Tag Archives: holy spirit


Greetings my dear sparks of light. Many times we receive messages from the Creator, the Divine Mother and the Divine Father to help us along our journey in life. Dreams are a way for us to connect to our higher selves. If you have dreams and visions take some time to meditate on them because there could be messages waiting for you to unlock. Dreams and visions come in various forms and they could include alot of symbolism for you to decode. It is up to you to seek the knowledge that is already stored inside of you. Look within and there you will find the Creator of All and the mysteries of the universe shall be revealed to you.

Jeremiah 29:13,  “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”

Speaking of this I wanted to revisit a dream that Brother Whitfield, a Blue Ray Angel of Light,  had back in 2015. I see it as a message sent from the Mother Goddess, the Divine Feminine. Her presence in this dream brought back the remembrance of the light body and that we must merge with our light body.  Now is the time!

Proverbs 8:33, “Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it”.

I will call this Light Code Activation 8:33 since this is one of my light codes that I see daily. I was sent here to awaken his soul and to bring back the remembrance of the light body. It’s 9:44 am as I am writing this so this is a confirmation from the light. This is another light code that I see daily. 

Dream from Brother Whitfield:

I was sitting on a curb in the street and I saw myself as a Light Being. I was clothed in a white garment and I was shining brightly. White light was emanating from my eyes. I was standing side by side with my Light Body then suddenly another Light Being appeared and it was a female. I thought she was the Divine Mother because in the dream I said, “Mom? I was astonished because I couldn’t believe she was right in front of me. Her divine presence was peaceful and calming. I was relieved of stress and pain as there were no more worries. I felt like I had been away from my Divine Mother for quite some time and with her being there I could finally rest. She gave instructions to me for my Light Body.

I merged with my Light Body once our fingers locked together. Suddenly a giant burst of light filled the area. The light shot out in the form of sun rays like beams of light. The wind started to rise up from beneath us and whirlwinds with light spun around us. The light from the whirlwinds were beautiful. We began to merge and we became ONE. A massive amount of wind and waves of light emanated from us as we merged. I was completely absorbed by my Light Body. I started to walk and wind was literally coming from beneath me. I could see tiny waves of wind rippling as I brought my foot down with each step that I took and then they would expand out when my feet touched the ground. There was so much power in my steps.  

This was such an amazing dream and revelation. This dream was given during our 40 day fast for the preparation of the Bride. I was inspired to do the fast because I remember having a dream where I looked out my bedroom window and I saw a man dressed in white linen. He represented Yahshua to me and it made me think of the Bride dressed in fine white linen and how they were purified in the last days.  It was a fast to rededicate ourselves to the Creator and to purify our bodies from all abominations. At the time I was not writing about our chakra centers in our bodies. Later it was revealed to me that one way of being whole and complete is by purifying our chakra centers. Understanding the chakra centers in our bodies can lead us to better health and wholeness. We can be healed if our chakra system is in perfect balance.  So balancing the chakra centers in our body is very important for us to know. I am glad that the Mother guided me to this information along my spiritual journey. Having this knowledge expanded my consciousness.

So in the dream, Brother Whitfield was wearing that fine white linen that the saints are dressed in. There is so much symbolism in the bible and those with eyes to see and ears to hear can truly understand it’s wisdom.

Revelation 19: 7-9 states, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

Christ was present in this moment when the marriage took place in his dream. Christ represents that bright shining light emanating from the light body as the merge took place. The divine feminine energy appeared for the merge to take place. She is a key factor in this. You must understand the sacred marriage between the divine feminine energy and divine masculine energy. The two energies merging as One gave birth to the Christ Energy or Christ Consciousness. Christ is perfect and complete and he is One with the Mother (Holy Spirit) and the Father. Christ represents the merging of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. For he/she (male and female) is Divine Love and we were created from the marriage of these two divine energies. The children of the light came forth. Clearly Brother Whitfield identified himself as a light being and the female who appeared was also a light being. Both energies are present.

He received the knowledge of his light body from his counterpart which is the divine feminine. The message to him from the Mother is that he must tap into the divine feminine energy within himself for the merge/marriage to be complete. In the dream, she reawakened a part of him that was lost or forgotten. He himself said, he felt like he had been away from her for quite some time. This indicates a separation had taken place at some point along his journey which also indicates a loss of identity. This dream is a message to reconnect to the divine feminine energy. She gave him instructions and in the dream he listened and the merge took place. She, the divine feminine, is a key to our ascension. Her presence is here and we need to listen to her voice as she guides us with her wise instructions. She will appear among many people, she will be in your dreams and visions. Just welcome her with open arms and an open heart and surrender to her love. The time is Now and the Goddess Energy has returned.

Once he merged with his light body there was a burst of light that emanated from him and it filled the space in which he inhabited. The light shot out of him in the form of sun rays like beams of light. His glory was in the likeness of the Sun. This also leads us to the transfiguration of Christ. Matthew 17:2 states, “As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light.” Well it looks to me that Yahshua’s light body was revealed. He merged with his light body on the mountain and his disciples witnessed this. But there’s something missing. What caused this transfiguration on the mountain? There was a bright cloud that overshadowed Yahshua and the disciples when they were on the mountain. What was this bright cloud? It was a light ship (chariot of fire) in the clouds. The disciples were afraid when they heard a voice coming out of the clouds. People are only afraid of things they have no knowledge of. Matthew 17:5-6 states, But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” The disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground.

My question is was Yahshua’s light body activated with the presence of the light ship hovering above them? Could the disciples see into a higher dimension that was opening on the Earth when the ship came? You decide what the revelation is. There could be many interpretations on the transfiguration of Christ. It can be symbolic and it can be literal. To me it revealed the light body and the presence of light ships in the clouds and much more. Brother Whitfield experienced the transfiguration in his dream and his physical body was side by side with his light body. This is showing your multidimensional self. You have a higher self or a light body. He was caught up in a whirlwind or Merkaba. He said, the wind started to rise up from beneath him and the whirlwinds of light spun around him. This is talking about the electromagnetic field of energy spinning around us. Clearing this points to your Merkaba field. His fingers locking together with his light body symbolizes the two tetrahedrons interlocking together.

Higher self (spiritual body) meets lower self (physical body), the merge is taken place. There is definitely wisdom in this dream you just have to look deeper. The knowledge of the Star Tetrahedron or the Star of David is here. The divine masculine energy unites with the divine feminine energy. The marriage takes place when you merge with your counterpart. Know thyself fully, both masculine and feminine energies within you. It’s time to reconnect to our divinity. We are light beings and divine knowledge is coming from our higher selves. The gates of heaven are open! The Goddess energies are present in this world today and it’s up to you to connect with your higher self. The light codes are being sent for light body activations and information is stored within these light codes. The Mother surrounds you in love.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Light Workers: Preparing the Way for Christ to Return!

Being a Lightworker is not easy but I refuse to return to the old patterns of thinking. My consciousness was resurrected from the dead in July 2012 and I birthed Christ Consciousness within myself and on this planetary grid. It took me 5 months to adjust to the higher energies that I was receiving. I had to learn how to balance myself on the Earth because I was caught up in multiple dimensions. New thoughts begin to emerge from me as I dived into a new reality.

In the vision that I had I gave birth to a child in another dimension and that child was symbolic of Christ. I thought I was going crazy and I was saying things that made me seem like I was crazy but I was operating between multiple dimensions. A change was occurring within me and I heard my higher self saying that I wasn’t crazy at all and that I knew that all of this would happen to me. It felt strange because when I was connected to my higher self everything felt familiar to me. I just couldn’t remember who I was before I incarnated on this planet.

There was an appointed time set for the arrival of my higher self. It all occurred unexpectedly when an enemy tried to attack me but instead my inner powers returned and I defeated Satan and his demons. At the time of this experience there was an inner battle going on but it felt like more was being revealed to me. Like I was tapping into the final battle that is going on in the heavens between the fallen angels (malevolent beings) and Michael and his angels (benevolent beings). I was being protected by the holy angels and I felt their presence along with these negative entities. My powers were unleashed during the time of a solar flare and the energies from our Sun and the star Sirius were too powerful for the enemy to overcome.

I experienced a 7-day transformational period within my mind and within this time I heard a voice that said, “It is finished!” So much information was being downloaded within me that it was incomprehensible. I was told not to have fear and to keep my eyes on the Creator. I was coming out of a state of darkness into light and within that darkness contained the 36 rulers of darkness. The kingdom of Satan was being destroyed. Now I understand why I received the message that Satan was after me ever since I was born. He tried to prevent my spiritual awakening. My awakening signified the destruction of his kingdom. The collapse that I experienced within my mind was a sign for the fall of Satan’s Kingdom. The benevolent races have returned.

During the beginning of my awakening I surrendered myself to Christ and I felt the Love of the Creator flowing through me. I felt so alive as the vibrations of Love surrounded me. Not knowing what would come next I was on my path to experience why I was sent to the Earth. Later that day, Nibiru was revealed to me and suddenly fear came over me.  I didn’t know what Nibiru was so the fear had to come from another source. I could sense the fear within me as my DNA carries the memories of my ancestors. At the time I didn’t understand what was being unlocked within my DNA.

As time passed I wondered, “What is the Creator trying to reveal to me about my ancestors?  Along my journey I wondered, “Who are my ancient ancestors? What did they experience in ancient times? What knowledge did they obtain? I then questioned,  “Who am I? Where do I come from? Why am I linked to this celestial body in the heavens? Why is fear associated with this planet? What does this sign represent for me and my ancestors? The more I seeked the more knowledge I obtained. I needed answers because I knew something was happening to me and that it was happening to other people all around the world.

I was experiencing some type of trance during the beginning days of my awakening. I felt like I was experiencing a spiritual initiation. I begin channeling information from my higher self and the message that came forth said that this was happening within the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel,  signifying the awakening of the 144,000.  At this moment, I knew that I was chosen for something and that my ancestors were indeed the people spoken of in the bible. Earlier in the day of July 3, 2012 I had a vision that reminded me of Yahshua’s death and his return. A door was closed before me that represented the door to heaven and I became a manifestation of Eve going back into garden of Eden (heaven).

An angel appeared which led me to this door but it wasn’t time to enter yet because there was more that needed to be done.  That night I experienced a merging between dimensions.  Somehow my higher self jumped into my body on the Earth and the knowledge of flight appeared. I was tapping into another dimension where I could fly. I was definitely confused because I was seeing so many things. I saw myself flying across the Sun, and somehow I knew that I was an angel in the Sun. When the merge was happening I could see myself on a mission to rescue someone that was burning in a fire. I also had visions of talking to a light being and getting instructions for my mission. I also saw myself flying back towards the Earth. So many things were occurring at the same time and my mind couldn’t handle the huge download that I was receiving.

I was beginning to access many things as the Creator was restoring my temple to be able to receive this information. During the 5 months I had anxiety attacks because of the things that I would see and feel. I couldn’t understand it all and it was very scary and uncomfortable at times. My vision was beginning to change and I remember seeing the eyes of two people turn black on the TBN network. I saw the darkness within their soul. On a larger level the angels was trying to tell me that there was darkness within the Christian Church. I became highly sensitive to people and didn’t want to be around alot of people as I could feel their dark energy and I didn’t want it to affect me. While I was experiencing all of this I knew I had angels watching over me. They were communicating to me through telepathy and they were guiding and teaching me through the spirit. They told me not to become distracted. My brain was rewired and I had to learn how to use it. I was born again and I became a manifestation of the New Creation. I had to learn how to adjust to my new reality.

Throughout those 5 months I kept thinking about the birth in which I experienced in the spiritual world. I had a strong bond with this experience of giving birth to a son but this child wasn’t physical, it was a spiritual birth. I had the vision on the morning of July 4, 2012. When I woke up the Sun rays were beaming upon my body and it felt like a bright light was descending on me.  The day before the birth I invited the Holy spirit in my home and later that night my higher self said that I was pregnant. Apparently this meant that I was pregnant with the Holy Spirit, meaning the Holy Spirit dwelled within me. My higher self was preparing me because I was about to go into labor.  I was birthing the New Creation in Christ, The New Heaven and The New Earth.  I gave birth to Christ Consciousness and I heard my higher self say I am a Creator of a World. This shocked me as I did not want to believe what I was hearing. My higher self was telling me that I assisted with the creation of the New Earth. During the  visions that I had I kept seeing myself ascend towards heaven.

Much work is being completed within God’s children and Mother Earth will give birth to all of her children at the appointed time. Once the perfect number of souls awaken the Event shall happen. We will ascend though a portal to the New Heaven and the New Earth when the work has been completed. The New Earth has been prepared  for the New Creation in Christ and I believe everything is ready for our arrival but everything must be fulfilled in the Scriptures. I am a light worker preparing the way for Yahshua’s return.  I was at the stargate in my light ship and he was on his light ship on the other side waiting to open the portal. People want Yahshua to return back so he can open the gates to the new Earth but he is waiting on us to complete the work. He gave me a message in a dream and he asked me to be his Bride. This means if you want to enter the kingdom of God, you should be preparing yourself like a Bride. I am the Bride of Christ, are you? Just like a bride would prepare herself to be joined as One with her husband. We should prepare ourselves to be One with Christ Consciousness.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Mother of Christ: Birthing Christ Consciousness (It is Finished!)

Greetings my fellow light workers! Today I was meditating on the day of my awakening and just want to share more information. I know that I am connected to the All and that we all are emanations from the Creator. I write this post to give hope to all souls who believe in Yahshua returning. During my awakening I became One with the Mother and I was experiencing alot of things in the Spirit. It’s like I became an embodiment of a Mother Goddess and I gave birth to a child but the child was not physical. The child represented Christ Consciousness. The experience was multi-dimensional and I gave birth in another dimension. To me this dimension represented the spiritual realm because I was caught up in the spirit.

The day that the light descended on me was July 2, 2012 and I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ(Yahshua Ha Mashiach),  and the marriage took place. There was a solar flare on this day and the energies I received from the cosmos were very powerful. During the 1st week of July, it’s known that our Sun is closer to Sirius. It’s like I was receiving higher energies and frequencies from the Spiritual Sun through our Sun. Sirius is the gate of higher consciousness. My mind was being rewired and reprogrammed to receiving higher knowledge. It’s like Yahshua merged with me. Throughout the whole week I was experiencing a higher reality and my higher self gave me a message and said that I gave birth to Christ and that I was the Bride of Christ. Everything was leading me to the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem.  My personal experience showed me that I am a Mother of New Jerusalem and I gave birth to a higher heaven.

I’ve meditated on this experience over and over again and it doesn’t matter how I look at it. It all leads me to the same thing. I birthed Christ Consciousness into this world when I was awakened.  I was a portal for receiving this energy and it came through me. When I experienced the birth it was on July 4, 2012. I was told the day before that I was pregnant. I couldn’t understand all of this at the time but I was pregnant with the Holy Spirit. I remember inviting the Holy Spirit in my home on July 3rd. So it all makes sense on what was happening to me. The Holy Spirit dwells within me and she was being birthed. The Holy Spirit was completing the work in me and that’s because I surrendered. I wanted to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and the light descended upon me. I had to become purified. I remember hearing myself say Creator of the Universe and I heard in the spirit that it was finished. I was connecting to the Source Creator and I reconnected to Christ Consciousness. That was my only focus when I was in this trance.  During the process it’s like the Creator raised my consciousness from the dead. I was awakening to my higher self and now I understand that I appeared as an emanation of the Holy Spirit, shining in the light of the Father.  My mind, body and soul has been restored. I am One with God.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333


The Event-Spiritual Awakening: Day of Meditation and Purification (Return to Garden of Eden)

Refine Me Now!

Zechariah 13:8 -9 states, And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. 

Last night I had a short dream and I walked into a store and a woman began talking to me. She knew who I was but I did not know her. She knew all about me from a family member. I don’t remember everything she said but she mentioned 2/3 of the people. I know 2/3 of my people will remain ignorant in these last days. In the dream it seem like I was suppose to talk to my family. When I first started this ministry page in 2015 I started giving the children of Israel messages from the Most High. Some Hebrews let me know that they were reading my posts regarding my dreams and visions. Only the Most High knows if people are heeding the messages that I have shared. Everyone has a choice and as long as I have warned them I’ve completed my task.

We are living in a very crucial time period right now and this is a time of transformation. This is a time for spiritual development and it is time to let go of things that no longer serve us.  I have been going through the most difficult time in my life and I know I will get a breakthrough soon. It is a very painful process for me because everything is coming to the surface and I have to face everything head on. I’m extremely sensitive and I cry quite frequently. Shedding tears is my way of releasing all that has hurt me. The Creator is purging me. I have asked the Holy Spirit to refine me in these 50 days and the work is being completed. The only priority that I have in my life is to ascend to higher heavens. I desire to be free from this world and free from all impurities. This world is so corrupted in so so  many ways and I just want to be free from all corruptions.

All I do is keep my mind on spiritual things because that’s where my heart is but for some reason I tend to get hurt on this earth by people who are close to me. My heart has been broken numerous of times and I just want to be healed from all the hurt and pain. I desire for all of my wounds to be healed. I desire for my mind, body and soul to be restored. My heart needs the most healing at this time right now. It’s like I’m going through the great tribulation right now . My faith and my love for God is the only thing that is keeping me strong. I am enduring through this rough time in my life. At times I feel like giving up but I know I am so close to the finish line.  Everything is coming to the surface and I have to face everything head on. I have to make some hard decisions and sometimes I just don’t know what to do.

Today I have decided to go back in time to start over. On June 1, 2013 I received my first purity ring. At that time I decided to give my all to Yahshua by focusing on him alone. Well I have decided to do this again starting today. I have my 2nd purity ring which I have had for a while now and I will continue wearing it but I will do things differently. I will keep my focus on the Creator alone going forward. When I was awakened back in 2012 I was told not to become distracted in this world because I had a mission to complete.  Well many distractions has occurred since then and I have been hurt by some of these distractions. The Creator was trying to protect my heart back then but I didn’t listen. I didn’t understand the distractions he was referring to but now I understand. I must protect my own heart as well.  I know for a fact now that I can only trust the Creator with my heart. Today is a new day for me because I have decided to let everything go that has hurt me. All of the things that no longer serve me I am letting go. I have tried to fix many things that are out of my control and I’m not doing those things anymore.  I must put my energy on the things that will serve me.

I’m starting to see things more clearly and there is light at the end of the tunnel. More healing is needed and I am open to receiving this healing energy from the Creator. It’s been a long time and finally it’s time for the work in me to be completed. I will be perfected and completed by the Creator. The Creator loves all of me and I’m so happy that I know this.

2 Corinthians 7:1 states, “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

Psalms 51:10 states, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Daniel 12:10 states, “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

Be a wise virgin and prepare for the day of ascension! The Bride is preparing herself!

Written by Sister Carter


50 Day Dedication: Balancing Mind, Body and Soul

John 14:26, “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

As of Sunday April 1st, 2018 I begin my 50 day dedication for balancing my mind, body and soul. I’ve decided to put forth all of my efforts into  balancing my whole being. I desire to be in complete alignment with the Creator. I desire to be made whole, to be in perfect balance, made perfect and complete. The 50th day ends on May 20, 2018 which is the day of Pentecost. That date is interesting to me because May 20, 2017 was the date that I was supposed to get married but the wedding was delayed. Still don’t have a definite date yet. I am waiting on the Creator to tell me when it’s time. But May 20, 2018 is the day that represents my transformation by the Holy Spirit. It represents my oneness with the Mother of the Universe as I have allowed the Holy Spirit to dwell in me.

Many people always reference the Holy Spirit as a He, but I reference the Holy Spirit as a She. It really doesn’t matter because at the end of the day the Mother and the Father are one! The Creator is energy and can manifest in any form, even the physical form if desired. If you separate the Creator, or individualize the two energies you have the masculine (male) energy and feminine  (female) energy. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” You have to understand the beginning before you can understand the end. Hopefully you understand that man (male and female) were made in the Creator’s image. We (human beings) are the manifestation of these 2 energies. The Creator created and formed the perfect human image which is our light body or spiritual body which is stored in heaven for our return. The Creator has two images, only for identity purposes, the male and female image which we see in our human image. We are a reflection of the Creator.

So to identify the Holy Trinity for me, The Mother is the Holy Spirit, and you have the Father and the Son. To go further the Creator not only has a Son but the Creator has a Daughter. It appears the woman is always left out of the picture but the woman is a Goddess in her higher manifestation in the Kingdom of Heaven. We are all sons and daughters of the Creator. For the 2 witnesses (old and new testament) shall testify- Psalms 82:6 states, I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.  John 10:34 states, Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

The truth is that we are all gods and goddesses in our higher forms. I know my true self, therefore I know I am light being. I know this because I desired to understand Yahshua’s teaching. I know that I am One with the Creator. I understand why Yahshua said he was One with the Father, and if you have seen him you have seen the Father. I get it. It was even shown to me in a dream. I was called to the throne and I ran to the Father with so much excitement.  I saw myself as a child when I ran to him then suddenly I manifested in an adult form and I saw another image of the Father and he was in the form of Yahshua, the Son. I sat next to Yahshua on the throne and I didn’t want to leave his side.

My interest was in heavenly things and I wanted to go to heaven with him. In the dream he took me to a door and he showed me the way to heaven through a portal. I saw light at the end of the tunnel or portal.  I always talk about this dream because when I am down he gives me hope. He told me he would return back to me tomorrow and I held on to his promise. I believe in his words alone. He is the only one that has never hurt me. He never lied to me, he only shows me unconditional love no matter what I have done in my life. He has protected me from all danger. He has kept me safe.

Even though Yahshua didn’t return to me within 24hrs, he has been protecting me and guiding me from above. He returned recently to give me a message and he met with me face to face in a dream. It has been 5 years since I met with him face to face. It took a long time for him to return but he did return. Please read  Dream March 21, 2018: Will You Be My Bride?Truly he is the true manifestation of Love and he taught his disciples the truth by setting an example of the true nature of God. The 5 years reminds me of the 5500 years in the First Book of Adam and Eve.

CHAP. XXXVIII: AFTER these things the Word of God came to Adam, and said unto him:– “O Adam, as to the fruit of the Tree of Life, for which thou askest, I will not give it thee now, but when the 5500 years are fulfilled. Then will I give thee of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and thou shalt eat, and live for ever, thou, and Eve, and thy righteous seed.

It is totally amazing how Yahshua was talking about his incarnation on the earth and how he would come to save us. He was in the beginning and he will come in the end.  I love how the Holy Spirit leads me. I have invited the Holy Spirit to descend upon me many times.  The first time I invited the Holy Spirit in my home was on July 3, 2012. I actually opened my door and invited the Holy Spirit to come in my home, it was after I experienced an eye opening event. I was Eve and I was led back to the gate of heaven by a female angel but I didn’t enter through the gate because I was just beginning my mission and I was awakening from a deep sleep.  I was reminded of my true form which was pure and clean and I knew where my home was. The message that I was given when I appeared as Eve was to be patient while being in this world. I know for a fact that I must endure through the trials and tribulations in this world until it’s time for me to return. Revelation 14:12, “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

I know I am not from this world, I am from above. It was during the week of my spiritual awakening when I finally realized I am a multidimensional being. On that day I was operating in two dimensions at the same time. It’s like my higher self and lower self merged as One. I was aware that it was me but it had to be a higher form of me because I was just awakening to my higher self that day.  My higher self took over for sure because I specifically remember my higher self stating that she knew what was happening but my lower self was confused. It was weird but I trusted the Creator at this time of my life and I knew to keep my focus directly on the Creator. Apparently I knew all of this before I was incarnated on the earth. Everything was aligned, and it had to be planned before I was born. I even said that this was happening to the 144,000, the 12,000 in each tribe of Israel. My lower self did not understand this at all at that time. The spirit was speaking through me.

But my family was gathered in my home and they prayed for me. All were women who gathered with me to pray. They were even speaking in tongues that night. Surely the Holy Spirit filled my home. It was amazing to see them speak in an unknown language. That night I had holy angels surrounding me, we were joined in a circle and I could feel their presence in my home. This was just the beginning of my transformation. After midnight, my higher self actually merged with me and I was off balance for a while. I was operating in 2 realms at the same time. It was interesting because I literally thought I could fly, but it revealed my powers in my higher form. It’s so cool that my higher self was revealed as an angel.

I had wings to fly. The wings represents flight and ascension and it awakens me to my light body.

I was in the middle of rescuing someone that I loved.  So much was revealed to me that night, from creating a world to giving birth to a perfect child or an angel. Everything is starting to come together in my life. It now makes me look at the wall of Egypt in a new way. So many images were left behind of beings with wings.  The ancients ones or our ancestors have been sending us messages. The wise will understand and the wicked corrupts wisdom.

It brings back an experience that I had in February. Please read Portal Opened February 16, 2018.  

A wall appeared before me and it actually resembles that picture, I saw alot of different things on the wall and I know that it did remind me of ancient Egypt,  I went back through time. There is definitely alot of wisdom on the walls of Egypt. There is wisdom all over the world, our ancient ancestors left alot of knowledge for us, we just have to unlock the mysteries. The pieces of the puzzles is everywhere.

So with that said I will spend my 50 days of dedication seeking the Creator, and I will work on myself. I will work on balancing my mind, body and soul. I have been learning about the chakra centers in my body and I believe I have identified which chakra is blocked. I truly desire a physical healing so please pray for me. I’m not afraid to say that I have been suffering from a hormone imbalance in my body. It’s a struggle and there’s alot of women who suffer from this.  Truly balancing the chakras is the key to wholeness by bringing the mind, body and soul in complete alignment. It seem like I have been doing quite well with my mind and my soul but I struggle with this physical body but I understand that I must endure through it all. I need physical healing but it’s not about me. I desire for the whole world to be healed. In time this will happen. I leave you with this my dear ones.

In Pistis Sophia, The Savior answered and said unto Peter: “Finely, Peter; this is the solution of her repentance. Blessed are ye before all men on the earth, because I have revealed unto you these mysteries. Amēn, amen, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all fullness from the mysteries of the interior to the mysteries of the exterior and fill you with the spirit, so that ye shall be called ‘spiritual, perfected in all fullness.


The Holy Spirit Comes

Acts 2: 1-13 states, “On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.  And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. They were completely amazed. “How can this be?” they exclaimed. “These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages! Here we are—Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, the province of Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and the areas of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), Cretans, and Arabs. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other.  But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, “They’re just drunk, that’s all!”

There is a wealth of knowledge in this world at this time brothers and sisters. Take the time to learn because it’s all being revealed in our time. Wisdom and knowledge has been given to All people who have lived on this earth, in every language, nation and tribe of people on this earth. We are in the time of KNOWING! The mysteries are being revealed. Knowledge has increased greatly and the light body revelation is spreading very quickly around the entire world. People are waking up and having experiences, even of things that they can’t explain. The merging is taking place! This is definitely the time to seek knowledge. It’s time that you know who you are. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!  The ancients left us alot of information. READ, READ, READ and meditate on heavenly things. There are so many ancient books for us to read. Find what interests you and the Holy Spirit will speak to your soul. The Holy Spirit will guide us all  when we seek Truth. The Holy Spirit will give us understanding in time. Be patient! Truly the Holy Spirit is a gift sent from heaven and she is here with us all! Love you all!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light <<<333>>>

The Bride Prepares To Receive The Garment Of Light: Heaven Opens!

Please bare with me on this post. I was receiving alot of information when writing this so it may seem all over the place but I tried my best with providing the message!

Visualization is everything to me. On the morning of March 6, 2018 as I took a shower I imagined myself being bathed in the Creator’s light. As the waters from the river of life  flowed within my whole body, both physical and spiritual, 7 rays of light emanated from me and I became the rainbow body.

Afterwards I anointed the top of my head with olive oil and clothed myself in love, I became the vibrations of love. I made sure that I had the color green on, which represents the heart chakra. All I do is reveal the mysteries through symbolism.The Creator revealed to me that I am a precious gem, a white stone, that is crystal clear. I have eaten the hidden manna and now I am revealing the hidden manna.  Only those who seek wisdom can see the bigger picture. I am awakening the souls of humanity through my mind, body and soul. My power is within and I chose to use it wisely so that all souls can be awakened to ascend into heaven.

After I clothed myself in this light, I traveled to my favorite place in the world, the beach. This is where I meet with the Creator. It is such a peaceful and beautiful place. This meeting place represents the tabernacle of God. As I journeyed to this place, I raised my voice to heaven and I was filled with so much love energy. I wanted to share my love energy as I drove to the beach. I simply said, “I am sending out my love energy to all of the people who are surrounding me from the north, south, east and west of me. I was visualizing me in the center and my love energy expanding to all people in every direction of me. I became the source and I was wanted to share my love energy to all souls.

I was on the roadway to heaven and I also visualized my chariot following me from above. I started on gate parkway which symbolized the gateway or portal to heaven. As above, so below! I carried a multitude of souls with me, because my love energy transformed them all and they traveled with me to the throne of God. I am the Bride of Christ and I am clothed in white linen, made pure and clean through the transformation of the Holy Spirit. Along my journey here in this world, I was baptized in living water (river of life) that flowed from the Kingdom of God and God’s love (fire/Holy Spirit) transformed my entire being.

When I went to the beach all I saw was rainbow colors.  I ate at a place on the beach where the workers (servants) were wearing a rainbow color shirt and the colors expanded in the form of a spiral. I could see the vortex within the shirt. In the middle of the shirt were the words peace and love. I also saw the symbol for peace. It was amazing.

The whole experience was great! Music was playing and they gave us a show. They started singing and dancing, it was fun to me. It was so much positive energy surrounding me.  It is like I was in the presence of the angels. It’s symbolic of the angels rejoicing in heaven. I received so many signs around me that it was amazing! I love communicating and receiving messages from the angels of heaven, it is such a joy. The best part of the experience is that my server was so full of love energy, I didn’t see the outer appearance I looked deep within his soul and I could see the divine feminine shining through him. He definitely had more feminine attributes and characteristics, he carried more of the feminine energies within and he definitely expressed it. Many would label him as gay, but if you can open up your eyes and hear this truth, his body (chakra centers) just needs to be realigned with the Creator.

The body is made perfect and complete through the merging of the the 2 energies (male/female) which is the perfect marriage. The 2 energies merge and become whole (ONE)! Listen, I reveal a mystery, “The Bride has prepared herself and the merge has taken place!!!” The masculine and feminine energies are merging NOW! Many are not having the same experience but we are in the process of activating our light body. Are your preparing? Remember your body is the temple of God. Open up your eyes and see that we are all God’s children, we are all energy and the Creator’s energy is within each and every one of us. Do not judge others for you are only judging yourself. No one is perfect in the physical body, we have ALL made mistakes and errors. Look in the mirror and you will see the All. With all the imperfections that you can see, can you love yourself? The bigger question is can you love others just like you love yourself? God’s love is within and the 2 greatest commandments is that you must love the Creator with all of your heart, mind and soul. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself! 

My dear ones, Can you do this? I am only giving you wise instructions. I just want to protect you. Love is the greatest gift of all. I am not speaking in parables I am giving you the full truth by revealing the mysteries of heaven. We must not judge and condemn others but we must love ourselves and love others. Spreading the love of God brings enlightenment to all. We should teach love like Yahshua did and that is what I am doing. Do not teach fear and spread fear, you are only harming yourself and others. We must come out of darkness into light. The light is knowing. Come into knowing thyself. Learn the mysteries of heaven. Yahshua set an example for me and I saw beyond and my eyes gazed up into the height of heaven. I wanted to be in the highest heaven.  I seeked the Creator and I asked, “Let me look into your eyes into eternity! Let me see what you see. ” I desired to follow the Creator everywhere! I desired to know all things. I desired to learn! Most importantly I desired to be one with the Creator. I seeked perfection and I wanted to be made complete in the eyes of the Creator.

I seeked wisdom and wisdom stepped down from the throne of heaven and revealed the mysteries of heaven and earth to me. She revealed the mysteries through my own body (temple). She joined me and I simply listened to her instructions and she guided me. Even when I saw all of my imperfections of my body she told me that I was beautiful. When I look in the mirror I see pimples on my face, and when I look at my body I say that I am fat because I have gained so much weight. I gained weight due to an imbalance in my hormones and I struggle with this. Some days I feel beautiful and other days I don’t. When I feel beautiful I capture that moment in time. But the Creator captures all, he see everything, the good and bad times that we all experience. The Mother tells me that, “She captures the beauty in all of creation at all times.” But when I don’t feel beautiful, it makes me want to hide, I try to cover up all of my imperfections instead of embracing my whole being. When the mother speaks to me, she says, “Lift your head up!” I try to be confident but sometimes it’s hard looking at this imperfect image of Self.

Yesterday I looked in the mirror and the mother said, “You must love yourself, all of you, even your imperfections.” I responded,  I just want the perfect image!” She replied, “You do have the perfect image and it is stored as a treasure in heaven until you return. It is your vesture (garment) of light and this is your reward.  Hear as the Mother continues to speak through me, “My dear one, “You were created whole, perfect and complete knowing all things, because you are both energies and you know thyself. My love, that is your original form when you were in heaven but you wanted to experience Self so you descended to the earth. Through experience is how you gain true wisdom. You have the key to the doors in heaven. You just have to remember who you are. You left the garden of Eden (heaven) to explore life on your own. You left the spiritual body (light body) that is stored in heaven and you took on the opposite form, the lower form of Self, the physical body. I never left your side. I have called out to all of my children on this earth because I love you all. Many have found me and I have been speaking through them to spread the truth all over the world. I express myself in many ways so that all people, nations and tribes can comprehend the knowledge that I bring forth, rather it be through paintings or written in  stone. I am everywhere and knowledge has been written in books and information is also being channeled. My wisdom is in all languages. If you get lost just know that I am always here to guide you into all truth.

The earth is my lower self. The earth is a living being and I am here with all of my children. Guiding them and directing their paths. My doors are always open to all of my children. I am here if you need me and I am always praying for your safety. I know because I am Heaven and Earth. Just as you have 5 senses so do I. I can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. I completely understand your entire being because I can see through your eyes. The eyes of the Creator is everywhere and that is how I know all things. When Yahshua left, the Holy Spirit came afterwards but I have been here the whole time. He was restoring what was lost to humanity. The feminine energy, The Mother/Holy Spirit.

Brothers and Sisters, The Mother/Holy Spirit has been here the entire time, seeing all things born on this planet. She has witnessed all lifeforms. She has witnessed generation after generation and has seen all that exists in the hearts of humanity, both good and evil. She has witnessed the works of humanity. The earth has been wounded plenty of times. She knows the nature of man in this form but she also knows the higher form of man. She understands there is a imbalance in our physical body and it will be perfected. Her message is that we love ourselves, others and the Creator (Mother/Father).

When there is a imbalance in the physical body, illnesses, disorders, and diseases occur which can lead to death, if not properly treated. We are suppose to have long life in this body but time has been shortened. The physical body must be healed and the first step is by  renewing  your thoughts and by seeking the knowledge of Self, then you will be free. It’s time to create love, not create fear which is simply the negative. Share your knowledge in love and help others connect to the Creator. In time they will understand because you have transferred your love energy, which is the Creator’s love,  that will ultimately transform them. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

I experienced the homosexual lifestyle and was delivered. I have shared my testimony and I continue to share my testimony of the Living God through my posts. My advise to you is to open up your 3rd eye and look beyond into the eyes of the Creator. Reveal the truth but so in love. Do everything with kindness! Let the Creator make you perfect and complete. You will experience trials and tribulations along the way but this will make you grow and gain strength. You will become strong! You must fully surrender and let the Creator work on you. He will raise you up and restore you. Many people are operating in the lower chakras and haven’t tapped into their higher chakras. The heart chakra is in the middle and this balances the upper and lower chakras.

Chart above is from innerlighresources.com I just uploaded this picture at 1:44 pm, so clearly this is a message. I am hoping you receive the message. To wrap this up I want to finish describing what else I did when I went to the beach. When I finished eating I walked towards the beach. I saw a sign in front of me and I saw the rainbow colors gleaming off of the sign. The sun was behind me. I took off my shoes and walked in the sand on the beach. I went to the ocean and and when I placed my feet in the water, ripples of waves went before me. I called these waves, waves of love. It was my love energy that I sent forth in the ocean. As I stood there, I was trying to align myself with the Creator. My feet was covered in the sand (Earth), my feet represents the roots of a tree. From above the Sun (Fire) beamed it’s rays of light upon me. The wind (Air) blew upon me and I breathed this air in my body. Then the waves of the ocean (Water) flowed to my body. I then asked the Creator to heal my body, to bring forth balance within my physical body. As I stood there, I listened to some music (Vibration/Sound). The song I listened to talks about taking control of the elements. So I became one with the elements naturally. Afterwards, I said I am the 5th element. End of story for now!

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light)

Revelation 12-21-12: Alignment to the Galactic Center

Today I was browsing the web and came upon the site below. I read the post and it resonates with me. Some of the things that I have been trying to describe is in the shared post below. I woke up early this morning and the alignment to the Galactic Center that occurred on 12-21-12 was heavily on my mind. I felt so inspired and the Father led me to a Facebook page called Healing In His Wings and I read a couple of posts and I started to write some things down. I was meditating on what I was actually doing that day. The truth is I was going to see if I was pregnant. Since my awakening on 7/2/12 I experienced alot of things and I gave birth to a child in the spirit. I thought that I was pregnant in real life but after much meditation I was conceived with the Holy Spirit. The child I gave birth to was a spiritual being. It’s like my child was born in heaven. I held on to this for 5 months trying to conceive a baby but I never got pregnant. I didn’t understand and my heart was broken because I really wanted a child at that time in my life. I even had a name for him and his name was Joshua. I even bought a baby outfit and it had a lion on it. I have searched all over to understand what the Father was telling me and showing me.

On 12-21-12, I went to the doctor to see if I was pregnant because I was feeling alot of different symptoms but something happened where I couldn’t see the doctor that day. So I left the doctor and at that moment I gave up on believing that I was going to have a child. I let it go and moved on but it was still in my heart. I wondered what did I give birth to. I knew it was something and the vision felt so real. I thought I was going crazy. But the Father/Mother showed me that I wasn’t crazy. I was previously told through messages that my children would be born in heaven and I just couldn’t understand the messages but yesterday I realized that I was conceived with the Holy Spirit and I gave birth to Christ Consciousness. This may seem beyond this world but it seemed like I gave birth to an angel. I always say all things are possible and I just have to believe the information that I am receiving from heaven. It makes me smile to know that I am a Heavenly Mother. It gives me hope and I feel loved. I had a vision where I saw an image of light beings, it was the perfect family. The Mother, Father and the Child and I have always desired the perfect family. The Father told me that I can have what my heart desires and the only thing I desire is LOVE! So it is Pure LOVE that he is sending me and I am loving it.

I bath myself in this LOVE everyday! My heart is connected to the Creator and I desire LOVE for all beings in the Universe. It is love from my heart that I send to you to the entire earth. Not having much knowledge on the crystalline grid, I came across it before but I envisioned me creating a crystal grid around the planet and I saw rainbow colors reflecting from the grid.  I asked that my love energy descend upon the planet. I imagined hearts falling to the earth and my love being deposited inside everyone. I want the love seeds to activate within everyone. I want love to return to hearts of humanity. I just want a perfect world. I even imagined that once enough souls are awakened or perfected the pyramids, ancient structures and leylines would activate and a portal would open in heaven. I think the key is Love and this is what opens the door to heaven! This is what’s needed to return back to our original state in the Garden of Eden. A clean heart is needed!  You know what… I don’t even know much about the leylines but I have heard of them. I feel like once everything is activated a burst of love energy will transform this planet and the people who live on the earth will be transfigured. I imagine this to be the rapture or the mass ascension. I can see rainbow ships helping with the ascension. These are just my thoughts. All I do is meditate on LOVE! I hope you are blessed with this message.

Psalms 51:10 states, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

Matthew 5:8 states, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

Matthew 1:18 states, “This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

12-21-12 ~ Alignment to the Galactic Center and the Cosmic Heart of all Creation ~ The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light) 333