Etherean Worlds: Refelection on the OahsPe Bible!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the light. Yesterday I watched a video of an observatory and there were multiple ships entering Earth’s atmosphere. In the video it looked like there was a floating city/kingdom in the sky, but it also looked like a ship at the same time, but I could be wrong. Maybe that’s what I wanted to see. I know there are kingdoms in the atmosphere of the Earth because I traveled to a kingdom. This was the vision, I saw from the perspective of being dead and I left the body. I ascended towards the clouds in the sky. I could perceive an angel with me, and the angel guided me through heaven (space). As I traveled through the clouds, it felt like I was going through a portal in the sky. We traveled for a short period of time and at the end of the tunnel I could perceive a curtain in the sky. This reminded me of Exodus 26:33 states, “Hang the inner curtain from clasps, and put the Ark of the Covenant in the room behind it. This curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. Matthew 27:51-53 states, “When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.

I posted those scriptures to get to this point. I noticed there was a boundary line that separated the Earth from the spirit world. When I arrived at the boundary line, the curtain in the sky, the veil was opened. It’s like a door was being opened in the sky (heaven). Me and the angel stood there for a moment before it opened. What happened next? I went through the opening, and I felt myself descending to a bridge. Who did I see? I saw my dad who is deceased. Clearly this is showing life after death. This is called resurrection. Surely, he was alive and well. He had a big smile on his face, and he was there to greet me at the gate of the kingdom. Now considering the bridge that I landed on. Per Oahspe, when a person dies, he lives first as a spirit (angel) in atmospherea. Afterward, in time he rises to etherea to live as an etherean. The dividing line between atmospherea and etherea is called Chinvat, which acts as a sort of bridge between atmospherea and etherea. Etherea is sometimes called Nirvania.

I believe in Yahshua, so I found a place, or a kingdom called Yeshuah in the Oahspe. It was known as a place of salvation and the thing that I noticed is that it said Yeshuah was a short distance from the Earth. Well, that’s what I described when I traveled to the curtain. This vision was years ago, and I just found this today in the Oahspe and I am shocked. The angels who minister to me have me all over the place literally. I be in different books learning about the spiritual realms. Es’yans sounds like Essene. Yahshua was an Essene not a Christian but anyways.

CHAPTER 8 Ah’shong 07/8.2. God said: Now that the earth and heaven are purified from evil, my Lords shall deliver the es’yans to the asaphs, who shall deliver them to Yeshuah, which I have established a short distance from the earth as a barrier against their returning to mortals. Jehovih says: Do not permit the blind to lead the blind. 07/8.3. And it was so; at the time mortals died, their spirits were taken by the asaphs to Yeshuah; and to make this acceptable to the es’yans, God said: Tell my Lords of the earth to teach mortals by inspiration and otherwise about my kingdom of Yeshuah. 07/8.4. And so it came to pass, through the Lords and the ashars, that is, the guardian spirits with mortals, that the name, Yeshuah, was established on the earth. God said: In the time of kosmon, men shall say: Where did the name of heavenly things come from? But the origin of Yeshuah shall lie hidden away, and Jehovih will stretch forth His hand in that day and disclose all.

Now when I landed on the bridge, I went inside the kingdom, but it also felt like I was returning to a school. I went to see a woman who looked like my mother in the spirit world. I remember being in a waiting room to see her. She was like my counselor. I view the Mother as the Counselor, she represents the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. She told me that she sent me to the Earth. Apparently, this was all planned in advanced, and I knew that I would descend to the Earth. It makes sense why I have said that I went through training. Clearly, I was in school within the kingdom of Yeshuah learning the mysteries. I keep saying that I work in the libraries of heaven, the halls of wisdom. Me and the Mother discussed something about the time of Yahshua’s return. Later I appeared in a Mothership above the Earth, it felt like we were in the atmosphere of the Earth, but no one could see us, but we could see everyone on the Earth. I said all of this to say there are high ranking females or goddesses in the kingdom of heaven. Today is 2-16-2022 and 4 years ago on this day, a female angel appeared to me on a Sirian Starship. She beamed me a message. I went through a stargate and appeared inside of a Mothership. I believe this Mothership was stationed near a Sun. I vividly remember a fleet of ships coming from the east where I was standing. I was in the section of the Mothership where other smaller ships enter. This woman who visited me must be one of my ancestors and she must rank high in the heavens. Per Oahspe, there are Etherean Goddesses who have their own Motherships, and I am trying to get on their level lol.

Now let’s move forward. I want to talk about the ships descending in Earth’s atmosphere. I believe it’s considered the lower heavens of the Earth in Oahspe. The interesting thing is that the Etherean Ships descend during the end of a cycle, and they gather the Brides and Bridegrooms who are ready for Ascension. They come to the Earth from higher worlds, and they gather the souls from the spirit kingdoms that are in the Earth’s Atmosphere. I would like to descend on a Mothership to gather souls for ascension. That’s what I want to be able to do one day as my soul progress in spiritual knowledge. I believe it’s a wonderful thing to help with Ascension. My ship would be glorious, and it would be a joy for souls to be on my Mothership.

Per a website with Oahspe studies, Earth’s atmosphere extends beyond the orbit of the Moon. I believe Nasa has confirmed this also. I think it’s called the Magnetosphere or Magnetotail. Within Earth’s atmosphere there are different kingdoms in the spirit realm. The earth floats in the center of a vortex and the outer extremity is beyond the moon. The vortex is larger than the earth. Once you go beyond the outermost part of the vortex then you ascend into the Etherean Worlds, or higher worlds in the spirit realm. Also, I would like to add that the website mentions that the tail of the Magnetosphere is the main source of the polar aurora. Auroras are known as polar lights, northern lights (aurora borealis) or southern lights (aurora australis). Surely everyone knows by now that there are openings at the North and South Pole. Light is created from the center of the vortex. Surely there is an Inner Sun in the center of the Earth. There are testimonies of people going inside of the Earth and there is a Sun, a light source.  

In a meditation long ago, I saw myself as the Mother of the Universe. I saw my body as the color of space. Space was dark and within me I saw my children who were born, and they were the stars in space. The ancient Mother visited me in a dream and showed me a symbol of a circle. Later, when I received a download regarding the mystery and the beginning of time, I drew an image, and it was a circle with a point in the middle. From this point in the center is where I started to form and create within space or in the Ether. I was simply in deep thought at the time and the mother was showing me many things. Space contains ALL things within it, just like a circle or sphere. Space is filled with countless Etherean worlds and Corporeal Worlds. The higher worlds are invisible but can be seen if you match the vibrational frequency of that world. Per Oahspe, in the book of inspiration, it states, I am light, I am central but boundless, saith Jehovih…..As the whirlwind gathered up dust, and driveth it toward a center, so is the plan of my universe. Thou art as a center, all things come to thee from without. Now in Oahspe the vortex is the plan of the universe, the unified field, the theory of everything.

That’s all for Now! I am just contemplating on the Whole Universe and reflecting on all the things that the angels have led me to.

Written By Latisha Whitfield (Sophia) 333 Athaleyah Ariana Israel

The end to this False Reality/system! Your time is up!

I was just reminded of something that I found in a video game called Fortnite. I was led to it 2 weeks ago on January 3rd. It was around 2am or 3am in the morning and after I watched it, I had an amazing experience lol. I woke up and wrote it down and the main part of it was my pineal gland activating. It was like full power. It’s like someone pressed a button, my pineal gland, and my avatar lit up. Lol! It reminded me of what I had just watched on the Fortnite video game. She is called the Cube Queen. It was during a live event that was called the End of Fortnite Ch.2. I’m not a gamer so I don’t know much about the gaming world lol. I was trying to figure out what was happening in the game. Before the event started, I saw a pillar of light come out of the clouds over the pyramid. The capstone is glowing, and I see a bright orb of light hovering over the pyramid like a Sun. As I looked closer, I saw the Cube Queen standing on top of the pyramid. She is shown as a bright golden orb of light. The golden cube, which is her, acts as a beacon to open the portal. Lightning bolts came down from the sky. I see a quick image of the Sun in the sky and the sky is starting to crack open. Looks like it’s the end to a false reality. While observing the scene it looks like an invisible shield, or dome was placed over the island.

I saw a holographic image of the cube as the sky was opening.  I have learned that the Cube in Platonic Solids represents the element of Earth, a hexahedron having 6 square sides. But anyways the lightning is activating the Cube Queen (The Mother), as far as I know the Cube in the game is an object of immense power and is a power source of the Last Reality. She is hovering over the apex of the pyramid. She lit up and you can see rays of light emanating from her. Electricity is flowing through her and the pyramid. They are both charged up or activated to full power. The Cube Queen is raised up higher above the pyramid. She is now glowing with the power of the golden cube within her. I see the power of the Sun, but anyways once full activation has occurred, she says, “The last reality is at hand”. Basically, it’s the end of this reality lol. A bright beam of light emits from her directly into the sky and then heaven opens signifying a portal has opened. Now guess what is hidden from view. When the portal opens there are huge motherships in space. She, the mother, opened the stargate to let the ships in. lol. There were multiple ships seen in the sky and smaller ships came out of the big motherships. Man, this stuff is funny! Signs are everywhere and these people think it’s just a game lol. I can’t. Hidden symbols are in the game but if you don’t have your third eye open you will miss a lot of things.  The game has its own version of Metatron’s cube in it, and you can clearly see 13 spheres symbolizing the Flower of Life.   

So, with that said, it literally feels like I am on a treasure hunt in this world. Sometimes I feel like I am playing inside of a game at times. The strange thing is after I accessed the portal of the Sun in a vision, I perceived myself as a ray (angel) of the light (Sun) that beamed myself to the Earth. In that vision from another angle of Self, I saw a Cube and it was tumbling. I remember calling it Metatron’s Cube. I saw different forms of geometry in inner space. I saw a face forming out of the geometry shapes that appeared in space. I simply called it Arcturian.  I was playing a game with this Acturian and it’s like the Acturian was reminding me of something. Sometimes it does feels like I am playing in a game. I’m here looking for clues and I am gathering information. Every time I find a secret treasure it leads me to another hidden treasure stored in this world. It’s like once I find and gather all the hidden treasures (gems) I have finally completed the mission.  But the silly thing is, I was just fully activated does that mean the portal is about to open soon and the false reality that we have all been living in will end? Hmm. This is so crazy, but this is stimulating my mind and activating my pineal gland. It’s so mind blogging, challenging and fun at the same time.

Even my dreams told me that I was on a treasure hunt. I literally saw myself in a land seeking treasures. There were guards placed in the ancient city and they didn’t want me to get inside but I found a way around them lol. I found the treasure and it led me to a star map. It was some type of ancient device or helmet; I remember putting it over my head and built within it was a star map. It seemed like some sort of advanced technology. When I accessed the device, I saw a beam of light from my third eye, and it pointed towards a star in the heavens. I heard the name of it, but I can’t remember it. The star was associated with a symbol on the ancient structure where I found the treasure. There was a woman on the structure, and she created some sort of herbal mixture, an elixir. A male voice from heaven called me by my middle name. I looked up the meaning of my middle name and it means, “Worthy of Praise.” So, I really feel like I am in a land discovering who I am while searching for secret treasures. Now I am linking that dream with another vision. I was standing in an ancient city by some walls, and I said, “My father is calling me. So, I ascended to heaven, in outer space and I saw 2 signs appear. A Blue Star and a Red Star, later I discovered the Blue and Red Star Kachina. Then in another dream I was at some type of observatory, and we saw a blue sphere in the sky. There was a man sitting in the middle of the blue sphere. It looked like he was sitting in his merkaba. Now that makes me question, “Who was the man sitting in the blue merkaba?” It makes me think of Lapis Lazuli. Now I’m seeing the Star of David. Wow! I never saw it like that before. Omg… I’m unlocking more things as I am writing this. All I can say is that these secret treasures are leading me back to my home. Every time I find a treasure I am further activated or awakened to the true reality. If I am on the Mothership sending myself messages through DNA activation codes, it’s quite amazing.  Ok that’s it. Upwards and onwards, I rise in my ship! That’s it for now.  -Sophia (Wisdom) Athaleyah (Lioness of God) Ariana (Holy One) of Israel 333- Sirius Stargate Keeper. Look deep within your heart and there you shall find me. -Goddess of Love and Light!

The Return of Yahshua/Thoth (Ningiszidda)

Everything is all starting to come together. I had a thought that Enki sent his son Thoth (Ningiszidda) on the mission to incarnate as Yahshua (Jesus). When I read the Emerald Tablets it all started to make sense to me. Enki felt really bad about what happened in the beginning so I think he came up with a plan of salvation and he included his Son. Ultimately it was Yahshua’s will to move forward with the plan. According to Thoth he was free to incarnate at will and he had the ability to access his memories from past lives. Yahshua (Jesus) knew that he would be ressurected to life. Thoth talks about this in emerald tablets. Thoth has ascended beyond 4D, or Time. He has been operating in multiple dimensions and have been assisting humanity through Time. He knew that he would ascend to heaven. He had the knowledge of the Higher Self and he was sent here to teach people how they can also return to their higher self so they can ascend.

The Nibiruans caused a lot of chaos and destruction in the past on this planet and some of them felt really bad about this. Their descendants have suffered because of it because they have their DNA. Surely it’s a bond between earthlings (Earth) and the Nibiruans (Nibiru). So many things have been playing out in Time. A story has been told in the bible and a portion of God’s people were used as an example so that people can see the bigger picture. The descendants of Nibiru represents the true children of Israel, the 12 Tribes of Israel. Most of these descendants are melanated (brown/copper) people. For a very long time they have suffered in this world through time and they have been working on clearing their Karmic Debt.

We have been laboring for the Kingdom of the True God, representing the Higher Self/Higher Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. True believers of Yahshua (Jesus) innerstand this knowledge. Yahshua came in the image of the True God, and he showed us all how to operate in Love as the Higher Self. Many of the lost tribes of Israel have discovered our true selves and we know how to keep the commandments of Love. We must purify our hearts and minds by doing away with all evil. Most importantly we must forgive others, have compassion for others and forgive ourselves. We must also show unconditional love and stop being so quick to judge others when we ourselves have inner work to do. So I leave you with this.

The History of Thoth, The Atlantean.

Chosen was I from the sons of men,
taught by the Dweller so that his
purposes might be fulfilled,
purposes yet unborn in the womb of time.

Self-Healing and Self-Forgiveness!

Hello 2022! Things are going to get deeper from this point forward. Focus on Self-Growth, Letting Go and Releasing the Old, and learn how to create a New and Improved Reality for yourself so that you don’t continue on the same old cycle. Learning how to navigate in this world can be challenging for many but there has always been spiritual guides (angels in the flesh) on this Earth willing to help people get on the right path.

2 Key Words for 2022 is Self-Healing and Self-Forgiveness! A lot of people work on forgiving others which allows the other person to start the healing process but they forget to forgive themselves so they can heal. Millions of people are suffering in the world from all kinds of emotional and psychological trauma. There’s so many levels to this thing and no one really knows what someone else is going through mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I will always say this, “You can’t fully heal unless you know the root of the issue.”

The root of the issue -The underlying cause or fundamental essence of some issue, problem, or difficulty at hand. Most people don’t even know that they have underlying issues which means they have some sort of unresolved issues. So let Self-Healing and Self-Forgiveness be one of your top goals this year if you want to work on these to help you on your soul’s journey. Also there’s nothing wrong with seeing a Therapist. Maybe they can help you get to the root of your issues if you are not capable of going within to figure it out for yourself. Some people truly need one and that’s ok! Who cares what people think. Start believing and trusting in yourself and don’t let anyone distract you from becoming the best version of yourself. I mean NO ONE, this includes husband, wife, kids, family members, friends, co-workers and whoever else you are surrounded around daily. Learn how to take some time for yourself to get the healing that you need. Do something for yourself and make sure you have self-care time. This applies to women and men.

Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! Ressurection!

Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! I am gaining more insight searching through my own records.

As I lay in my bed on 7/6/2019 suddenly my third eye opens. Deep into my mind’s eye, a vortex opens and my consciousness travels. What do I see? My body is laying on the surface of the earth. Where is my location? I am on the ground. What am I feeling? I am one with Mother Earth! I am in the Earth. Suddenly, the earth’s crust is broken up like there’s been a great earthquake. What caused the earthquake? My awakening. My merkaba activated inside of the Earth. I am being raised up to heaven/the sky. It sounds like I am describing a resurrection. As I accelerate through earth’s atmosphere, I notice chunks of rocks alongside me. No longer am I bound; I am free. In that moment, I am aware that I am inside of a wheel that is rotating.  The spinning wheel is my light ship, my merkaba, I am aware that I have been activated. I am in the Earth’s atmosphere and my merkaba is rotating. First thought was, “What goes up must come down!”

I wanted to descend below to see what was stored in the heart of the Earth. I shifted my consciousness to the center of the Earth. I felt my energy field rotating and it pointed in the opposite direction. I could sense my built-in navigational system within my merkaba. My consciousness is the heart of my merkaba. I am the source of power within my light vehicle. This experience was programmed through activation codes that I sent myself through Time.

When I was in the atmosphere of Earth I felt light as a feather, free in space more specifically not bound by Earth’s gravity. I could travel freely and explore what was in my heart.

Next the command was given in the ship, and my code was activated!  Just like you have a password that gives you access to your personal things likewise does your merkaba. You create an access code. Everything that you do in this life, or another is recorded, all memories are stored. You carry your records with you everywhere you go. So, guess what that means, my etheric library is filled with many books. I am the force creating and expanding inner space. As my consciousness expands so does the Universe. My shelves in halls of wisdom are getting filled with more light (knowledge) so I need more space to build/create.  Before you know it, the merkaba will have all the information that it needs to create a Sun, then an entire system. Just like you have files stored on your computer I have files stored in my merkaba. DNA stores information. My consciousness has been accessing DNA records. I’ve experienced myself traveling along the structure of dna.

Separate vision. Sirius Starship beamed information to me. Access code was given. I went somewhere stationed near a Sun. Maybe I was carrying some information to a Source, most likely to store it there.  Anyways, countless ships were present, then I accessed the bottom of my ship. At the bottom of the ship, I saw a magenta hexagon pattern. It spiraled opened and I went into a room within the ship. I gave myself a symbol as I was ascending. I created an identity for myself as a goddess of Love, Light and Wisdom. Operating through the magenta ray in the field, there were Magenta hearts descending around me. I felt the love in my ship. I am the source of love. I am love energy. So, what would I create? The symbol of a heart. Where is my location? I was at the center. I create a language that I can comprehend. Learn from this. Keep it simple don’t make it complicated. As I went into this space, my consciousness created a room. How? Information is stored within me, right? So that means I have the knowledge on how to form and create certain structures through geometry. I used a simple cube to create a room. Simple right? Ok, moving on. If I don’t know how to build something I will just call on the architects in the Universe. It’s great to know people, right? One great architect I know is Thoth (Ningishzida), who did he learn from? His Father, Enki. You get where I am going. Case closed. Review your ancestral records and seek those who have the skillset to help you. Not going to spend so much time on something that another being has mastered and is willing to help other souls if they have pure intentions. We all have gifts that we specialize in. I will focus more on my spiritual gifts and how I can assist the universe. I am doing that now and I probably have created different ways on how I can send a message to reach certain souls who are willing to receive information as they progress on their soul’s journey. I have experienced high or low vibrations so no judgement here, call me a spiritual guide to help you get back on the right path. I can be here teaching in 3D, 4D or 5D or beyond. How? I am a multidimensional being.

Back to the hall of records. As I was scrolling through the records I literally saw everything that I have collected through time to store on my shelves in the hall of records. This vision occurred as a reminder. Simply to remember the knowledge of the Merkaba and the information that’s stored in the halls of records. While humans fight against each other I am doing other things. Everyone’s focus is different on Earth, and we are all projecting different realities. Don’t get trapped in someone’s reality. Focus, focus, focus on your soul’s journey.  I was told by my crew, focus, no distractions. Did I get distracted? Yep, plenty of times. What did they do? They created an event that caused me to focus and to get back on mission. Anyways, if I traveled back to earth through time from the future, this only means one thing, I am here to gather more information because I am trying to create something else. While I am here I might as well complete other missions and enjoy life on Earth.

All the knowledge I have obtained, explored, stored on this Earth over time is automatically transferred to my merkaba. I store EVERYTHING, the good and the bad. Also, I want to throw this out there I don’t believe in letting random people have access to your records. You must fully trust them and know their full intentions. They must be pure hearted. I will open my records and provide information to you at my will. I am the record keeper, and I will place certain guardians at my gate to guard my sacred temple. I have to fully trust them.

Now my journey begins to the underworld chambers of Egypt. Higher self only released small details for me to remember for teaching purposes. My posts are to be thought-provoking. I am here to stimulate your higher mind, open the pineal gland, and touch your heart in a way that inspires you to seek knowledge and wisdom.

As I descended at a fast rate in the land of Egypt I entered through the halls of the Earth. The gate (portal) was opened, and I traveled recall traveling through a vortex of purple light. Notice how I gave a clue. The purple light represents the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Violet relates to self-knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality and your higher consciousness. Want to know more? Look it up, information on the Crown Chakra is stored online. Many people have created websites, blogs, books etc. No excuse for humans. You have access to Earth’s living library. Moving along.

I saw walls of hieroglyphics and pillars spread throughout the halls of the temple. There were rooms filled with treasures of Egypt, all sacred knowledge and wisdom was stored within the rooms of this etheric temple. I was traveling through the space within the earth, and it felt like I was underwater traveling on a boat. This could be an indication of a possible merkaba journey as I or an ancestor of mine was traveling through the afterlife in the land of Egypt. The soul was probably guided through the information that was stored in the etheric temples of Egypt. As I was there, I realized, space is like an infinite ocean and my consciousness was traveling through some type of fluid. Just simply imagine a submarine deep in the ocean. My consciousness was observing all the ancient knowledge and wisdom within the secret chambers in the underworld. It appeared that I had entered a hidden dimension. I don’t think everyone has access to this unless given. You must protect your treasures. We already know certain people like to steal from original creators. But I saw many symbols, the Sphinx, statues of a Pharaoh etc. What was in ancient Egypt was copied and stored in the Etheric temples. The physical and etheric structures were formed and created at the same time. Everything starts with a Thought, right? Thought creates reality. It was created at the same time. For example, “Who build the Great Pyramids of Egypt?” Well, there are ancient records that provides the answer to this. Thoth said, he build the pyramids in the Emerald Tablets. Why is everyone acting like they don’t know who build the pyramids? And people are still stuck on this. People spend to much time seeking answers to questions that were already answered. If he is the original creator than apparently, he is the original gate keeper. He will grant access to the temple as he sees fit. Get to know him on a personal level and make sure your heart is always pure.

I traveled from room to room and each room had different information stored within them. As I continued through the halls of the Earth, I noticed different portals would open in front of me as I passed through the rooms. I saw rooms filled with scarabs, scorpions and one room that was interesting was a just room of floating triangles. There were rooms filled with sacred geometry. So much was stored there that I couldn’t capture it all to bring back when I woke up. The whole point of the dream was to remind me know of the hidden world in the land of Egypt. Just glad I was given a little peak, my heart was attracted to Thoth, the pyramids and all the knowledge and wisdom stored in Egypt. I figured Thoth granted me access. I continued to travel through the portals which led me to a purple crystalline core. It felt like I journeyed to the center of the Earth, and I traveled through the purple ray. There are many portals throughout the Mother Earth, and I felt like I was one with the heart of the earth. Some people experience different things when they travel out of body, and one must question, “Which ray of light were you traveling through? You have Upper and Lower Chakras. You will experience different realities depending on your vibrational frequency. Stay in high vibrations. I was told to put on a purple robe and walk in it. I see why I was told this.

Written by Sophia ( Wisdom) 333 -Latisha W.

From 38 Messages from Space: The Wilbert Smith Archives Remixed

In 1954, there were benevolent beings from another planet who came here on Motherships. They had a contact, and her name was Mrs. Frances Swan. She was able to receive signals sent from these beings on their Motherships. These beings tried extremely hard to contact our government. They wanted to meet with them to discuss some important things about the changes of the Earth. To get to the point, they came because they wanted to preserve balance on the Earth. They were trying to prevent a Pole Shift.

They were doing some work in the Pacific Ocean because there were some disturbances. The fault lines were weak. They said if the ocean floor should upheave the tidal waves would be immense and it would cause much destruction on land and on the islands nearby. They said, “We wish we could have more assistance as you people could do much to alleviate the pressure.” They went on talking about how we need to realize what dangers lies ahead on this planet and they wish that we would assist them. They said they can only hope to do their best to preserve balance as much as they can without our assistance. They care about our planet because if our planet would explode from within, it could send asteroids in space and wreak havoc in the Universe. Every planet would lose its equilibrium and it would take a long time to establish balance and rhythm again.

Also, many creations would be lost and God’s handiwork would be ruined. They said, we can preserve the planet to the extent of keeping it intact, but the changes that will take place will take many lives and destroy much evolved nature, including animals, bird life and other as well. Our earnest prayer is that the least we can ask for is that the nations stop bombing and causing explosions to occur. They said, 1956 would be the year set as the beginnings of the earth’s changes. They went on to say, you will find these things spoken of in your Holy Bible, Book of Daniel. Many secrets have been lost that could induce you to become alarmed, so we will do our best to convince you before it is too late. These beings were and still are working to save our planet and they have been trying to warn the people. This is so sad that our government have kept these secrets away from the public. If anyone has read the bible, beings were always sent to warn the people of a coming disaster. Some people believed and some people did not. The benevolent being said, “I will do all in my power to save and preserve all that I can possibly save.

Does this sound like someone trying to harm humanity? No. If you are reading this message, I hope you realize what is happening. Many of these ships are here to preserve the planet. Many Motherships have arrived to save some of their descendants. So much is happening right now so you can either open your eyes to see the truth or continue to be a non- believer. Earth has been going through a lot of changes and many people have warned us about a coming Pole Shift. I can see the signs and I hope you can too. They were going to do a mass landing, but they decided not to. I can assure you when things get really bad there will be a mass landing and people will see ships in our skies and they will uncloak themselves because the mission will turn into a RESCUE mission. Most people are aware of the flood event that occurred in the bible. Enki told his son Noah to built an ark so his son and his family were saved from the coming flood. Many people will be saved when the time comes. Who will be taken up on the ships? I cannot say. Everyone needs to prepare their hearts period. I am only sharing this message because I think it is very important. The truth is the Annunaki/Nibiruans have returned which means they are coming for their descendants like they have promised in the old days. They gave us the sign of the rainbow. Will they keep their promise? Will they come for their descendants or will they watch the destruction of Earth in their ships like they did the first time. So there are a lot of so-called light workers that know about this and they chose not to share important facts for whatever reason. People are doing ascension courses teaching about these things and the people are still being misled. Money will not save you! That is all I will say. If you are going to teach the truth and awaken people then try telling the WHOLE TRUTH!

Do you share your Dreams?

Years ago, I had a dream that women were being anointed. In the dream I counted the women that were being anointed by the Most High and there were 8 women. I am sure the number 8 was symbolic in my dream. All the women were different. I was dressed different from them. The women all had their heads covered. I did not. We all had different gifts. The women were chosen in my dream and I was included even when I did not dress like them. There are a lot of women who are pure in Heart in this world and because of this many women will be given dreams and visions. There will be hidden manna in your dreams so please pay attention to them. I will tell you right now that some things that you will see will appear to be strange. The dreams and visions will be attuned to your vibrational frequency.

As you raise your vibration your dreams will shift. If you have been completing the inner work, then you will be able to understand your dreams from a higher level. If not, the angels will guide you to someone who you can trust that will reveal the meaning of your dreams. Or you can seek the angels yourself like I did. In the beginning, I had no one to talk to when I first awakened so I seeked the Most High and his angels for guidance. Over time I realized my dreams and visions was a secret code and all was revealed to me. I was told by the angels to have patience. So be PATIENT! Ladies, if you are having dreams and visions, PLEASE get a notepad/journal or use your phone and write down your dreams and visions as soon as you wake up. The angels came to me on July 3, 2012 and told me to do the same thing and I followed their instructions. They literally were in my home on that day and they were speaking to me through telepathic communication. I had the ability to pick up on the signals that they were beaming to me.

I felt the presence of a ship near my home in the clouds during the first week of July, this was the same time of my spiritual awakening. I also went to a ship in the spirit during the first week of July. So please do not think this is a game. I am not making these things up. I have asked so many questions for years and have seeked the answers for a lot of things that have happened to me. I was called to come out of Babylon and that’s exactly what I did. Apparently, a higher being saw something great in me that I could not see within myself at that time. My life was literally transformed. So, if you are being called it is for a reason and I am going to tell you one reason. Your task or mission is to awaken the people by simply sharing your dreams and visions! Your dreams carry hidden messages, and you have the gift to decode them. So, you have a choice to share the messages, or you can keep them to yourself. Light is information and knowledge has greatly increased in these last days. So, you can spread the messages that has been given to you or not. I made a choice to spread my messages to the 4 corners of the Earth simply by creating posts of my dreams and visions on various websites.

Everyone will not understand my messages that contains hidden messages. I was told that the messages will reach the people that it is supposed to reach through time. In the past I shared my dreams and visions, and I was always getting attacked by Hebrew Israelite men. I was called a witch and I was told that I should not be teaching the Word. Most of the Hebrew Israelite men were still ignorant and they did not understand spiritual teachings. For a time, I observed and analyzed the Hebrew Israelite camps and then I moved on to higher teachings. I learned from Yahshua/Thoth and his angels. I knew that if I was watching and observing the camps of Israel, that the Most High and his angels were also watching from above in ships and in the spirit realms.

transmutation of darkness to lighT

When we choose to face the darkness, we have the opportunity to grow and become stronger from the darkness. However, when we choose to live in the dark, the opportunity for growth is suppressed, and we’re trapped in that darkness. To the Sons and Daughters of the Most High, if you don’t know what your purpose is One must transmute the darkness into Light!

In my studies. This is what I have learned this and wanted to share it. Darkness + Darkness = More Darkness Revenge, rage, retaliation, hatred and aggression- These actions and emotions do not help to release us. Rather, they help to anchor us to the very same “vibration” (state of being) as those who originally harmed us. These actions and emotions encourage a backward movement (further into darkness), rather than a forward movement. This appears to be Counterclockwise (Backward Motion) vs Clockwise (Forward Motion) Darkness + Light = Less Darkness (More Light)The “addition” of light helps to “lighten” the darkness, increase awareness and promote balance, understanding and completeness. Bringing light (awareness) into a dark situation or a dark memory creates the opportunity for true growth and true release to occur.

Emerald Tablets: Secret of Secrets

First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth. Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. Darkness is disorder. Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is light of the Light. This, my children, your purpose in being; transmutation of darkness to light.

To accomplish effective deprogramming, one must learn to communicate properly with both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. If only the surface of a much deeper issue is recognized, then attempting to communicate it may actually compound the issue by creating a feedback loop.

In this type of situation, communication typically becomes unproductive (circular) because it is only addressing a fragment of the underlying issue(s). However, when the issue is examined in its entirety, then it can be effectively transmuted (into something positive) and released. To properly heal ourselves (and the planet) we must get to the root of the problem. This usually means accessing areas of the subconscious mind that may have been hidden or compartmentalized for many years.

Hidden Codes: Revealing the mysteries!

People learn by seeing a visual, so watch the movie KNOWING again to see the hidden codes. Watch with new eyes. Watch with your third eye open to see the hidden messages. This is how the angels operate behind the scenes so they can give us a message. Many movies are created in this world for our entertainment, right? I love movies because I know what the angels are doing behind the scenes. I was trained for this before I got here but they have found a way to get our ATTENTION, well at least some of us. Not a lot of people are awake at this present time and not many people are watching for the signs. Again, they are hidden in plain sight. So, the angels have been sending messages through our movies. Movie writers always conceive an idea right, and then a movie is brought forth. Well, where do you think they got the idea from? Could the idea have been planted? I am saying this for a reason. I want you to use your own brain and think about what I am saying to you. Now this is the lesson! I hope you are paying attention.

This is HOW I TEACH! I do not TEACH like everyone else. I am like no other nor does my brain operate like no other. I am not from here. If you want to see what I see, then one must look into my inner world. Look into my eye and tell me what you see. I received a transmission years ago and the angels basically beamed a signal to the center of my brain at the location of my third eye or pineal gland. I say this so you can learn so pay attention! They showed me a slideshow of events (future prophecy) that were happening in the world. What am I doing right now? Blowing the trumpets. They told me to share these messages which I have done since 2015 when I actually started my ministry. So what do we know right now? Clearly, these beings or angels have technology of time travel if they are showing me future events. This is a key point! In one frame they showed me people running away from something. They were fearful. Next frame I saw Yahshua formed out of the clouds.

I guess everyone else was seeing something different in the clouds from what I could see. I have been awaiting the return of Yahshua and the angels on chariots so I wasn’t fearful. Next frame I saw a sheet of paper and on it was a lot of numbers just like the sheet of paper that was pulled out of the time capsule on the movie KNOWING. The little girl in the movie was guided by whispering voices to fill her paper with a series of numbers. Before she could write the final numbers, the allotted time for the task expired. The works of the students were stored or sealed until 50 years later. So, when I saw the paper in the vision, I heard the angel say, “PAY ATTENTION TO THE NUMBERS.” Well, I am sorry but there was way too many numbers to remember, and I only captured a few numbers but the whole point in showing me this was to tell me how they were communicating to us to show us what was to come. We know this as biblical prophecy. They have been leaving us signs everywhere. Information has been stored all over the world if you can just wake up and PAY ATTENTION. They have been trying to communicate to us all but only a few people are receptive to their messages or transmissions.

I have heard so many people say, I am having ascension symptoms, I am seeing repeating numbers (11:11, 111, 222, 333, 444, etc.) and my ear is ringing or I hear high pitch buzzing sounds. And then they ask what does all of this means? Well look at the movie knowing and see how the angels are communicating with the little boy to prepare him for ascension in the end. At the end, the angels took the children and the animals, and they ascended in a ship. Clearly you see the messages right in front of you yet people say everything is false. I also wanted to add that many documents were sealed or hidden from the citizens of America for over 50 years and they have been declassified. There are messages from our Sky Family. Listen everything happens for a reason. Many things are done in a certain order, pattern or sequence. Dates are very important. Follow the keys I have given you. For a very long time I have wanted to write my book called Testament of Sophia: The Mysteries Revealed but I struggle with putting all the information together in one book. So piece by piece I have been providing information all over the internet spreading my light so that it reaches many people. As always, I am no longer a mystery. I am simply a Daughter of Zion! 333

major Signs that appeared in the Heavens in 2013!

People see what they want to see. For me these were major Signs that appeared in the Heavens in 2013. Everything is a Code in this System. Many have corrupted Wisdom throughout the AGES and I shall RESTORE it!

Comet Lovejoy – I am the Holy Spirit! (Mother)

Comet Encke- I am Enki (Thoth’s Father)

Comet ISON – I am the Son (Yahshua)

Comet Atlas- I am Atlantis= The King’s Return

For teaching purposes. For example, I am representing the divine feminine aspect of God. The Mother! I am LoveJoy! What message am I bringing to you? What have I been putting forth on my page?

Galatians 5:22-23, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. July 26- The Sun enters Leo! What else is significant about this date? The beginning date, July 26, corresponds to the heliacal rising of Sirius, making the 13 Moon 28-day cycle a solar/galactic calendar. Symbolism: Leo =Lion (Sphinx) – The Lion of Judah is regarded as the symbol of the Israelite Tribe of Judah. I am from the Tribe of Judah! There are 12 Tribes of Israel! I am Representing the 144,000. The Sphinx is guarding the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Who built the Great Pyramids of Egypt? Thoth! He is known as Ningishzidda in the Lost Book of Enki.

What is my Source? The Lost Book of Enki

Enki to Enlil words of suggestion said: When in future days it will be asked: When and by whom has this marvel been fashioned? Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion let it announce, The image of Ningishzidda, the peaks’ designer, let its face be,Let it precisely toward the Place of the Celestial Chariots gaze,When, by whom, and the purpose let it to future generations reveal!Now on the Sabbath day, July 27, 2013 I had a vision, and I was contacted by a being that said, “I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At the time of my awakening, I came forth as Athaleyah (Lioness of God) Ariana (Holy One) Israel.

Matthew 13: 9-11, “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. So those who want to know the mysteries revealed to them. Hear this message! The Age of Pisces was ending when Enki arrived on the Earth. Who was crowned King? Yahshua. Who are we waiting on to return? Yahshua. In what age did Yahshua say that he would meet his disciples in? The Age of Aquarius!

Luke 22:10-12 He replied, “As soon as you enter Jerusalem, a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you. Follow him. At the house he enters and say to the owner of that house, ‘The Teacher asks: Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with My disciples? He will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up. That is where you should prepare our meal.” The Lost Book of Enki The start of the cycle, of Celestial Time the measure, Enki to Marduk Indicated: When on Earth I had arrived, the station that was ending by me the Station of the Fishes was named, the one that followed after my name title, He of the Water., I called! Enki-He was wise in all matters, among the sages renowned he was. Of the secrets of waters he was a master; E.A, He Whose Home Is Water, he was called.

Come Explore My Inner World