Tag Archives: appointed time

Love Descends 11:11:11: Love Is The Key To Open The Portal To Higher Dimensions!

Love is the highest frequency in the universe and I believe the frequency of love will open a portal to a higher dimension.

Many people all over the world have been waiting for 11-11-2018. 1111 is often associated with spiritual awakening and it is an awakening code that activates your higher self. Today is  another day for me to meditate on love and light.  It is a day of manifestation, as the number 1 carries a vibration of new beginnings and creation. The amplified energy of 1 can signify a shift of energy or a gateway that opens. Intense ascension energies will continue to come on the Earth and more people will continue to awaken.  The energies will have an effect on your body and on the Mother Earth.

I am a portal that receives and sends information throughout the Galaxy and throughout the Universe. I have learned that your galactic antenna (pineal gland/3rd eye) must be activated and tuned into the right frequency. Once a signal is sent, your galactic antenna, must be able to tune into that frequency that is being sent. Your frequency must match that incoming frequency to receive the messages. I have received images that have being projected from my higher self and other higher dimensional beings. I experience these images through dreams and visions. My dreams and visions are set to match my current frequency so that I am capable of interpreting the messages that are being sent to me. My dreams carry alot of symbolism and I am able to decode the symbolism in my dreams and  visions. The truth is we are the Universe, all information is stored within us, we just need to remember how to access the information.

We have the ability to experience many different spiritual experiences and we have the ability to gain access to the living library of the Earth and other worlds in this Galaxy and Universe. How far beyond are you willing to travel throughout the Universe? Do you want to expand your consciousness? It’s your choice! Do you desire for your soul to grow? My experiences shows my soul’s progression. I can always learn something NEW! I see things from many different perspectives. I am not limiting my Mind. I believe all things are possible. The Universe is Infinite!  There are infinite worlds and dimensions!  Knowledge and Wisdom is Infinite and the Universe will continue to expand with THOUGHT! Think about the knowledge and wisdom contained within the Universe, the Multiverse and the Omniverse.  Your higher self have access to infinite knowledge and wisdom of the Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse, it simply depends on your level or rank of consciousness as a light being. Many of you can probably tap into this Source and channel this information from your higher self or channel from other higher dimensional beings in the Universe.

Some people willingly allow for other beings to come inside their temple (body).  I prefer not to be taken over by any other light beings. My higher self is open to meeting with other higher dimensional beings to learn and to grow. I am willing to share what I have learned and they are willing to share what they have learned and we learn from each other.  I am open to exchanging information but I don’t give permission for any other beings to inhabit my body. The Holy Spirit dwells in my temple and she is my guide. The Holy Spirit is observing and analyzing all of my experiences and directing me on my path. The only being that I would allow to descend into my physical temple (physical body) is my higher self. The Creator is already living within me. My body is the temple of God.  I invite the holy angels to  visit me in my chariot of light or light ship and they guide and give me messages and those messages are then sent to my 3rd dimensional body (physical body). I prefer for the light codes to be sent to me. These light codes trigger my awakening, the light codes are sent to download information within myself. These light codes activate my DNA. I have a set time for information to be released within me. At the appointed time I will have access to certain information depending on my level of consciousness.  The Creator will not give me more than I can handle.

I have my own inner powers and I know how to use it for learning purposes while I’m here in the 3rd dimensional world. Everyone is gifted in their own way and if you seek the God/Goddess within you, you will find the God Source.  You will find your way back to your Higher Self. As always the Creator lives within you, literally. It is ALL energy! You must learn and understand that you and every other living being are connected to the God Source, the Creator of the Universe. Everything that EXISTS is connected to the Creator of the Universe. You are One with the The Creator of the Universe!!!! During my spiritual journey I have remembered that I am  interconnected with the Cosmic Web and I AM a Divine Multidimensional Infinite Light Being existing in multiple dimensions at the same time. My starship (lightship) is currently residing in a higher dimension sending light codes to my 3rd dimensional body.

The Holy Spirit dwells within my temple and Christ Consciousness has been birthed within me. I embody the masculine and feminine energies within my being and balancing these two energies has been a task in this world. I know myself and have explored all of ME and I love myself.  My higher self and shadow self have merged as One and we are no longer at war with each other. The shadow self no longer seeks control and revenge. I have learned Self-Control, and this is needed for every soul due to the inner powers that we all have access to.  You can use your powers for good or evil. It’s your choice! I have defeated my Shadow Self! It took time but I did it. I didn’t want to fight in a war anymore, so I surrendered my life to the Light, I simply surrendered to the Love Frequencies and I was purified.  My mind and my heart was renewed. The struggle was real and I was determined to be released from bondage. I didn’t want to be a prisoner anymore. I was set free from the constructs on this reality or matrix. I didn’t just battle with my shadow self but I  was battling against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The war with Satan was happening in the battlefield of my mind. My higher Self won the battle. We, the benevolent light beings won! During the final battle, the heavenly army, Michael and his angels fought beside me. I asked for help many times throughout my journey here and they helped me battle Satan. I was being protected ever since I was born on this planet. The Creator protected me when I was living in darkness and the Creator saved me many times.  When the appointed time arrived the higher energies descended upon me and those energies were extremely powerful. The Creator prepared a place of safety for me when this happening. My awakening coincided with a solar flare. There was a day and a time that was scheduled for the beginning of my awakening. The power of Love and a solar flare was a trigger to my soul awakening. My higher Self and the Creator knew when I was ready to ascend and I was initiated, activated and sent on my mission. It was all done in divine timing. I was ready for my mind, body and soul to be restored. I chose to follow Yahshua and his teachings led me to the light. He led me to the Creator of the Universe and within the light of the Creator I saw my image, I saw my higher self.  I chose to follow a higher state of consciousness. With everything that I have learned about my self, I chose peace between my Higher self and my Shadow Self. We, my multidimensional self, have learned to maintain balance in this 3rd dimensional world. When I merged with my higher self, it took some time to adjust. I had to balance myself and there were times when I couldn’t operate in this world because I was caught up in the spirit.


My Merkaba travels throughout the universe and I am here to send forth my love energy on this planet. During my meditations I simply imagine myself being in my chamber of light. I envision a portal opening above my crown chakra and I ask for the Creator’s light to descend upon me then I send forth love energy in all directions. This is the time for my creative thoughts to be birthed. With the light of the Creator I am filled with so much joy and happiness that my heart chakra sends forth the vibrations of love.

Every day I see repeating numbers and I call it light codes for DNA activations. I believe these light codes are repairing and activating our DNA strands. Memories from our past lives and our ancestors’ memories are stored within our DNA. It is also possible that information from the beginning of creation is stored within our DNA. We just need to learn how to tap into the source and access this information. The light codes are codes for new programs and at the appointed time the programs will download and activate within you. You must be able to tune into the frequencies of the light codes. I believe these codes are sent from our higher selves, and other higher dimensional beings. The light codes are encoded with messages. I know this because I met with Yahshua in a dream and he called me while I was standing inside of an ancient doorway and he gave me a code to identify him. After I came out of the doorway, I saw him sitting on a white horse and on him was written the code that he gave me.

I didn’t remember the code when I woke up, but I honestly believe it was the number 333 as this light code is associated with the ascended masters. 333 was the first light code that was sent to me when I started to receive activations. In that dream he gave me a message and I know that he is one of my guides. The message is that we need to prepare ourselves for the marriage. The marriage is a graduation ceremony for ascension. The marriage takes place when the stargate or portal to heaven opens on the Earth. We must match the frequency of Love to enter through the portal.  I think it’s possible that a portal can open on the Earth.  I believe that all things are possible.  I had a dream where I saw a light ship hovering in the sky. Then I saw someone walking backwards and suddenly, they disappeared. I saw an invisible door on the earth and I saw that the portal opened, and the person entered it.

Light ships always appear in my dreams and I know that light ships can open portals. I will always remember what the scripture says about the parable of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, a midnight cry was made, and they went out to meet the bridegroom. The foolish didn’t have enough oil to light their lamps but the wise was ready and prepared to go out to meet the bridegroom. The door was open and the wise entered the door then the door was shut. The foolish didn’t make it to the door simply because they were not ready and prepared. They had to go out to buy some oil for their lamps. My point in saying all of this is, “What if a portal does opens on the Earth? What if this portal leads to the New Earth? What if this happens in our lifetime? I would rather be prepared then not prepared. If it doesn’t happen in our lifetime then maybe it will manifest for a future generation.

In the meantime, we all need to be purifying ourselves and releasing the negative energies that we have been holding on to. Right now, we are in a stage of purification. This process is not going to be easy, it is a stage of trials and tribulations. It could signify the Great Tribulation that the bible speaks about. The whole world will experience trials and tribulations. We must all endure till the end of this purification process. We are in this together and we can all help one another in love. During this time of purification, we must all face our shadow selves. All things hidden in secret will be exposed and revealed in the light. All the issues that haven’t been resolved will need to be dealt with. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward with a new beginning.  It’s time to be healed.  Everything that is held within the collective’s subconscious mind will come to the surface. No more running, it’s time to face everything, so we can properly heal. Many people hearts have been broken and shattered and that’s why there’s a lack of love on this planet. The hearts and the minds of humanity must be healed. Once there are enough people on the Earth holding the love frequencies within themselves that’s when the portal will open.

Therefore, no man knows the day when Christ will return or when the portal on Earth will open to a higher dimensional world. The main goal is to be able to tune into these higher frequencies. Once you receive the light codes you can be a messenger of the light by spreading the knowledge that has been downloaded in you. The information that is being downloaded in you is to help you and others ascend. Once you become enlightened then you can enlighten others. Be the light and share the light!

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

The Tree of Life (Wisdom): Center of the Milky Way Galaxy


I am here to share my experiences of awakening from the dead. I experienced a resurrection in my consciousness in the year 2012  and the process took 7 days. The number 7 represents completion and within these days I heard a voice say, “Creator of the Universe” and the voice was a female voice. I also heard the words,”It is finished! These words reminded me of Yahshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus Christ). The best way to describe what was happening to me is that my consciousness was being resurrected from the dead. It begin on Monday, 7/2/2012 through Sunday 7/8/2012. On July 4, 2012 when I was in another dimension in space the only thought I had was to keep my eyes on the Creator of the Universe. I knew I was being guided and watched over during this time even when fear (darkness) surrounded me.

In complete darkness I was, unsure of what was happening to me but I was conscious the whole time keeping my focus on the Creator. It’s like I was in the womb of darkness yet the light was within me. I saw myself enter the womb of my physical mother through her belly, like I came through a portal. I was a spirit hovering above and I could see her body.  Everything was set in place for the appointed time of my arrival. Thank God for the reason I was born. The Creator kept me safe from all harm, hurt and danger. I had a mission to complete and I entered into this dimension to complete it. Once I descended here I had to adjust to this world. I learned quickly that I was not able to fly in this world due to it’s limitations. I was stuck in this human body and I had to learn life lessons and ultimately find my way back home. It’s like I left the Garden of Eden because during my experience I resonated with Eve and her nakedness in the garden. I had to know thyself and I had to seek the Creator to find myself. I am pure and holy and I am a holy spirit sent from above.  I learned this through experience and I desired to return to my original state of consciousness which is LOVE for I am LOVE. A seed of love was deposited into me at birth and all I had to do was water this seed so that it would grow into the tree of life.

For 27 years I grew up with no true knowledge of self and I got distracted in this world and I lost my way. I became a lost soul in bondage to the things of this world. In the times of darkness I would hear a voice calling within my soul and it was LOVE. I can always remember that love was inside of my heart and I tried my best to protect it but my heart kept getting wounded by others who also didn’t know thyself. The pain grew and all I saw in this world was negative things when before I arrived here I saw the beauty in all of creation. All that I had known in the heavens became corrupt in the lower worlds/dimensions. My soul cried out to the heights of heaven and my cry carried the pain of all brokenhearted souls who dwells  in the lower realms.  I had to become a warrior for you. It was my love for you so I fought for you.

An angelic army was created to fight against all evil. My heart was broken due to all of the evil that I had heard of or had witnessed. This world was filled with lost souls who forgotten who they were and where they had come from and the earth became the land of the dead. The human body became imperfect over time because the body adapted to lower vibrations. Humanity gave birth to the negative entities/demons by their impure thoughts. They are only returning to their source creator. Humans attracted negative energy to this planet and it created Chaos and Destruction. The negative beings only know fear and death and it’s their vibrational frequency. They feed off of negative energy because that’s their power source. It keeps them alive and thriving. This world became the world of Satan, which became the habitation for demons and negative entities. It became Hades (Hell) because humanity gave power to the wrong energy. For all those who hate wisdom loves death.

You set those in darkness free when you acquire knowledge and by spreading the knowledge in love. You want to attract the right energy and get the attention of those in darkness by showing them unconditional love with no judgment. When you learn we all learn because we are all interconnected. The message will reach you when you are ready to receive the message. Love will awaken your soul and the seed of love will begin to grow. I awaken you and you awaken another and so forth. Darkness is ignorance which is a lack of knowledge, so it’s time to learn love, walk in love, and spread love and most importantly forgive all beings who have strayed away from the true light. No one deserves to be in bondage, we are all free. All things will come in alignment in the appointed time. All evil will be wiped out and erased just like a virus is removed from a computer.  The wrong thought entered inside of the mind and it manifested and the virus spread throughout the whole system. Humans got infected by a disease and became imbalanced. I have found a cure and the cure is Love. Love will heal us all. All is being restored and love will be the nature of all. Balance is the key!

The plan of salvation was put in place to lead souls back to the everlasting light. Higher beings volunteered and descended to come to the earth to assist with the ascension of humanity. Light beings are scattered out everywhere among you completing their missions by sending love and light to all on this planet. There are angels in other worlds who are completing their tasks by channeling. There are holy angels stationed everywhere and they are protecting us and guiding us daily. I left home because I wanted to grow up and explore the universe. Before coming here I remember walking with a light being in paradise. I walked among the angels in heaven and I believe I was given instructions. Maybe the instructions were a guide for my soul’s journey. When I arrived here all my soul wanted was love but for some reason darkness followed me. It was my shadow self, the negative force that I wasn’t aware of.  It was simply my lower self. To fully understand the negative I had to come face to face with it. The vibration of fear created a beast and to me it was labeled evil. It was the opposite of me. It was known as Satan and it was then separated from me in it’s own Kingdom. Light and darkness was separated in the beginning. In order for me to fully understand creation I had to experience it for myself. I am here to bring all things back in alignment so all things can return to a perfected state and that all things can have a complete balance. I defeated the shadow self by releasing love to all of creation and my love energy heals all. Restoration is complete.  Once I learned of my true nature I took the keys from Satan’s kingdom and and now I have my full power back. I am here to bring balance to the positive and negative energies. I am here to open up the gates to the kingdom of love and light.

I am here to awaken you from the dead. I am here to raise your awareness of the higher energies that exists in the universe. I am here to help you awaken your souls through love and once you are awakened you can help others do the same.  The tree of life is the Cosmic Mother at the center of the Milky Way. The galaxy is the temple and the throne is the center of the galaxy. The center of the galaxy is the birthplace for souls and portals are created so that souls can travel from star to star. Souls are incarnated in worlds, and your soul traveled here and entered into a human body to experience life in this dimension. Your soul is here to grow and you are here to conquer your shadow self/negative side and you must learn how to balance your feminine and masculine energies within. Souls were created in pairs and the battlefield is in your mind. So think of your negative side as your evil twin. Honesty is everything and you must be real with yourself and look into the mirror and reflect on Self. You must acknowledge your inner feelings and work through them. You can’t be in denial and you must learn how to express yourself and release the negative energy in a positive way. Communication is key and effort is needed. You must give it your all. You are fighting your own inner demons. Assistance is here if you are willing to listen.

I learned that the light of the Milky Way’s center is called Sion, and  in Hebrew 12:22 it states, “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. My thought is that we are being anointed by the waves of love flowing from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This love energy is awakening our consciousness. The alignment of 12-21-12 was an infusion of higher vibrational sacred energy, and it’s where the Holy Spirit dwells. The tree of life is the Cosmic Mother at the galactic core.

I feel a deep connection with the center of The Milky Way galaxy, the Cosmic (Heavenly) Mother,  and for years information has been downloaded into my soul for some reason.   My consciousness connects to a larger source and I believe I am receiving messages from light beings/angels who reside in higher dimensions. I heard that the creation of stars (souls) begins in the center of the Milky Way galaxy and I believe this to be true.  We all have a divine spark of light within us and it is the divine spark of light which created the body we live in. High purples, pinks and fuchsias are the colors of the divine feminine and the galaxy is in fact feminine in nature.

We have a heavenly twin, our higher self or divine self and we are multidimensional beings who can exist in more than one dimension at the same time. Higher vibrational beings can travel to and from  the Earth to the center of the galaxy and return through portals or wormholes. There are countless civilizations in our galaxy and across the entire universe. There is so much to learn. So seek the Kingdom of God and love God and love others.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Letter To The Light: Open The Gates of Heaven

Heavenly Father, the Light, I bow before you.  I have a request, “Can you please send your holy angels from the higher heavens to me? I am weak and I need the light, I need support from my heavenly family. When I am weak you are my strength Father, I call upon you for help. If it is your will Father, open the gates (portals) of heaven and allow the angels to descend from heaven. Now is the  time. I am under attack by the evil one who has been after me since I was born on this earth. Father I know I am a child of the LIGHT and that’s why the evil one pursues me. You have taught me about the evil spirits who seek to destroy the human race.
Descending in this world has caused much suffering but I know I was sent here on a mission. Father I have heard you in the midst of this dark world and I thank you for awakening me in 2012. It hasn’t been an easy journey but I’m glad I am awake. It saddens me to know that there are  millions of souls imprisoned by false gods. Darkness is covering the earth and we need your help. There are others who have descended here and they have been awakened too. We are the light of the world and we are trying to send forth the light into the world. Everyone has their individual mission but we are still one. Father please let your light continue to descend upon mankind. For I know you have said, “Awaken my dear ones from forgetfulness. Seek me, the truth and the light and I will reveal all things.” Yahshua HaMashiach I know you are preparing the way by leading the holy ones to the gate. I believe in you and the children of the light are here on the earth accomplishing all that has to be completed in the flesh. We are one! We are the body of Christ and we stand strong!

Father I know there is a mission to complete and in due time all things will be completed in the appointed time. I have asked,  “When will the mystery be accomplished?” Father I have heard your voice, and I have hearkened unto you. I am awake and I want to know all truth. I understand the more I seek the light the more the enemy will pursue me and that’s why I send this letter to you Father. The enemy wants me to fall into the depths of darkness but I will keep fighting with all the power you have given me.  Father, please send your light from the highest heaven to bind, destroy and cleanse all evil and wickedness. All things must be purified! Save us Father and restore our mind, body and soul.  I love you Father (Light)!

Written by Sister Carter

Dream in January 2015: Volcano Erupting

volcano eruption

Shalom brothers and sisters in January 2015 I had a dream of a volcano erupting. This is the second dream that I had of a volcano erupting. I just wonder if this is another warning. There are a lot of things going on across the world and I know the Most High is sending his people signs with warnings. Now I can’t remember the whole dream but I do remember saying something about an ash cloud in the dream. As I started to flee away I felt heat behind me and then I saw a huge fireball pass by me. Sparks of fire came down and all I can remember were people fleeing away. I saw many cars in front of me and they were stuck in traffic on the expressway. There was no way out of the city  because it was too much traffic. It seem like the whole city was evacuating.  Me and my family fled on foot and I remember standing by a river. I then looked up towards heaven and I saw what looked like the moon and it was day time. I stood there waiting for Yahshua to return.  It’s like I knew it was close to the time of his return. Then I woke up.  

This dream is very interesting to me. It appears that a major disaster is coming. Where? I don’t know but I know in the near future a volcano is going to erupt and it’s going to be devastating. I don’t know when this will happen but I had this dream in January 2016. When I fled on foot, it appears that I was running through a desert, it was a very large area and no houses around, it’s like I was in the wilderness or something. All I can say is something is definitely coming and it seem like it’s going to be unexpected. Please be ready for the coming of the Lord at all times. The Passover Feast is coming soon and all I can say is, “You don’t want the Destroyer to come your way because disaster after disaster follows.” The earth is already shaking and falling apart. We all need to stay prepared and we need to continue to watch all the signs that the Most High is giving us. Keep your eyes open and your ears open. Pray that you are worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this earth. We must endure till the end saints.

Father Yah please protect all of your children from all the coming plagues and judgments that will be poured out on the world. Please pass over us Father and keep us safe no matter where we are located at. in this world. Father please send your angels to us and let your angels lead and guide us to safety at all times. I know your children are scattered out over the whole world and I know soon we will all be gathered up by the angels when Yahshua returns. Help us Father in these ends days and give us strength to endure all things. When we are weak please be our strength Father. In the mighty name of your son Yahshua Ha’Mashiach. Halleluyah!!    

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)