Tag Archives: dreams

The Old Earth Passed Away and the New Earth Birthed!

Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.

Greeting my dear love ones! One day I came across a video by Dolores Cannon and I listened to her message about the New Earth. I resonated with her on this. She said the New Earth split from the Old Earth like a cell separates into two. The New Earth moves into a new dimension vibrating so fast that it becomes invisible. The Old Earth is left behind vibrating at a lower frequency. I think this is very interesting. I have always believed that the New Earth is in a higher dimension. It’s in another world invisible to us. To me it is where the higher dimensional beings or the angels resides. I have always thought that a portal would open on the Earth and the souls who are ready for ascension would ascend to the New Earth. I have considered this as the rapture that is spoken of in the bible. I say anything is possible and there is always a way. Many people have raised their vibrations on the earth so they are experiencing 5D realites and beyond in their physical body but the physical body hasn’t fully transfigured to phase shift into a higher dimension. No one has vanished or disappeared out of sight as far as I know. But I saw this happen in a dream where a chariot was in the sky and a man walked through a portal and he disappeared. It was like an invisible door on the Earth and somehow the chariot or light ship in the sky had something to do with the portal opening. I saw the ripple in space and it was definitely a portal. So I know there is another world on the other side we just can’t see it.

We can experience the New Earth now with raising our vibrational frequency to Love. We can bring heaven to Earth in our daily lives but the truth is we haven’t fully transitioned our bodies over to the New Earth. We will have a New Body on the New Earth. That New Blueprint has been formed and created. There is no suffering on the New Earth. We will be healed. There is no pain in the New Body that we will merge with. There is no death on the New Earth. All things will be made New! We are going through the changes now and I’m sure that you can feel the shift that is happening on the Earth. New Earth exists now but since time has slowed down here, there is a process that we must experience in this 3rd dimensional reality. We are experiencing the process of the transfiguration. We are learning how the physical body evolves into a higher form. We are all light beings and we are vibrating on a certain frequency. We came from higher dimensions and all we did was change our vibrational frequency to experience life in a lower dimension or density which is the 3rd dimension. In time, many people got trapped and forgot the knowledge of the higher dimensions and their higher selves.

Higher worlds exist but humans were not able to perceive such realities and so we needed to be reminded of heavenly worlds. There are infinite worlds in the Universe and the New Earth is only a portal away. In an instant in a dream I was reminded of a new world that was so beautiful. I asked the Creator to give me a dream and he did. I was in a field and I was a slave. I was captured and I saw myself tied up and I was in bondage. I wanted to be free. I looked towards heaven and I saw a chariot descending. Swing low, sweet chariot was coming to take me home. When the chariot descended it merged with me. Some sort of change occurred with my body and it happened within a twinkling of an eye. It happened extremely fast and the next thing I knew I was one with the chariot and I was traveling in another world. That chariot picked me up and opened a portal to the New World hidden in plain sight. I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing. I tried to wake myself up but I didn’t. I kept blinking my eyes to see if what I was experiencing was real and it was very real. I was flying over crystal clear oceans and I could see colorful cities on the land. It was amazing! The Creator allowed me to see a new world and I have believed what he showed me ever since. I asked and I received.

I know that the New Earth is here! If the sky opens like a scroll the New Heaven and the New Earth will be revealed for all to see. It is my hope that we get to experience New Jerusalem descending. Just know that the New Earth exists simultaneously in another dimension. Let’s continue to raise our vibration higher so we can perceive the New Earth. In another dream I was able to look into another dimension while I stood on the Earth so it is possible to see into a higher realm.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Dream on September 6, 2016: Traversing Through Dimensions

Shalom brothers and sisters. I had a few dreams and I would like to share them. In the dream I was standing outside some where by some buildings. I looked up towards heaven and said, “My father  is calling me!” Moments later I ascended towards heaven. Then as I entered space I saw a blue object with white swirls inside of it. Not sure what it was but I looked towards the right of the blue object and I saw a huge red object like a red sun. I then went into another dream and I appeared on a couch.  I was trying to relax then I closed my eyes and I started to fall asleep.  Suddenly I started to vibrate and the vibrating  continued to increase until I separated from my body. I was floating above my body and I was about to leave out of the room. I didn’t want to leave so I ran towards my body to get back in.  When I tried to move towards my body I started to leave out of the room like I was being pulled.  With all my strength I made it to my body and I was concentrating really hard to wake up. I knew I was having an outer body experience and I didn’t want to get stuck in another realm. I knew it was a dream so I tried waking myself up which took a short time. I called Yahshua’s name a few times and then I woke up in another dimension.  I was laying next to my fiancé and when I woke up I lifted up and actually slouched over the bed. My love lifted me up to check on me. I was so weak and drained from sleeping. It’s like I was sleeping for a very long time in that dimension. Then I heard the alarm and I woke up in this dimension. It all felt so real.

After I had these dreams I decided to go back to sleep. I wanted to see if I could get into another dream. So after 15 minutes I drifted off and I saw this man zoom into an object that was hovering in the sky. I’m not sure what type of technology he was using but he was able to show an outline of the object that was in the sky.  I saw that it was a light being in the form of a man sitting in a sphere. As the being moved inside of the sphere the sphere moved and light emanated from the sphere. Then I woke up in another realm with my fiancé laying next to me again just like the first dream. I was vibrating again and I was in my body looking at him but I couldn’t move. I saw my fiancé looking at me and he tried to wake me up from the dream. I tried to tell him to stop because I had to wake up on my own. I continued to vibrate then I woke up. As I woke up my body jerked it’s like I popped back into my body then I opened my eyes. I felt the jerk and the movement on the bed but my fiancé said I didn’t move at all. Hmm… I guess I felt myself entering back into my body.

This experience was awesome. I still wonder about the vibrations that I had while sleeping. I know it means something and I will continue to seek more knowledge. All I know is that we travel to other dimensions when we are sleep. The more I continue to awake the more that I will remember.

Written by Sister Carter



6/4/14 dream – Heed the Call Guardians

warrior angel of god

Shalom Brother and Sisters! I wanted to provide you with a dream that I had on 6/4/14. I was the commander of an elite squad and each member had unique skills. I was in a research lab, when all of a sudden there were a lot of officers that came running into the room with their weapons. There was a loud banging sound. A guy had gained superhuman powers and was breaking through doors and walls in the research lab (Now the guy who gained the powers was a part of my elite team at one point, however he turned on us and was trying to kill us). Many of the officers had guns and I requested their back up weapons to arm myself. The banging continued and I could hear gunfire in the distance. I tried to hide a female team member of mine behind a machine; however in the end I decided it was better for her to come with me. We started walking up a long hallway. We heard banging in various places of the lab. While we were walking up the hallway a command was given over a Public Announcement System to have all doors/gates (portals) opened. As the doors/gates (portals) opened different search parties went in to search rooms for the man with the powers. I remember one search party team was completely covered in armor.

When my female team member and I turned around and headed in the other direction the gates/doors (portals) were opened and guardians and warriors from different worlds, galaxies, universes, etc. entered into the hallway. One of the female guardian commanders came to me and advised that guardians normally do not get involved in each other’s wars; however the command came from higher (I believe it was a call from Yahshua). As more guardians and warriors started to arrive we heard banging as if different doors and barriers were being broken down. We were all safe where we were. The enemy was nowhere near us. In my mind I could see the enemy, his eyes were red and he was wearing a black trench coat and metallic armor. I did not know exactly where he was but I could see him knocking down doors and barriers. All the guardians were gathering together under the call of Yahshua to face this enemy. We were prepared and ready for battle. I woke up and the enemy never got to us.

Please check out my post Calling All Guardians

Written by Brother Whitfield

Calling All Guardians


Shalom Brothers and Sisters! It has been placed in my spirit to put a calling out to all guardians. Yes those of us who feel in our spirits that we are protectors. Those of us who feel that we were sent from heaven for this very purpose. I want to take you to a vision I had to help you understand where I am coming from. This vision occurred early in my awakening so my understanding is a little different now. I had multiple visions since 2013. I do not have all the dates; however I wanted to share the visions.

Ephesians 6:11-17

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

My vision started with me trying to get to my daughter. I was flying to get to her. People were getting picked up. To me it seemed like the end had finally come. Angels appeared to be assigned to pick up certain people. I landed in the street and a woman brought my daughter to me and then when I looked back the woman was gone. I picked my daughter up and flew to my parent’s home. I could see wolves running through the home searching; however no one was there. I started to fly again and the wolves were actually jumping trying to catch me (now keep in mind I had my daughter in my arms the whole time). I actually turned around in mid air and fired blue fireballs at the wolves which burned them. I flew all the way into outer space. There was no need for a mask or anything. Were we translated into our incorruptible bodies already? I flew deep into space where there were giant crystal capsules of different colors. At each capsule I entered a code and unlocked my fellow guardian’s capsules. The last capsule I opened had a huge guardian in it. I placed my daughter in his arms and said watch over her. My daughter went to him with no fear as if she knew him already. I gave her a kiss and told her I would return. The other guardians and I flew towards a planet (not a planet in our Solar System). We landed on a planet and met some more guardians at a train station. We all got on a train that moved at lightning speed through an underground tunnel. I cannot tell you where the guardians showed up from but we met up with them at the train station. It seemed like guardians from all over the universe gathered together. We were discussing battle strategies and preparing weapons.

Please check out my other dream about Time and Space. I believe I traveled through time and I met up with these angels and they are actually preparing for what’s to come.

In another vision I remember I was on some kind of battlefield and was picking people up. There were other warriors with me doing the same thing. There were demons in human form attacking people so I took out my sword and started attacking the demons and killing them.

Maybe the Most High is revealing that I’m a mighty warrior angel.

I have had reoccurring dreams in which Sister Carter is in silver armor that is gold at the same time. It was very dark outside and some guys had a couple of people cornered in an alley. I was flying and then I dropped down in that area. At first the guys did not know who I was however I took out a double sided sword which glows blue and radiates lightning. The guys immediately hissed at me showing their sharp teeth. They were demons and one of the demons said, “It’s Simeon” and another said “It’s Gideon.” Just as I was about to attack them, Sister Carter suddenly drops out of the sky and lands on top of a car crushing it. She has a sword which radiates a bright light which sparks lightning. We defeated the demons. I looked at her and said “I got this, why do you keep showing up to all my battles?” She laughs and says “you look like you needed help.” I just shake my head and say “no I didn’t, I got this.” We then started flying around protecting people as they were being picked up by angels and taken to places for medical attention.

double sided sword

I had an amazing vision in which Yahshua gathered a huge army and we were on a field with a forest before us. Everyone was standing behind Yahshua including Sister Carter and I. A countless demon army started pouring through the forest. Yahshua called me forward and told me not to hold back. I asked Yahshua, “Are you going to protect everyone?” He looked at me and  said “I got this.” Yahshua held up his hand and a shield appeared before him. It was radiating all colors of the precious stones in heaven.

Revelation 21:19-20 states,” And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;  The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.”

There was lightning that also radiated from  Yahshua’s shield. As the demon army got closer, Yahshua told me, “Do not hold back! Unleash it all!” So I followed his command and I immediately burst into a blue flame. I jumped into the air and I released fire from all limbs of my body burning and scorching the demon army. I landed back on the ground and I released more waves of fire from my body destroying all in front of me and then woke up.

I am seeking more understanding on these dreams.  I have had the sense of protecting others and putting others before myself to ensure their safety. I am going to continue to let the Most High provide me with understanding and hopefully more visions will come so I can provide more revelation.

Written by Brother Whitfield

Political Agenda


Shalom Brothers and Sisters. I had a dream a while back that I wanted to share. With the recent events in the world and the different revelations that the Most High has been revealing to Sister Carter and I, I feel the dream is extremely important and it is very relevant at this time. When it comes to the political figures there is some thing very evil, in the dream there were multiple political figures and there eyes were black. They needed to perform a handshake to fulfill something of what they called the “Englishmen.” Some horned creature came out of Obama’s stomach area to shake hands with the horned creature coming out of Vladmir Putin’s (president of Russia) stomach. There was this child like being that they kept around that gave off the energy of pure evil. The political officials were sitting around a table as the handshake took place. The handshake made the Bill of Rights and Constitution void and put Martial Law in effect.

Brothers and Sisters wake up and see what is going on. See through the deceit. The world leaders have secret agendas. Some leaders may appear to be at war with each other, however it’s a total lie in an effort to keep the world distracted from their real agendas.

Written by Brother Whitfield

My thoughts Part 2: Awakening

lioness 2

My thoughts Part 2

If people saw what the Most High showed me than many people would wake up. I have been warning people since I woke up in 2012. My life has been transformed and all I want to do is read and understand his Word. Honestly at this point it’s no going back because he chose me and I’m on assignment. I’m not afraid to say that I have lost all of my friends, I don’t have nobody in my life but family and Obadiyah Joseph Yisrael. Obadiyah Joseph Yisrael also known as Brother Whitfield is the only one that hears the revelation that Yah has given me and he is the only one that is willing to listen to me. I feel alone but now Yah has connected me with other Israelites. Finally my visions are coming together. I don’t understand everything that he has shown me but I believe there’s a time for everything.

The day after I woke up I spoke out of my mouth that the 144,000, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel will be awakened. At that time I had no understanding why I said that. It’s like Yah was speaking through me. I have felt like I was crazy for a long time because I couldn’t explain what was happening to me for that 7 days. I saw things, heard things, and I also remember going down a hallway in heaven talking with an angel. To be honest it felt like I was in heaven before and my knowledge was returning. Another thing that I can’t explain.

I knew that the hands of the Creator was upon me because during that 7 day experience all I could hear was a voice saying Creator of the Universe. In 2013 on the Sabbath day I heard a voice that said, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” I will always remember that day. Yah has been telling me a lot of things and I have been seeking wisdom this whole time. It’s like my mind is so connected to the spiritual realm.

What I do know for sure is that this is the time for the Bride to prepare. Right now the world is not ready for what’s going to happen in the near future. I saw something that is coming and when I say I saw the earth on FIRE. It was like a lake of Fire. I have warned all of the people that was in my visions and dreams and most of them are preparing but some of them are not paying attention. I have been doing the work of the Most High. I have started my ministry www.awakeninghigherself.com and I have a ministry page on Facebook which none of my so called friends or family visit. I’m not in the world anymore and I don’t do what I used to do so if you don’t want to hang around me because of this then you were never my friend to begin with. My top priority is serving the Most High.

I have put out revelation for some time now and all I want to do is help my brothers and sisters. I have been waiting for something to happen and it just happened recently with the children of Israel which made me smile. I was so excited to see how our people are coming together in LOVE. This is the KEY and this is the major sign that I have been watching for with our people. I have seen debates over and over again and I have seen hatred spread with our people. Now I see LOVE. It has been a transformation and it’s such a relief to finally see the children of Israel coming together in LOVE. With that said the Heavenly Father is so proud of us and he has remembered us. We have been through so much and since we are now learning to be obedient he will give us the desires of our hearts. We will rule in his Kingdom as Kings and Queens. When Yahshua returns he will bring his rewards with him and we will reign with him. So don’t let anyone take away your crown, keep doing the will of your Father. Love you all!

Written by Sister Carter