Tag Archives: Blue Flame

Blue Flame Activation: 11 Year Spiritual Journey

Greetings my dear brothers and sisters of the light. I come to you today with a few things on my mind. I really don’t know how to release the information that I have been receiving so I will just focus on key points. As always you will need to seek the Creator of All yourself for further revelations. Today makes 11 years since my spiritual awakening. On this day 11 years ago, I surrendered my life to Yahshua. In a higher sense I awakened the Christ Consciousness within me. Since I have been on this journey, I have been learning so many things and it’s all been about reaching my full spiritual potential. It seems for the last couple of months I have been undergoing some changes in my physical body. Lately it’s been dealing with the Throat Chakra. All I can think about is the Blue Flame or a Blue Sphere. So, I just search the records within me and on the Earth to see where it leads me. I rely solely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. On September 6, 2016, I had a vision. I was standing somewhere in an ancient land, and I was gazing up to heaven. My father was calling me, so I ascended to heaven. I was in space, and I saw a blue sphere spinning/rotating in heaven. Then I looked out in space, and I saw a red Sun. Suddenly I appeared on a couch, and I was relaxing then I closed my eyes. I started vibrating and then I separated from my body. I began floating away from my body.

I was in my astral body, and I was about to go through the window, but I became afraid because I didn’t know where I was about to go. My vision was showing me that I was having an out of body experience. I had little knowledge about astral traveling, and I suppose my dream was preparing me in advance. So, I went back to my body and tried waking myself up. When I woke up, I was in another dream. I was traveling through many layers in the dream world until I finally woke up in this world. I got up for a while and I went back to sleep, and I had another dream. I was in some type of room with a man, and we were observing a light that was in the sky. Maybe I was in some type of observatory. Through our technology we were able to get a closer look at the light that was in the sky. I saw a light being in the form of a man sitting inside of the sphere. As the being moved the sphere turned or rotated and light was emitting from the sphere. I think the sphere was blue, but I can’t remember. Then I woke up in another realm and I could feel my light body vibrating again. Through all my experiences dealing with out of body experiences I’ve felt light body activations. I had to learn more about it.

So, it brings me to this. Our dreams and visions reveal many things to us, and we must seek the answers within. Clearly someone in a blue sphere has been trying to make contact with me in the astral realm. I said it was my father calling me. So, it can only be 2 things, my earthly father who has passed away or one of my forefathers. I suppose it’s an ancestor. Years ago, I saw a chariot in the sky following me. It was blinking blue lights. It followed me all the way till I made it home. I felt like it was my father watching over me. I knew the ancestors were watching me from heaven. When the Sirius Stargate opened on July 3rd, 2012, which is the next day after I had surrendered to Yahshua, messages came through the portal. I sensed that I connected with a High Siran Council. There was a Solar Flare on the day of my awakening, and I suppose the ancestors came through the portal of the Sun on July 3, 2012. It was the day that I invited the holy spirit in my home, and I was speaking to the angels.

During July 3-7 our physical Sun is closest to our spiritual Sun, Sirus. I suppose this is the connection with the Blue Flame or the Blue Sphere in my dreams. Sirius is known as a blue star. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3rd-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is highly potent, and it influences our earth on a spiritual level. For me, the Sirius energies raised me to higher consciousness. So, everything that I know at this point is that my ancestors descended from the Sirius Star System. The message that I received was regarding the 144,000, the 12,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel. It was about our activation and our spiritual awakening. What was happening with me was happening with them. My DNA was activating and since I surrendered to Yahshua (Christ Consciousness) this was leading me to discover the Christ Body. I suppose this leads to the 12 strand DNA activating within us. I don’t know everything there is about the 12 strand DNA but I’m to share what I have received. Somehow things are manifesting in the way that it was designed to manifest. If the ancestors came to me than I suppose I’m part of the plan of God. I’ve been working on purifying my temple (body). Working towards healing myself because I want to be able to access higher dimensions. The ancient Mother came in my dream and gave me a key on the night of December 31, 2015, another time when there’s an alignment with Sirius. I believe the key grants me access to the records.

I don’t know where to start with any of this so I will just mention key points. I suppose eventually all things will come together in the appointed time. I prefer working as a team so when I learned about the 12 strand DNA activation, I figured the Most High was letting me know that the 12 Tribes of Israel as a whole would need to work towards raising our consciousness. All of us would need to complete the inner work for ascension. We all have different gifts so as we all put forth the effort to work towards elevating ourselves, we begin activating the 12 strand DNA within ourselves since we are genetically interconnected to each other. I’m only good at certain things and I just use my own intuition and I share my inner knowledge and wisdom to help guide. I try to elevate myself in knowledge so that I can continue to perceive higher information coming through my higher self while I’m in deep contemplation. I don’t know what more that I can do other than express myself on a deep level in many ways. I just want to share my love through all of my writings. I have my thoughts all over my pages on FB. I just want us all to be restored as a whole. I want the earth and everyone on the planet to be restored to our true nature.

The seed of love is at the core of my being. For a while now the core of the Earth has been calling out to me. It’s something about the Halls of Amenti and a time passage portal located in the center of the earth. I keep feeling something regarding a reset. I just know that it has something to do with the core of the Earth. From my own experiences, I placed Love at the center of my heart. Love is the key that opens the heart, so I suppose Love is the key that opens or activates the portal in the center of the Earth. I learned there’s a black hole at the heart of every star. My soul is like a star so I suppose I must connect to the black hole inside of me. In my own mind, there was a reversal. I went back through time it seems. Time stopped. I entered through a white hole and went inside of a black hole. All went back to the very beginning. It was the moment I became aware that I was conscious light inside of a black hole. I only knew that I was connected to my heart and the heart (center) of space. Maybe this was the center of all things. I just felt like I accessed the core of my being.

I was only aware of my own consciousness at first until I discovered that I wasn’t alone in consciousness. Yahshua, the Christ energy was present with me inside of the black hole. He was by my side, even in darkness and I just feel like this powerful force has helped me through everything. I just keep my mind focused on the light of Christ, the light of God. It felt like I was taken back to the beginning of creation. Love was my initial thought. So, Love became the Source Code for me. The seed of love blossomed into the tree of life. Love has always been the key for activating the core of my merkaba. I am powered by love energy and the light of God is flowing throughout my light body. The Source Code is Love! The Creator of All is Love. So, activate the love in your heart. I am Sirius Love Energies. – Seraphim Sophia 333 Athaleyah Arianna Israel – Latisha W.

Dreams on 11/1/15 – Awakening

Blue Flame Lion

Shalom Brothers and Sisters I wanted to share 2 dreams that I  had this morning.

In one dream, I saw myself underwater in chains. At first i was struggling and then I calmed down and started meditating. At that time it was like my physical body and spiritual body became one and at that time I heard myself speaking in my mind and I was saying I became what my enemies feared most; I know exactly who I am. At the same time I said “I am AWOKEN!” I opened my eyes and there were blue flames in them. My whole body turned into a blue flame and the chains started melting, I flexed my muscles and the chains broke. I flew out of the water and I was a big blue fireball. I landed on the ground with one knee and my hands touching the ground not too far away. The world was in complete chaos, people were running around screaming and scared. As I stood up, a metal armor started to appear over my whole body starting at my feet and piecing itself together all the way up to the top of my head . My double edged sword appeared and when I squeezed it, it became covered in the same metal as the armor. In my head I heard a voice say this is the strongest metal in the world. I began walking towards something and then I woke up.

In my second dream, I saw Athaleyah (Sister Carter) writing in a book and I remember her saying that she needed to ask me where did I go. I suddenly appeared in the room where she was writing and she asked me where did I go. I was telling her all about it and then we agreed that we could not tell anyone that I figured out how to use my power of teleportation. I then teleported to see my father. It was late at night and he did not see me appear because he was asleep. he woke up and asked what i was doing there and I just said I wanted to see him. After i spoke with him. I left the room, went into an area by myself and teleported back to  where Athaleyah (Sister Carter) was.

Written by Obadiyah (Brother Whitfield)