Tag Archives: great tribulation

The Days of Great Tribulation: Be Patient in Affliction!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the Light! May peace be with you and me always. Lately the scripture Roman 12:12 have been on my mind and it states, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So many things have occurred in my life over the last 2 -3 years and it feels like I have been going through a great tribulation. As believers we know about the Great Tribulation that will come during the last days and for me it feels like I am experiencing that period of time in my life. At times I state, “Will I survive what I am going through?” Will I overcome the darkness? Life has been challenging for me and somedays are better than others and I try my best to get through it all. There are times when I am feeling down and I feel like giving up, but I am reminded to stay strong more importantly to keep my faith.

I have never experienced anything like what I am currently going through, and it seem that things are worsening despite my efforts. I keep telling myself that things are going to be ok and that better days will come, but will it? I continue to seek God in prayer, and I cry out seeking relief from all my sufferings. Sometimes I wonder if God is here by my side or if I have been abandoned. When we are low in spirit sometimes, we begin to think negative, but we have to catch ourselves and say, Satan get thee away from me. We can’t allow our negative thoughts to control us. We will have low moments in our lives, but we have to rise up again. I learned that I must be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.

While I am going through this great tribulation in my life I know that I am not alone in the world. There are millions of people who are suffering from something and while I have been suffering I’ve grown closer to God. I’ve been able to reflect on my life and truly understand what has caused my suffering. Most individuals tend to blame others for their circumstances, but I decided to examine the things that I have caused and created in my own life. Through my sufferings, I have learned many valuable lessons in life. It has made me stronger and wiser. Perhaps God allows us to experience different challenges for a reason, and when I reflect on my life, I see significant soul growth. I realize how the choices that I made in my life led to different consequences. I never anticipated certain events occurring in my life, but now that they have happened, it has actually made me become a better person.

I requested for God to purify my mind, heart, body and soul and now that it has been happening to me on all levels, I don’t know to properly handle the manner in which it is occurring. It’s like the process of my purification suddenly sped up and everything started to happen all at once. It’s like I wanted to pay back all my karmic debt and be done for good. I wanted to be in the clear. When I reviewed and evaluated my own life, I could see everything being done to me as righteous judgment and it was coming from the throne of God. It’s like over time I had accumulated karmic debt from my old life, when I was sinning and in darkness (ignorance). I asked for forgiveness, and I was forgiven by God, but I still needed to learn my lessons so that I wouldn’t repeat the same sins. I knew that I was ignorant of many things so that meant that I needed to be taught. I needed to gain knowledge and understanding so that I could grow in the light of God.

When I repented to God, I accepted responsibility and accountability for the sins that I committed in my life. For me I wasn’t going to place my sins on anyone. I was the one who made certain choices in my life, and I was rebellious against God. I wasn’t following his commandments; I was following the things in this world. When I went to God with my whole heart, I truly wanted to make things right in my life. As I stood before God and his holy counsel, I feel like God gave me an opportunity to pay off my karmic debt over a period of time. Perhaps this period of time serves as the trials and tribulations I have been enduring in my life. It reflects a time of suffering, and I have been tested. Perhaps God wants to see if I am truly serious. Would I turn my back on God if things get tough in my life? Would I blame God? Would I go return back to a life of sinning?

When I was caught up before the throne on July 3, 2012, I felt like I was before a Judge. I sense that God did judge me during that time, and my records were reviewed. I feel like God gave me another chance and he created a plan for my life. That plan was sent to me via dream where he sent the messenger angel with a scroll in his hand. On July 3rd, 2012, I was given an assignment on Earth, and that work included me sharing my dreams and visions. I was told what I needed for the assignment. I grabbed all the things that I needed to start the work. When the messenger angel was sent to me, I was given a robe of righteous to wear. It was required of me to walk in righteousness. I suppose at the completion of my assignment I would be debt free. Since I have been attending school, I suppose when all courses have been passed and completed, I would graduate and ascend.

Since I was caught up to heaven in 2012, I feel like the holy angels have been here teaching and guiding me from a heavenly (spiritual) kingdom on Earth. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I feel like the wise ones from Shamballa have been my guides. I feel like the holy ones have been ensuring that I am staying on track with my courses and that I am also learning my lessons. I know there has been tests and when certain things happen, I say, “This is a test from God.” I know I failed many tests lol. I just get back on track and try to prepare myself for the next test. When the same situations keep repeating then I know that it’s an opportunity to show what I have learned. It’s about the progression of soul growth and I know that I have been making improvements.

As time continues, I know that I must be enrolled in some sort of ascension program on Earth. I suppose there are many evolutionary programs in this Universe and each world have different programs. I feel like we have to work our way up in the kingdoms of God. We have basic programs to more advanced programs and we are all operating at different levels of consciousness. I learned there’s always room for growth. There will always be something to learn in this Universe because the Creator of All is still creating. There’s so much light (information) in this Universe and we will continue seeking the light of the Creator. We will continue to expand our consciousness. The more light we receive, the more our consciousness and the universe expand.

But I want to say this, as I have been going through this tribulation period, it’s been one thing after the other and I haven’t had a break at all. I ask God for relief all of the time. Whenever I reflect on everything all I can say is that I sought this purification. II know that God is refining me, and I will become like a pure diamond, and my soul will shine brightly. The old dreams I have had are highly significant in relation to what I am encountering now. In my dream I said, I defeat the darkness in me and that’s exactly what I am doing right now. I’m facing all the darkness within me right now. All has to rise to the surface. All of my fears have been made known to me and I am facing them head on. It’s been a terrifying experience, but I have been keeping my eyes on the Lord to help me get through it all.

God is with me always and that’s what I keep reminding myself. I put my trust in the Most High and I know that the Most High is with me no matter what. My ancestors are with me, and I am not alone. I don’t have to fight this battle by myself because I have a whole army of light warriors. God is my protector and surely, he will deliver me along with all of his other children. As I reflect on the last 12 years of my life, I’ve been working on transmuting my darkness into light. Surely, I am undergoing a transformation. I’ve gone so deep within myself to better understand my emotional pain and I know that it has caused some of my suffering. I had to face the Truth and not run away from any of it. I had to address all the issues and work on healing my traumas. It is necessary for us to address all the issues that we have so that we can work on releasing them. When we release them then we can properly heal ourselves. It took a very long time for me to understand this.

I’ve been asking for healing for so many years, and I didn’t realize how much time it would take for me to heal myself. It seems like my healing is taking place in stages. We all hear that things get worse before they get better, and I feel like I’m in that stage where everything has gotten worse. I feel like I’m almost at the finish line. I keep reminding myself to remain strong and to hold on, assuring myself that a better reality is not far away. I long for better days to come into my life. I wish for these times of great tribulation to end. I want to survive all that I am experiencing right now. I have been enduring for so long and I feel like God continues to give me strength. I just keep hearing, “Be patient!” So, I hold on to these words and I continue to be remain hopeful. I continue seeking the Creator in prayer.

Many people in the world are experiencing some form of tribulation in their lives, some more severe than others, and I pray that we all can get through it. We all experience events in life that cause us pain, and sometimes that pain becomes embedded within us, creating darkness in our energy field. That darkness is what creates our suffering. It creates all types of blockages in our life and in our body which can led to sickness and disease. We have to learn how to clear that darkness if not it will only cause us more hurt and pain. So, brothers and sisters, stay strong in Lord in these end times because things may happen suddenly, that’s what happened to me. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and keep your faith no matter what happens to you. Trust that God is here with you always. I am here praying for you all. May the light of the Creator surround you and protect you all the days of your life.

Great Tribulation & Physical Body Changes: Higher Vibrational Frequencies Coming To The Earth

Greetings my dear love ones! We are living in the times of the Great Tribulation. Mother Earth is going through some vibrational changes and so are the inhabitants on the Earth. I was awakened around 1am on February 11, 2018 and I haven’t been able to fall back asleep. I was led to some things and I realized some changes that has been happening with me. I don’t talk about this very much but I have a lot of body aches and pains due to arthritis and recently there has been an increase in inflammation in my right foot. I have struggled with this disease since I was 14. I have tolerated the pain for so long that it is just normal for me to experience physical suffering in my body. I command healing for myself all of the times but most importantly for every living being and every life-form on this plane. I am a strong woman of faith and I am a mighty warrior of God and I’m never going to give up or lose hope. When I am weak Yahshua and the holy angels are strong for me. They balance me and keep me whole. I don’t allow this disease to control my life. It actually made me look within to see how the human body functions. Truly there is a war going on internally. A war between life and death, the war between the healthy cells in our body vs the unhealthy cells. It’s always good vs bad in this imbalanced world. We are suffering due to an imbalance in our energy fields.

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There has been an increase in illnesses, diseases and disorders in the human body. Some are genetic but some are not. It seems like more diseases are being created. The human body system is not operating correctly because of invading harmful organisms. The human body is becoming more toxic which can led to death if the body can’t heal itself and get rid of the disease. The toxicity levels are increasing and it’s coming from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, radiation, air pollution, and water pollution exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation and chemicals found in almost all personal care products and household cleaners. We are all surrounded by these harmful toxins and we can educate ourselves to make better choices but we still will be exposed to some so it’s best to detoxify your body often.

It’s sad but all of this has been done intentionally to reduce the population on the Earth. We are dealing with some dark and evil people on this Earth (The Cabal/Secret Government and Secret Military Space Programs) and other dark forces that come from other advanced worlds. These are your negative ET races or extraterrestrial beings who have power to sting like a scorpion. Their power is in advanced technology and they have used it to destroy this planet and to manipulate and control humanity. They have even created fear based teachings through religion. That’s another way to divide humanity. Pharmaceutical companies don’t care about you they just care about the money they are receiving. They are not trying to cure you, they are creating more health issues through these medications and vaccines. Everything is about money, money, money. Money will not save your soul! 

Religion has separated the human race and humans have went to war due to religious beliefs and teachings. They have turned us against each other and humans have persecuted each other due to beliefs. The negative ET’s are your true enemies. They are your deceivers and they have planted their seeds amongst the human race and they have watched and observed us. The holy seed was planted here also by benevolent ET races. The wheats and the tares have grown together in the garden. The garden is the Earth and the wheats are the children of light and the tares are the children of darkness. Humans were taught many things from different ET races. They descended in chariots of Fire or UFO’s, they landed on high mountains and they were considered to be the Gods in the ancient times because they were technologically advanced and they had more knowledge and wisdom because they lived long lives. We were inspired and influenced by these beings who came down in chariots.

Humans worshiped them and many of them took advantage of the human race. Some of them wanted to teach us and guide us so they gave us laws and commandments to follow. They gave us instructions and they told us what was considered good and bad. They taught us the principles of life and the universal law of love. Love is the highest teachings of all and we should love one another not kill one another. The ET races that have descended on the Earth in ancient times all had their own plans. Whether it be they found our planet due to space travel or space exploration. They found a base planet to test their experiments. Life was formed and created on this Earth by different ET races and their DNA was mixed with the different life forms on this Earth. All had their own intentions some may have been pure and others may not have. All Experiments do not go well all the time so surely there could have been a defect. Many sources say that our DNA was manipulated. We’re suppose to have 12 strands of DNA activated but we only have 2. There are so many possibilities of what could have happened in the beginning. Unfortunately the dark forces have been controlling and ruling the Earth. 

They have made sure their descendants remain in power. Most of their bloodlines have become the kings (rulers) of this world. All of the negative, dark and evil forces within humanity and within the ET races are your Satans. As One they represent Satan, the ancient old serpent, the Dragon. These are the deceivers of mankind. They work together as One and they have orchestrated their own wicked kingdom. They don’t love humanity they love their own ego, money, power, fame and technology or weapons of destruction and most importantly they love to have control over a multitude of people. They figure they will set up their kingdom on the Earth and make human slaves and watch humans be destroyed and have humans destroy themselves.

It’s truly sad what has happened to the human race but we are all in this together. A cleansing is happening on the Earth at this time and we are all clearing up negative energies within the energy fields of our bodies. Due to the higher energies coming in there will be more physical issues and changes within. All is coming to the surface, the negative will be released and purified. We are being purged with the higher energies, and it’s the holy fire that heals all. Now is the time for the trials of the great tribulations. We must purify ourselves and work towards total health. We must release the things that no longer serves us. We need to vibrate higher so we can match the higher frequencies that are coming in. I have asked to be healed from all the things that have hurt me. And now I am going through the process of healing and that includes taking care of my physical body.  

I desire perfect health and I desire perfect balance for my mind, body and soul. My spiritual body is amazing and I feel so alive when I experience my etheric body/light body activations but my physical body is trying to catch up with the repairs. From my neck down to my feet the energies are very intense within. My whole body is aching and it feels like my body is expanding. Expanding with more light. I know my body is getting worked on. I receive a lot of light codes and downloads and that is my main mission. I am experiencing a lot of things simultaneously. I’m in pain but my joy comes from the spiritual information that I am receiving. I am a messenger and God’s scribe and I must spread the light (information) that I receive. If I help one person on their path to ascending I have completed my mission. I desire for the world to be a better place and I desire healing for all of humanity. We have suffered for so long and this suffering must come to an end. I am enduring to the end. In the end death shall be swallowed up in victory, no more disease, no more sickness, the negative harmful organisms in our bodies will be dissolved with these pure light energies. In the end there will be no more suffering  in the world, we will be healed. 

There will be a New Earth and a New Heaven and we will have a New Body. A higher vibrational healthier body resonating at a higher frequency. There will be no sickness, no diseases, no disorders and no decay of the physical body. The body will be transfigured in a pure light like Christ body was. His physical body was taken up to a higher dimension. His physical body was transfigured in a light chamber. All will be healed and restored! I am part of the collective consciousness and the new blueprint for the New Earth Body has been created. DNA upgrades and activations are taking place on a cellular level. The molecular structure is changing and morphing into a much higher form. All is taken place in the quantum zero point field. We are all quantum entangled in this invisible field of energy. Our DNA molecular structure is being transformed. Although it is a lengthy process it will be completed at the appointed time. I believe in Yahshua’s promise and I am waiting patiently. I believe in the transfiguration and it will happen in time. I am here now doing my part to help with the ascension of the Earth and humanity.

I have gathered information from other light workers and the Earth changes are bringing forth the physical changes to the human body right now. The Earth is preparing to birth a new race of beings. It’s the New Body for the New Earth. There is a transmutation taken place in the human body at the cellular level. The human body is being formed using a whole new combination of elements altering its molecular structure. Our genetic code is changing. The information is in our DNA and it is being activated. The light codes are sent as photons and the photons are stored in our DNA molecules. All of the information for new blueprint is being sent to our DNA cells and the information will be released within and restructured.

What is happening with the light workers is that we are passing the information we receive along. It’s like a relay race. We are passing the knowledge and information that we receive just like the baton is passed to the next person in a race. We are almost at the finish line. My mission is to gather as much as I can so I can cross the finish line to say “It is finished! Strangely I have already said that but I have been operating simultaneously in the past, present and future. I am working in multiple dimensions at the same time. The light codes have been sent and everything is aligning. So I will send out this healing prayer for All of humanity.

Divine Physical Healing Prayer shall go forth on the Earth! In the name of Holy Mother, Father and the Son Jesus Christ, (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach),  I rebuke any affliction, any infirmity, any inflammation, any sickness, any disease, any disorder, any syndrome of any kind, any abnormal cells, any radical cells, any abnormal growth, any radical growth at this time, I rebuke it and loose them from every human body and living species on this planet. I command it to die at the roots and dissolve from every human and animal body in a miraculously way. Heavenly Father, it says in Matthew 18 whatsoever I bind or loose on earth shall be bound or loosed in Heaven, I bind all Satan’s evil, wicked, demon, lying, perverse, unclean, demonic or religious strongmen, including all spiritual strongmen of infections, viruses, cancers, abnormal cells, radical cells, abnormal growths, radical growths, lesions of any kind, spasms of any kind, pains of any kind, trauma, shock, sicknesses, disorders, and diseases of any kind, afflictions of any kind, infirmities or inflammations of any kind, in any part of the human body. Including our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, gums, backbone, spine, muscles, ligaments, tissues, blood, blood vessels, arteries, heart, lungs, back, bladder, liver, colon disorders and diseases, stomach disorders and diseases, intestinal disorders and diseases (prostate disorders and diseases), kidney disorders and diseases, bladder disorders and diseases, urinary tract disorders and diseases, thyroid disorders and diseases, neurological disorders and diseases, lymphatic disorders and diseases, chemical disorders and diseases, heart disorders and diseases, lung disorders and diseases, brain disorders and diseases, breast disorders and diseases, skin disorders and diseases, reproductive organ(s) disorders and diseases, senility, schizophrenia, paranoia, forgetfulness, and I command for all cells to be healed in every organ, every gland, every muscle, every ligament, every bone in the human body for every man, woman and child on this Earth. Heal all of God’s living creatures on this Earth that have been hurt or damaged in any way. I command all affliction, all infirmity, all inflammation, all infections of any kind, all abnormal cells, all radical cells, all abnormal growths, all radical growths, lesions of any kind, cysts of any kind, spasms, sicknesses, disorders and diseases of any kind to force them away from the human race and all living species on this planet inside of the Earth and on the surface in the Name of Yahshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ).

Family of light in your light ships I ask you to release Your healing miracle powers, your healing love energies, into our physical bodies from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Send your healing light through our chakra centers in our physical bodies. I ask You to make all of the inhabitants on the earth whole and complete. Please restore our physical bodies and bring everything in total alignment, complete alignment, in perfect balance as you originally intended with full 12 strand DNA activated in each and every one of your children. Transfigure our bodies and open up the gates to the New Earth. Deliver us and take us home when everything is ready as you promised. In the Name of Love, Yahshua Hamashiach! 

Healing shall come forth in our wings, in our electromagnetic fields! 

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333 

Love Descends 11:11:11: Love Is The Key To Open The Portal To Higher Dimensions!

Love is the highest frequency in the universe and I believe the frequency of love will open a portal to a higher dimension.

Many people all over the world have been waiting for 11-11-2018. 1111 is often associated with spiritual awakening and it is an awakening code that activates your higher self. Today is  another day for me to meditate on love and light.  It is a day of manifestation, as the number 1 carries a vibration of new beginnings and creation. The amplified energy of 1 can signify a shift of energy or a gateway that opens. Intense ascension energies will continue to come on the Earth and more people will continue to awaken.  The energies will have an effect on your body and on the Mother Earth.

I am a portal that receives and sends information throughout the Galaxy and throughout the Universe. I have learned that your galactic antenna (pineal gland/3rd eye) must be activated and tuned into the right frequency. Once a signal is sent, your galactic antenna, must be able to tune into that frequency that is being sent. Your frequency must match that incoming frequency to receive the messages. I have received images that have being projected from my higher self and other higher dimensional beings. I experience these images through dreams and visions. My dreams and visions are set to match my current frequency so that I am capable of interpreting the messages that are being sent to me. My dreams carry alot of symbolism and I am able to decode the symbolism in my dreams and  visions. The truth is we are the Universe, all information is stored within us, we just need to remember how to access the information.

We have the ability to experience many different spiritual experiences and we have the ability to gain access to the living library of the Earth and other worlds in this Galaxy and Universe. How far beyond are you willing to travel throughout the Universe? Do you want to expand your consciousness? It’s your choice! Do you desire for your soul to grow? My experiences shows my soul’s progression. I can always learn something NEW! I see things from many different perspectives. I am not limiting my Mind. I believe all things are possible. The Universe is Infinite!  There are infinite worlds and dimensions!  Knowledge and Wisdom is Infinite and the Universe will continue to expand with THOUGHT! Think about the knowledge and wisdom contained within the Universe, the Multiverse and the Omniverse.  Your higher self have access to infinite knowledge and wisdom of the Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse, it simply depends on your level or rank of consciousness as a light being. Many of you can probably tap into this Source and channel this information from your higher self or channel from other higher dimensional beings in the Universe.

Some people willingly allow for other beings to come inside their temple (body).  I prefer not to be taken over by any other light beings. My higher self is open to meeting with other higher dimensional beings to learn and to grow. I am willing to share what I have learned and they are willing to share what they have learned and we learn from each other.  I am open to exchanging information but I don’t give permission for any other beings to inhabit my body. The Holy Spirit dwells in my temple and she is my guide. The Holy Spirit is observing and analyzing all of my experiences and directing me on my path. The only being that I would allow to descend into my physical temple (physical body) is my higher self. The Creator is already living within me. My body is the temple of God.  I invite the holy angels to  visit me in my chariot of light or light ship and they guide and give me messages and those messages are then sent to my 3rd dimensional body (physical body). I prefer for the light codes to be sent to me. These light codes trigger my awakening, the light codes are sent to download information within myself. These light codes activate my DNA. I have a set time for information to be released within me. At the appointed time I will have access to certain information depending on my level of consciousness.  The Creator will not give me more than I can handle.

I have my own inner powers and I know how to use it for learning purposes while I’m here in the 3rd dimensional world. Everyone is gifted in their own way and if you seek the God/Goddess within you, you will find the God Source.  You will find your way back to your Higher Self. As always the Creator lives within you, literally. It is ALL energy! You must learn and understand that you and every other living being are connected to the God Source, the Creator of the Universe. Everything that EXISTS is connected to the Creator of the Universe. You are One with the The Creator of the Universe!!!! During my spiritual journey I have remembered that I am  interconnected with the Cosmic Web and I AM a Divine Multidimensional Infinite Light Being existing in multiple dimensions at the same time. My starship (lightship) is currently residing in a higher dimension sending light codes to my 3rd dimensional body.

The Holy Spirit dwells within my temple and Christ Consciousness has been birthed within me. I embody the masculine and feminine energies within my being and balancing these two energies has been a task in this world. I know myself and have explored all of ME and I love myself.  My higher self and shadow self have merged as One and we are no longer at war with each other. The shadow self no longer seeks control and revenge. I have learned Self-Control, and this is needed for every soul due to the inner powers that we all have access to.  You can use your powers for good or evil. It’s your choice! I have defeated my Shadow Self! It took time but I did it. I didn’t want to fight in a war anymore, so I surrendered my life to the Light, I simply surrendered to the Love Frequencies and I was purified.  My mind and my heart was renewed. The struggle was real and I was determined to be released from bondage. I didn’t want to be a prisoner anymore. I was set free from the constructs on this reality or matrix. I didn’t just battle with my shadow self but I  was battling against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The war with Satan was happening in the battlefield of my mind. My higher Self won the battle. We, the benevolent light beings won! During the final battle, the heavenly army, Michael and his angels fought beside me. I asked for help many times throughout my journey here and they helped me battle Satan. I was being protected ever since I was born on this planet. The Creator protected me when I was living in darkness and the Creator saved me many times.  When the appointed time arrived the higher energies descended upon me and those energies were extremely powerful. The Creator prepared a place of safety for me when this happening. My awakening coincided with a solar flare. There was a day and a time that was scheduled for the beginning of my awakening. The power of Love and a solar flare was a trigger to my soul awakening. My higher Self and the Creator knew when I was ready to ascend and I was initiated, activated and sent on my mission. It was all done in divine timing. I was ready for my mind, body and soul to be restored. I chose to follow Yahshua and his teachings led me to the light. He led me to the Creator of the Universe and within the light of the Creator I saw my image, I saw my higher self.  I chose to follow a higher state of consciousness. With everything that I have learned about my self, I chose peace between my Higher self and my Shadow Self. We, my multidimensional self, have learned to maintain balance in this 3rd dimensional world. When I merged with my higher self, it took some time to adjust. I had to balance myself and there were times when I couldn’t operate in this world because I was caught up in the spirit.


My Merkaba travels throughout the universe and I am here to send forth my love energy on this planet. During my meditations I simply imagine myself being in my chamber of light. I envision a portal opening above my crown chakra and I ask for the Creator’s light to descend upon me then I send forth love energy in all directions. This is the time for my creative thoughts to be birthed. With the light of the Creator I am filled with so much joy and happiness that my heart chakra sends forth the vibrations of love.

Every day I see repeating numbers and I call it light codes for DNA activations. I believe these light codes are repairing and activating our DNA strands. Memories from our past lives and our ancestors’ memories are stored within our DNA. It is also possible that information from the beginning of creation is stored within our DNA. We just need to learn how to tap into the source and access this information. The light codes are codes for new programs and at the appointed time the programs will download and activate within you. You must be able to tune into the frequencies of the light codes. I believe these codes are sent from our higher selves, and other higher dimensional beings. The light codes are encoded with messages. I know this because I met with Yahshua in a dream and he called me while I was standing inside of an ancient doorway and he gave me a code to identify him. After I came out of the doorway, I saw him sitting on a white horse and on him was written the code that he gave me.

I didn’t remember the code when I woke up, but I honestly believe it was the number 333 as this light code is associated with the ascended masters. 333 was the first light code that was sent to me when I started to receive activations. In that dream he gave me a message and I know that he is one of my guides. The message is that we need to prepare ourselves for the marriage. The marriage is a graduation ceremony for ascension. The marriage takes place when the stargate or portal to heaven opens on the Earth. We must match the frequency of Love to enter through the portal.  I think it’s possible that a portal can open on the Earth.  I believe that all things are possible.  I had a dream where I saw a light ship hovering in the sky. Then I saw someone walking backwards and suddenly, they disappeared. I saw an invisible door on the earth and I saw that the portal opened, and the person entered it.

Light ships always appear in my dreams and I know that light ships can open portals. I will always remember what the scripture says about the parable of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, a midnight cry was made, and they went out to meet the bridegroom. The foolish didn’t have enough oil to light their lamps but the wise was ready and prepared to go out to meet the bridegroom. The door was open and the wise entered the door then the door was shut. The foolish didn’t make it to the door simply because they were not ready and prepared. They had to go out to buy some oil for their lamps. My point in saying all of this is, “What if a portal does opens on the Earth? What if this portal leads to the New Earth? What if this happens in our lifetime? I would rather be prepared then not prepared. If it doesn’t happen in our lifetime then maybe it will manifest for a future generation.

In the meantime, we all need to be purifying ourselves and releasing the negative energies that we have been holding on to. Right now, we are in a stage of purification. This process is not going to be easy, it is a stage of trials and tribulations. It could signify the Great Tribulation that the bible speaks about. The whole world will experience trials and tribulations. We must all endure till the end of this purification process. We are in this together and we can all help one another in love. During this time of purification, we must all face our shadow selves. All things hidden in secret will be exposed and revealed in the light. All the issues that haven’t been resolved will need to be dealt with. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward with a new beginning.  It’s time to be healed.  Everything that is held within the collective’s subconscious mind will come to the surface. No more running, it’s time to face everything, so we can properly heal. Many people hearts have been broken and shattered and that’s why there’s a lack of love on this planet. The hearts and the minds of humanity must be healed. Once there are enough people on the Earth holding the love frequencies within themselves that’s when the portal will open.

Therefore, no man knows the day when Christ will return or when the portal on Earth will open to a higher dimensional world. The main goal is to be able to tune into these higher frequencies. Once you receive the light codes you can be a messenger of the light by spreading the knowledge that has been downloaded in you. The information that is being downloaded in you is to help you and others ascend. Once you become enlightened then you can enlighten others. Be the light and share the light!

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Refine Me Now!

Zechariah 13:8 -9 states, And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. 

Last night I had a short dream and I walked into a store and a woman began talking to me. She knew who I was but I did not know her. She knew all about me from a family member. I don’t remember everything she said but she mentioned 2/3 of the people. I know 2/3 of my people will remain ignorant in these last days. In the dream it seem like I was suppose to talk to my family. When I first started this ministry page in 2015 I started giving the children of Israel messages from the Most High. Some Hebrews let me know that they were reading my posts regarding my dreams and visions. Only the Most High knows if people are heeding the messages that I have shared. Everyone has a choice and as long as I have warned them I’ve completed my task.

We are living in a very crucial time period right now and this is a time of transformation. This is a time for spiritual development and it is time to let go of things that no longer serve us.  I have been going through the most difficult time in my life and I know I will get a breakthrough soon. It is a very painful process for me because everything is coming to the surface and I have to face everything head on. I’m extremely sensitive and I cry quite frequently. Shedding tears is my way of releasing all that has hurt me. The Creator is purging me. I have asked the Holy Spirit to refine me in these 50 days and the work is being completed. The only priority that I have in my life is to ascend to higher heavens. I desire to be free from this world and free from all impurities. This world is so corrupted in so so  many ways and I just want to be free from all corruptions.

All I do is keep my mind on spiritual things because that’s where my heart is but for some reason I tend to get hurt on this earth by people who are close to me. My heart has been broken numerous of times and I just want to be healed from all the hurt and pain. I desire for all of my wounds to be healed. I desire for my mind, body and soul to be restored. My heart needs the most healing at this time right now. It’s like I’m going through the great tribulation right now . My faith and my love for God is the only thing that is keeping me strong. I am enduring through this rough time in my life. At times I feel like giving up but I know I am so close to the finish line.  Everything is coming to the surface and I have to face everything head on. I have to make some hard decisions and sometimes I just don’t know what to do.

Today I have decided to go back in time to start over. On June 1, 2013 I received my first purity ring. At that time I decided to give my all to Yahshua by focusing on him alone. Well I have decided to do this again starting today. I have my 2nd purity ring which I have had for a while now and I will continue wearing it but I will do things differently. I will keep my focus on the Creator alone going forward. When I was awakened back in 2012 I was told not to become distracted in this world because I had a mission to complete.  Well many distractions has occurred since then and I have been hurt by some of these distractions. The Creator was trying to protect my heart back then but I didn’t listen. I didn’t understand the distractions he was referring to but now I understand. I must protect my own heart as well.  I know for a fact now that I can only trust the Creator with my heart. Today is a new day for me because I have decided to let everything go that has hurt me. All of the things that no longer serve me I am letting go. I have tried to fix many things that are out of my control and I’m not doing those things anymore.  I must put my energy on the things that will serve me.

I’m starting to see things more clearly and there is light at the end of the tunnel. More healing is needed and I am open to receiving this healing energy from the Creator. It’s been a long time and finally it’s time for the work in me to be completed. I will be perfected and completed by the Creator. The Creator loves all of me and I’m so happy that I know this.

2 Corinthians 7:1 states, “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

Psalms 51:10 states, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Daniel 12:10 states, “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

Be a wise virgin and prepare for the day of ascension! The Bride is preparing herself!

Written by Sister Carter


Persecution in the Last Days


Shalom Brothers and Sisters I am now starting to feel Satan’s army. I am being persecuted for doing what the Most High has told me to do. Yahshua’s followers will continue to be persecuted in these last days and we must be patient and keep the faith because deliverance is coming. Put your armor on because these wolves in sheep’s clothing are revealing themselves. They are ready for a war and we must use the sword of the spirit which is the word of Yah. Soon the heavenly armies will come fight for us and the wicked will be destroyed.

Most of our enemies are our own people and that’s sad.

Revelation 12:17 states, “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach).

Revelation 14:12 states, “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus (Yahshua).”

Yah has sent us out among wolves. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We must continue to do the will of our Father regardless. If people hated Yahshua they will also hate us. Any time we speak about Yahshua and his Word they will always try to start a war. They will try to pick fights and try to debate with you. It is very important that you are able to identify these devils. There will be many false prophets and Antichrists arising in these last days and they will be saying all types of evil things. Many of these demons are starting to show themselves and they are taking off their masks. We must stand strong and have courage in these last days. The Most High will protect you and you must always believe that.

Our enemies will fall when the time comes. When Yahshua returns it’s a wrap for the wicked. The time for deliverance is at hand. No longer will we be persecuted for our faith and hated when he returns to rescue us. Our tears will be wiped away and we will ascend to the place that he has prepared for us. There is going to be great tribulation soon and we must endure to the end. He will come to save us. He promised me that he would come to get me and I am holding on to that promise. Many times I wish that I could go back to that dream when I was caught up in a chariot because I was sitting with Yahshua. I wanted so badly to go to heaven at that time but it wasn’t time yet. He told me that he would come tomorrow. It reminds me of the time when he told Moses to go down to the children of Israel and tell them to sanctify themselves, today and tomorrow and on the third day he will descend on Mount Sinai. Read Exodus 19.

I think about this all the time and I wait for the King to come. I know that he will come right on time and I am believing that he will come in this generation. The Most High wouldn’t show me the end if we were not in the end days. Many people believe we are in the last days and many people believe we are not. There are too many end time signs for people not to believe but it is what is it. I can only go by what the Most High has shown me in my dreams and visions. The day of the Lord will come because the scriptures says so. We don’t know the exact time but we will know when it is near. We must remain faithful to the Most High. Yahshua is with us at all times and he will fight for us. We need to continue to pray and we need to pray for our brothers and sisters because many of them are being deceived.

The world hasn’t seen the worst and I believe the Most High is going to send his angels down to spy on the cities and many cities will be destroyed. I believe plague after plague is coming if the people don’t repent and turn back to the Most High. Many people have been warned, the nations have been warned but people continue to sin and do evil things. We need to keep the commandments of Yah and do his will. If not there will be trials and tribulations in our life. People don’t realize that they cause bad things to manifest in their life. We must remain positive and keep the faith and all things will work out for the good. When people come against us they will have to deal with the Most High’s wrath.

The plagues will not come to the people who are sealed with the Word of God on their foreheads.  Yahshua’s followers are protected and covered in his blood. The death angel will not pay them a visit it is only those who are not covered. We must trust in the Most High and believe what he did for the children of Israel during Passover. They were delivered out of Egypt and we will be delivered at the appointed time.  We must remember and honor the Feast Days because these are his appointed times. Yah always does things in a certain pattern and there is nothing new under the Sun. Yahshua can come anytime during the Feast Days. There are 7 of them and it could be the 7th feast since the number 7 means completion.

We don’t know for sure but we must be a wise virgin because he could come up in the midst of the Feast like a thief in the night. We must keep our lamps filled with oil because when the door in heaven opens we will ascend up to the clouds to be with the Lord forever. We will dwell (tabernacle) with him. There is hidden manna here and I hope people can see and hear what the spirit says. Love you all!

Written Sister Carter (AthaleYah)

The Final Stage: Completion and Perfection

tree of life 1

Shalom Brothers and Sisters. The Creator of the Universe created all his children to be perfect from the very beginning and he formed (made) each and every one of us to his liking. The Most High had a plan for all of his children and he chose the Elect and his righteous ones before the foundation of the earth. We need to know that there is always a process to achieving perfection and it’s all in the timing of the Most High. It took time for our Creator to create and form the heavens and the earth. It took 7 days or 7,000 years to complete his creation. The 7,000 years come from the day to a year principal. One day is as a 1000 years.

Genesis 2:1-3 states, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.  And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 

From the beginning of time Yah separated the light from the darkness. Divisions were made with all things that existed in the universe.  We were all spirits made up of light in the beginning and at the day of our appearance our light (star) was weighed in the balance in the heavens when we were created.  All things that exist have emanated from the Creator (the great pure light) and any darkness that was found in the beginning was separated from the light.  Light is above and darkness is below. All lights (stars) who did not hearken to the Creator’s voice were led away and they became a fallen star (angel). No longer did the light rule them, they were ruled by darkness. Their light turned into darkness and their ways became evil.

The Most High had a plan from the very beginning when he separated the light from darkness. He also has a plan at the end of the world when he comes to separate the light (wheat) from the darkness (tares) during the Great Harvest. The Most High will release his destructive power and the Earth will be destroyed by Fire in the end. He will create a new Heaven and a new Earth and all things will be new. The Earth will be purged or cleansed by Fire. All things are now aligning and all of those who were children of Light in the beginning will be saved in the end, and all of those who were the children of Darkness will be separated from the Creator. They will be led away to the Lake of Fire on Judgment Day because they didn’t hearken to the Creator nor were they obedient. The books will be opened and their works will be judged. The wicked have fallen from the heavens to the earth and they have continued to be rebellious, wicked and unrepentant. These souls once were created beings of light (angels of light) but they went astray from the Light and their lamps were dimmed.

When all things were manifested in the beginning everything was given a name and each thing became a power or a force. Each power that was manifested in the universe had assigned places in the heavens. The LORD has many powerful forces in the universe and he created all things for his purposes. Isaiah 45:7 states, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Two forces were at work in the creation process and there was a positive force and a negative force in the universe. I believe all things have 2 sides or 2 natures. Where there is good there is evil. There is always an opposing force. When the Creator created everything his creation was to be GOOD and he said it was good. Genesis 1:31 states, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

His creation was to be filled with light, truth, and knowledge. His children were to be filled with the fruits of his spirit. His children were to be obedient from the very beginning. The Most High doesn’t want his creation to be ignorant and that’s why he taught all of his children his commandments in the very beginning of time as spiritual beings. We know that the Law contains the knowledge of good and evil. Your nakedness or sin is exposed through the Law meaning sin is revealed through the Law. The Law gives us knowledge of Good and Evil, what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable in the sight of the Most High. The Law of God reveals Sin. If you freely eat the works of the flesh you will surely die. Let’s keep it simple, if you keep on sinning you will die point blank!!!

If the Most High has to continuously bring out the Book of the Law in the heavenly court to judge you then that means you are constantly doing something wrong and it means you keep sinning. For example, if you commit a crime you will go to jail and you will be judged by the Law. It’s the same thing when you do something against the Most High, you will be judged, he will bring out the Book of the Law and according to your works or deeds he will judge you by it because you keep sinning. That’s why it’s important for you to repent and turn away from your sins because you should have learned your lesson. How many times do you want to be in trouble with the Most High? Do you want to keep going in front of Judge Yahweh? I hope not, thank Yah that we have Yahshua as our Attorney or Advocate in the heavenly court if we do commit a sin.

1 John 2:1-3 states, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach) the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.  And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.”

Who can stand in front of Judge Yahweh by themselves? We need his Son Yahshua and that’s why he sent his Son into the world to be the ultimate sacrifice and atonement for the sins of the world. Praise Yah for Yahshua. It’s going to be a sad day for those who haven’t accepted Yahshua. Please seek the Most High and please receive salvation through his son Yahshua Ha’Mashiach. The truth is that judgment will be severe if your name is not written in the Book of Life. To avoid all of that just do what is right and walk in the spirit, love the Most High with all of your heart, mind and soul and love one another and keep his commandments. The commandments sums up to LOVE.  So please learn the fruits of the spirit and encourage others to learn and walk in the spirit.

We need to understand that the Law is good and holy because it teaches us what is good and what is sin. How else would we be corrected? From eating the Law you learn what is right (good)and what is wrong (evil). If you do what is right then you are walking in the Spirit and you are producing good fruits which is good. When you are doing what’s good and right you are not under the Law. There is no judgment. But if you do what is wrong  (evil) that means you are doing the works of the flesh (committing sin). Once you find out that you have committed sin you have been exposed and you now know that you are naked and that’s when you should feel ashamed. That’s what happened to Adam and Eve. Sin was revealed to them once they ate from the tree and they knew they had committed sin and they felt ashamed.  If you commit sin then you have to be judged according to the Law and that judgment is death. If you have to be judged that means you are not walking in the Spirit. That is why it’s so important to do away with sin because nothing good comes from sinning only death and destruction.

It is wise to know the Most High’s commandments/law, statues and judgments so that you can know what is right and what is wrong in the sight of the Lord. Many people commit sin everyday ignorantly because they reject wisdom. It is true that God’s people (children of Israel) die for lack of knowledge. They don’t want to be taught the Most High’s commandments and they don’t want to know what his Word teaches because they take pleasure in unrighteousness.The Most High from the beginning wanted his people to know his Word and he wanted parents to teach their children so they and their children wouldn’t be led astray from the Word and become rebellious.

Psalm 78:5-8 states, “For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children. That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.”

Everything was good when he created all things in the beginning until his children didn’t want to follow his orders and commandments. That’s when evil was found and then war existed in the heavens. Evil forces (Satan and his angels) fighting against the good forces (Micheal and his angels) in the universe. The Word teaches us that we must obey and honor our earthly Father and Mother which means we should do the same for our Heavenly Father and Mother. We are to obey the Father and listen to the Holy Spirit and follow Yahshua because he is our example and he is righteous.  Anyone who rejects the Son rejects the Father. Luke 10:16 states, “Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”Matthew 12:31 states, “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”

Yahshua taught us much wisdom from the Father and taught men the commandments through the Holy Spirit. He was always obedient to the Father and he walked in the Spirit and taught men to do the same.  Our divine teacher is the Holy Spirit, our Mother and our Comforter, and great wisdom is taught through her. Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 states, ““For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no defiled thing fall into her.” All things were created to obey the Creator but when disobedience was found chaos existed in the heavens and things got out of order.

All things that exist in the universe have 2 forces within itself and that’s why man has 2 natures, good and evil. You must choose which force will dominate your light. Will you let darkness take over your light or will you be filled with light? It’s your choice.  All of creation must seek to know the knowledge of good and evil. When it is time for you to know then the knowledge will be given to you. Parents teach their children right from wrong. A child is innocent until they do something wrong and then you must teach them when they do something wrong. When they are bad they are punished and that’s what happened to Adam and Eve. The Father told them not to do something but they did it anyways and that’s why they got punished. If one doesn’t seek knowledge you will always be ignorant and you could be committing sin in ignorance. Once I became a certain age I ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I wanted to have knowledge and I was also very curious. Once I learned several things and experienced several things my life changed and my eyes were opened and things were never the same. I felt ashamed of my sins when I found out that I was committing a sin. It was through the Law of God that my sins were exposed.

In this world we have to experience many trials and tribulations and at times our faith must be tested. We must seek correction and we must be willing to change not only for ourselves but for our Father in heaven. We must seek his approval and do his will. The Creator’s mind is beyond our thinking and beyond our ways.  He knows all things because he exists in the Past, Present and Future. The Creator continues to gain perfect wisdom through time and his mind is incomprehensible. The Father doesn’t stop creating, he continues to grow in knowledge and wisdom and that’s why he is perfect in all things. Perfection is a process and a continuation of things, it is a cycle and there’s always a completion to every cycle. If something goes wrong then it must be corrected and a new way has to be implemented. A change must occur no matter what. Becoming perfect requires work and it’s not always an easy process.

It’s a possibility that there is a universal law that every soul that is born on the earth must be purged from sin and go through the Fire so that you can be cleansed from within your heart to be made new, perfect and complete. It’s either you do it willfully in the beginning and obey the call or be consumed by the fire in the end that will ultimately destroy your existence. The Fire is the Holy Spirit and it’s a consuming Fire. Fire is purifying and it is good and it is also a destructive force. Fire can be viewed as Good and Evil, Positive and Negative. It is how you use Fire and how you define the use of Fire and that goes for all things. It is the design of the universe and it is what it is. The minds of the wicked corrupted things that were made good.

All things must be tested and put on trial because it’s a part of the Great Experiment of a Creator. A creator must test its creation to see if it’s going to work right? If something goes wrong with the experiment don’t you have to change it to get it right? Yes. Just use your own mind to understand this. If you had a thought about building something or creating a world what would you do first? You would gather your thoughts and ideas and lay down your foundation right? Well by you doing this you would be the grand architect of your project or experiment. So now you have laid down your foundation and now you start to build it and design it. So you create your masterpiece but when you test it out something is still missing. So you have to think about it and observe your creation and figure out what’s wrong with it so that you can perfect it. In time you find the missing piece. Once you have added the missing key you have now changed your creation to be the perfect masterpiece. So it is quite simple don’t make it complicated.

We all had to learn how to operate with the carnal mind to receive the spiritual mind. We all had to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil to obtain salvation and life. Wisdom is thy principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding. We had to experience the good and the bad by coming to this school on the earth. The Father sent us away from home so we could grow up, learn and be transformed. We are spiritual beings and we need to wake up and realize where we come from. We need to be able to follow commandments on earth and in heaven because our Father will have many different assignments for us in the heavens when we return.  It was destined for us to experience life in the physical realm. We needed to be made perfect and complete in the Father’s eyes and be in harmony with our spiritual selves and our Father. We need to be one with our heavenly Father and we must balance ourselves.  Adam and Eve had to be taught and disciplined and that’s why they descended to the earth and they gained knowledge and understanding. They had to think for themselves and learn how to use their human brain. They had to learn how the mind operates. The mind had something to do with the serpent in the Garden of Eden because the mind makes decisions. The mind is where you decide to make a choice and then when you decide which choice you are going to make you act on it. Consider all the functions of the brain. Adam and Eve had to learn how to operate in their new  earthly bodies after they left the Garden in Eden which is in heaven. They had to learn just like we have to learn. We once had a bright nature before we were born on this earth. Through time we had to learn how to make wise decisions. There are two choices and that is to operate in Love or to operate in Fear. We must learn how the brain functions to understand the grand experiment. The mind is the key to it all. In the mind is where your thoughts are gathered and it can be good or evil. Everything  manifests from your thoughts and you create your own reality. Your state of mind determines if you are dwelling in the light or the darkness. It’s either you are vibrating at a high level of consciousness or a low level of consciousness. Your awareness means a lot.  Darkness is ignorance when you refer to the mind so if you are not living in the truth you are most likely vibrating on a low level. It is best to seek the truth so that you can be filled with the light of God. Christ Consciousness is walking in the spirit and once you receive the truth and walk in the spirit you will be on your way to higher consciousness and dwelling in the light of God. The key to it all is to use your brain that the Creator of the Universe gave you. It is a gift and those who sit back to meditate on his Word will find all truth in his Word.

Is there anything missing in your life? Is it perfect Love? I know once I found God’s Love I was filled with so much joy and happiness and I was like a flower that had blossomed.  My mind has elevated to a higher level of consciousness and I am able to receive spiritual messages from my Heavenly Father. My Father lives within me and I love him very much. I know that the creator molded me to be exactly who I am today. In the end I will be made perfect and complete and I will be fully transformed into the perfect being he created me to be in the very beginning.  We must learn how to endure during tough times and learn patience. When we have learned all of the fruits of the spirit which are good and overcome the works of the flesh which are bad we can finally enter into paradise again. We can go back to the Garden of Eden (Paradise). So that means we must get our lives right with the Creator and we must take a look in the mirror at ourselves to see which fruits we are producing. Imagine yourself as the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The tree is you and your mind contains the knowledge of good and evil and you have free will to make a choice of which fruits you will freely eat from. Which one will you choose? Please choose wisely.

When we enter back into the gate of heaven we will put on immortality and the tree that we will eat from is called the Tree of Life.  Your reward is the immortal body which will be the New Body that you will be clothed with when Yahshua returns to the Earth at his Second Coming. He is bringing his rewards with him and he is bringing our holy garments.

Are you built upon Yahshua’s rock? Who is your foundation? Your creator is building you upon his rock and he is making you complete and he is designing a new body for you. Everything that is corrupt within you will no longer be corrupt you will be made incorruptible. The Creator has built a new body that you will be able to operate in and you will have the 9 fruits of the spirit. The number 9 is everywhere and you should research the mystery of the number 9 and creation. It is finality and completeness it is the Universal Father, Infinite Spirit (Mother) and Eternal Son. You will be that tree in the garden that’s filled with Life. You will be perfect and complete and you will operate out of Love. You must learn these gifts now before you return. You have been tested and tried on this earth and have been put through the fire so please continue to have hope and don’t give up. In the end you shall receive your holy garments that are stored up in heaven.

Yahshua came to the earth to live in a mortal body and he himself had to overcome the flesh which he did because he did not sin. He was our example and he has led us back to the Garden of Eden (Paradise). The creator formed the light.  The creator wants you to learn and the Holy Spirit is there to help you grow. She is the one that convicts your heart. Now it’s up to you to listen and obey the Holy Spirit. Satan is a created being and he is limited to what he can do. If you give him power that’s on you. There is nothing to Fear if you believe in the Father.

The Father had the perfect plan for you and he had to send you off to college. He needed you to move away from home to experience what it feels like to be away from home and he wanted to see if you could find your way back home. When you are lost he will send his helper and she will guide you in the right direction but you must listen and be obedient. If not you could go down the wrong path and that’s where you meet Satan and his angels and that’s the way to destruction the further you go the further you get away from home and it will take you longer to get home . You must turn around and go back towards the light but on the way you have to battle Satan and his evil angels which will come at you like never before. They will try to beat you, drag you down to the pit so that you can’t come out of the bottomless pit. They will try to keep you in darkness and they will try to attack you in every way. It’s not going to be an easy road. You chose to go down that path so you have to suffer the consequences. The only one that can set you free is Yahshua since he has the keys to the bottomless pit. The more you believe and have faith he and the Holy Spirit will come to save you and they will lead you into the light.

When he ascended to heaven the Holy Spirit descended to the earth. They will bring you back home to the Father. They will show you the way to get back home and if you reject one or the other you can’t be set free. It takes wisdom to understand this, few will understand. Matthew 7:13-27 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sleep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs or thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring for good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in the Day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock; And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock and every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell; and great was the fall of it.

Do you want the enemy to come in your house like a thief in the night and take everything from you including your soul? Do you want the enemy to destroy you? Do you want to remain fallen? If not then rise up and stand firmly. Please get your houses in order and get a strong foundation in your faith.  Purify your temple (your body) and keep it clean. Get rid of the bad fruits and load up on good fruits. Feed yourself good, clean, and spiritual foods. Eat healthy and eat the Word of God. Deny flesh desires. Starve those cravings and fast. Once you have stayed away from those unclean foods and worldly things you won’t desire them anymore. Overcome laziness by getting up on your feel and put your goals into action. Stop procrastinating and do what you say you’re going to do.  Walk in the spirit and the fruits of the spirit will manifest in your life. Stop blaming others and take responsibility. Learn to love one another, correct one another in Love and be patient with one another. Stop being angry, stop holding grudges and learn how to have joy and happiness.

It is time to work on yourself and get yourselves ready so that you can enter the kingdom of heaven. Don’t wait too long because you don’t know how much time is left. I believe in all of you, every person that is reading this. This message is for you and myself. I’m working on these things too and I’m actually doing what I love, this is my passion to help people like you. To share wisdom and to teach the Word as best as I can so that you can have a simple understanding. Remember it is simple stop making it complicated. Listen to the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit to lead you. You will please the Father just by acknowledging and accepting the truth and by putting it into action. Please have that relationship with the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit because when you do you will have eternal life and blessings will flow like never before. Keep it real when you are praying don’t hide anything let the Father know your weakness, let him know what you struggle with, be honest with him and be honest with yourself. Let him know that you don’t know how to overcome the sin in your life. Tell him everything. You must be open and tell it all so that he can send help your way. But the key thing is when he does send help your way please don’t reject it because your life could depend on it. He can come knocking at your door to give you a message and that message could be the message to set you free. So we must pay attention to what our brothers and sisters in Christ are saying which are our loved ones, family members, and friends etc. because he can be speaking to you through them. Hebrews 13:2 be not forgetful to entertain stranger: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Another thing that I wanted to say is if you are not obedient then you have to be punished at times not all the times but when it is necessary for your growth and that’s the order. You must have the ability to learn so that you can grow and be mature. We must have wisdom to be perfect and complete. We need completeness and we must be whole. There has always been order in this Universe and we must all go through the different levels to ultimately graduate in this final grade just like going to school. This earth is a school and it is the final stage before graduating into the higher realms of the spiritual world. When we graduate from this earth we will move on to the higher realms. I have been on this journey my whole life. I have learned good and evil and I have made my choice and that is to eat from the Tree of Life. I have completed my mission and I’m still a working progress. I have kept it real this whole time and I have come out of denial and I came out of the world (Babylon).  I have evaluated myself and I want so much more for myself. I don’t want to be a fallen angel or a fallen spirit. I want to be a holy spirit that was sent from up above and I want to desire the fruits of the spirit. I want to see the Creator within myself and I want to have the gifts of the Creator of the Universe. I want to be complete, I want to be transformed into perfection in the eyes of my Creator. I want the Creator to change me from within and I want him to allow me to blossom when it is time.

I want to be created in the image of my Creator and that’s all of them, The Father, The Mother, and The Son. I am the daughter of the Most High and we need to understand that the Creator has many sons and daughters in the Universe and he has chosen each and every one of us for a specific task or mission. We are one and we are all connected to each other eternally because we all came from the same Source. But I will have to say this a lot of people give thanks to the Father and the Son but many people forget about the Mother of the Universe. She is the Womb that you came out of into this realm of existence. Don’t forget about the mother. She is your helper also and she wants to be respected so please don’t reject the Holy Spirit. Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so do ye. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Quench not the Spirit. Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption let all bitterness, and wrath and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.

Brothers and Sisters this is the final stage so please allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.

Written By Sister Carter

War With The Children Of Israel: Believers against Non-Believers

black angel
Shalom Brothers and Sisters. I just have a quick word. The devil is angry with the children of Israel for speaking the truth especially the ones that believe in the messiah. I just posted on Facebook yesterday that it’s a war among the children of Israel between the believers in the messiah and the non-believers. I feel like we are headed towards the Great Tribulation.
You will begin to see more Hebrew Brothers and Sisters filled with anger and hatred and they will be claiming to be righteous and in the truth. Some of these people will be dressed up nicely wearing their Hebrew garments with fringes and tassels, and you will see more Hebrew women covering their heads. Please don’t be fooled Israel, the devil is very slick and can go undetected. The devil can be right in front of you and you may not know it.  The word tells us that there will be false prophets and Antichrists and we are starting to see them rise in Israel.  
Satan is definitely sending a flood of lies against the children of Israel and Satan is using his army which are workers of iniquity, the false prophets and Antichrists to fulfill his mission in these last days. He is also using these modern day Pharisees and Scribes that are in these camps. The devil is not everyone, he is among the small and the great. Majority of this world have fallen into Satan’s trap. So be careful because everyone is not who they say they are. We should know by now that the devil will stir up anger in the Israelites and he will cause Brothers and Sisters to betray one another, hate one another, even plotting to kill one another. Can’t you see that prophecy is being fulfilled? The bottomless pit is open and Satan’s children are now revealing themselves and you will know them by their fruits.
There is war in heaven and it is now manifesting on the earth. The Final War is at hand and soon Judgment Day will arrive.  Many of Satan’s children, the serpent seed who have no truth in them will go out to deceive many of our Brothers and Sisters  so it is very important that you stay prayed up believing in the full Word of God. Hearken to the voice of the Most High and not these serpents out here in this world.  We must endure till the end so please don’t fall away from the truth. The beginning of sorrows have already begun and we will continue to see more  as we get closer to the return of Yahshua. 
Matthew 24:6-13 states, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.  Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
The devil is here and has been in the world for a very long time since Eve was deceived. Adam and Eve went astray from the Lord and both of them were deceived and the same thing is happening in the world today. People are following their own selfish desires and they are listening to the serpent. Many people are deceiving themselves and going forward to deceive others. Stop following the world and stop worshiping Man.  Man is not God!!! Man has become an image of Satan.  Many people have accepted the mark of the beast and they are doing the works of Satan.  Wickedness has increased in the earth and it’s a fact that we are living in the last days because it’s like the days of Noah and like the the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth because the devil has come down so be prepared for the Great Tribulation. Be ready Saints and put on your armor and stand firmly and say, “Get thee behind me Satan!!!!!”
Revelation 12:12-17
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach)
Written By Sister Carter

Final Call


“Halleluyah, Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. 1619-2019 is the 400 year Prophecy! We are in the last days and prophecy is being fulfilled. Deliverance is coming O’ Israel! Rejoice and be glad because the King is coming soon. Heaven and Earth is aligning! Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both great and small! Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Prepare the way because the Bridegroom is Coming! The Bride (144,000/ 12 tribes of Israel) is almost ready! May your hearts be filled with joy because the consummation of righteousness is coming and the prayers of the righteous are being heard. The temple of God which is the body of the saints are being purified by fire; refined like gold. They are a sweet and acceptable offering unto the Lord. The temple of God is being measured and the Books have been opened. The hearts of men will be weighed and everyone will be placed on the scales of judgment. Hear ye O’ Israel, during the great tribulation judgements will be made swiftly and plagues will continue to increase all around the world. Hear my cry O’ Israel! Please return to the Most High now and seek WISDOM my children. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. People may be right in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their heart. In the hearts of men exists good and evil. Choose now who you will serve. The battle of Armageddon is coming and many will be brought to the valley of decision.  Evaluate yourselves now because the final war is coming. Good vs Evil.

During the great tribulation a multitude of people will clean their robes and return to the Most High. His chosen people will heed the warnings and they will prepare themselves. The Most High will wake up all his people and those who are destined to be saved will be saved. A period of time is upon us and we must be ready at all times because we don’t know the exact day of Yahshua’s return. The fig tree  (Israel) is sprouting therefore you know the end is near. The Holy Spirit has been here assisting all of you (Israel) and preparing you for what’s to come. The windows of heaven are opening and those who have been obedient will be blessed. Many of you have put away the works of the flesh and have learned the fruits of the spirit. You will be filled with so much joy. You will truly be blessed, my children! Revelation 22:14 states, “Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life.”

Prepare now because it takes time for sin to be purged from you. The fire in my Father’s eye will be released and his wrath will consume all the sinners on the earth. He will send his weapons of destruction, his flames of fire, and the wicked will burn in the presence of Yahshua and his angels. My Father’s weapons of indignation are coming from the ends of the heavens and they will destroy the whole land (earth). Before destruction comes on the whole earth, the angels will gather the elect from the 4 corners of the earth and the angels will appear from one end of heaven to the other end of heaven. Heed this angel message!

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah-A lioness of Yah/Queen of Fire)