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Tag: angel message
Angel Message: The Return of Christ is Manifesting!
Everyday I wake up knowing that I have a mission to complete. We are living in the age of enlightenment and knowledge is spreading quickly. Millions of people around the world are feeling the new energies that are coming on the Earth. Everyone is trying to describe what they are feeling and whether you believe…
Ascension Energies Through Crystalline Grid:The Work Is Being Completed! (Angel Message)
Greeting my fellow light workers! I have been receiving alot of downloads in the last few days. I remember an experience that I had on March 20, 2018. I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I heard a message coming in from my higher self. It was a short message. I said, “Our…
The Time 1:44: A Message From the Creator
Shalom Brothers and Sisters I keep seeing the numbers 144. I looked at the time just recently and the time was 1:44pm. Every time I see this number I know that Yah is sending me a message. I was led to Leviticus 23:1-44. Wow! Surely the angels have been ministering to me. Read verses 1…
Message to Israel
Shalom Brothers and Sisters. Looking over many posts, I have been led to provide our nation with a message. Some of the Israelites are acting just like the so called heathens and enemies that so many preach against. Israel, if you really want to show that you are a set apart and chosen people, put…
Short Conversation with an Angel
Shalom Brothers and Sisters I had a short dream a few days ago and it was after I had the dream about the Plague of Hail. When I woke up I actually roared like a lioness, I know it sounds a little crazy but I did my lioness roar and you will see why but…
Final Call
“Halleluyah, Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. 1619-2019 is the 400 year Prophecy! We are in the last days and prophecy is being fulfilled. Deliverance is coming O’ Israel! Rejoice and be glad because the King is coming soon. Heaven and Earth is aligning! Praise our God, all…