Greetings my dear love ones! Over the last few days I have been observing and analyzing alot of things and it’s time to revisit the end time prophecies in the Bible. In the past at the beginning of my journey on this page I was known as Athaleyah Ariana Y’Israel. My name means Lioness of God, the Holy One of Israel. Israel is a people and to me the children of Israel in the bible are descendants of Nibiru. I stand for truth and somebody must present the facts about the Annunaki. Who were they? Why did they come to the Earth? What did they try to teach us? What messages are hidden in the scriptures? Who were their chosen ones in ancient times? Who are the chosen ones of Israel today? What messages do they have for us today? Well I have read a few books and I am trying to put all the information together to make sense out of it all. We must research the matter first.
I am simply sharing information because I am a messenger. When you research anything you must be able to use your own mind, follow your own heart and invite the Holy Spirit in your life. The Holy Spirit, your higher self will guide you into all truth. I ask you all to do the research on your own so that you see the truth for yourself. Stop listening to people who present half-truths or present one side of the story. Many people observe from one angle and they can’t see the whole picture. Many people are fearful of stepping outside of the box because they have been controlled their whole life. Many people have been controlled through religion and through their own family’s belief system. Many people are trapped in this world and hopefully someday their minds will be free.
I only speak on subjects that directly relate to my personal experiences. People don’t have to believe anything that I say but I will share my truth regardless because I have a voice in this world. I may be invisible to many but I am part of the whole. I don’t have many subscribers on the pages that I have created nor do I have real friends in the world. When I surrendered my life to Yahshua, my whole reality changed and I separated myself from this world. The search for the real truth begun when I awakened spiritually on 7/2/2012. I saw the world for what it really is and so many people are living in a false reality. I came here to send a message, to warn you of things that shall happen and to prepare you for the end of this present age which is Pisces. I came to prepare you for ascension. This mission is quite simple but it’s been extremely difficult to bring forth information because there are many distractions in this world. I was reminded by the high council that I would be distracted. You can simply receive the messages or reject it. It’s your choice.
Early Saturday morning on July 27, 2013, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob contacted me via my cosmic antenna, third eye (pineal gland). I fell asleep and suddenly I heard a voice. It was darkness all around me. The voice seemed to be far away but then the voice got louder. I did not see a face I just heard a voice. It’s like I was picking up a call from a being that was located somewhere else. I immediately said, “Who is this? Is this God? He said, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He told me to read Revelation Ch. 9. The conversation was brief and straight to the point. I saw an image in my mind’s eye of 2 men in a field of wheat and I saw the 2 men leaving the field as though they were being called. I thought of the 2 witnesses and I even had a thought about the Great Harvest. I saw a vision of a scorpion upon awakening so that I would remember to read Revelation Ch.9 because the word scorpion is there. I didn’t understand why the God of Israel contacted me or why this happened. Apparently I was connected somehow and it was time for me to learn about the God of Israel a little closer. The only thing I remember during that time is that I was studying the book of Revelations and the Old and New Testament. I was trying to understand all the symbolism in the bible and I wanted to understand the locust army, God’s army. I remembered the locust army in Joel Ch. 2, and I remember the Lord being at the head of this mighty army. It’s very interesting because the name of this ministry page was called the Mighty Warriors of Yah! I was led to do this ministry to share all my dreams and visions. I was called and I listened to the spirit. I followed Yahshua and he led me to so many things including the Book of Enki because I wanted to find out his connection to Nibiru. I wondered, Is Yahshua a son of Enki? Did he descend from the bloodlines of the Annunaki? He incarnated on Earth to give a message to the lost tribes of Israel. He came to remind them of the ten commandments, he showed them how to keep the commandments by setting an example himself. The knowledge of the ancients had been corrupted and he wanted to restore the true teachings.
I have researched more about the Gods in the Old Testament and I see that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob leads us to the Annunaki beings who descended to Earth from the planet Nibiru. The God of Israel comes from the planet Nibiru. I see more and more where Enki and Enlil played a big role in the ancient days by reading the book of Enki. I read about the ancient wars of the Annunaki, they fought amongst themselves and they fought for their descendants the ancient Israelites. It all makes sense now, the Ancient Israelites had the Annunaki Gods on their side when they went to war. The Annunaki had powerful weapons in the ancient days and the scriptures talks about this. I’m not for the wars but it happened in Earth’s history, There is a time for everything under the Sun but the Anunnaki brought weapons of destruction to the Earth on a chariot/spaceship. It is known as the weapons of Terror on Nibiru.
Isaiah 13:5, They come from a far country, From the end of heaven— The LORD and His weapons of indignation, To destroy the whole land.
The weapons of Terror (nuclear weapons) were created in an effort to save their planet by sending missiles into volcanoes to cause them to erupt. They hoped that it healed their atmosphere but it didn’t work. They needed gold to repair their atmosphere. Long story short, they came to the Earth to get the gold to save their planet. The labor was too much on them and they needed help so Enki created humans to help them with the hard labor of mining the gold. They did not torture anyone like the world make it appear. They were considered slaves because they labored for the annunaki. The annunaki took care of the humans and they provided for their people. Read the Book of Enki and see from Enki’s perspective of what happened. http://www.benpadiah.com/otherstuff/ENKI/LBoE.pdf You see one part of the story in Genesis of these beings descending from heaven and many people refer to these beings as the fallen angels. The bible came from the Sumerian texts. The bible is a collection of many books. Somebody doesn’t want the world to know who these beings are and they have tried to cover up the truth and about the people of Nibiru. All Niburians are not wicked, many Nibiruans are very wise and they have learned many things in their life. Their life span is longer than ours and over time they have gained much knowledge and wisdom and you can see that with Thoth. Thoth, the god of wisdom came from Nibiru and he is Enki’s son. Noah was also Enki’s son. Enki had many sons and they were very intelligent. Some made bad choices but who doesn’t in life. The Nibiruans made alot of mistakes in the past and they are no different from us. We all must choose who we are going to be. You can do good deeds or bad deeds. You decide. Your works will be judged. I see the positives and negatives in all things because we live in a world where there is duality. There is light and darkness in this world and you will need to learn how to navigate in this 3D world.
I would rather focus on the higher messages sent from the Annunaki, the Nibiruans. The bible and other texts clearly talks about Nibiru returning. Yahshua also knew this in his day and he warned the people of the return of Nibiru. The Day of the Lord is the Day that the Celestial God Nibiru returns. This planet is known as the Destroyer because it caused destruction on the Earth as it passed through our solar system. In the bible the Day of the Lord is described as a day of darkness. The Day of the Lord is the return of Nibiru and the Annunaki. The sign of the Son of Man is also Nibiru and this will be seen in the sky. Chariots from Nibiru are coming to the Earth.
Matthew 24:30-31, “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Matthew 24: 36-39 But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
In today’ world, people focus to much on the negative and try to throw out the prophecies in the bible but there is alot of knowledge and wisdom in the bible you just need to open your 3rd eye. I would rather focus on the information that was being taught. We need to do more research and connect the dots to see what is really being revealed. The kings of the world fear the Annunaki. They know of the return of Nibiru to our solar system but they keep denying the truth and it’s existence. When you deny the existence of a planet it’s like you are saying the inhabitants of the planet don’t exist either. That’s a problem. They have been tracking Nibiru’s orbit for a long time. But why is the question? Why cover up the truth? People have so many bad things to say about the Annunaki, like they are the Gods of War. This is true, some of them are mighty warriors and they have fought in ancient wars on the Earth and it’s possible they are here now fighting in a war in the middle east but if this was happening the world would be kept in the dark about it. The world would be told lies. Nibiru has armies just like Earth has armies. In the book of revelation it tells you that the kings of the world will war with a righteous army. Where is this army coming from? It’s possible that this army is coming from Nibiru?
Yahshua’s return is connected to all of this because he may be a descendant of these beings who came from Nibiru. There is alot of similarities between Thoth and Yahshua. Their teachings are very similar and that is the mystery. What did Yahshua really know about the Annunaki? Thoth was an Annunaki, and I’m sure Yahshua read the ancients books. Was Yahshua contacted from any of these beings? Did he understand it all? Surely the angels ministered to him and Yahshua had alot of knowledge and he understood the ancient mysteries. He learned alot of things. There are many things to uncover about Yahshua and the Annunaki, even the possibility of chariots being in the sky when Yahshua was born. If you take the scripture literal that means that Yahshua physically ascended in a chariot in Acts 1 in the bible. They watched as he ascended in a cloud. The cloud is a chariot. That means he physically left the Earth on a chariot and scriptures says one day he will return in the same way that he left. That would mean he would descend in a chariot. There is a spiritual meaning but I will focus on the physical. Everyone believes that he is alive, that he was resurrected. His apostles saw him, touched him and he even taught them after his resurrection. That means he survived and was brought back to life. His apostles saw him ascend into a cloud. There is much to discover if you keep seeking. Enki has descendants of the Earth and he did care for his descendants. In the book of Enki, he didn’t want humanity to be caught up in the nuclear wars between the Annunaki. Enki had his ways but he still had a heart. He cared about his children and he would protect them no matter what. His son Marduk did some crazy things, he was jealous and he allowed anger to get the best of him but Enki still protected his son.
The ten commandments were given to Moses by an Annunaki and it could have been Enki. The ten commandments teaches one to love. For the Israelites, they were to remember the commandments always from generation to generation. They were supposed to remember the knowledge that was taught to them by their ancestors who came from Nibiru. They were suppose to remember Love. The children of Israel was suppose to remember their ancestors who came from Nibiru. In ancient times they carved graven images of their ancestors so they could remember their ancestors. They honored their forefathers. The graven images were like a memory just like we have pictures today to remind us of the past. Many Annunaki were worshipped in temples as gods. They gave us alot of knowledge but over time the knowledge of the ancients were stolen and corrupted. The true Israelites in time lost their true identity!
They forgot who they were, they forgot their ancestors and the wicked ones stole their identity and displayed a false image to the world. The wicked ones tried to erase the true history and the truth will always be revealed. What’s done in the dark will be brought into the light. Thoth, was a son of Enki, and based on what I have read in the emerald tablets it doesn’t seem like the Annunaki were all evil and wicked. People in this world see what they want to see. So why has the world painted a negative image of these beings who came from Nibiru? The question we all need to ask is who are these 13 bloodlines that rule the world. Many people blame Nibiru for alot of things but there are other planets with other beings on them and they have also descended to the Earth in ships. Please don’t group all ET beings under the Annunaki because there are many different ET beings out there. The Annunaki (Nibirians) were not the only ones who came to the Earth. Many other extraterrestrials beings came to the Earth from other star systems. The Annunaki came here to save their planet, they came to get the gold but what was the agenda of these other beings who came to the Earth.
The kings of this world, the secret government and military have been communicating with many extraterrestrial beings such as the Reptilians, Draconians, Greys and many other malevolent races. Everyone must understand there is good and evil in ALL races and the human race is not excluded. We have many people on this Earth who seek power and control over others. They would do anything to be at the top or to get what they want. I am sure the governments have secretly made treaties with some of these malevolent beings. They want advanced technology, so they could travel to the stars. They want to escape their judgement. The elite and the rich people of the world don’t care about humanity. They have their underground bunkers to escape to. They only care about themselves. The movies like 2012 show you that they are preparing for an event. One thing that you can’t escape from is a massive Solar Flare coming from our Sun unless you leave the Earth, go through a portal or leave in a chariot/spaceship to travel to another planet. You can see the children leaving on a spaceship in the movie knowing before the Solar event.
The Sun is the true Celestial God of this solar system and the Sun would show us signs. The Mother Earth would send us warnings so we must pay attention to what happens with the Earth. When volcano’s begin to erupt then you know the time is near. All planets orbit the Sun so the Sun would be considered as the throne. So if anything pop off with the Sun, we need to be prepared. Nibiru is passing through and much power has been given to this Celestial God in our solar system. Nibiru could cause our Sun to have this massive solar flash event. The Annunaki know what’s going on, they have known for ages how Earth is effected by the passing of their planet. I’m sure their planet is affected as well, which is why they came here in the first place. The need gold to repair their atmosphere. Corey Goode and David Wilcock speaks about this solar flash event. They are only telling you one side of the story. We must be able to connect all the dots. They don’t want to cause worldwide panic or fear so they are presenting the information in a different way. Many people all over the world are trying to send higher messages about ascension. They are trying to prepare you because many souls will be leaving the physical body.
Sorry to say this but many people may die in these disasters. You can be at peace with it by knowing the truth. If you have been completing the spiritual work you know that you don’t truly die. Many souls on Earth have been completing the spiritual work so they can ascend from the 3rd dimension. Many souls will be moving on to 4D, 5D and beyond. It really depends on your level of consciousness. Many people have been spreading love and light in the world to elevate your consciousness. Many people don’t see what’s really happening in the world because they have blocked out this lower reality of chaos and destruction but the truth is we are all living in 3D avatar bodies and there is death in this world. We can elevate our consciousness while living in the 3rd dimension. We still have a 3D body. Many light workers are trying to spread love and light in the world. We are here to balance the energies, to stabilize everything while we are all transitioning and shifting in vibration. While this is all occurring, Nibiru is still returning to our solar system because it’s a cycle and Nibiru returns approximately every 3600 years. Nibiru has caused alot of disasters on the Earth in the past and it will continue to do the same thing on it’s orbit. This is between the Celestial Gods. Balance and order must return to our solar system.
Enki warned us of Nibiru’s return. Word was given to him to save humanity and some humans survived the Great Flood and his children were saved. Maybe this is the hope for the true Israelites. This is where the separation begins. The wicked will perish and the those who still believe will be taken up on ships to escape the solar flare event. Many people have mocked the Hebrew Israelites who stand on the streets. Some of them speak about being saved by the Most High and that the chariots of the Most High will return. Could it be that the Nibirians have returned to the Earth for their descendants? Are they just here for the gold? Why have they returned is the question? Will they descend in chariots all around the world? Will a mothership come over America? Will the army of Nibiru come knocking on the doors to all of their descendants and tell them to join them on the Mothership? What if this happened? would this shock the whole world who these descendants are.
For so long our people have believed in the bible and believed in salvation. What was this salvation? Gold was considered to be the salvation of Nibiru and it’s inhabitants. The Gold healed their planet so they could survive. We all have one thing in common. We all want to survive. Look at what the kings of the world are doing. They are preparing so they can survive the passing of Nibiru. The elite people are preparing to save themselves and their family. But what about everyone else. It seems like we need to figure it out ourselves. In ancient times, the chariots of the Most High was our salvation. We even have a sung about the chariots.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
I looked over Jordan,
And what did I see,
Comin’ for to carry me home,
A band of angels comin’ after me,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
If you get there before I do,
Comin’ for to carry me home,
Tell all my friends I’m comin’ too,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down
Comin’ for to carry me home
But still my soul feels heavenly bound
Comin’ for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin’ for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Comin’ for to carry me home
The annunaki were like angels sent to help the Israelites. They helped our ancestors back in the day but many people forgot who they were and became afraid of them. I believe the connection was lost at some point in time. What if they have been trying to connect to some of us. Maybe that’s why they tried to communicate to me. I wasn’t afraid, I had an open mind and I had to do my own research myself. So I’m not afraid of them. I’ve had dreams and visions of beings descending on ships in the front of my home and I went on their ship. I also had another warrior come to my home to get me. He was very tall and strong. I’ve had many dreams and visions and the men were sent to me. I know it’s a message that they are sending and I’m just trying to figure it all out. I remember this Israelite sister had a dream about an asteroid hitting the Earth and she and some other people were caught up in a spaceship above the Earth. They watched the asteroid as it passed by and it was headed to the Earth.
What if this really meant that some people would be saved from the wrath of Nibiru? It’s definitely possible. There are always survivors one way or another. During Nibiru’s journey asteroids are flung towards the Earth. It would seem like this is a battle between Nibiru and Earth, just like the stories of Tiamat. Earth and Nibiru has history but life was created in all this. We know that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. We know that the old earth will pass away. Earth will be transformed after the passing of Nibiru and we will have to rebuild just like in ancient times after the flood. I would like to bring something else up about the New Jerusalem in the bible. I see many things being revealed in the bible. I see it physically and spiritually. There are many layers to this thing. The annunaki were physical beings and they lived a long time. What if the New Jerusalem is referencing a city on Nibiru, a city of Gold. As above so below. They used gold to repair their atmosphere. The Annunaki brought their knowledge and customs here to the Earth. What if they have crystal cities on Nibiru or have a mothership decked out in beautiful stones. What if all this time they have been preparing for their descendants to come back to Nibiru? It was Enki who was in the garden of Eden, he was the wise serpent in the garden. He was a great scientist and I’m sure there is so much more that we don’t know about the people of Nibiru. I am sure they have evolved with time just like we have evolved through time. I’m sure they have watched us from their ships. There could be many possibilities and what if there will be another exodus.
to be continued…