Tag Archives: council of 9

March 1, 2023: Beginning of 40 Day Fast- Evaluating the Soul

Shalom Brothers and Sisters, it’s been a while since I did a post. I’ve been on Facebook laboring for a while for the kingdom and now I am returning to my ministry to enter some records. This page is just a collection of all the things that I have learned and experienced on my spiritual journey. I’ve been sharing some of my inner wisdom and spiritual experiences on my Facebook page Seraphim Sophia. Whoever finds my writings has to be in a search of wisdom. I want to be able to transform all my writings into love letters. I write from my heart, and I have so much stored inside of me that I must share what God reveals to me. I started a 40 day fast beginning on March 1, 2023. This month will bring new beginnings for me. The old cycle is ending in my life, and I prefer to go on a new cycle. These 40 days will allow me to get through the toughest moments of my life. I will face everything head on that comes up during this fast. Already on day 1 I know what I need to work towards. I’ve been saying for a very long time that we all need to be healed from past traumas. This is really big for humanity. It’s time to release the old things that no longer serves us, and we must move forward on a new path. Sometimes moving forward means that you may have to leave people behind or go in another direction.

I celebrate the New Year during the Spring Equinox, when everything is blossoming. We are coming out of the winter season when everything is cold and dead. New life is beginning to spring forth as we approach a new season. Well, it’s a new season for my life. I am the New Life blossoming and I want to make new changes in my life. This 40 day fast is being dedicated to myself. I said that 2023 would be the year of Self Love. I am going to be restored. This is now my mission. My temple is going to be restored. I am taking the necessary steps to put me first. Sometimes we are so busy with life that we neglect ourselves. There are so many things that I want to do but I don’t do it.

I’ve been working on myself every day, every week, every month and every year. It is a must that my soul progress through time and through these ongoing solar cycles. I don’t want to remain the same as I was last year. I want to grow and make improvements on my life so I can become a better version of myself. I actually enjoy taking the time to reflect on my life. It’s normal for me to evaluate my own progress. I should know myself better than anyone else. I should be able to give a full report on my own life. I know what I need to work towards, and I am aware of the things that I overcame in the previous years of my life. It’s like a book of life opening before me. As I sit down in my temple, I open my book of life and I flash through all the memories stored within my DNA records. I suppose the book has all the evidence of all the things that I have done in life.

When I review my own records, I learn how to judge the matter properly. As I flip through all the pages in my book, I can see it all. I can see the positive and negative things that I have experienced in this lifetime. I can see the lessons that I have learned or not learned and then I seek the council for help. Am I hard on myself at times? Yes. Why? I know I can be better. I believe in myself despite the little mistakes that I make from time to time. I uplift my own soul when I am down. I am strong minded, and this is why I am able to lift myself out of darkness. Am I living my life in love? Yes, wholeheartedly. Do I know myself fully? Yes, I do. I know my own thoughts, feelings and emotions very well. I know everything about myself because I spend so much time reflecting on myself. I travel deep inside of my own mind, heart, and soul. At this point I’m the only one that could hold myself back from achieving anything that I want to achieve. Everything is about the choices that we make. The choices that we make today, in this present moment in time, determines the future. When you make conscious decisions know that there will be consequences for every choice that you make. Your choice can result in a positive outcome, or a negative outcome and it depends on how you handle the outcomes.

I grow in love, wisdom and power through my negative experiences. I gain true knowledge and I collect the knowledge that I have learned through all experiences. You can have a negative experience and turn it into a positive experience. I’m using everything that I have learned, and it is helping me become a spiritual guide. That’s a goal of mine, to be a spiritual counselor or work with a council of light in a higher world. I know that I would have to make tough decisions while sharing or providing my inner wisdom and thoughts with others if I am apart of some council. If I have to make a decision, then I want to make sure I am choosing wisely and not reacting or responding out of anger. I must learn how to control my emotions which seems hard to do at times when I am being hurt or in pain.

My thoughts are shifting now.

So here are my inner thoughts while I am observing and analyzing myself from another body while I am living in another world, a higher world. I am asking self, “How can I truly guide souls who are trapped below in 3D without having any true knowledge or real experience living as a human in 3D? Wouldn’t I need to explore and experience 3D for myself to know the truth about the world below? If I am dwelling on a higher world, I can observe below from above all day long but what experience do I really have? How can I feel anything below without connecting to it or merging with it? If I am observing, am I just watching and listening? I would just be gathering information based on what I see or hear without truly knowing how things really are. I would be gathering information based on other people’s perspective and not my own. Real knowledge is real experience. In order to set someone free from being trapped in a lower realm/world/heaven wouldn’t I need to know what it feels like to be trapped in a situation? Sometimes it’s easy to tell someone how to do something but what if you find yourself in a similar situation. Based on my earthly experience it’s not so easy to lift yourself out of darkness. It takes a lot of effort and hard work, and one must be willing to do the work for themselves to be raised up to a higher heaven. Having a support system is beneficial for your soul’s growth and it’s important that you are surrounded by people that actually love you and want to support you through it all.

Some souls may say, “How hard can it really be to set yourself free from something? Well put yourself in the same situation as others and you will find out for yourself. We may look from the outside looking in but you never know until you find yourself caught up in the same situation. It may look easy but it’s not always easy. From above, if I see that souls are just not learning their lessons on Earth then wouldn’t I need to be in similar situations to gain experience so that I can help them. I figure I need to be able to see from multiple perspectives in order to understand what the soul could be possibly going through. I want to be able to connect to the souls that I give counsel to in the spiritual kingdom/world. I prefer for souls that I counsel to feel my loving energy as I counsel them from above. I would like to send love, healing, and comfort to souls in the times of darkness. I want to be able to operate in all levels of consciousness. When I am down or having a tough time, I want to feel love, healing and comfort from my spiritual guides/angels. When we seek the Creator of All, we should be able to seek his holy ones at all times, during the time of light and the times of darkness. People need more help and guidance when they are in pain or when they are experiencing trials and tribulations in their lives. The holy angels should be there to reach lost souls to provide counsel so they can be uplifted in spirit.

In order to know what a soul goes through in the state of darkness or ignorance wouldn’t I have to experience it myself? If I see that a soul is constantly repeating a cycle and is having difficulties freeing himself/herself from the bondages of earth, wouldn’t I have to be in situations where I found myself in a repeating cycle? Yes of course. So, I figure I would design a life for myself on earth that would give me certain experiences for self-growth so I can better understand my own soul and other souls. Every soul created in the universe is different. There are no 2 souls created exactly alike so there would be a multitude of souls that I would counsel in the heavens. I want to be able to counsel all different types of souls. With that being said I need to develop myself so that I can learn how to communicate to all levels of consciousness. I would have to learn how to get a message to all types of people. It’s like how would you be able to send a message to someone who has cut himself or herself off from God? That would seem very difficult. Trust me I know from experience.

Finding a better way to communicate is the key. I have a case study that I am working on, and it is very challenging. I suppose this is what I need for my spiritual growth. I take everything as a lesson. During this case study on Earth, I am observing and analyzing human behavior. I am gathering intel from other people’s thoughtforms, and I am learning as much as I can on Earth and beyond Earth which is outside of this Time Matrix. Based on everything that I have experienced I had to be put in different and difficult situations so that I can gain true knowledge through experience. I have to be able to see from multiple viewpoints or perspectives not just my own. The goal is to see the whole point and to see how all dots, all sparks of light, connect to form a greater image. In my mind I zoom outwards from the center point. I see how all points create a bigger structure of reality that we are all collectively participating in.

I am trying to gain enough knowledge so that I can guide others in a positive way that will get them better results. I suppose I’m searching for the best outcome, there’s infinite possibilities so things can change based off the choices you make. I’ve experienced many things in my life and the people that I attract in my life has suffered from something. I find myself saying, “I know exactly what you are saying or how you feel because I experienced it.” We can relate and we understand each other. But when you come across other souls who really haven’t experienced anything then it’s hard to connect or understand what they have been through. We can listen but we won’t really understand unless we have been in a similar situation. I want to be able to help souls navigate in this world and other worlds. It’s not easy at all but the angels of the Most High didn’t come here for no reason. Many high-ranking angels have a lot of experience. Remember that we entertain angels in unawares. I know that I am an angel of God, but we all are. We only differ in rank or how much knowledge we have learned. There’s always another soul that may know more than you. The universe is constantly changing and growing in light. I feel like I was sent here from the kingdom of God. There are moments when I say what world did I come from because there are infinite worlds and multiple kingdoms in the universe. If I see that things have been divided on Earth, then there must be kingdoms divided in the heavens. Different kingdoms that fit different intelligences. There are so many star systems, so many physical and spiritual worlds, and all of the worlds in Space (Heaven) varies in densities. I learned that from the Oahspe.

Being here on earth makes me realize that our soul growth doesn’t end, it’s forever growing in the light of God. The soul is immortal. We never really die! We are eternal light beings. There are so many worlds to explore in this universe. I suppose our soul travels from world to world, star system to star system, and from galaxy to galaxy, etc. There’s always going to be something that you can learn and grow from. The goal is to work towards perfecting the soul when we are traveling through worlds. When we find ourselves in Time then we need to know that Time was created to provide Change. We must understand that the Creator of All is infinite consciousness. I am glad I am on this journey because I needed to see reality from a different perspective. I suppose I lowered myself to experience lower consciousness on the Earth during this moment in Time. I woke up to find myself in what seems like a prison world but at times I have experienced my own joy and love. I am the generator of this higher energy and I have to remember this no matter how hard things get in my life. I’ve been learning so many things from the people who have been around me and I’ve absorbed so much that I have to learn how to release it all. I suppose I must transmute all darkness within myself even the negative energy that I am absorbing from others around me. I’m taking it all in yet seeing the bigger picture. Things are very strange on this Earth, but I am seeing things differently. There’s a lot of different extraterrestrials races on this Earth and clearly, I am one of them. I been having such a difficult time on this Earth since my ship arrived here. I’m so ready for this experiment to be completed so we can all return to a higher world where there is true love and peace.

Written by Seraphim Sophia (Athaleyah Ariana Israel) 333

Latisha W.