Tag Archives: hearken to the spirit

Will You Hearken To The Heavenly Father?

Shalom Brothers and Sister I just want to share a message with you all. If you don’t know by now that the earth has been visited by many different races of beings in the universe it’s time to awaken now. Many beings both good and evil have visited this earth. If you don’t know about the fallen angels and the righteous angels of Yah it’s time for you to seek knowledge. The Most High sent many of his messengers (angels) to this earth and he even sent Yahshua but it seems like man (male and female) just don’t get the messages that’s being brought forth from the Father’s Heavenly Throne.
How long will it take for man to hearken to the Father? How long will it take for man to do away with evil? How long will it take for the children of men to return back to the Father? Humanity should have learned from the Great Flood. The same things that were going on in the days of Noah are happening now. Noah and Methuselah were 2 witnesses in their time and they went out to the children of men. They told men to depart from evil and return back to the Most High. Did the people in the land return to the Most High? NO, they didn’t! They had plenty of time to get it right but they chose to do evil anyways just like the people living on this earth today.
Don’t you realize that the Most High sent the flood to purify the earth because there was too many evil spirits on the earth during that period of time. In this period of time the Most High is going to send fire from the heavens to purify the earth from all evil. Do you understand this message? I say this because I was awakened on this day 4 years ago and the Most High gave me many messages in dreams and visions during a 7 day period and I hearkened to his voice. I saw what was coming to the earth and it brought fear upon me. It was the object Nibiru and it is God’s wrath coming from the heavens. Believe it or not but it will bring FIRE to the earth!! It’s only a matter of time. So look up to the heavens brothers and sisters because Yah is sending us a message.
Heed the warnings now and hearken to the Father before it’s too late. This will happen unexpectedly like a thief in the night if you are not paying attention to the signs. Let him guide you out of this evil world. Our heavenly Father has sent multiple messages in many different languages over time so that a multitude of people can understand and share his messages in their own tongue/language. Please allow the Holy Spirit to descend upon you in these last days. Let the Most High use you in these last days. The Father wants to pour out his spirit on his sons and daughters on the earth so that we can help bring in the great harvest. It’s time for more workers of the Most High and less workers of Satan. Please don’t ignore the message that is coming from above. Wisdom will continue to go forth from the Father’s throne. 
Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)

Soul Purpose: Hearken to the voice of the Spirit


Soul Purpose: Hearken to the voice of the Spirit

Shalom Brother and Sisters! I want to share more details of my testimonies which include real experiences while being caught up in the spirit. In many of my posts I have revealed and interpreted dreams, visions, and different events that have occurred in my life. It’s hard to describe but when I am in deep thought/meditation I feel like I am connected to the Holy Spirit in many ways and many mysteries and revelations are constantly downloaded in my mind. Upon awakening out of my sleep I hear myself talking like I’m reading a book or something. The voice that I hear sounds like my voice but it seems like it’s coming from an angel who is the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. It’s like my mind is connected to the source. I don’t understand it all but it is really amazing when this happens. It’s like I’m being taught in the spirit while I’m sleeping. I desire wisdom so my sole purpose is to grow spiritually daily. I am constantly seeking the mysteries of heaven. I desire to get deeper into the Word because in the Word I hear my Father calling out to me and I follow his voice. When I seek my Father with all of my heart he opens up heaven’s gate and sens blessings my way and he grants me wisdom.  In the appointed times I am led to share mysteries within myself which sometimes reveals mysteries of heaven. I remain humble knowing that I am a daughter of Yah (God). I simply want to be obedient to my Father even if I don’t understand everything he has given me but I continue to ask questions and I patiently wait for a response. I am told constantly in the spirit to lean not on your own understanding. I am only the messenger and I bring forth what my Father gives me in the spirit so come and explore my world and enter into my mind that is connected to the source.

One day I was outside smelling the fresh air and I saw a dragonfly flying near me. Immediately I closed my eyes and I saw myself in heaven. My home was on the beach and I was on the balcony looking at the waves in the ocean.  My home was overlooking the ocean and it was all that I had imagined. Suddenly I had the feeling to prepare myself. This was the beginning of my mission and I had to get myself clean because I knew in the spirit that Yahshua was soon coming to get his Bride. I lifted up my voice and said, “The Lord is my God.” I repeated this several times as I was making a call to my love in the spirit. I then saw myself as an invisible spirit near my love’s ears and I was trying to get him to hearken to me.  Afterwards I stepped out of the waters; clean and purified. I looked around and in the spirit I was told that I must keep my robe white and spotless. My mind was connected to the spirit and I had heard what the spirit hath said. I willingly obeyed the spirit and I was being led by the spirit. I was told, “Don’t be distracted” as if this was the appointed time to hearken to my Father’s commandment. Would I be obedient? The Father tested me and immediately my phone started ringing. I ignored the call. Then my phone started to ring multiple times back to back. I still ignored the calls. I had to listen to what the Spirit had said. I was officially sent on my divine mission and I was following instructions. I was completely under the control of the Holy Spirit (My Heavenly Mother).

It has been revealed that she was my guide. She has always been my guide when I was living in darkness for she had comforted me when I was in distress during trials and tribulations in my life. The Holy Spirit purged sin out of my life and provided light during the darkest stages in my life. I kept faith as she has always had faith from the very beginning. I begin to sing praises to the Most High and worship him in my home. I danced around and I felt so much joy in my soul. I was in the process of being restored. I called upon my savior and he was about to deliver my soul out of chaos and darkness. I had repented over and over again and I so desired to be let free from the cage/prison that I was in. I wanted to be set free from the chains of bondage which was the bondage of sin. My Father has heard my prayers and have heard my cries during my days of living in darkness. While I was in darkness I didn’t know how I would get away from Satan. He held me as a prisoner and I didn’t want to sin. He tried to take my power from me but he didn’t know that I would gain my power back at the appointed time. For it was my Father’s will that I would descend down to the lower realms of consciousness which would be a path of darkness and chaos. Satan waited for me and planned to attack me as soon as I was born in this world and at the appointed time I made a choice and due to that choice I became self-willed and unleashed a serpent power that enmanated from my mind and that same serpent power trapped me because I hearkened to that power but I was ignorant. I needed to be taught and I needed to be disciplined.

As I grew up I continued to get stinged, like a sting of a scorpion, constantly being tormented due to the bad choices that I continued to make. I was in pain and I was longing to be delivered from this pain. I didn’t see the end result of all of this suffering but my Father did. He knew in advance that I would be made perfect and complete in the end but first I would have to suffer in pain waiting to be delivered. I had to learn many lessons as his child. He tested my faith and he taught me to hearken to his voice. He taught me the difference between obedience and disobedience. His plan in me would bring forth a transformation from imperfection to perfection. I used to dwell in the darkness but now I dwell in the light. I never wanted to dwell in the dark but it was destined for my life because my Father had a plan for me. There are 2 forces that exists and these 2 forces battle with each other which is good and evil.

*Which one do you chose to give power to? Be careful on the choice you make because it will manifest in your life.

But the Most High knew that I would be transformed into a spiritual light being in Time. I was transformed in his appointed time and that’s the key to it all. The mystery is the Father’s time. During a particular time in my life Yahshua came in the spirit and I saw him through someone that I had loved with all my heart. This person walked out of the door but before he walked out he looked back at me with a certain look on his face and I still reflect on it till this day. Before he had walked out I had made a decision to let him go because I felt in the spirit My Father was about to do something in my life.  I have searched deep within to understand why this person came into my life and why he was removed from my life. I loved him so much that I had to find out the meaning of his name. It was later revealed that his name means “The Lord is my God.” So many things were being revealed to me in the spirit and my focus was on getting to know Yahshua and the Father better. By seeking them both I would know the meaning of true love. During the midst of my transformation I was waiting for the person that I was dating to return to me but it was revealed that is was Yahshua that I was waiting for. I was preparing myself like a Bride. I knew it was a sign that Yahshua would soon return because he confirmed it in a dream that I had and when I saw him I was so happy because we were reuniting again and Yahshua told me that he would come and get me tomorrow. I have been waiting patiently for Yahshua to return to me ever since that dream. He gave me hope and I continue to have faith in what he told me. I love him very much and I want to share more things with you.

I was once the unfaithful wife who had committed adultery. Before I got married I had always desired true love. When I was old enough to be in a relationship I wanted love to be the foundation of my relationship even though I didn’t have a full understanding about love. I knew that love was good so I desired it naturally. I felt like my love was always pure and I was seeking the same pure love. True love is what I have seeked from the very beginning. I always wanted to love and receive the same love back. At times in my relationships I felt like I was giving 100% of me when others were giving less of them to me. I had loved so hard to the point that I couldn’t discern what true love was anymore. I was accepting things that I shouldn’t have accepted and believing lies. My love was taken for granted and I experienced so much heartache after my first boyfriend had been unfaithful to me. I couldn’t understand why but I had a forgiving heart until it continued to happen over and over again. I became furious and wrathful and later became revengeful due to unfaithfulness. I was young and foolish and I didn’t know how to deal with the pain that I was feeling. As I got older I became more gullible. I was also abused physically and emotionally which I picked up bad habits and became a violet and nonchalant person; no longer being considerate of other people’s feelings.

So much was coming upon me and I didn’t understand why. I was blind and I was asleep. It’s like I was turning into an evil beast because I was always angry and doing evil things. I had no self-control. When I became angry I sinned more. Please read my post called Battling Demons: My Testimony which goes into details of my deliverance. I experienced homosexuality and indulged in the works of the flesh and I suffered great pain in my body. I ate the fruits off of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I have experienced both good and evil in my life and now I know the difference from good and evil. I became a broken woman and my heart was broken into so many pieces. My faith became shattered when I was in this dark state. While growing up I never experienced the love from my Father because he wasn’t in my life but I was and am blessed to have a very strong mother who is the best mother of all. My mother loved me through it all even when I was rebellious. She was the one who comforted me when I was in darkness. She was the one who uplifted me in prayer and she continued to pray for me. She has always been there for me and she came to rescue me when I needed her the most. I remember when I was a child and I always use to cling to her. I learned many things from my mother and she also disciplined me. I remember a time when I was disobedient and she kicked me out of the house. I then traveled far away from home. I started to miss being home so I begged to come back. She told me that I had to be obedient and follow her rules. I told her that I would but my heart still wasn’t right.

When I returned back home I was still disobedient. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Ignorantly I unleashed the self-willed serpent power. I gave birth to this evil power and it began to control my life.  I became sneaky and cunning in all my ways. I learned evil and I began to live in the dark and Satan became my ruler. I set him up in my temple (body) and I was worshipping self. Satan is against the will of the Most High and Satan is self-willed and self-centered. He only wants his way. It’s like I had created a false god. By choosing to follow self I was placing myself above the Most High. As time went on deep down inside I still desired real love. I was still confused but I was trying to find my way. I decided to get married at the age of 20 and at this time I thought everything was going to be better. So when I got married things started to get out of control and things didn’t go as I had planned. We were having problems and we didn’t know how to deal with them. We went to church but we didn’t truly live the Word and understand the Word. Later I became the adulterous wife. My heart was broken by my husband and I had thoughts about someone else and I thought since he was unfaithful I would be unfaithful too. Later I tried to fix our marriage by offering to go to counseling but he rejected and we continued to be separated until we divorced. I cried many times and I poured out my heart to the Most High but it seem like my prayers were never answered. I was miserable and I continued to suffer great pain. I felt ashamed and I officially knew what it felt like to be rejected and it was a horrible feeling.

My husband rejected me so nothing else mattered after that. Everything was going wrong and I tried to fix things on my own and things got worse. I started to give up after a year and had little faith and that’s when I went further down the wrong path. I entered into the realms of darkness and I was in the center/heart of hell. My words were always, “This is how I feel.” Jeremiah 17:9 states, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” The more I indulged in sin the deeper the pit expanded in hell and that is why it is called the bottomless pit. Just to let you know hell is still expanding due to the sins of the world. But I started to become selfish and I started to do my own will.  I became self-willed. I went away from the light because I didn’t know how to endure the pain.

While being in deep thought I saw that the serpent’s power was rising up and it turned against me. It wanted to dominate my life. I went into a deeper darkness and I dwelt in the bottomless pit. I lived in chaos and it was scary and terrifying. As soon as I entered this dark place the demons followed me and they attacked me. It’s like they were waiting for me at the gates of hades. They took me and chained me up in a cage/prison for many years. I then saw a light shining after many years and I desired to be in that light. I then surrendered to God. As soon as I was sincere about making a change in my life Yahshua came into hades with the keys to set me free. Revelation 1:18 states, “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” John 8:36 states, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” He removed the chains from me and I am no longer a slave to sin. He help me to defeat my enemy. I was beaten and bruised and I fell down but my Father and Yahshua helped me back up because they are my strength. When I was weak Yahshua was my strength and he is still my strength and that’s why I trust in him and he is guarding my heart.

It’s like he is my other half and he has been my husband this whole time. He has been here through thick and thin and now I know he will never leave me nor forsake me. I entered into a covenant with him at the age of 14 on January 1, 1999 and I asked him to come into my life and I got saved but I had no idea what it truly meant to be saved until now. At the age of 14 I had no idea of the trials and tribulations that I would go through. I was 27 years old when I surrendered to God and it was 13 years that I had experienced being in the dark. I experience so many things during that time period and he has changed my life forever. When I fully trusted him he took my hand and he led me through the valley of the shadow of death. He taught me to fear no evil and he told me to keep my eyes on him always so I did and I still am. As I walked towards the light I felt the dark energy from the demons that surrounded me, and I knew they hated me because they couldn’t fulfill their evil desires through me anymore.  I continued to walk with Yahshua to the gates and I was free indeed. I was on my way to a new beginning. I experienced a 7 day period of cleansing and purification and on the last day I was revived and he raised me up. I plunged through the fire (sun) and I survived like the Comet LoveJoy. I was and am alive. I got a new set of wings now and this is my new beginning and it has been 3 years and I am loving my spiritual walk. During this journey I had to learn how to hearken unto my Heavenly Father’s voice and learn how to reject and ignore the serpent’s voice that is the self-willed power within my mind. I now have self- control and I have learned the fruits of the spirit. I am aware and I am knowledgeable about the works of the flesh. I now can test the spirit and use discernment and I know how to use my power within for good and not for evil. I don’t want to go back into darkness ever again.  I’m no longer ignorant anymore and when I need to know something I will ask my Heavenly Father. I will seek his approval at all times and I will continue to follow his will and with that said I have gained true wisdom.

My whole life I was seeking for true love when true love was up above in my Heavenly Father. I’m so thankful that My Father sent his Son to be the perfect example of Love. Through Yahshua I found true love and I have been reunited with my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit (Heavenly Mother). Heaven is my original dwelling place and I am so glad that I have found my way back home. I know that obedience is required to go back home to the heavenly kingdom and I am making sure that I am being obedient. The Holy Spirit has guided me back home and she has also taught me the knowledge of good and evil. I desire wisdom and all those who hate wisdom loves death. Now I know more about my soul purpose and in the beginning of time when I came forth I desired to know wisdom and obtain knowledge. It didn’t happen the way that I thought but I have been learning that it was the Father’s will and he allowed everything to happen in his timing. I am now understanding the plan that he has for my life. I wanted so badly for my ex-husband to forgive me and accept me back when my true husband (Yahshua) forgave me and accepted me back and this has brought me so much joy in my life because I no longer feel rejected. I feel loved and he is the one who is now protecting my heart. He is hiding me under his wings and I feel safe. I wanted to be saved and he saved me. I cried out for help and he rescued me. I repented of my sins and he forgave me. I wanted life and he gave me life. He has given me hope and my faith has returned. Now I know that I must endure and remain patient and faithful through all trials and tribulations that may come my way because I know for a fact that My Father is here with me. I have the armies of heaven on my side and it’s amazing to know that I am truly loved. I was unfaithful and now I have become faithful. I know to keep my Father first and to not put trust in man. Yahshua will return to pick up his Bride at the command of my Father. Please prepare yourselves because the marriage will soon take place and the door will open soon. We will be reunited with our heavenly family and we will be presented to our Heavenly Father and we will receive our rewards. Thank the Most High that he has restored the woman. Hallelujah!

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)