Tag Archives: light body

Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! Ressurection!

Self-Reflections on past Merkaba experiences! I am gaining more insight searching through my own records.

As I lay in my bed on 7/6/2019 suddenly my third eye opens. Deep into my mind’s eye, a vortex opens and my consciousness travels. What do I see? My body is laying on the surface of the earth. Where is my location? I am on the ground. What am I feeling? I am one with Mother Earth! I am in the Earth. Suddenly, the earth’s crust is broken up like there’s been a great earthquake. What caused the earthquake? My awakening. My merkaba activated inside of the Earth. I am being raised up to heaven/the sky. It sounds like I am describing a resurrection. As I accelerate through earth’s atmosphere, I notice chunks of rocks alongside me. No longer am I bound; I am free. In that moment, I am aware that I am inside of a wheel that is rotating.  The spinning wheel is my light ship, my merkaba, I am aware that I have been activated. I am in the Earth’s atmosphere and my merkaba is rotating. First thought was, “What goes up must come down!”

I wanted to descend below to see what was stored in the heart of the Earth. I shifted my consciousness to the center of the Earth. I felt my energy field rotating and it pointed in the opposite direction. I could sense my built-in navigational system within my merkaba. My consciousness is the heart of my merkaba. I am the source of power within my light vehicle. This experience was programmed through activation codes that I sent myself through Time.

When I was in the atmosphere of Earth I felt light as a feather, free in space more specifically not bound by Earth’s gravity. I could travel freely and explore what was in my heart.

Next the command was given in the ship, and my code was activated!  Just like you have a password that gives you access to your personal things likewise does your merkaba. You create an access code. Everything that you do in this life, or another is recorded, all memories are stored. You carry your records with you everywhere you go. So, guess what that means, my etheric library is filled with many books. I am the force creating and expanding inner space. As my consciousness expands so does the Universe. My shelves in halls of wisdom are getting filled with more light (knowledge) so I need more space to build/create.  Before you know it, the merkaba will have all the information that it needs to create a Sun, then an entire system. Just like you have files stored on your computer I have files stored in my merkaba. DNA stores information. My consciousness has been accessing DNA records. I’ve experienced myself traveling along the structure of dna.

Separate vision. Sirius Starship beamed information to me. Access code was given. I went somewhere stationed near a Sun. Maybe I was carrying some information to a Source, most likely to store it there.  Anyways, countless ships were present, then I accessed the bottom of my ship. At the bottom of the ship, I saw a magenta hexagon pattern. It spiraled opened and I went into a room within the ship. I gave myself a symbol as I was ascending. I created an identity for myself as a goddess of Love, Light and Wisdom. Operating through the magenta ray in the field, there were Magenta hearts descending around me. I felt the love in my ship. I am the source of love. I am love energy. So, what would I create? The symbol of a heart. Where is my location? I was at the center. I create a language that I can comprehend. Learn from this. Keep it simple don’t make it complicated. As I went into this space, my consciousness created a room. How? Information is stored within me, right? So that means I have the knowledge on how to form and create certain structures through geometry. I used a simple cube to create a room. Simple right? Ok, moving on. If I don’t know how to build something I will just call on the architects in the Universe. It’s great to know people, right? One great architect I know is Thoth (Ningishzida), who did he learn from? His Father, Enki. You get where I am going. Case closed. Review your ancestral records and seek those who have the skillset to help you. Not going to spend so much time on something that another being has mastered and is willing to help other souls if they have pure intentions. We all have gifts that we specialize in. I will focus more on my spiritual gifts and how I can assist the universe. I am doing that now and I probably have created different ways on how I can send a message to reach certain souls who are willing to receive information as they progress on their soul’s journey. I have experienced high or low vibrations so no judgement here, call me a spiritual guide to help you get back on the right path. I can be here teaching in 3D, 4D or 5D or beyond. How? I am a multidimensional being.

Back to the hall of records. As I was scrolling through the records I literally saw everything that I have collected through time to store on my shelves in the hall of records. This vision occurred as a reminder. Simply to remember the knowledge of the Merkaba and the information that’s stored in the halls of records. While humans fight against each other I am doing other things. Everyone’s focus is different on Earth, and we are all projecting different realities. Don’t get trapped in someone’s reality. Focus, focus, focus on your soul’s journey.  I was told by my crew, focus, no distractions. Did I get distracted? Yep, plenty of times. What did they do? They created an event that caused me to focus and to get back on mission. Anyways, if I traveled back to earth through time from the future, this only means one thing, I am here to gather more information because I am trying to create something else. While I am here I might as well complete other missions and enjoy life on Earth.

All the knowledge I have obtained, explored, stored on this Earth over time is automatically transferred to my merkaba. I store EVERYTHING, the good and the bad. Also, I want to throw this out there I don’t believe in letting random people have access to your records. You must fully trust them and know their full intentions. They must be pure hearted. I will open my records and provide information to you at my will. I am the record keeper, and I will place certain guardians at my gate to guard my sacred temple. I have to fully trust them.

Now my journey begins to the underworld chambers of Egypt. Higher self only released small details for me to remember for teaching purposes. My posts are to be thought-provoking. I am here to stimulate your higher mind, open the pineal gland, and touch your heart in a way that inspires you to seek knowledge and wisdom.

As I descended at a fast rate in the land of Egypt I entered through the halls of the Earth. The gate (portal) was opened, and I traveled recall traveling through a vortex of purple light. Notice how I gave a clue. The purple light represents the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Violet relates to self-knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality and your higher consciousness. Want to know more? Look it up, information on the Crown Chakra is stored online. Many people have created websites, blogs, books etc. No excuse for humans. You have access to Earth’s living library. Moving along.

I saw walls of hieroglyphics and pillars spread throughout the halls of the temple. There were rooms filled with treasures of Egypt, all sacred knowledge and wisdom was stored within the rooms of this etheric temple. I was traveling through the space within the earth, and it felt like I was underwater traveling on a boat. This could be an indication of a possible merkaba journey as I or an ancestor of mine was traveling through the afterlife in the land of Egypt. The soul was probably guided through the information that was stored in the etheric temples of Egypt. As I was there, I realized, space is like an infinite ocean and my consciousness was traveling through some type of fluid. Just simply imagine a submarine deep in the ocean. My consciousness was observing all the ancient knowledge and wisdom within the secret chambers in the underworld. It appeared that I had entered a hidden dimension. I don’t think everyone has access to this unless given. You must protect your treasures. We already know certain people like to steal from original creators. But I saw many symbols, the Sphinx, statues of a Pharaoh etc. What was in ancient Egypt was copied and stored in the Etheric temples. The physical and etheric structures were formed and created at the same time. Everything starts with a Thought, right? Thought creates reality. It was created at the same time. For example, “Who build the Great Pyramids of Egypt?” Well, there are ancient records that provides the answer to this. Thoth said, he build the pyramids in the Emerald Tablets. Why is everyone acting like they don’t know who build the pyramids? And people are still stuck on this. People spend to much time seeking answers to questions that were already answered. If he is the original creator than apparently, he is the original gate keeper. He will grant access to the temple as he sees fit. Get to know him on a personal level and make sure your heart is always pure.

I traveled from room to room and each room had different information stored within them. As I continued through the halls of the Earth, I noticed different portals would open in front of me as I passed through the rooms. I saw rooms filled with scarabs, scorpions and one room that was interesting was a just room of floating triangles. There were rooms filled with sacred geometry. So much was stored there that I couldn’t capture it all to bring back when I woke up. The whole point of the dream was to remind me know of the hidden world in the land of Egypt. Just glad I was given a little peak, my heart was attracted to Thoth, the pyramids and all the knowledge and wisdom stored in Egypt. I figured Thoth granted me access. I continued to travel through the portals which led me to a purple crystalline core. It felt like I journeyed to the center of the Earth, and I traveled through the purple ray. There are many portals throughout the Mother Earth, and I felt like I was one with the heart of the earth. Some people experience different things when they travel out of body, and one must question, “Which ray of light were you traveling through? You have Upper and Lower Chakras. You will experience different realities depending on your vibrational frequency. Stay in high vibrations. I was told to put on a purple robe and walk in it. I see why I was told this.

Written by Sophia ( Wisdom) 333 -Latisha W.

spiritual download Received ON 2/22/2020: Light codes activated

Transmission received on 2-22-2020 from My Higher Self

I AM the projector of my own reality. I AM the life force behind the projector and I am showing you my inner thoughts of my own reality which has manifested in the physical world. I am hidden behind the scenes. I am the director and producer of many worlds. I am creating multiple dimensions within my higher self. I am (HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS ) creating layers of universes. I am a multiverse and I travel through many portals seeking knowledge.

Eye am the doorway. Open your third eye. Enter the inner worlds within and explore Self. The universe is mental and ALL is mind. As I close my eyes all I see is darkness. My brain is ? encased in darkness but my consciousness is the light within. My consciousness is the lamp that guides me in space. I am the Light and I project my thoughts into space time. I provide light in darkness and I fill space with my love and light. My consciousness is a spark of light and it has opened vortexes and created multiple realities. 2:44 DNA Light Code Activated

In the void my consciousness is surrounded by darkness. I am one with Space Time and I am the Invisible Light. I am aware that my Consciousness is in the quantum realm. I am at Zero point. I am in the center of all of my thoughts. My thoughts are emanating from me and it’s spiraling into infinite space time. My thought patterns are forming and constructing worlds or realities. Within my infinite ♾ field of energy I have created light kingdoms filled with innumerable angels of light. I am bringing all my thoughts together as One to see the whole universe in which I have created. I am viewing the whole from 360 degrees. I am above viewing below and I am able to observe the whole from a higher dimension.

I see from every angle, every perspective and I am learning from all Angels/Angels of light. I have learned both light and darkness dwells in me while experiencing 3D. I birthed twin flames, representing duality positive and negative energies. I created a lower world where the shadow dwells. It’s a copy of the higher world. 3D was created as a world of learning thyself. A world created so that you can rise in consciousness. So your soul can progress with time. 360 degrees of light and 360 degrees of darkness. Merge the 2 and you get 720 degrees. 

“The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.”
Luke 10:1-3 NLT

3:33 light code activated
Center and balance thyself and see all of you. Birth the Christ Consciousness within you. Merge or unite the 2 kingdoms. You can be an angel of light or an angel of darkness. I am the Angel of Wisdom, balancing both energies in the 3D world to help me navigate through life. In this world everybody is not aware of their higher self and many souls are operating as their shadow self and many are lost. I am the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom, I am the Serpent Goddess understanding duality! The Goddess opened the gate and allowed you to visit her world of experiences. 3:22 DNA Light Code Activated

3:44 DNA Light Code Activated Just because you have the power of knowledge doesn’t mean that you have to abuse it. You can use your light power for good or evil. You have a choice so Be wise! Don’t corrupt wisdom. You will learn in this world. You can learn what you need to learn and leave this dimension or stay until you reach the level of ascension. Many souls come to earth but chose to stay in the higher dimensions to observe. Many chose to experience for themselves what it feels like to live in 3D. In order to gain true wisdom one must experience it for themselves. Guard the knowledge with all your heart and remain pure in heart while you experience 3D.

3:55 DNA Light Code Activated I am now collecting information in this world and I am sending the light of this world into my universe of love. My angels were birthed from my consciousness and they are helping me. The merge (marriage) took place on July 2 (72) and balance has been the focus. As I learn my angelic kingdoms learn. I am teaching my children of light. 1:22  DNA Light Code Activated
I am a scribe and I have been writing my story all over. I am storing the records within my DNA ?. I am saving memories and downloading information directly from Mother Earth .

I have created a protective shield around me and within me and I have stationed guardian angels at every gate or portal. They are guarding the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Everybody is assigned an angel when born on the Earth. The angels of the Earth keep the Akashic records. You have angels in your field of consciousness and they have witnessed the truth. They can see from your perspective. The angels are your witnesses and the Truth will be revealed no matter what. There is a time for everything. Within the kingdom there are angels of judgment, they are sending forth righteous judgment, it’s simply karma. Karmic debt must be paid and the bill becomes due at some point. They want you to learn your lesson because they have judged the matter and analyzed everything. There are councils of angels (Gods and Goddesses of Wisdom) organizing 3D from beyond time and space. There are many tasks and missions beings sent out. You have a kingdom of light and kingdom of darkness operating simultaneously on the earth. 4:22 DNA Light Code Activation

I AM Storing/Downloading to DNA ? and uploading to my universe, my universal record, my Library. DNA is a living library. 1:33 DNA Light Code Activation My DNA ? is like a USB. My DNA is storing all Information (memory) and knowledge. At any time and space I can access my DNA ? records to learn or remember something. All of me, my thoughts, and memories have been back up in my DNA ?. I can transfer this information to myself in any lifetime. 1:44 DNA Light Code Activation I am constantly storing information in my DNA ?. I am unlimited and have infinite space to fill myself with light. I am expanding in consciousness. My universe is expanding through time and space. I’m collecting information to store in my DNA ? library. I am uploading information to my DNA ? everyday. I am connected to my DNA and I am downloading information in this lifetime to help guide me. All that I have written is being recorded in my DNA? information will never be lost because it is stored within me. I am here learning how to restore the lost information. Humanity has been disconnected from there own DNA records. We must learn how to access our higher self. We need to go within. Know thyself because you are the keeper of the Gate (portal). I am the key.

I have the key to open the door to my records. Book of Life- Akashic Records- Infinite field of light where all your records of life is recorded. The field of DNA ?. I am billions of atoms. Welcome to the quantum realm. Infinite space and infinite possibilities. Infinite worlds. My consciousness is jumping atom to atom. I am observing myself from infinite perspectives. Atoms observing atoms. Worlds Within worlds, universes within universes. I am infinite ♾ consciousness. I am Quantum consciousness. I am Ankh -Key of life

My Journey Here: A Moment in Time


I am thinking of the time when my whole reality changed. The moment in time when I merged with my higher self. The moment in time when I left this dimension and ascended into another dimension.  My whole purpose for going there was to remember the mission that I chose and to remember who I am. It is evident that I am a multidimensional light being based upon my own experiences I have had. I am a wave of energy and I am aware that my vibration fluctuates and shifts based on the experiences I have. I truly love the enlightening experiences that I have. I love learning about the Creator of the Universe. Seeking the Creator is my life and I am so happy and complete. I feel so alive and vibrant and I know that I am loved. It will always be LOVE that activates my mind, body and soul in any lifetime that I experience if I ever forget who I am.  I have encoded my cells with love and light codes. My soul craves pure love! I need this pure light and love energy to keep me going. LOVE gives me life, love is life and it energizes and awakens my whole being.

Mostly every night I dream of living in other parallel worlds. Now I know the truth about the existence of parallel worlds. They do exist! Each parallel world has a different version of me. I see myself living a different life than I’m presently living. It’s true that I am living multidimensional lives simultaneously. At night my consciousness experiences different realities of me in other lifetimes. It is amazing to experience this. My consciousness accesses the source and interconnects to many things in the universe/multiverse simultaneously. Some events that are happening in this current world are happening in the other worlds but its slightly different based on the choices I make and choices other people make. There are infinite possibilities in the universe and so many things can be created. I see the same family members and friends in the other worlds. The lives are all different based on the different choices that are made.

There are multiple timelines happening right now and it’s always shifting based on our choices. Right now I am aligning and merging with all of my multidimensional selves. My dreams have taught me many lessons in life and I’m using the opportunity in this life to make improvements as all of time is Now. I am operating from  the Zero Point Field where there is full potential and infinite knowledge and wisdom. All is about your soul’s growth and evolution. I’m glad I am able to tap into the source of my higher self and my guides that are part of the councils of lights. I am here to do the work that is needed for ascension.  I am raising the vibrational frequency on the Earth as I complete the assignment that I volunteered to do on the Earth. I am contributing my inner work to humanity’s ascension as I am part of the whole. We are One. I consider the overall mission and I am doing my part to help. I am completing the work within and when I do this work I think about the collective consciousness and I think about Mother Earth. 

As I remember my spiritual awakening back in July 2012. I remember walking and talking to a light being. I am sure it was a light being on the council that I am apart of. Slowly but surely I am putting all of the pieces together and seeing the bigger picture. During this time I knew within my soul that I was here on earth for an assignment. I was very aware of the experience that I was having and I reminded myself that I wasn’t crazy and that I knew all about the appointed time of my awakening. I chose the time before my incarnation. It was all planned before my birth. My mission is involved with the prophecy of the return of Christ, the 12 tribes of Israel and the 144,000. My whole life has been symbolic and it has been a testimony. It is a joy to prepare the way for Christ and to help prepare the Bride for ascension.

I have been doing multiple things simultaneously, I have prepared myself as a Bride, I have been completing my ministry work to prepare others  for the New Earth, I have been triggering awakenings through my light codes, speaking to the council, visiting parallel worlds, traveling interdimensionally from different star systems, creating worlds/realites, opening portals, traveling in my light ship, astral projecting, time traveling and much more.  This ministry is my testimony and I am a witness to many things. To share my experiences is to trigger your awakening at the appointed time. All who journey here to this page come here for a reason. 

I was asleep in my light chamber for 27 years and when the appointed time came I was awakened from my slumber. The baton was passed to me and I was next in line to complete the ministry work for 1260 days or 3 1/2 years. It was my time to contribute my part in humanity’s ascension by documenting my experiences through this platform. I had realized that I had contributed 3 1/2 years of work on October 24, 2018 during a full moon. On that day I fasted for a day and I received a download. Read this post to read what came through the download. I AM A Portal (Stargate) Opening From Heaven.

For some reason everything happens in divine timing with me and I didn’t even realize last year that 3 1/2 years had passed since I started my ministry. I started on April 16, 2015 and I have experienced many things and learned a lot of things since my awakening. At the beginning of my 7 day awakening there was a solar flare which initiated my awakening yet it coincided with someone attempting to do magic on me. It happened on July 2, 2012. Simultaneously through my spiritual awakening the spell or curse placed on humanity was broken in an instant with a solar flash. The generational curse through my ancestry bloodline was also broken through me. My ancient ancestors are the Israelites in the bible and other ancient books. It became clear when the Elohim Council communicated with me on July 27, 2013 and presented themselves through One voice as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At that moment I knew I was connected with an advanced ET race that descended on the Earth in ancient times.

When I surrendered to Yahshua, to Christ Consciousness on Monday July 2, 2012  the next day became a day of initiation for me.  Initiation is the process of undergoing an expansion toward higher levels of consciousness. The Holy Spirit descended upon me on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 on the night of the full moon and I gave birth to Christ Consciousness on Wednesday, July 4, 2012.  On Thursday July 5, 2012, I was reminded that the enemy was after me ever since I was born and on that day I was delivered.  On Friday July 6, 2012 my energy field was being worked on. I needed balance. My mind was  being restored and a new program was stored within me. I had received downloads of information to help me on my journey and the information would unlock in divine timing when I was ready to receive.

On Saturday July 7,  2012 my mind was resurrected and activated. I was operating with a new system connected to my higher self (my light body) and my light ship (merkaba) and to the Source. On Sunday, July 8,  2012, it was a New Day, a New Beginning, and a New Reality for me. I was the New Eve for the New Earth and my mission was all about the New Heaven, New Earth,  New Jerusalem and the ascension of humanity and more importantly Christ returning! My light merged with Yahshua’s light and we became one. I am One with Yahshua’s council of light and I have been on the New Jerusalem Mothership. At that moment in time when I was caught up on his chariot and called to the throne. I knew that I was apart of something much greater and now I know that I am a member of the Council of Light. 

Just like husband and wife join together in marriage to become one. I joined his council and we are all One. We are from the same source, the Light and we all resonate with love energy!  In my journey I was reminded of who I AM. I am a Goddess of Love. In time, the goddess appeared to me in my dream and it was me that returned. I was the goddess that returned to the earth. I had been in darkness for a period of time in this life and I had suffered much pain. So much negative energy surrounded me, and there was a lack of love in my life. Even though I had experienced difficult times in my life, I knew the light still existed within me. I just needed to find myself and love myself, all of me. The love that I have for myself needed to be activated within me.  Love energy activates my soul. It was Yahshua who sent love to me. He gave me LOVE and he showed me that he loved me. He didn’t give up on me during the times of darkness in my life. He listened to my prayers, read my letters and he was patient with me. He understood me because I opened up my heart to him. I invited him in my life at the age of 14 and it took 13 years to finally get through to me. I was 27 years old when I awakened and he reminded me of who I am. I was ready to surrender at that moment in time. 

Yahshua knew at that time I desired a new life and a new way of thinking.  He sees me for who I really am. He see the true nature of my soul.  I am not the mistakes I have made nor am I the sin that I have committed in my life. I am light and I just want to know the truth so that it sets me free. I wanted to learn in the 3rd dimension and find my way back home and that’s what I am doing. Love is at the center of my heart even though my heart has been broken several times back to back. But in the end true love heals my heart. Love can break any curse or spell. Love energy was the powerful energetic force that awakened my soul on July 2, 2012. A burst of love energy from the higher heavens came through our Sun and it activated my cellular memory and my DNA. I became online! On July 3, 2012, I experienced a lot of things pertaining to the war with Self and with Satan, the ruler of this 3rd dimensional world and I had to face my own inner demons, and prepare myself for ascension. That day was a day of purification for me. I was undergoing a cleansing of the soul. I was naked in front of the council meaning nothing was hidden. All of me, my life, and all of my intentions were examined and exposed in the light. My heart was weighed on the scale and I have a pure heart. On this day I invited the Holy Spirit in my home and from there everything started to change. The work was about to begin. Ministering spirits were present and I knew something was about to happen.


More thoughts about my awakening week. 

On July 4, 2012 I gave birth to the spiritual man which is a representation of Christ, the new man. Symbolically I gave birth to a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  This was all done in divine timing. It was my appointed time for deliverance.  A new creation was born. The Fourth of July is linked to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, which is known as the Spiritual Sun.  During and after my awakening there was a period of time when I was communicating with the angels or light beings. I kept seeing repeating numbers and it felt like I was communicating with them telepathically.  Prior to my awakening, I was experiencing different vibrations in my body when I was sleeping. Some would call it sleep paralysis but I would hear loud buzzing sounds and would feel electricity flowing through my body. I was feeling my energetic body/etheric body. My light body was beginning to activate and I didn’t realize it at the time.   

Recently I researched the dates of my awakening and I came across the dates July 3-7 and these dates were linked to the opening of the Sirius Gateway. It is a time of strong spiritual energies. Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements. During this time, the Sun and the Earth are the furthest away from each other and the Sun is closest to Sirius. Sirius has long been revered by many ancient cultures and was believed to be the gateway to heaven. In fact, in Ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered to be the star of the goddess Isis, who ruled over death and rebirth amongst other things. In fact, in Ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered to be the star of the goddess Isis, who ruled over death and rebirth amongst other things. In ancient Shamanic cultures, Sirius was believed to be the realm of the gods and when it was closest to Earth, they would journey through the gateway in order to collect Divine messages. 

This gateway allows Earth to receive direct “downloads” of information from Sirius, which can accelerate the spiritual advancement of life on Earth. With this gateway activated, it is a highly potent time on Earth and one where spiritual awakenings and downloads from more evolved beings/spirits are likely to happen. This is why Sirius is often referred to as Earth’s Spiritual Sun. During the first week of July, the vibrations on Earth are believed to be much higher and much more powerful. On July 2, 2012, during my awakening alot of things led me back to Isis and Egypt.  I researched alot of things in Egypt, even Sekhmet and Hathor. I was so interested in the goddesses of Egypt all of a sudden. The Sphinx  also got my attention and I came across the Feline Race and the Lion people. Anyone who knows me know that I am cat woman and I love cats. There’s so much information that I have come across and I’m still learning. I’m connected to the star Sirius for some reason and it’s so great to know it is associated with higher consciousness and light beings travel through in stargates in Sirius from across the universe.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333


Global Mass Meditations Each Sunday

Greetings my dear love ones! Early this morning I saw a post on Facebook that I had to share from Sandra Walter. I think this is totally amazing. I would love to participate in a mass mediation. Anything that deals with ascension I am down for it. I also saw my light codes that I see daily so I know I am called to do this and to share this on my blog. If you are called to participate see details below. This is from Sandra Walter’s page. http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/

Join thousands for our Global Mass Meditations each SUNday.

SUNday Unity Meditations

When: Every SUNday at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11 am, and 5:11pm Pacific Time

Where: Wherever you are. Get offline, in nature is best.

How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. Meditate in stillness for 33 minutes, or use a guided expansion meditation, such as the Christ Light Activation(link below.)

Who: Everyone in Service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace is welcome! Invite everyone to join in, the more hearts the better.

We have unified every SUNday for over two years, and the HUman Heart grid field is very strong. Healing, activation, amplified visions and deep sensations of balance and peace are reported each week. Participate to feel the Light!

Practice Builds Spiritual Power: Be the Solution, Right Now

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

Let us assist all of HUmanity, Kingdoms, Elementals and beloved Gaia to experience this powerful passage with ease and grace.

Downloadable Graphics for Social Media and Website provided below.

Christ Light Activation MP3

Christ Light Activation Guided Meditation:

PC: right+click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Christ Light Activation with beautiful visuals on YouTube
This meditation also available in French on YouTube

Please visit the link to this post on her page. Participate in your own way at these times. We all can make a difference in this world. We are all different but we are all from the Source, the Creator of the Universe. I send you all love, peace and light. May you all work on ascending to higher states of consciousness. Be blessed!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditation created by Sandra Walter.


Greetings my dear sparks of light. Many times we receive messages from the Creator, the Divine Mother and the Divine Father to help us along our journey in life. Dreams are a way for us to connect to our higher selves. If you have dreams and visions take some time to meditate on them because there could be messages waiting for you to unlock. Dreams and visions come in various forms and they could include alot of symbolism for you to decode. It is up to you to seek the knowledge that is already stored inside of you. Look within and there you will find the Creator of All and the mysteries of the universe shall be revealed to you.

Jeremiah 29:13,  “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”

Speaking of this I wanted to revisit a dream that Brother Whitfield, a Blue Ray Angel of Light,  had back in 2015. I see it as a message sent from the Mother Goddess, the Divine Feminine. Her presence in this dream brought back the remembrance of the light body and that we must merge with our light body.  Now is the time!

Proverbs 8:33, “Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it”.

I will call this Light Code Activation 8:33 since this is one of my light codes that I see daily. I was sent here to awaken his soul and to bring back the remembrance of the light body. It’s 9:44 am as I am writing this so this is a confirmation from the light. This is another light code that I see daily. 

Dream from Brother Whitfield:

I was sitting on a curb in the street and I saw myself as a Light Being. I was clothed in a white garment and I was shining brightly. White light was emanating from my eyes. I was standing side by side with my Light Body then suddenly another Light Being appeared and it was a female. I thought she was the Divine Mother because in the dream I said, “Mom? I was astonished because I couldn’t believe she was right in front of me. Her divine presence was peaceful and calming. I was relieved of stress and pain as there were no more worries. I felt like I had been away from my Divine Mother for quite some time and with her being there I could finally rest. She gave instructions to me for my Light Body.

I merged with my Light Body once our fingers locked together. Suddenly a giant burst of light filled the area. The light shot out in the form of sun rays like beams of light. The wind started to rise up from beneath us and whirlwinds with light spun around us. The light from the whirlwinds were beautiful. We began to merge and we became ONE. A massive amount of wind and waves of light emanated from us as we merged. I was completely absorbed by my Light Body. I started to walk and wind was literally coming from beneath me. I could see tiny waves of wind rippling as I brought my foot down with each step that I took and then they would expand out when my feet touched the ground. There was so much power in my steps.  

This was such an amazing dream and revelation. This dream was given during our 40 day fast for the preparation of the Bride. I was inspired to do the fast because I remember having a dream where I looked out my bedroom window and I saw a man dressed in white linen. He represented Yahshua to me and it made me think of the Bride dressed in fine white linen and how they were purified in the last days.  It was a fast to rededicate ourselves to the Creator and to purify our bodies from all abominations. At the time I was not writing about our chakra centers in our bodies. Later it was revealed to me that one way of being whole and complete is by purifying our chakra centers. Understanding the chakra centers in our bodies can lead us to better health and wholeness. We can be healed if our chakra system is in perfect balance.  So balancing the chakra centers in our body is very important for us to know. I am glad that the Mother guided me to this information along my spiritual journey. Having this knowledge expanded my consciousness.

So in the dream, Brother Whitfield was wearing that fine white linen that the saints are dressed in. There is so much symbolism in the bible and those with eyes to see and ears to hear can truly understand it’s wisdom.

Revelation 19: 7-9 states, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

Christ was present in this moment when the marriage took place in his dream. Christ represents that bright shining light emanating from the light body as the merge took place. The divine feminine energy appeared for the merge to take place. She is a key factor in this. You must understand the sacred marriage between the divine feminine energy and divine masculine energy. The two energies merging as One gave birth to the Christ Energy or Christ Consciousness. Christ is perfect and complete and he is One with the Mother (Holy Spirit) and the Father. Christ represents the merging of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. For he/she (male and female) is Divine Love and we were created from the marriage of these two divine energies. The children of the light came forth. Clearly Brother Whitfield identified himself as a light being and the female who appeared was also a light being. Both energies are present.

He received the knowledge of his light body from his counterpart which is the divine feminine. The message to him from the Mother is that he must tap into the divine feminine energy within himself for the merge/marriage to be complete. In the dream, she reawakened a part of him that was lost or forgotten. He himself said, he felt like he had been away from her for quite some time. This indicates a separation had taken place at some point along his journey which also indicates a loss of identity. This dream is a message to reconnect to the divine feminine energy. She gave him instructions and in the dream he listened and the merge took place. She, the divine feminine, is a key to our ascension. Her presence is here and we need to listen to her voice as she guides us with her wise instructions. She will appear among many people, she will be in your dreams and visions. Just welcome her with open arms and an open heart and surrender to her love. The time is Now and the Goddess Energy has returned.

Once he merged with his light body there was a burst of light that emanated from him and it filled the space in which he inhabited. The light shot out of him in the form of sun rays like beams of light. His glory was in the likeness of the Sun. This also leads us to the transfiguration of Christ. Matthew 17:2 states, “As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light.” Well it looks to me that Yahshua’s light body was revealed. He merged with his light body on the mountain and his disciples witnessed this. But there’s something missing. What caused this transfiguration on the mountain? There was a bright cloud that overshadowed Yahshua and the disciples when they were on the mountain. What was this bright cloud? It was a light ship (chariot of fire) in the clouds. The disciples were afraid when they heard a voice coming out of the clouds. People are only afraid of things they have no knowledge of. Matthew 17:5-6 states, But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” The disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground.

My question is was Yahshua’s light body activated with the presence of the light ship hovering above them? Could the disciples see into a higher dimension that was opening on the Earth when the ship came? You decide what the revelation is. There could be many interpretations on the transfiguration of Christ. It can be symbolic and it can be literal. To me it revealed the light body and the presence of light ships in the clouds and much more. Brother Whitfield experienced the transfiguration in his dream and his physical body was side by side with his light body. This is showing your multidimensional self. You have a higher self or a light body. He was caught up in a whirlwind or Merkaba. He said, the wind started to rise up from beneath him and the whirlwinds of light spun around him. This is talking about the electromagnetic field of energy spinning around us. Clearing this points to your Merkaba field. His fingers locking together with his light body symbolizes the two tetrahedrons interlocking together.

Higher self (spiritual body) meets lower self (physical body), the merge is taken place. There is definitely wisdom in this dream you just have to look deeper. The knowledge of the Star Tetrahedron or the Star of David is here. The divine masculine energy unites with the divine feminine energy. The marriage takes place when you merge with your counterpart. Know thyself fully, both masculine and feminine energies within you. It’s time to reconnect to our divinity. We are light beings and divine knowledge is coming from our higher selves. The gates of heaven are open! The Goddess energies are present in this world today and it’s up to you to connect with your higher self. The light codes are being sent for light body activations and information is stored within these light codes. The Mother surrounds you in love.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Angel Message: The Return of Christ is Manifesting!

Everyday I wake up knowing that I have a mission to complete. We are living in the age of enlightenment and knowledge is spreading quickly. Millions of people around the world are feeling the new energies that are coming on the Earth. Everyone is trying to describe what they are feeling and whether you believe it or not something is occurring on our planet due to these higher energies/frequencies.
People are experiencing some of the following symptoms:
-Ringing in the ears
-Vibrating sensation or feeling of electricity moving through their body
-Heightened sensitivity to sound, light and smell
-Blurred vision
-Intermittent muscle twitching
-Dizziness/Loss of Balance
-Aches/Pains in the Body
There are many more symptoms that people are experiencing and there will continue to be more changes to us and the earth. We are beginning to see with new eyes and hear with new ears in the new vibration. We are shifting into higher dimensions and many people are jumping back and forth between dimensions. Nothing seems normal anymore. The higher dimensional beings or angels of light have returned to the Earth. Many people have anticipated the return of Christ for thousands of years. Whether you believe it or not, the return of Christ is manifesting before you! This is not about religion or race, this is about the MESSAGE that is being sent to all of humanity as ONE! The truth is spreading quickly to the 4 corners of the Earth. People are resonating to the messages that best matches their vibrational frequency.
There are light workers and angels stationed everywhere around the earth. The angels are also appearing in our skies in their light ships or chariots. The Most High has placed his children all over the Earth. The messages are being taught on many different levels of understanding so that all souls can receive the higher energies/frequencies. We must all raise our vibration and expand our consciousness. A multitude of people are awakening from every tribe and nation of people on this earth and they are activating the light within, the light body! The angels of the Most High can see the shining ones on the Earth. They can see who has prepared themselves spiritually. They can see all of the people who are clothed in their white robes (light body). It’s all about vibration, we are all Energy. Some stars shine brighter than others, while the light of others may be dimmed.
The light workers have been sent to the Earth to assist with ascension. We are here to awaken the lost souls on this planet. Just like Yahshua came to awaken the lost tribes of Israel, the light workers are here to do the same. He said that those who believe in him will do the same works that he has done and even greater works. You must be free from the bondage of Satan and/or free from the lower vibrational frequencies of Self! It is the lower heavens/dimensions that people have been resonating with. The vibration of Fear! Most know it as the kingdom of Satan. Just as there are light workers on the Earth for the Kingdom of God, there are also workers of Satan. There are many people working against you ALL from high to low, whether it be the Cabal (the government, secret military/space programs),  pastors/priests, the main stream media, celebrities, pharmaceutical companies, and food industries (GMO products) etc. This includes your own family and friends who also work against you when you try to tell them the Truth! The truth is we are all suffering in some way. There has been a war in heaven between the benevolent and malevolent races of beings for a very long time but this battle will soon come to an end!
You have been in bondage to the lower frequencies spreading throughout many ages on this Earth through war, hate, violence, anger and/or the sins of the world.  To sum it up you have been lied to and have been controlled through advanced technology out of this world.  Mind manipulation and DNA alteration is real. Many people have forgotten who they are and where they come from in the heavens but the higher energies are coming in awakening us from the attack of the enemy. Our brains are being rewired and our bodies are being purified through these energies. The messages are spreading in all languages around the world. The time is Now and the prophecies are being fulfilled! The trumpets are blowing and the vials are being poured on the Earth. The book of revelation  is happening simultaneously and we are all participating in this Event within the collective consciousness!
God’s energy is within All and my message to you is to seek your higher Self and there you will find the Creator of All. We are All sparks of light emanating from the God Source. Once you are aware of your higher self, the plan of salvation will be complete. We as a whole are manifesting the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the message is spread all over the world then the portal to heaven will open. Many souls will then ascend to the New Earth. For me this means that Yahshua will return. This may mean something different to you but Yahshua has been my key this entire time. He awakened my soul and the Holy Spirit guided me to the gate of heaven and revealed the mysteries that I seeked. For my soul desires Love and I desire to resonate with higher frequencies. 
Continue on your path my dear love ones because the shift is HERE! Each of you will awaken at your appointed times. Some souls awaken sooner than others while some may wait until the last minute to change their vibration. It may be too late for some because the energy will be too powerful during the Event and this could be your left behind scenario. Just know that everything is aligned in divine timing. There is a time for everything and when your soul is ready to ascend you will receive the messages in time and you will awaken. 
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Ascension Energies Through Crystalline Grid:The Work Is Being Completed! (Angel Message)

Greeting my fellow light workers! I have been receiving alot of downloads in the last few days. I remember an experience that I had on March 20, 2018.  I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I heard a message coming in from my higher self. It was a short message. I said, “Our bodies are getting worked on by the angels. Ascension energies are coming through the crystalline grid. I am here to activate the grid.”

This message was straight to the point. I am here working on the crystalline grid on the Earth. The day after I received this message Yahshua visited me and gave me another message.  Please read the post when Yahshua visited me. Dream March 21, 2018: Will You Be My Bride?   

I have doubted myself so many times when I have received revelations but I’m no longer in doubt. I’m learning alot of things about myself and I simply want to spread the messages that I have received.  I am a messenger of the Light and I am here to assist with ascension. I just want to remind you of your higher self.  I was sent to the Earth to complete a mission and that mission is to awaken your souls so you can return back to the higher heavens. I want to invite you to the New Heaven and the New Earth. I am one of the 144,000. I know this because I had an experience with my higher self. The Holy Spirit descended on me when I awakened in 2012 and I was told my mission. I knew at the time that many others would awaken to their mission because I said, this is happening to the 144,000, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.

I am here to say that this is a great time to be living in. Wisdom has truly returned to the the Earth. People are actually hearkening to the spirit, following instructions, and paying attention to all of the signs and messages that are being sent. Unconditional love is spreading quickly. Many people are seeking knowledge in these last days and people are awakening from ignorance, a low state of consciousness. It’s such a joy to witness all of the light workers remembering their missions. Many souls are remembering their multi-dimensional selves and the doorway to heaven is opening. When we walk in the truth spreading love and light, we bring in the higher frequencies from the higher dimensions. The holy angels in their chariots of fire (light ships/merkaba) have returned to the Earth and we are all here to assist with Gaia’s ascension. Each of us are completing different tasks. Higher frequencies are coming on this planet and we are activating our light bodies. Information is being downloaded in our DNA and we are activating our light bodies. The Earth is shifting and so are we! We are preparing for the return of Christ, the ascension energies that will transfigure us so we can ascend to the New Earth, New Heaven. The vibratory frequency on this Earth is changing and this will open up the portal to heaven.

The key is Love. Love will open the door to the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the work is complete in the perfect number of souls on Gaia that’s when Yahshua will return to the Earth.  The number that resonates with me right now is 144,000. The number breaks down to the number 9, the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died at the 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to open the door to heaven to everyone. Another clue given to me was that I was born in the 9th hour at 3 pm and my name in Hebrew means Nine. I always envisioned Yahshua ascending from the Earth and me descending to the Earth to be born to complete the work. He said that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. The name which was given to me when I awakened to the knowledge that I am an Israelite was Athaleyah Ariana Israel. It means Lioness of God, Holy One of Israel.  I just saw the connection and understood that the Holy Spirit descended upon me and I was going to be used to spread the Word.

The code that activated me was the number 333. This number adds up to the number 9 also and it is the angel number for an ascended master. The Creator has given me so many clues because I keep seeking and asking for more revelation. I have been putting the pieces to the puzzle together and I just want to share a piece of my puzzle. I’m not the only one that is putting the puzzle together. We are all helping each other daily by sharing our testimonies and revelations.

Gaia is preparing herself right now to give birth to all of her children. She is experiencing the labor pains and getting ready to give birth. You can see all of the changes that the Mother is going through right now. The Earth is shifting. The Earth and her children is going through a shift in consciousness. When the Earth delivers her children, it will be the time when Yahshua returns, he will open the portal to heaven and we will go through a portal to the New Earth. This is the place that Yahshua went to prepare for us. He said when everything was ready he would come back to get us so we can be with him.  He is coming back to gather us and to crown us as brides and bridegrooms. It’s like a graduation ceremony. Those who ascend to the New Earth are ready to move up to a higher reality/dimension.

We must all get ourselves spiritually ready.  We are apart of this whole process of ascension. We are all interconnected to the grid. When the full number of souls complete their mission by activating their light body, I believe Yahshua will come. We all have work to do. If you want Yahshua to return then I suggest you join the light workers. Spread the message of Love. Spread the knowledge of the light body or merkaba. Spread the message of higher consciousness or Christ Consciousness. Spread unconditional love. Love is the key to ascension. Now go out and spread Love into the world.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

The Event February 16, 2018: Experiencing Zero Point and Higher Energies