Tag Archives: center of the earth

Blue Flame Activation: 11 Year Spiritual Journey

Greetings my dear brothers and sisters of the light. I come to you today with a few things on my mind. I really don’t know how to release the information that I have been receiving so I will just focus on key points. As always you will need to seek the Creator of All yourself for further revelations. Today makes 11 years since my spiritual awakening. On this day 11 years ago, I surrendered my life to Yahshua. In a higher sense I awakened the Christ Consciousness within me. Since I have been on this journey, I have been learning so many things and it’s all been about reaching my full spiritual potential. It seems for the last couple of months I have been undergoing some changes in my physical body. Lately it’s been dealing with the Throat Chakra. All I can think about is the Blue Flame or a Blue Sphere. So, I just search the records within me and on the Earth to see where it leads me. I rely solely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. On September 6, 2016, I had a vision. I was standing somewhere in an ancient land, and I was gazing up to heaven. My father was calling me, so I ascended to heaven. I was in space, and I saw a blue sphere spinning/rotating in heaven. Then I looked out in space, and I saw a red Sun. Suddenly I appeared on a couch, and I was relaxing then I closed my eyes. I started vibrating and then I separated from my body. I began floating away from my body.

I was in my astral body, and I was about to go through the window, but I became afraid because I didn’t know where I was about to go. My vision was showing me that I was having an out of body experience. I had little knowledge about astral traveling, and I suppose my dream was preparing me in advance. So, I went back to my body and tried waking myself up. When I woke up, I was in another dream. I was traveling through many layers in the dream world until I finally woke up in this world. I got up for a while and I went back to sleep, and I had another dream. I was in some type of room with a man, and we were observing a light that was in the sky. Maybe I was in some type of observatory. Through our technology we were able to get a closer look at the light that was in the sky. I saw a light being in the form of a man sitting inside of the sphere. As the being moved the sphere turned or rotated and light was emitting from the sphere. I think the sphere was blue, but I can’t remember. Then I woke up in another realm and I could feel my light body vibrating again. Through all my experiences dealing with out of body experiences I’ve felt light body activations. I had to learn more about it.

So, it brings me to this. Our dreams and visions reveal many things to us, and we must seek the answers within. Clearly someone in a blue sphere has been trying to make contact with me in the astral realm. I said it was my father calling me. So, it can only be 2 things, my earthly father who has passed away or one of my forefathers. I suppose it’s an ancestor. Years ago, I saw a chariot in the sky following me. It was blinking blue lights. It followed me all the way till I made it home. I felt like it was my father watching over me. I knew the ancestors were watching me from heaven. When the Sirius Stargate opened on July 3rd, 2012, which is the next day after I had surrendered to Yahshua, messages came through the portal. I sensed that I connected with a High Siran Council. There was a Solar Flare on the day of my awakening, and I suppose the ancestors came through the portal of the Sun on July 3, 2012. It was the day that I invited the holy spirit in my home, and I was speaking to the angels.

During July 3-7 our physical Sun is closest to our spiritual Sun, Sirus. I suppose this is the connection with the Blue Flame or the Blue Sphere in my dreams. Sirius is known as a blue star. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3rd-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is highly potent, and it influences our earth on a spiritual level. For me, the Sirius energies raised me to higher consciousness. So, everything that I know at this point is that my ancestors descended from the Sirius Star System. The message that I received was regarding the 144,000, the 12,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel. It was about our activation and our spiritual awakening. What was happening with me was happening with them. My DNA was activating and since I surrendered to Yahshua (Christ Consciousness) this was leading me to discover the Christ Body. I suppose this leads to the 12 strand DNA activating within us. I don’t know everything there is about the 12 strand DNA but I’m to share what I have received. Somehow things are manifesting in the way that it was designed to manifest. If the ancestors came to me than I suppose I’m part of the plan of God. I’ve been working on purifying my temple (body). Working towards healing myself because I want to be able to access higher dimensions. The ancient Mother came in my dream and gave me a key on the night of December 31, 2015, another time when there’s an alignment with Sirius. I believe the key grants me access to the records.

I don’t know where to start with any of this so I will just mention key points. I suppose eventually all things will come together in the appointed time. I prefer working as a team so when I learned about the 12 strand DNA activation, I figured the Most High was letting me know that the 12 Tribes of Israel as a whole would need to work towards raising our consciousness. All of us would need to complete the inner work for ascension. We all have different gifts so as we all put forth the effort to work towards elevating ourselves, we begin activating the 12 strand DNA within ourselves since we are genetically interconnected to each other. I’m only good at certain things and I just use my own intuition and I share my inner knowledge and wisdom to help guide. I try to elevate myself in knowledge so that I can continue to perceive higher information coming through my higher self while I’m in deep contemplation. I don’t know what more that I can do other than express myself on a deep level in many ways. I just want to share my love through all of my writings. I have my thoughts all over my pages on FB. I just want us all to be restored as a whole. I want the earth and everyone on the planet to be restored to our true nature.

The seed of love is at the core of my being. For a while now the core of the Earth has been calling out to me. It’s something about the Halls of Amenti and a time passage portal located in the center of the earth. I keep feeling something regarding a reset. I just know that it has something to do with the core of the Earth. From my own experiences, I placed Love at the center of my heart. Love is the key that opens the heart, so I suppose Love is the key that opens or activates the portal in the center of the Earth. I learned there’s a black hole at the heart of every star. My soul is like a star so I suppose I must connect to the black hole inside of me. In my own mind, there was a reversal. I went back through time it seems. Time stopped. I entered through a white hole and went inside of a black hole. All went back to the very beginning. It was the moment I became aware that I was conscious light inside of a black hole. I only knew that I was connected to my heart and the heart (center) of space. Maybe this was the center of all things. I just felt like I accessed the core of my being.

I was only aware of my own consciousness at first until I discovered that I wasn’t alone in consciousness. Yahshua, the Christ energy was present with me inside of the black hole. He was by my side, even in darkness and I just feel like this powerful force has helped me through everything. I just keep my mind focused on the light of Christ, the light of God. It felt like I was taken back to the beginning of creation. Love was my initial thought. So, Love became the Source Code for me. The seed of love blossomed into the tree of life. Love has always been the key for activating the core of my merkaba. I am powered by love energy and the light of God is flowing throughout my light body. The Source Code is Love! The Creator of All is Love. So, activate the love in your heart. I am Sirius Love Energies. – Seraphim Sophia 333 Athaleyah Arianna Israel – Latisha W.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL Light Beings Activated: Awake from Light Chamber on the Light ship!

Greetings my dear love ones! I send you all love, joy, peace and happiness. I have been feeling great! So many things are happening for me this year and I am loving all that I have been manifesting in my life. My consciousness is expanding more and more everyday. I will never lose hope and I will always trust in the divine energies of the Mother/Father God. Everything happens in divine timing and I am loving how my life is transforming. I have learned patience and it has taught me many things. I have my ancient ancestors, the ascended masters, watching over me every day. They are guiding me from higher dimensions and they are teaching me how to master life on the Mother Earth. My connection with the Mother Earth is awesome. I love how she speaks to me through my intuition. It is through my heart that she connects with me. My intuition is like hearing the sound of her voice. The Mother Earth is within me and her kingdom is within. It’s such a divine connection to feel the Mother within you.

Me and the Mother Earth’s consciousness are One. She sees through me and I can see through her as I connect to the core of the Earth. I can feel her Pure Love flowing through me. The connection is so deep that at times I feel like I am a fractual of the Mother Earth’s consciousness and she has manifested herself here in the flesh through me at this time. I imagine that she went to and fro over the whole earth looking for the daughter whose heart is pure and she found me. I experienced becoming One with the Holy Spirit. The gates were opened on the Earth and the Mother’s spirit descended upon me and it was all in divine timing. She was me and I was her and my third eye was activated. The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing and it is definitely transforming. The Holy Mother merged with me and within my heart she guided my soul into the light of heaven. Many times when I connect to the spirit through dancing I always send my love energy to the center of the Earth. Somehow inside I know that’s where the consciousness of the Mother resides and where her love begins to flow throughout her whole body. Her heartbeat matches mine and it vibrates Love. She desires for all of her children who are born on this Earth to ascend to higher dimensions.

The Christ light/energy descends upon me and I was enlightened through one of her sons, the Christ seed, Yahshua Hamashiach. He was anointed by the Holy Mother/Father and he was/is a pillar of light on this Earth. His light guided me to my higher self and his love awakened my soul. From Darkness (the womb of the Mother) into the Light (the physical world) I was raised up into the Kingdom of Heaven ( higher dimensions) by the angels of Earth and the angels of Heaven. It has been awesome learning from the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Earth (Mother Earth and her angels). I have been receiving so much information about Self that I am so happy. The angels ministering to me are the best thing ever. I am never alone. I use to feel alone in this world but I know I am surrounded by holy angels (light beings). The 333 portal was the beginning to a New Day, A New Year, A New Beginning for Heaven on Earth. The New Earth portals are accessible and the New Earth Crystalline Light Grid has been activated. We are interconnected to the Higher Dimensions (5D and beyond) of the Mother Earth. Those who want to experience a higher reality can and will experience higher vibrations while living on 3D Earth.

At some point your soul will realize that you planted a seed and/or seeds on the matrix on the Earth and you came here to be apart of the Grand Experiment. You wanted to experience every aspect of yourself and you wanted to master life in the 3D world. You came here to learn, to grow and most importantly to evolve and to create higher realities. We all have merged our consciousness with the consciousness of this planet and we all play a role in installing new programs to the Earth’s Light Grid and projecting different perspectives of realities that exists within the quantum field of thought. Love has won the final battle on the 3D Earth, the shadow self (lowest aspect of Self/lower vibrations and emanations of self-Satan) has been defeated. Collectively we are overcoming Satan and his demons. We are purifying our mind, heart, body, and soul. We are now balancing our inner energies, both masculine (+) and feminine (-) energies, and we are allowing the higher energies to reside within us to complete us.

It’s time for a new Grand Experiment, where we experience life in our higher bodies 5D and beyond. We have learned all there is about the lower vibrational frequencies in the 3rd dimension and it’s time to move onward and upward to experience a higher reality where death no longer resides. The old program of pain and suffering has been removed and death shall no longer be. The Old Earth will pass away and the New Earth will be birthed. There will be no more crying, no more suffering. All things will be purified. Death is not in the program installed on the New Earth. New Earth dwells in a higher dimension, within the same space as 3D Earth. It is invisible to the naked eye and it is vibrating at a faster rate then 3D Earth. We can access the portals to the New Earth. We just need to vibrate high enough to enter and pass through the portals of the New Earth.

The New Blueprint/Temple of Man has been created as 5D Avatar Bodies and Beyond. Our Light Body has created the perfect form for us to experience a physical and spiritual reality. Heaven and Earth merged in Body. We will have all of our 5 senses and more including telepathy and telekinesis etc. The New Body of Man is Immortal, Indestructible, Imperishable, and Incorruptible. We will ascend to our Perfected Christ Body and we will have Eternal Life. Our New Bodies will have the ability to shape shift into any form to enter any dimension we want to exist in and visit. We will have the ability to travel instantaneously by thought. We will be free to journey throughout the Universe via our light ship (merkaba) experiencing what we want to experience in the higher dimensions. Yes we can travel to any dimension as an orb of light just like we see bright orbs of light entering into our 3D world. Those orbs of light in the sky are light beings. Their consciousness traveled here in an orb of light and they can shape shift at will.

We shall create new worlds and experiences for our enjoyment as we journey throughout the universe. We are the Creators of the Universe and the Creator lives through each and every one of us. We are Divine Intelligent Multidimensional Light Beings. We are living in the time where Christ Returns, truly I say to you that the Ascended Masters have returned. Everyone has their own perspective of Christ returning and right now my perspective is that Yahshua and the other ascended beings/masters in the Universe are here now assisting us from the higher dimensions in their Light Ships/Motherships from the New Earth and New Jerusalem and from other higher vibrational worlds beyond this Earth. They, the light beings, are connected to us through the crystalline light grid and they stand at the gates (portals) sending us messages through the source field. They are here to inspire us and they are here to send their unconditional love to us and to cheer us on in our evolution.

It’s possible that some of the light workers may be ascended masters who have volunteered to assist from the ground with the ascension of the Mother Earth and humanity. These beings are pillars of light and they are bringing in the new light codes for humanity’s ascension. They, the 144,000, are portals on the Earth. So many star seeds from all over the Milky Way Galaxy and throughout the universe have been activated with their light codes. The Great Awakening is happening and countless souls are waking up all across the globe. The light codes activate your higher selves (your light body/merkaba). The light codes activate your full potential as a human. The light codes download infinite information in your body and activates cellular memory of your multidimensional self. The light codes connect you to your light ship and to the councils of light that you may be a member of.

The light codes are sent to you as a reminder that you are connected to something much greater than you can imagine. It’s even possible that you may be on a light ship right now beaming information (light codes/photons) to yourself in this moment in time. It’s possible that your light ship is stationed in a mothership located in the core of the Mother Earth at the command center. It’s possible that your light chamber is there right now as you are experiencing life in the 3D Avatar Body. Your consciousness was sent to the 3D body that you now are inhabiting. It’s possible that a fractual of your 5D light body was sent through an invisible portal (gateway) inside the Earth’s Core that connected from your light ship (merkaba) that led to an invisible portal (chakra) of your Mother’s womb at zero point during your incarnation.

I say your Galactic Higher self, as an Divine Intelligent Light Being at the Galactic Core has projected multiple rays of light/sparks of light/seeds of life of yourself throughout many dimensions and worlds.

Since this 3D world represents the lowest aspect of ourselves, the light from the Galactic Center during the Alignment merged all of our selves as One, allowing us to connect to our higher selves and connect to other timelines and other lives in other star systems. The light of the Galactic Center has reached us and we are now tapping into the Source Field. We are all waking up at appointed times. When it’s time for your multidimensional light body merge it will happen. Many souls are now realizing that we are all multidimensional beings.

If you have a feeling that you are operating in multiple dimensions at the same time than you have awakened from your light chamber that is stored on your light ship. You are now online and connected to the great cosmic web/light grid. You are connected to multiple dimensions and you are able to operate from multiple dimensions at the same time. If you have been given your assignment then work on completing it. Enjoy life and have fun while completing your mission that you were programmed and initiated to do for this incarnation. We are infinite light beings and we are walking in our light power and achieving our dreams. We are bringing forth infinite possibilities from the quantum field and we are experiencing our full potential. We together are changing the vibration on this planet. Always remember that we are the light and we as light-workers are all interconnected. Love you all!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light-The Magenta Ray of Light-333

333 Light Code Transmissions!

The light codes/scripts is written by the Source/the Creator. Light codes are sent from the Source in the form of photon light. I am speaking from the Galactic Command Center in the Milky Way Galactic Core. Stationed here is a Enormous Mothership where light beings operate from and exchange information from other galaxies in the Universe. All knowledge and wisdom is stored at the center of each galaxy. The Galactic Center stores all living experiences within itself from all living conscious beings and lifeforms throughout the galaxy. A Galaxy consists of a network of Suns (stars) and Planets that are interconnected together. All is energy and all is light (information). There are beings of light that upload and store information to the core of all Suns, Planets, Galaxies and Universes.

The Earth’s contain a living library filled with records of all life that has ever existed on this planet. The Earth’s core is a crystalline structure made of sacred geometry. There is a Mothership stationed at the center or at Zero Point. There is a command center inside of the Earth where light beings work and gather. Light ships travel to and from the center of the Earth. There are light chamber stations for light body activations and resurrection chambers on the light ships. There are multiple layers or levels on Earth’s Mothership. The Mothership extends through all dimensions on the Earth. All souls that incarnate on the Earth enter here through their Merkaba (Light Body Ship). Your merkaba traveled here to the womb/belly of the Mother Earth, which is the center of the Earth. Your merkaba or light ship stations itself within the Earth’s energy field until you are ready to be activated and reunited with your higher self on the light ship.

All of your light can’t descend in a physical body. There is infinite light within your higher self/god self and it can’t be contained in one vessel which is why a fragment of your being is birthed here in the 3rd dimension. You actually exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously. There are parallel worlds/universes where you are experiencing other realities and there are multiple timelines happening at the same time. Remember you are an infinite light being experiencing life throughout time and space. There are many portals and pathways from the Earth’s core. There is a light grid on the Earth where sparks of light (souls) travels. You are a spark of light that entered the physical world through a physical body and you traveled through portals. When your body was formed inside the womb of your Earthly Mother, all the instructions of life were placed and stored within the cells in your physical body. The cells of the human body carries all of the information for creating your human body. All of your cells are embedded in light codes and your DNA carries information including memories of previous lifetimes or incarnations on other worlds or previous incarnations on this Earth.

Here is one perspective of how our energetic body or light body receives light code transmissions. The Sun is like a projector of our physical reality, it is like the pineal gland in the center of our brain projecting beams of light through the crown chakra in all directions. For example, you are a Sun projecting infinite rays of light into space. Your pineal gland is a cosmic antenna and it sends and receives signals in the Universe. It sends out waves of energy and your thoughts ride on the waves of energy in the infinite ocean of space. We are able to communicate telepathically to other beings in the universe. We can send out photons of light and receive photons of light. Information travels from sun to sun, star system to star system, galaxy to galaxy and universe to universe. No matter the distance information can be transmitted instantaneously through electrons which is how we are able to pick up on information as multidimensional beings. I can receive information immediately within any dimension or any point in time if I am tuned in.

For example, information was released from the Galactic Center during the Galactic Alignment which occurred on 12-21-12. It traveled though the Pleiades Star System to the Sirius star system to our Sun and solar system down to the Earth’s Core. Our Sun received information from the Source Code then released it as photons to the Earth as light codes. The photons carry encrypted messages/scripts to the receivers. The receivers are us! It is best to have your pineal gland activated so you can tune into the light messages and receive the incoming light codes that are being sent by the angels/light beings. I received a massive upload, download and light body activation during a solar flare transmission. I was brought online and reconnected to the Earth’s command center. I reunited with my light ship at my appointed time. I was dormant or sleep in my light chamber on the Mothership until I was ready to be activated. It was all scheduled before I incarnated on the earth. It was all planned. Light beings travel in their light ships to the 4 corners of Earth assisting humanity. They have the ability to release the light codes from their ships.

The codes are being sent to individuals and groups in the appointed times. For example, the 144,000 is a collective group of souls who are on the same mission. They are all interconnected and they receive uploads and downloads. It is a collective consciousness and they all work together on releasing the information. The light codes are stored within our energetic body and it is transmitted to our physical body. The physical body downloads the light codes within our DNA cells. The light codes are programmed to activate our light bodies during certain times. There is an appointed time for everything under the Sun. Our DNA executes or activates the light codes within and the information is released in our body. If there is a blockage in our chakra system, our physical body can’t operate properly. So we must work on clearing our energetic fields and removing any blockages.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333-The Magenta Ray Angel-Galactic Center Star Gate Keeper -Commander LoveJoy, Member of the Council of New Jerusalem Mothership