent unto me to save me, so that they may not again get dominion over me.

“‘6. And let not their resolution which they have formed, to take away my power, take effect for them. And as they have spoken against me, to take from me my light, take rather from them theirs instead of mine.

“‘7. And they have proposed to take away my whole light and have not been able to take it, for thy light-power was with me.

“‘8. Because they have taken counsel without thy commandment, O Light, therefore have they not been able to take away my light.

“‘9. Because I have had faith in the Light, I shall not be afraid; and the Light is my deliverer and I shall not fear.’

“Now, therefore, let him whose power is exalted, speak the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that Salome came forward and said: “My Lord, my power constraineth me to speak the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered. Thy power hath prophesied aforetime through Solomon, saying:

Salome interpreteth the song of Sophia from the Odes of Solomon.

“‘1. I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, for thou art my God.

“‘2. Abandon me not, O Lord, for thou art! my hope.

“‘3. Thou hast given me thy vindication for naught, and I am saved through thee.

“‘4. Let them who pursue me, fall down and let them not see me.

“‘5. May a smoke-cloud cover their eyes and an air-mist darken them, and let them not see the day, so that they may not seize me.

“‘6. May their resolution be impotent, and may what they concoct come upon them.

“‘7. They have devised a resolution, and it hath not taken effect for them.

“‘8. And they are vanquished, although they be mighty, and what they have wickedly prepared is fallen upon them.

“‘9. My hope is in the Lord, and I shall not be afraid, for thou art my God, my Saviour.'”

It came to pass then, when Salome had finished saying these words, that Jesus said unto her: “Well said, Salome; and finely. This is the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”


The power sent by Jesus formeth a light-wreath on Sophia’s head.

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had finished saying these words in the chaos, that I made the light-power, which I had sent to save her, become a light-wreath on her head, so that from now on the emanations of Self-willed could not have dominion over her. And when it had become a light-wreath round her head, all the evil matters in her were shaken and all were purified in her. They perished and remained in the chaos, while the emanations of Self-willed gazed upon them and rejoiced. And the purification of the pure light which was in Pistis Sophia, gave power to the light of my light-power, which had become a wreath round her head.

“It came to pass then moreover, when it surrounded the pure light in Sophia, and her pure light did not depart from the wreath of the power of the light-flame, so that the emanations of Self-willed should not rob it from it,–when then this befell her, the pure light-power in Sophia began to sing praises. And she praised my light-power, which was a wreath round her head, and she sang praises, saying:

Sophia uttereth another song of praise

“‘1. The Light hath become a wreath round my head; and I shall not depart from it, so that the emanations of Self-willed may not rob it from me.

“‘2. And though all the matters be shaken, yet shall I not be shaken.

“‘3. And though all my matters perish and remain in the chaos,–those which the emanations of Self-willed see,–yet shall I not perish.

“‘4. For the Light is with me, and I myself am with the Light.’

“These words then Pistis Sophia uttered. Now, therefore, let him who understandeth the thought of these words, come forward and proclaim their solution.”

Mary, his mother, asketh and receiveth permission to speak.

Then Mary, the mother of Jesus, came forward and said: “My son according to the world, my God and Saviour according to the height, bid me proclaim the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

And Jesus answered and said: “Thou also, Mary, hast received form which is in Barbēlō, according to matter, and hast received likeness which is in the Virgin of Light, according to light, thou and the other Mary, the blessed one; and on thy account the darkness hath arisen, and moreover out of thee did come forth the material body in which I am, which I have purified and refined,–now, therefore, I bid thee proclaim the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

And Mary, the mother of Jesus, answered and said: “My Lord, thy light-power hath prophesied aforetime concerning these words through Solomon in the nineteenth Ode and said:

“‘1. The Lord is on my head as a wreath, and I shall not depart from him.

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Mary, his mother, interpreteth the song of Sophia from the xixth ode of Solomon.“‘2. The wreath in truth |117. is woven for me; and it hath caused thy twigs to sprout in me.

“‘3. For it is not like unto a wreath withered that sprouteth not. But thou art alive on my head and thou hast sprouted upon me.

“‘4. Thy fruits are full and perfect, filled with thy salvation.'”

Jesus commendeth his mother.It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard his mother Mary say these words, that he said unto her: “Well said, finely. Amēn, amēn, I say unto thee: They shall proclaim thee blessed from one end of the earth to the other; for the pledge of the First Mystery hath taken up its abode with thee, and through that pledge shall all from the earth and all from the height be saved, and that pledge is the beginning and the end.”


The commandment of the First Mystery is fulfilled for taking Sophia entirely out of the chaos.And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass when Pistis Sophia had uttered the thirteenth repentance,–in that hour was fulfilled the commandment of all the tribulations which were de-creed for Pistis Sophia for the fulfilment of the First Mystery, which was from the beginning, and the time had come to save her out of the chaos and lead her out from all the darknesses. For her repentance was accepted from her through the First Mystery; and that mystery sent me a great light-power out of the height, that I might help Pistis Sophia |118. and lead her up out of the chaos. The First Mystery and Jesus sent forth two light-powers to help Sophia.So I looked towards the æons into the height and saw that light-power which the First Mystery had sent me, that I might save Pistis Sophia out of the chaos. It came to pass, therefore, when I had seen it, coming forth from the æons and hastening down to me,–I was above the chaos,–that another light-power went forth out of me, that it too might help Pistis Sophia. And the light-power which had come from the height through the First Mystery, came down upon the light-power which had gone out of me; and they met together and became a great stream of light.”

When then Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he said: “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?”

Mary Magdalene interpreteth the mystery from Psalm lxxxiv.

Mary started forward again and said: “My Lord, I understand what thou sayest. Concerning the solution of this word thy light-power hath prophesied aforetime through David in the eighty-fourth Psalm, saying:

“’10. Grace and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other.

“’11. Truth sprouted forth out of the earth, and righteousness looked down from heaven.’

“‘Grace’ then is the light-power which hath come down through the First Mystery; for the First Mystery hath hearkened unto Pistis Sophia and hath had mercy on her in all her tribulations. ‘Truth’ on the other hand is the power which hath gone forth out of thee, for that thou hast fulfilled the truth, in order to save her out of the chaos. And ‘righteousness’ again is the power which hath come forth through the First Mystery, which will guide Pistis Sophia. And ‘peace’ again is the power which hath gone forth out of thee, so that it should enter into the emanations of Self-willed and take from them the lights which they have taken away from Pistis Sophia, that is, so that thou mayest gather them together into Pistis Sophia and make them at peace with her power. ‘Truth’ on the other hand is the power which went forth out of thee, when thou wast in the lower regions of the chaos. For this cause thy power hath said through David ‘Truth sprouted out of the earth,’ because thou wert in the lower regions of the chaos. ‘Righteousness’ on the other hand which hath ‘looked down from heaven,’–it is the power which hath come down from the height through the First Mystery and hath entered into Pistis Sophia.”

The Twelfth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the twelfth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


Self-willed aideth his emanations and they again oppress Sophia.

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then thereafter, that I drew near unto the chaos, shining very exceedingly, to take away the light from that lion-faced power. As I shone exceedingly, it was in fear and cried out to its self-willed god, that he should help it. And forthwith the self-willed god looked out of the thirteenth æon, and looked down into the chaos, exceedingly wrathful  and desiring to help his lion-faced power. And forthwith the lion-faced power, itand all its emanations, surrounded. Pistis Sophia, desiring to ‘take away the whole light in Sophia. It came to pass then, when they oppressed Sophia, that she cried to the height, crying unto me that I should help her. It came to pass then, when she looked to the height, that she saw Self-willed exceedingly wrathful, and she was in fear, and uttered the twelfth repentance because of Self-willed and his emanations. She cried on high unto me, saying:

The twelfth repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. O Light, forget not my praise-singing.

“‘2. For Self-willed and his lion-faced power have opened their chops against me and have acted craftily against me.

“‘3. They have surrounded me, desiring to take away my power, and have hated me, because I have sung praises unto thee.

“‘4. Instead of loving me they slandered me. But I sang praises.

“‘5. They plotted a plot to take away my power, because I have sung to thee praises, O Light; and hated me, because I have loved thee.

“‘6. Let the darkness come over Self-willed, and let the ruler of the outermost darkness abide at his right hand.

“‘7. And when thou passest sentence, take from him his power; and the deed which he hath plotted, to take from me my light,–mayest thou take his from him.

“‘8. And may all his powers of his light in him finish, and let another of the three triple-powers receive his sovereignty.

“‘9. May all the powers of his emanation be lightless and may his matter be without any light in it.

“’10. May his emanations remain in the chaos and not dare to go to their region. May their light in them die away and let them not go to the thirteenth æon, their region.

“’11. May the Receiver, the Purifier of the lights, purify all the lights which are in Self-willed, and take them from them.

“’12. May the rulers of the lower darkness rule over his emanations, and let no one give them shelter in his region; and let no one hearken to the power of his emanations in the chaos.

“’13. Let them take away the light in his emanations and blot out their name from the thirteenth æon, yea rather take his name for ever out of that region.

“’14. And on the lion-faced power let them bring the sin of him who emanated it, before the Light, and not wipe out the iniquity of the matter which hath brought him [sc. Self-willed] forth.

“’15. And may their sin be altogether before the Light eternally, and may they let them not look beyond [the chaos] and take their names out of all regions;

“’16. Because they have not spared me and have oppressed him whose light and whose power they have taken away, and also conformably with those who set me therein, they desired to take away my whole light from me.

“’17. They loved to descend to the chaos; so let them abide therein, and they shall not be brought up [therefrom] from now on. They desired not the region of Righteousness for dwelling-place, and they shall not be taken thither from now on.

‘”18. He put on darkness as a garment, and it entered into him as water, and it entered in into all his powers as oil.

“’19. Let him wrap himself into the chaos as into a garment, and gird himself with the darkness as with a leathern girdle for ever.

“’20. Let this befall them who have brought this upon me for the Light’s sake and have said: Let us take away her whole power.

“’21. But do thou, O Light, have mercy upon me for the sake of the mystery of thy name, and save me in the goodness of thy grace.

“’22. For they have taken away my light and my power; and my power hath inwardly tottered, and I could not stand upright in their midst.

“’23. I am become as matter which is fallen; I am tossed hither and thither as a demon in the air.

“’24. My power hath perished, because I possess no mystery; and my matter hath become dwindled because of my light, for they have taken it away.

“’25. And they mocked me; they looked at me, nodding at me.

“’26. Help me according to thy mercy.’

“Now, therefore, let him whose spirit is ready, come forward and utter the solution of the twelfth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”


And Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord and Saviour, thy light-power hath prophesied aforetime through David concerning this repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, and said in the one-hundred-and-eighth Psalm:

Andrew interpreteth the twelfth repentance from Psalm cviii.

“‘1. God, keep not silent at my praise-singing.

“‘2. For the mouths of the sinner and crafty have opened their chops against me and with crafty deceitful tongue have talked behind me.

“‘3. And they have surrounded me with words of hate and have fought against me without a cause.

“‘4. Instead of loving me they have slandered me. But I prayed.

“‘5. They showed evil against me for good and hate for my love.

“‘6. Set a sinner over him, and let the slanderer stand at his right hand.

“‘7. When sentence is passed upon him, may he go forth condemned and his prayer become sin.

“‘8. May his days be shortened and another receive his overseership.

“‘9. May his children become orphans and his wife a widow.

“’10. May his children be carried away and be driven forth and beg; may they be thrown out of their houses.

“’11. May the money-lender sift out all that he hath, |109. and may strangers plunder all his best efforts.

“’12. Let there be no man to back him, and no one to take pity on his orphans.

“’13. May his children be exterminated and his name blotted out in a single generation.

“’14. Let the sin of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and the sin of his mother be not blotted out.

“’15. Let them be ever present to the Lord and his memory be rooted out from the earth;

“’16. In that he hath not thought of using mercy and hath persecuted a poor and wretched man and hath persecuted a sorry creature to slay him.

“’17. He loved cursing,–and it shall come unto him. He desired not blessing,–it shall stay far from him.

“’18. He clothed himself with cursing as with a vesture, and it entered into his bowels as water, and it was as oil in his bones.

“’19. May it be for him as a garment in which he shall be wrapped, and as a girdle with which he shall ever be girded.

“’20. This is the work of them who slander [me] before the Lord, and speak unlawfully against my soul.

“’21. But do thou, O Lord God, be gracious unto me; for thy name’s sake save me.

“’22. For I am poor and I am wretched; my heart is tumult within me.

“’23. I am carried away in the midst as a shadow which hath sunk down, and I am shaken out as grass-hoppers.

“’24. My knees have become weak from fasting, and my flesh is altered from [lack of] oil.

“’25. But I have become a mock unto them; they saw me and wagged their heads.

“’26. Help, O Lord God, and save me according to thy grace.

“’27. May they know that this is thy hand, and that thou, O Lord, hast fashioned them.’

“This is then the solution of the twelfth repentance which Pistis Sophia uttered, when she was in the chaos.”

The Eleventh Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the eleventh repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when this lion-faced power saw me, how I drew nigh unto Pistis Sophia, shining very exceedingly, that it grew still more furious and emanated from itself a multitude of exceedingly violent emanations. When this then befell, Pistis Sophia uttered the eleventh repentance, saying:

The eleventh repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. Why hath the mighty power raised itself in evil?

“‘2. Its plotting taketh away the light from me all the time, and as sharp iron have they taken away power from me.

“‘3. I chose to descend into the chaos rather than to abide in the thirteenth æon, the region of Righteousness.

“‘4. And they desired to lead me craftily, in order to consume my whole light.

“‘5. For this cause then will the Light take away their whole light, and also their whole matter will be made naught. And it will take away their light and not suffer them to abide in the thirteenth æon, their dwelling-place, and will not have their name in the region of those who shall live.

“‘6. And the four-and-twenty emanations will see what hath befallen thee, O lion-faced power, and will be afraid and not be disobedient, but give the purification of their light.

“‘7. And they will see thee and will rejoice over thee and say: Lo, an emanation which hath not given the purification of its light, so that it may be saved, but boasted itself in the abundance of the light of its power, because it did not emanate from the power in it, and hath said: I will take away the light from Pistis Sophia, which will now be taken from it.’

“Now, therefore, let him in whom his power is raised, come forward and proclaim the solution of the eleventh repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

Then Salome came forward and said: “My Lord, concerning this thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the fifty-first Psalm, saying:

Salome interpreteth the repentance from Psalm li.

“‘1. Why doth the mighty [one] boast himself in his wickedness?

“‘2. Thy tongue hath studied unrighteousness all the day long; as a sharp razor hast thou practised craft.

“‘3. Thou lovedst wickedness more than goodness; thou lovedst to speak unrighteousness more than righteousness.

“‘4. Thou lovedst all words of submerging and a crafty tongue.

“‘5. Wherefor will God bring thee to naught utterly, and will uproot thee and drag thee out from thy dwelling-place, and will root out thy root and cast it away from the living. (Selah.)

“‘6. The righteous will see and be afraid, and they will mock at him and say:

“‘7. Lo, a man who made not God for his helper, but trusted to his great riches and was mighty in his vanity.

“‘8. But I am as a fruit-bearing olive-tree in the house of God. I have trusted in the grace of God from all eternity.

“‘9. And I will confess unto thee, for thou hast dealt faithfully with me; and I will wait on thy name, for it is auspicious in the presence of thy holy [ones].’

“This then is now, therefore, my Lord, the solution of the eleventh repentance of Pistis Sophia. While thy light-power hath roused me, I have spoken it according to thy desire.”

Jesus commendeth Salome.

It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard these words which Salome spake, that he said: “Well said, Salome. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all mysteries of the kingdom of the Light.”

The Tenth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the tenth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


Jesus commendeth James and promiseth the first place unto the disciples.

When James then had said this, Jesus said unto him: “Well said, finely, James. This is the solution of the ninth repentance of Pistis Sophia. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: Ye shall be the first in the kingdom of heaven before all invisibles and all gods and rulers who are in the thirteenth æon and in the twelfth æon; and not only ye, but also every one who shall accomplish my mysteries.”

And when he had said this, he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?”

Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus.

Mary started forward again and said: “Yea, O Lord, this is what thou didst say unto us aforetime: ‘The last shall be first and the first shall be last.’ The first then, who were created before us, are the invisibles, for indeed they arose before mankind, they and the gods and the rulers; and the men who shall receive mysteries, will be first into the kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus said unto her: “Well said, Mary.”

The repentance of Sophia is accepted. Jesus is sent to help her.

Jesus continued again and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had proclaimed the ninth repentance, that the lion-faced power oppressed her again, desiring to take away all powers from her. She cried out again to the Light, saying:

“‘O Light, in whom I have had faith from the beginning, for whose sake I have endured these great pains, help me.’

“And in that hour her repentance was accepted from her. The First Mystery hearkened unto her, and I was sent off at his command. I came to help her, and led her up out of the chaos, because she had repented, and also because she had had faith in the Light and had endured these great pains and these great perils. She had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed, and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith. For this cause then was I sent forth at the command of the First Mystery to help her secretly. I did not however yet go to the region of the æons at all; but I passed down through the midst out of them, without any single power knowing it, either those of the interior of the interior or those of the exterior of the exterior, save only the First Mystery.

“It came to pass then, when I came into the chaos to help her, that she saw me, that I was understanding and shone exceedingly and was full of compassion for her. For I was not self-willed as the lion-faced power, which had taken away the light-power from Sophia, and had also oppressed her in order to take away from her the whole light in her. Sophia then saw me, that I shone ten-thousand times more than the lion-faced power, and that I was full of compassion for her. And she knew that I came out of the Height of heights, in whose light she had had faith from the beginning. Pistis Sophia then took courage and uttered the tenth repentance, saying:

The tenth repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. I have cried unto thee, O Light of lights, in my oppression and thou hast hearkened unto me.

“‘2. O Light, save my power from unjust and lawless lips and from crafty traps.

“‘3. The light which was being taken from me in crafty snaring, will not be brought unto thee.

“‘4. For the traps of Self-willed and the nooses of the merciless [one] are spread out.

“‘5. Woe unto me, that my dwelling was far off, and I was in the dwellings of the chaos.

“‘6. My power was in regions which are not mine.

“‘7. And I entreated those merciless [ones]; and when I entreated them, they fought against me without a cause.'”


When then Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he said unto them: “Now, therefore, let him whom his spirit stirreth, come forward and speak the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

Peter answered and said: “O Lord, concerning this thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and-nineteenth Psalm; saying:

Peter interpreteth the tenth repentance from Psalm cxix.

“‘1. I cried unto thee, O Lord, in my oppression, and thou hearkenest unto me.

“‘2. O Lord, save my soul from unjust lips and from crafty tongues.

“‘3. What will be given unto thee or what will be added unto thee with a crafty tongue?

“‘4. The arrows of the strong [one] are made sharp with the coal of the desert.

“‘5. Woe unto me, that my dwelling is far off, and I dwelt in the tents of Kedar.

“‘6. My soul hath dwelt in many regions as a guest.

“‘7. I was peaceful with them who hate peace; if I spake unto them, they fought against me without a cause.’

“This is now, therefore, O Lord, the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia, which she hath uttered when the material emanations of Self-willed oppressed her, they and his lion-faced power, and when they oppressed her exceedingly.”

Jesus commendeth Peter.

Jesus said unto him: “Well said, Peter, and finely. This is the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

The Ninth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the ninth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


Jesus commendeth Matthew and promiseth his disciples that they shall sit on thrones with him.

And when Jesus had heard these words, he said: “Finely [said], Matthew. Now, therefore, amēn, I say unto |89. you: When the perfect number is completed and the universe is raised hence, I will take my seat in the Treasury of the Light, and ye yourselves will sit on twelve light-powers, until we have restored all the orders of the twelve saviours to the region of the inheritances of every one of them.”

And when he had said this, he said: “Understand ye what I say?”

Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus. Mary came forward and said: “O Lord, concerning this matter thou hast said to us aforetime in similitude: ‘Ye have awaited with me in the trials, and I will bequeath unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath bequeathed it unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom; and ye shall sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel.'” He said unto her: “Well said, Mary.”

Jesus continued again and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then thereafter, when the emanations of Self-willed oppressed Pistis Sophia in the chaos, that she uttered the ninth repentance, saying:

The ninth repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. O Light, smite down them who have taken away my power from me, and take away the power from them who have taken away mine from me.

“‘2. For I am thy power and thy light. Come and save me.

“‘3. Let great darkness cover my oppressors. Say unto my power: I am he who will save thee.

“‘4. Let all those who would take away my light from me utterly, lack their power. Let them face about unto the chaos and become powerless, who would take away my light from me utterly.

“‘5. Let their power be as dust, and let Yew, thy angel, smite them.

“‘6. And if they would go into the height, let darkness seize upon them and let them slip down and turn to the chaos. And let thy angel Yew pursue them and cast them down into the darkness below.

“‘7. For they have set a lion-faced power as a trap for me, although I have done them no ill, from which its light will be taken; and they have oppressed the power in me, which they will not be able to take away.

“‘8. Now, therefore, O Light, take away the purification from the lion-faced power without its knowing it,–the thought which Self-willed hath thought, to take away my light; take away his own and let the light be taken away from the lion-faced power, which set the trap for me.

“‘9. But my power will exult in the Light and rejoice that he will save it.

“’10. And all the portions of my power shall say: There is no saviour but thee. For thou wilt save me out of the hand of the lion-faced power, which hath taken away my power from me, and thou savest me out of the hands of them who have taken away my power and my light from me.

“’11. For they have risen up against me, lying against me and saying  that I know the mystery of the Light which is in the height, [the Light] in which I have had faith. And they have constrained me, [saying:] Tell unto us the mystery of the Light in the height,–that which I know not.

“’12. And they have requited me with all this ill because I have had faith in the Light of the height; and they have made my power lightless.

“’13. But when they constrained me, I sat in the darkness, my soul bowed down in mourning.

“’14. And do thou, O Light–for that reason sing I praise to thee–save me. I know that thou wilt save me because I fulfilled thy will ever since I was in my æon. I fulfilled thy will, as the invisibles who are in my region, and as my pair. And I mourned, looking unceasingly and searching for the Light.

“’15. Now, therefore, have all the emanations of Self-willed surrounded me and rejoiced over me and sore oppressed me without my knowing

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[paragraph continues] [them]. And they have fled away and ceased from me but have had no pity upon me.

“’16. They have returned again and made trial of me and they have oppressed me in great oppression and ground their teeth against me, desiring to take away my light from me utterly.

“’17. How long, therefore, O Light, dost thou suffer them, that they oppress me? Save my power from their evil thoughts and save me from the hand of the lion-faced power; for I alone of the invisibles am in this region.

“’18. I will sing praises unto thee, O Light, |92. in the midst of all who are gathered together against me, and I will cry unto thee in the midst of all who oppress me.

“’19. Now, therefore, O Light, let not them who hate me and desire to take away my power from me, rejoice over me–who hate me and flash their eyes against me, though I have not done anything unto them.

“’20. For indeed they have fawned upon me with sweet words, asking me concerning the mysteries of the Light which I know not, and have craftily spoken against me and been enraged against me, because I have had faith in the Light in the height.

“’21. They have opened their chops against me and said.: Well indeed, we will take from her her light.

“’22. Now, therefore, O Light, thou hast known their guile; suffer them not and let not thy help be far from me.

“’23. Quickly, O Light, vindicate and avenge me,

“’24. And give judgment on me according

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to thy goodness. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, let them not take away my light from me,

“’25. And let them not say in their heart: Our power is glutted with her light. And let them not say: We have consumed her power.

“’26. But rather let darkness come upon them, and let those who long to take away my light from me, become powerless, and let them be clothed with chaos and darkness, who say there: We will take away her light and her power.

“’27. Now, therefore, save me that I may rejoice, for I long for the thirteenth æon, the region of Righteousness, and |93. I shall say ever-more: May the light of thy angel Yew shine more and more.

“’28. And my tongue will sing praises to thee in thy gnosis my whole time in the thirteenth æon.’


It came to pass, when Jesus had finished saying these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Who is sober among you, let him proclaim their solution.”

James came forward, kissed the breast of Jesus and said: “My Lord, thy spirit hath sobered me, and I am ready to proclaim their solution. Concerning them indeed thy power hath prophesied aforetime through David in the thirty-fourth Psalm, saying thus concerning the ninth repentance of Pistis Sophia:

James interpreteth the ninth repentance from Psalm xxxiv.

“‘1. Give sentence, O Lord, on them who do me injustice, and fight against them who fight against me.

“‘2. Lay hand on weapon and shield and stand up to help me.

“‘3. Draw forth a sword and conceal it [sic] from my oppressors. Say unto my soul: I am thy salvation.

“‘4. Let them be put to shame and abashed who strive after my soul; let them fall back and be put to shame who imagine evil against me.

“‘5. Let them be as chaff before the wind, and let the angel of the Lord pursue after them.

“‘6. Let their way be darkness and slippery, and let the angel of the Lord oppress them.

“‘7. For without cause have they hid a snare for me for their own spoiling, and they have mocked at my soul in vain.

“‘8. Let a snare come upon them which they know not, and let the net which they have hid for me, catch them, and let them fall into this snare.

“‘9. But my soul will exult in the Lord and rejoice in its salvation.

“’10. All my bones shall say: O Lord, who can be like unto thee?–thou who settest free the wretched from the hand of him who is stronger than him; and thou savest a wretched and poor [one] from the hands of them who spoil him.

“11. Unjust witnesses came forward and have asked me that which I knew not.

“’12. They have requited me evil for good and childlessness for my soul.

“13. But when they molested me, I clothed me in a sack and humbled my soul with fasting, and my prayer will return into my breast.

“’14. I was pleasing unto thee, as unto my neighbour and as unto my brother; and I humbled myself as one in mourning and as one who is sad.

“’15. They have rejoiced over me, and they are put to shame. Scourges have gathered themselves together against me and I knew not; they were cut off and were troubled.

“’16. They have brought me to trial and mocked me with mocking; they have ground their teeth against me.

“’17. O Lord, when wilt thou look upon me? Restore again my soul from their evil works and save my only one from the hands of the lions.

“’18. I will confess to thee, O Lord, in the great assembly, and I will sing praises to thee in the midst of a countless people.

“’19. Let not them who unjustly treat me as a foe, rejoice over me, who hate me without a cause and wink with their eyes.

“’20. For indeed they discourse with me with words of peace, though they plot wrath with craft.

“’21. They opened their chops wide against me and said: Well indeed, our eyes have filled our sight with him.

“’22. Thou hast seen, O Lord. Keep not silence, O Lord, withdraw not thyself from me.

“’23. Arise, O Lord, and give heed to my vindication, give heed to my vengeance, my God and my Lord.

“’24. Judge me, O Lord, according to thy justice; let them not rejoice over me, my God.

“’25. And let them not say: Well done, our soul. Let them not say: We have consumed him.

“’26. Let them be put to shame and be scorned, who rejoice at my mischance. Let them be clothed with shame and disgrace who speak boastingly against me.

“’27. Let them who desire my justification, exult and rejoice and let them who desire the peace of his slave, say: May the Lord be great and arise.

“’28. My tongue will exult over thy justification and over thy honour all the day long.'”

The Eighth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the eighth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


Jesus leadeth Sophia to a less confined region, but without the commandment of the First Mystery.

Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had uttered the seventh repentance in the chaos, that the commandment through the First Mystery had not come to me to save her and lead her up out of the chaos. Nevertheless of myself out of compassion without commandment I led her into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos. And when the material emanations of Self-willed had noticed that she had been led into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos, they ceased a little to oppress her, for they thought that she would be led up out of the chaos altogether. When this then took place, Pistis Sophia did not know that I was her helper; nor did she know me at all, but she continued and persisted withal singing praises to the Light of the Treasury, which she had seen aforetime and on which she had had faith, and she thought that it [sc. the Light] also was her helper and it was the same to which she had sung praises, thinking it was the Light in truth. But as indeed she had had faith in the Light which belongeth to the Treasury in truth, therefore will she be led up out of the chaos and her repentance will be accepted from her. But the commandment of the First Mystery was not yet accomplished to accept her repentance from her. But hearken now in order that I may tell you all things which befell Pistis Sophia.

The emanations of Self-willed oppress her again.

“It came to pass, when I had led her unto a somewhat spacious region in the chaos, that the emanations of Self-willed ceased entirely to oppress her, thinking that she would be led up out of the chaos altogether. It came to pass then, when  the emanations of Self-willed had noticed that Pistis Sophia had not been led up out the chaos, that they turned about again all together, oppressing her vehemently. Because of this then she uttered the eighth repentance, because they had not ceased to oppress her, and had turned about to oppress her to the utmost. She uttered this repentance, saying thus:

The eighth repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. On thee, O Light, have I hoped. Leave me not in the chaos; deliver me and save me according to thy gnosis.

“‘2. Give heed unto me and save me. Be unto me a saviour, O Light, and save me and lead me unto thy light.

“‘3. For thou art my saviour and wilt lead me unto thee. And because of the mystery of thy name lead me and give me thy mystery.

“‘4. And thou wilt save me from this lion-faced power, which they have laid as a snare for me, for thou art my saviour.

“‘5. And in thy hands will I lay the purification of my light; thou hast saved me, O Light, according to thy gnosis.

“‘6. Thou art become wroth with them who

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keep watch over me and will not be able to lay hold of me utterly. But I have had faith in the Light.

“‘7. I will rejoice and will sing praises that thou hast had mercy upon me and hast heeded and saved me from the oppression in which I was. And thou wilt set free my power out of the chaos.

“‘8. And thou hast not left me in the hand of the lion-faced power; but thou hast led me into a region which is not oppressed.'”


The emanations of Self-willed cease for a time to oppress Sophia.When then Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he answered again and said unto them: “It came to pass then, when the lion-faced power had noticed that Pistis Sophia had not been led up altogether out of the chaos, |85. that it came again with all the other material emanations of Self-willed, and they oppressed Pistis Sophia again. It came to pass then, when they oppressed her, that she cried out in the same repentance, saying:

She continueth her repentance.“‘9. Have mercy upon me, O Light, for they have oppressed me again. Because of thy commandment, the light in me is distracted and my power and my understanding.

“’10. My power hath begun to wane whiles I am in these afflictions, and the number of my time whiles I am in the chaos. My light is diminished, for they have taken away my power from me, and all the powers in me are tossed about.

“’11. I am become powerless in the presence of all the rulers of the æons, who hate me, and in the presence of the four-and-twenty emanations, in whose region I was. And my brother, my pair, was afraid to help me, because of that in which they have set me.

“’12. And all the rulers of the height have counted me as matter in which is no light. I am become as a material power which hath fallen out of the rulers,

“’13. And all who are in the æons said: She hath become chaos. And thereafter all the pitiless powers encompassed me together and proposed to take away the whole light in me.

“’14. But I have trusted in thee, O Light, and said: Thou art my saviour.

“’15. And my commandment, which thou hast decreed for me, is in thy hands. Save me out of the hands of the emanations of Self-willed, which oppress me and persecute me.

“’16. Send thy light over me, for I am as naught before thee, |86. and save me according to thy compassion.

“’17. Let me not be despised, for I have sung praises unto thee, O Light. Let chaos cover the emanations of Self-willed, let them be led down into the darkness.

“’18. Let the mouth of them be shut up, who would devour me with guile, who say: Let us take the whole light in her,–although I have done them no ill.'”


And when Jesus had spoken this, Matthew came forward and said: “My Lord, thy spirit hath stirred me and thy light hath made me sober to proclaim this eighth repentance of Pistis Sophia. For thy power hath prophesied thereof aforetime through David in the thirtieth Psalm, saying:

Matthew interpreteth the eighth repentance from Psalm xxx.

“‘1. On thee, O Lord, have I hoped. Let me never be put to shame; save me according to thy righteousness.

“‘2. Incline thine ear unto me, save me quickly. Be thou unto me a protecting God and a house of refuge to save me.

“‘3. For thou art my support and my refuge; for thy name’s sake thou wilt guide me and feed me.

“‘4. And thou wilt draw me out of this snare, which they have laid privily for me; for thou art my protection.

“‘5. Into thy hands I will render my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, God of Truth.

“‘6. Thou hast hated them who hold to vain emptiness; but I have trusted.

“‘7. And I shall rejoice because of my Lord and make merry over thy grace. For thou hast looked down upon my humbleness and saved my soul out of my necessities.

“‘8. And thou hast not shut me up in the hands of my foes; thou hast set my feet on a broad space.

“‘9. Be gracious unto me, O Lord, for I am afflicted; my eye is distracted in the wrath and my soul and my body.

“’10. For my years have wasted away in sadness and my life is wasted in sighing. My power is enfeebled in misery and my bones are distracted.

“’11. I am become a mockery for all my foes and my neighbours. I am become a fright for my acquaintances, and they who saw me, are fled away from me.

“’12. I am forgotten in their heart as a corpse, and I have become as a ruined vessel.

“’13. For I have heard the scorn of many who encompass me round about. Massing themselves together against me, they took counsel to take away my soul from me.

“’14. But I have trusted in thee, O Lord. I said: Thou art my God.

“’15. My lots are in thy hands. Save me from the hand of my foes and free me from my persecutors.

“’16. Reveal thy face over thy slave, and free me according to thy grace, O Lord.

“’17. Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried unto, thee. Let the impious be put to shame and turn towards hell.

“’18. Let the crafty lips be struck dumb, which allege iniquity against the righteous in pride and scorn.'”

The Seventh Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the seventh repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward*


The repentance of Sophia is not yet accepted. She is mocked by the æons. 

Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass, when Pistis Sophia had finished uttering the sixth repentance for the forgiveness of her transgression, that she turned again to the height, to see if her sins were forgiven her, and to see whether they would lead her up out of the chaos. But by commandment of the First Mystery not yet was she hearkened to, so that her sin should be forgiven and she should be led up out of the chaos. When then she had turned to the height to see whether her repentance were accepted from her, she saw all the rulers of the twelve æons mocking at her and rejoicing over her because her repentance was not accepted from her. When then she saw that they mocked at her, she grieved exceedingly and lifted up her voice to the height in her seventh repentance, saying:

The seventh repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. O Light, I have lifted up my power unto thee, my Light.

“‘2. On thee have I had faith. Let me not be scorned; let not the rulers of the twelve æons, who hate me, rejoice over me.

“‘3. For all who have faith in thee shall not be put to shame. Let them who have taken away my power, remain in darkness; and let them not get from it any profit, but let it be taken away from them.

“‘4. O Light, show me thy ways, and I shall be saved in them; and show me thy paths, whereby I shall be saved out of the chaos.

“‘5. And guide me in thy light, and let me know, O Light, that thou art my saviour. On thee will I trust the whole of my time.

“‘6. Give heed that thou save me, O Light, for thy mercy endureth for ever.

“‘7. As to my transgression, which I have committed from the beginning in my ignorance, put it not to my account, O Light, but rather save me through thy great mystery of the forgiveness of sins because of thy goodness, O Light.

“‘8. For good and sincere is the Light. For this cause will it grant me my way, to be saved out of my transgression;

“‘9. And for my powers, which are diminished through the fear of the material emanations of Self-willed, will it draw near after its commandment, and will teach my powers, which are diminished because of the merciless, its gnosis.

“’10. For all gnoses of the Light are saving means and are mysteries for all who seek the regions of its Inheritance and its mysteries.

“’11. For the sake of the mystery of thy name, O Light, forgive my transgression, for it is great.

“’12. To every one who trusteth in the Light it will give the mystery which suiteth him;

“’13. And his soul will abide in the regions of the Light and his power will inherit the Treasury of the Light.

“’14. The Light giveth power to them who have faith in it; and the name of its mystery belongeth to those who trust in it. And it will show them the region of the Inheritance, which is in the Treasury of the Light.

“’15. But I have ever had faith in the Light, for it will save my feet from the bonds of the darkness.

“’16. Give heed unto me, O Light, and save me, for they have taken away my name from me in the chaos.

“’17. Because of all the emanations my afflictions and my oppression have become exceedingly manifold. Save me out of my transgression and this darkness.

“’18. And look upon the grief of my oppression and forgive my transgression.

“’19. Give heed to the rulers of the twelve æons, who have hated me through jealousy.

“’20. Watch over my power and save me, and let me not remain in this darkness, for I have had faith in thee.

“’21. And they have made of me a great fool for having had faith in thee, O Light.

“’22. Now, therefore, O Light, save my powers from the emanations of Self-willed, by whom I am oppressed.’

“Now, therefore, who is sober, let him be sober.”

When then Jesus had spoken this unto his disciples, Thomas came forward and said: “My Lord, I am sober, I am plentifully sober, and my spirit is ready in me, and I rejoice exceedingly that thou hast revealed these words unto us. But indeed I have borne with my brethren until now, so that I should not anger them; nay rather I have borne with every one that he should come before thee and speak the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia. Now, therefore, my Lord, concerning the solution of the seventh repentance of Pistis Sophia thy light-power hath prophesied through the prophet David in the twenty-fourth Psalm, thus

Thomas interpreteth the seventh repentance from Psalm xxiv.

“‘1. O Lord, unto thee have I lifted up my soul, O my God.

“‘2. I have abandoned myself unto thee; let me not be put to shame and let not mine enemies mock at me.

“‘3. For all who wait upon thee shall not be put to shame; let them be put to shame who do iniquity without a cause.

“‘4. O Lord, show me thy ways and teach me thy paths.

“‘5. Lead me in the way of thy truth and teach me, for thou art my God and my saviour; on thee will I wait all the day long.

“‘6. Call to remembrance thy mercies, O Lord, and the favours of thy grace, for they are from eternity.

“‘7. Remember not the sins of my youth and those of my ignorance. Remember me according to the fulness of thy mercy because of thy goodness, O Lord.

“‘8. The Lord is gracious and sincere; therefore fore will he instruct sinners in the way.

“‘9. He will guide the tender-hearted in the judgment and will teach the tender-hearted his ways.

“’10. All the ways of the Lord are grace and truth for them who seek his righteousness and his testimonies.

“’11. For thy name’s sake, O Lord, forgive me my sin, [for] it is exceedingly great.

“’12. Who is the man who feareth the Lord? For him will he establish laws in the way which he hath chosen.

“’13. His soul will abide in good things and his seed will inherit the land.

“’14. The Lord is the strength of them who fear him; and the name of the Lord belongeth to them who fear him, to make known unto them his covenant.

“’15. Mine eyes are raised ever unto the Lord, for he will draw my feet out of the snare.

“’16. Look down upon me and be gracious unto me, for I am an only-begotten; I am wretched.

“’17. The afflictions of my heart have increased; bring me out of my necessities.

“’18. Look upon my abasement and my woe, and forgive me all my sins.

“’19. Look upon mine enemies, how they have increased themselves and hated me with unjust hatred.

“’20. Preserve my soul and save me; let me not  be put to shame, for I have hoped on thee.

“’21. The simple and sincere have joined themselves to me, for I have waited on thee, O Lord.

“’22. O God, deliver Israel from all his afflictions.'”

Jesus commendeth Thomas.And when Jesus had heard the words of Thomas, he said unto him: “Well said, Thomas, and finely. This is the solution of the seventh repentance of Pistis Sophia. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: All generations of the world shall bless you on earth, because I have revealed this unto you and ye have received, of my spirit and have become understanding and spiritual, understanding what I say. And hereafter will I fill you full with the whole light and the whole power of the spirit, so that ye may understand from now on all which shall be said unto you and which ye shall see. Yet a little while and I will speak with you concerning the height without within and within without.”

The Sixth Repentance of Sophia

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. This is the sixth repentance prayer of Sophia.

Pistis Sophia-translation by G. S. R. Mead

*When verifying the psalm prayers it’s most likely one chapter forward* 


Philip is commended and continueth writing.

It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip speak these words, that he said: “Well said, Philip, well-beloved. Now, therefore, come, take thy seat and write thy portion of all the discourses which I shall speak, and [of all things which I shall] do, and of all that thou shalt see.”

And forthwith Philip sat down and wrote.

It came to pass thereafter that Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “Then did Pistis Sophia cry to the Light. It forgave her sin, in that she had left her region and gone down into the darkness. She uttered the sixth repentance, saying thus:

The sixth repentance of Sophia.

“‘1. I have sung praises  unto thee, O Light, in the darkness below.

“‘2. Hearken unto my repentance, and may thy light give heed to the voice of my supplication.

“‘3. O Light, if thou thinkest on my sin, I shall not be able to stand before thee, and thou wilt abandon me,

“‘4. For thou, O Light, art my saviour; because of the light of thy name I have had faith in thee, O Light.

“‘5. And my power hath had faith in thy mystery; and moreover my power hath trusted in the Light when it was among those of the height; and it hath trusted in it when it was in the chaos below.

“‘6. Let all the powers in me trust in the Light when I am in the darkness below, and may they again trust in the Light if they come into the region of the height.

“‘7. For it is [the Light] which hath compassion on us and delivereth us; and a great saving mystery is in it.

“‘8. And it will save all powers out of the chaos because of my transgression. For I have left my region and am come down into the chaos.’

“Now, therefore, whose mind is exalted, let him understand.”


It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?”

Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord, concerning the solution of the sixth repentance of Pistis Sophia, thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and-twenty-ninth Psalm, saying:

Andrew interpreteth the sixth repentance from Psalm cxxix.

“‘1. Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord.

“‘2. Hearken unto my voice; let thine ears give heed to the voice of my supplication.

“‘3. O Lord, if thou heedest my iniquities, who will be able to pass [the test]?

“‘4. For pardon is in thy hands; for the sake of thy name have I waited for thee, O Lord.

“‘5. My soul hath waited for thy word.

“‘6. My soul hath hoped in the Lord from the morning until the evening. Let Israel hope in the Lord from the morning until the evening.

“‘7. For grace standeth by the Lord and with him is great redemption.

“‘8. And he will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.’

Jesus commendeth Andrew. He promiseth that the tyrants shall be judged and consumed by the wise fire.

Jesus said unto him: “Well said, Andrew, blessed one. This is the solution of her repentance. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all mysteries of the Light and all gnoses from the interiors of the interiors to the exteriors of the exteriors, from the Ineffable down to the darkness of darknesses, from the Light of lights down to the . . . . of matter, from all the gods down to the demons, from all the lords down to the decans, from all the authorities down to the servitors, from the creation of men down to [that] of the wild-beasts, of the cattle and of the reptiles, in order that ye may be called perfect, perfected in all fulness. Amēn, amēn, I say unto you: In the region where I shall be in the kingdom of my Father, ye will also be with me. And when the perfect number is completed, so that the Mixture shall be dissolved, I will give commandment that they bring all tyrant gods, who have not given up the purification of their light, and will give commandment to the wise fire, over which the perfect pass, to eat into those tyrants, until they give up the last purification of their light.”

Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus. 

It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I speak with you?”

Mary said: “Yea, Lord, I have understood the word which thou hast spoken. Concerning then the word which thou hast said: At the dissolution of the whole Mixture thou shalt take thy seat on a light-power and thy disciples,that is ourselves, shall sit on the right of thee, and thou shalt judge the tyrant gods, who have not given up the purification of their light, and the wise fire will bite into them, until they give up the last light in them,–concerning this word then thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David, in the eighty-first Psalm, saying:

‘God shall sit in the assembly (synagogue) of the gods and try the gods.'”

Jesus said unto her: “Well said, Mary.”