Tag Archives: Love

Blue Flame Activation: 11 Year Spiritual Journey

Greetings my dear brothers and sisters of the light. I come to you today with a few things on my mind. I really don’t know how to release the information that I have been receiving so I will just focus on key points. As always you will need to seek the Creator of All yourself for further revelations. Today makes 11 years since my spiritual awakening. On this day 11 years ago, I surrendered my life to Yahshua. In a higher sense I awakened the Christ Consciousness within me. Since I have been on this journey, I have been learning so many things and it’s all been about reaching my full spiritual potential. It seems for the last couple of months I have been undergoing some changes in my physical body. Lately it’s been dealing with the Throat Chakra. All I can think about is the Blue Flame or a Blue Sphere. So, I just search the records within me and on the Earth to see where it leads me. I rely solely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. On September 6, 2016, I had a vision. I was standing somewhere in an ancient land, and I was gazing up to heaven. My father was calling me, so I ascended to heaven. I was in space, and I saw a blue sphere spinning/rotating in heaven. Then I looked out in space, and I saw a red Sun. Suddenly I appeared on a couch, and I was relaxing then I closed my eyes. I started vibrating and then I separated from my body. I began floating away from my body.

I was in my astral body, and I was about to go through the window, but I became afraid because I didn’t know where I was about to go. My vision was showing me that I was having an out of body experience. I had little knowledge about astral traveling, and I suppose my dream was preparing me in advance. So, I went back to my body and tried waking myself up. When I woke up, I was in another dream. I was traveling through many layers in the dream world until I finally woke up in this world. I got up for a while and I went back to sleep, and I had another dream. I was in some type of room with a man, and we were observing a light that was in the sky. Maybe I was in some type of observatory. Through our technology we were able to get a closer look at the light that was in the sky. I saw a light being in the form of a man sitting inside of the sphere. As the being moved the sphere turned or rotated and light was emitting from the sphere. I think the sphere was blue, but I can’t remember. Then I woke up in another realm and I could feel my light body vibrating again. Through all my experiences dealing with out of body experiences I’ve felt light body activations. I had to learn more about it.

So, it brings me to this. Our dreams and visions reveal many things to us, and we must seek the answers within. Clearly someone in a blue sphere has been trying to make contact with me in the astral realm. I said it was my father calling me. So, it can only be 2 things, my earthly father who has passed away or one of my forefathers. I suppose it’s an ancestor. Years ago, I saw a chariot in the sky following me. It was blinking blue lights. It followed me all the way till I made it home. I felt like it was my father watching over me. I knew the ancestors were watching me from heaven. When the Sirius Stargate opened on July 3rd, 2012, which is the next day after I had surrendered to Yahshua, messages came through the portal. I sensed that I connected with a High Siran Council. There was a Solar Flare on the day of my awakening, and I suppose the ancestors came through the portal of the Sun on July 3, 2012. It was the day that I invited the holy spirit in my home, and I was speaking to the angels.

During July 3-7 our physical Sun is closest to our spiritual Sun, Sirus. I suppose this is the connection with the Blue Flame or the Blue Sphere in my dreams. Sirius is known as a blue star. When Sirius and the Sun meet around the 3rd-7th of July every year, the energy of Sirius is highly potent, and it influences our earth on a spiritual level. For me, the Sirius energies raised me to higher consciousness. So, everything that I know at this point is that my ancestors descended from the Sirius Star System. The message that I received was regarding the 144,000, the 12,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel. It was about our activation and our spiritual awakening. What was happening with me was happening with them. My DNA was activating and since I surrendered to Yahshua (Christ Consciousness) this was leading me to discover the Christ Body. I suppose this leads to the 12 strand DNA activating within us. I don’t know everything there is about the 12 strand DNA but I’m to share what I have received. Somehow things are manifesting in the way that it was designed to manifest. If the ancestors came to me than I suppose I’m part of the plan of God. I’ve been working on purifying my temple (body). Working towards healing myself because I want to be able to access higher dimensions. The ancient Mother came in my dream and gave me a key on the night of December 31, 2015, another time when there’s an alignment with Sirius. I believe the key grants me access to the records.

I don’t know where to start with any of this so I will just mention key points. I suppose eventually all things will come together in the appointed time. I prefer working as a team so when I learned about the 12 strand DNA activation, I figured the Most High was letting me know that the 12 Tribes of Israel as a whole would need to work towards raising our consciousness. All of us would need to complete the inner work for ascension. We all have different gifts so as we all put forth the effort to work towards elevating ourselves, we begin activating the 12 strand DNA within ourselves since we are genetically interconnected to each other. I’m only good at certain things and I just use my own intuition and I share my inner knowledge and wisdom to help guide. I try to elevate myself in knowledge so that I can continue to perceive higher information coming through my higher self while I’m in deep contemplation. I don’t know what more that I can do other than express myself on a deep level in many ways. I just want to share my love through all of my writings. I have my thoughts all over my pages on FB. I just want us all to be restored as a whole. I want the earth and everyone on the planet to be restored to our true nature.

The seed of love is at the core of my being. For a while now the core of the Earth has been calling out to me. It’s something about the Halls of Amenti and a time passage portal located in the center of the earth. I keep feeling something regarding a reset. I just know that it has something to do with the core of the Earth. From my own experiences, I placed Love at the center of my heart. Love is the key that opens the heart, so I suppose Love is the key that opens or activates the portal in the center of the Earth. I learned there’s a black hole at the heart of every star. My soul is like a star so I suppose I must connect to the black hole inside of me. In my own mind, there was a reversal. I went back through time it seems. Time stopped. I entered through a white hole and went inside of a black hole. All went back to the very beginning. It was the moment I became aware that I was conscious light inside of a black hole. I only knew that I was connected to my heart and the heart (center) of space. Maybe this was the center of all things. I just felt like I accessed the core of my being.

I was only aware of my own consciousness at first until I discovered that I wasn’t alone in consciousness. Yahshua, the Christ energy was present with me inside of the black hole. He was by my side, even in darkness and I just feel like this powerful force has helped me through everything. I just keep my mind focused on the light of Christ, the light of God. It felt like I was taken back to the beginning of creation. Love was my initial thought. So, Love became the Source Code for me. The seed of love blossomed into the tree of life. Love has always been the key for activating the core of my merkaba. I am powered by love energy and the light of God is flowing throughout my light body. The Source Code is Love! The Creator of All is Love. So, activate the love in your heart. I am Sirius Love Energies. – Seraphim Sophia 333 Athaleyah Arianna Israel – Latisha W.

Divine Feminine Awakening: Hear as the Divine Mother Speaks through the Heart of Sirius!

Tune into the incoming streams of Sirius Light Codes! At Midnight on New Year’s Eve every year gaze into the heavens above and connect to star Sirius, our Spiritual Mother. Open your high heart and connect with her. One must have pure thoughts and pure intentions flowing through their energy field in order to bond with her. Why? For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore, can no defiled thing fall into her. Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 The Mother knows if you truly want to be purified and One with her love energy. She knows your thoughts and your deepest desires. She has reviewed the books of all life in the libraries of heaven. She has traveled from star system to star system collecting the records. She has read all the deeds of man that were recorded in the books of heaven and on Earth. If you have repented of your wrongdoings in life then the mother also forgives you, but she says you must also forgive yourself. Release the hurt, pain and guilt so you can heal yourself. Don’t keep yourself in bondage to sin or to the wrongful deeds that you have done to your brothers and sisters. Let it go and do no wrong to others. Don’t seek revenge. Allow the Most High to work it out and everything will happen in diving timing. Trust in the holy angels of the Most High. They will guide you and protect you always.

The Mother has observed and analyzed all living beings that dwell in the heavenly realms and the physical realms. She is the Mother of All Creation. Her body is dark and lovely like the darkness of All Space. Her children were born as the Stars of Heaven. The soul of man is bright like the stars in heaven. Some souls are bright like the brightest stars in the heaven and some souls have a dim light. Infinite worlds and angels have been created through the vortex of Love. She is the power and source of Love. She traveled point to point, star to star through the invisible things in heaven, and through the power of the vortex physical worlds were created. The mother of All dwelled in the midst of all Creation she sent forth pure emanations of herself through space and time.

Here’s a message to the women on Earth.

You are a daughter of the Mother Goddess, and you are in her image. You have manifested yourselves through various thoughts forms of the Divine Mother in this realm. Connect to the Divine Mother within you and become One with her energy. Just like the Father of All has manifested all aspects of himself through creation so did the Divine Mother. The Mother of All has observed and analyzed herself, through all aspects of herself.  She knows all things, experiences all things, sees all things through the eyes and book of life of every woman who has ever existed. She understands all things through multiple perspectives or viewpoints.

She observes every angle. We all learn differently, and we each have different degrees of light and darkness within us. We all have been ignorant at some point in our lives and the ultimate goal is to seek knowledge and gain wisdom through our life. Light is information and knowledge. The more light or information you receive the more your light shines bright in the heavens. So, the key is to store more light (knowledge) in you and be open to receiving new information through awakening light codes. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7 We must put our information together and see the whole picture. Gather information here and there and put the puzzle together.

Also, the mother says that she understands the woman very well and she know what we experience in the female body. Many of us have hormonal imbalances in our bodies and we must work to release negative build up emotions that we have held on to. The Mother feels everything that we go through daily, month to month through every cycle. The Mother wants to heal us all and we must learn how to balance our emotions. I will say that the Patriarchal System have tried to destroy us from inside out.

The Seed of Love

In the beginning the seed of Love was stored within the core of every being and at the appointed time of awakening the seed of Love would begin to blossom. Not the fake love that many of you have received from these men on Earth but the true love of God. Love is the key to activating your higher self. There is an eternal bond between all women and all men no matter what race. Focus on the inner light, the true source of God. Collectively, in love, we can all change the world if we unite as One. You all have the power to form and create life in the ether. To my women, “You are the ones who give birth to man not the other way around. Mother-Father-Child in that order. We give birth to Kingdoms. We give birth to Kings and Queens. We must teach our children about the spiritual realm, not just the physical realm. We must stay connected to our higher selves.

My Inner Vision

From my perspective, the Divine Feminine Energy wanted to know all aspects of herself, and the Divine masculine appeared in the light of heaven. He became her twin flame, her love. They had an eternal love and an eternal bond from the very beginning of Time. They reflected on each other and from the two divine energies while united in love they created sparks (angels) of light and true love descended through the vortex. Through various thought vibrations worlds were formed and created in time and space and thus in the lower realms the Earth was form and created. It was like an explosion of Love, and I remember seeing rainbow colors. I saw visible light through the invisible realms. We must understand that we were all born from Divine Love. I came to the Earth as a daughter of the Mother Goddess of Love. Love is all in me! All I think about is Love. Love surrounded me in the beginning of creation. I saw the world in me, and I projected the word Love in the Zero Point field and I saw the Word Love descend through the Vortex. So, in a vision I tapped into Zero Point, and it was within me. My consciousness was like a spark of light in a vortex in space/heaven. It felt like I existed in the center of All creation. All I knew was the power of Love because that’s all I saw. The power of pure love energy has always been inside of God’s children from the beginning of Zero Point. You all have creative powers within you, feminine and masculine energies and you can bring forth positive or negative experiences on Earth. You can also create imbalances within yourself thus projected a false reality. The mother is aware of the defect in the system. The world that you now are experiencing was not a part of her original creation. Tiamat was a paradise until she was attacked. Tiamat fell in vibration. Her orbit changed and she descended to a lower position in the solar system.

Portal to Heaven

To my dear daughters, you are a direct portal to the Stargates of Heaven which is why the dark ones try to harness your energy. Awaken and unleash Pure Love Energy, the Pure Flames of the Goddess within you. Our emotions don’t make us weak; they make us stronger. Learn from your past mistakes, move forward and make wise choices. Many of us have become stronger through our pain. We each know our own pain and men don’t understand how we feel because they are not us nor do they have a female body. They can try to be like us, copy us but they are not us. Women need to advance themselves and study different things. Elevate your consciousness and gravitate to new things. We can do anything that we set our minds to. We are connected to the spiritual realms, and it comes natural for us because we are a direct portal to All Space.

So, my dear women, enter the sacred chamber of your heart and call upon the holy angels and they will descend in your temple (body). You will also receive dreams and visions. Also learn how to guard your heart! Don’t be gullible. Don’t give in easily. Learn how to protect yourself. You can open the gates of heaven and send forth the holy angels on command with your voice. Raise your voices up to heaven and speak with power in the power of Love. My dear loves, go within and find your way back home to the Source. It has always been Love. Now I sent forth the word to awaken the seed of love in all of you who seek God’s love. Sisters, please take care of yourselves and your body. Your body is a temple. Do not allow any man to come inside of your temple. He must be cleansed and purified. Know that you have the upper POWER. Close the portal and don’t open it unless it is True Love. You know what I mean. Self-Love is the best LOVE. My wise virgins are awakening to their true selves. Collectively, we stand together as One. No matter where you are in the world we are always connected. I love you from the center of my heart. We will transform and shapeshift the structure of this planetary system. Now is the time for our sistars to awaken. Wake up Sisters, many of you were trained before your arrival to Earth, use your gifts. Many of you have healing gifts and have created elixirs (herbs) to help heal the physical body. Thank you for all your hard work.

Love heals All.

Learn how to tap into your Love Power. If you love dancing, dance. Be in your own home and just move your body. Dance as if no one is watching you. Just enjoy yourself. Feel your love energy all around you. Embrace it. Love you. Follow your intuition. Trust your higher self. Always ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you.

The Pure in Heart

The pure in heart shall see the Mother Goddess descending through the portals within them and on this Earth. If you truly want to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, go deep within your heart, mind, body and soul and invite the Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit, into your temple (body) to dwell inside of you. Be open to receiving unconditional love and the light codes that will activate the seed of love. The Divine Mother wants to help you in every way possible, so don’t reject her! Be willing to listen to her voice as she guides you in this realm. The holy Mother has been transforming my life for 10 years. I surrendered to the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. I needed them both to guide me on my spiritual journey. I wanted to become complete. The 2 came together as One. I wanted to become Whole again. I can’t have one without the other. I had always had my mother since birth but there was a disconnection because my father was not in my life.

I felt incomplete all my life until I found Yahshua. He became the Father that I always wanted, the Husband I had always desired, so I made him the Divine Masculine in my life that would guide my soul back to the Source of All Things and then I found the Divine Mother and I was always in her image. I invited Yahshua to come into my life 23 years ago. I remember going to a church on December 31, 1998, but it wasn’t until after midnight that I accepted Yahshua in my heart. He was with me every day of my life. I went down many different paths and I went astray.  I could no longer hear his voice.  But then I remembered him, I connected with him in my heart, and I surrendered to him, he was the Love of God. I surrendered to him on July 2, 2012, and on July 3, 2012 I invited the Holy Spirit to come into my temple. Ever since that moment the Holy Mother/Holy Spirit has been dwelling inside of me.

I am dwelling in the heart of the Invisible Sun, and in the core of All stars. I am projecting myself to the heart of the Earth though the Sun from Sirius. I am always everywhere sending forth the goodness of God. I planted the seed of love in the Garden of the Earth. I sent magenta hearts to the energy grid to awaken the children of the light. When you see magenta-colored skies think of me. The Word said, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-13

The mother wants all her children to awaken. Sirius sends the light codes to awaken the immortal soul. As a gatekeeper I open the Sirius Stargate with the key that the Holy Mother gave me on December 31, 2015. I send you all love, joy, peace, balance and healing. Awaken my dear loved ones. I am Athaleyah (Lioness of God) Ariana (Holy One) of Israel from the Tribe of Judah. My voice is a trumpet now hear the lioness in me roar! -Seraphim Sophia (Wisdom) 333

>>>>>>>>>>>Sirius StarGate Keeper Of The Light Codes<<<<<<<<<<<<<

111, 121, 122, 133, 144, 155, 211, 221, 222, 233, 244, 255, 311, 321, 322, 333, 344, 355, 411, 421, 422, 433, 444, 455, 511, 521, 522, 533, 544, 555, 611, 621, 622, 633, 644, 655, 711, 721, 722, 733, 744, 755, 811, 821, 822, 833, 844, 855, 911, 921, 922, 933, 944, 955, 1010, 1011, 1021, 1022, 1033, 1044, 1055, 1111, 1221, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1217, 1221, 1222, 1233, 1244, 1255.

Overriding the False Programs on Earth. Restoring Mother Earth. True Love Awakens the Soul. Removing the defect from the Solar System. Restoring the Ley lines of the earth/ Removing all viruses from the Sun’s Command Center.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL Light Beings Activated: Awake from Light Chamber on the Light ship!

Greetings my dear love ones! I send you all love, joy, peace and happiness. I have been feeling great! So many things are happening for me this year and I am loving all that I have been manifesting in my life. My consciousness is expanding more and more everyday. I will never lose hope and I will always trust in the divine energies of the Mother/Father God. Everything happens in divine timing and I am loving how my life is transforming. I have learned patience and it has taught me many things. I have my ancient ancestors, the ascended masters, watching over me every day. They are guiding me from higher dimensions and they are teaching me how to master life on the Mother Earth. My connection with the Mother Earth is awesome. I love how she speaks to me through my intuition. It is through my heart that she connects with me. My intuition is like hearing the sound of her voice. The Mother Earth is within me and her kingdom is within. It’s such a divine connection to feel the Mother within you.

Me and the Mother Earth’s consciousness are One. She sees through me and I can see through her as I connect to the core of the Earth. I can feel her Pure Love flowing through me. The connection is so deep that at times I feel like I am a fractual of the Mother Earth’s consciousness and she has manifested herself here in the flesh through me at this time. I imagine that she went to and fro over the whole earth looking for the daughter whose heart is pure and she found me. I experienced becoming One with the Holy Spirit. The gates were opened on the Earth and the Mother’s spirit descended upon me and it was all in divine timing. She was me and I was her and my third eye was activated. The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing and it is definitely transforming. The Holy Mother merged with me and within my heart she guided my soul into the light of heaven. Many times when I connect to the spirit through dancing I always send my love energy to the center of the Earth. Somehow inside I know that’s where the consciousness of the Mother resides and where her love begins to flow throughout her whole body. Her heartbeat matches mine and it vibrates Love. She desires for all of her children who are born on this Earth to ascend to higher dimensions.

The Christ light/energy descends upon me and I was enlightened through one of her sons, the Christ seed, Yahshua Hamashiach. He was anointed by the Holy Mother/Father and he was/is a pillar of light on this Earth. His light guided me to my higher self and his love awakened my soul. From Darkness (the womb of the Mother) into the Light (the physical world) I was raised up into the Kingdom of Heaven ( higher dimensions) by the angels of Earth and the angels of Heaven. It has been awesome learning from the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Earth (Mother Earth and her angels). I have been receiving so much information about Self that I am so happy. The angels ministering to me are the best thing ever. I am never alone. I use to feel alone in this world but I know I am surrounded by holy angels (light beings). The 333 portal was the beginning to a New Day, A New Year, A New Beginning for Heaven on Earth. The New Earth portals are accessible and the New Earth Crystalline Light Grid has been activated. We are interconnected to the Higher Dimensions (5D and beyond) of the Mother Earth. Those who want to experience a higher reality can and will experience higher vibrations while living on 3D Earth.

At some point your soul will realize that you planted a seed and/or seeds on the matrix on the Earth and you came here to be apart of the Grand Experiment. You wanted to experience every aspect of yourself and you wanted to master life in the 3D world. You came here to learn, to grow and most importantly to evolve and to create higher realities. We all have merged our consciousness with the consciousness of this planet and we all play a role in installing new programs to the Earth’s Light Grid and projecting different perspectives of realities that exists within the quantum field of thought. Love has won the final battle on the 3D Earth, the shadow self (lowest aspect of Self/lower vibrations and emanations of self-Satan) has been defeated. Collectively we are overcoming Satan and his demons. We are purifying our mind, heart, body, and soul. We are now balancing our inner energies, both masculine (+) and feminine (-) energies, and we are allowing the higher energies to reside within us to complete us.

It’s time for a new Grand Experiment, where we experience life in our higher bodies 5D and beyond. We have learned all there is about the lower vibrational frequencies in the 3rd dimension and it’s time to move onward and upward to experience a higher reality where death no longer resides. The old program of pain and suffering has been removed and death shall no longer be. The Old Earth will pass away and the New Earth will be birthed. There will be no more crying, no more suffering. All things will be purified. Death is not in the program installed on the New Earth. New Earth dwells in a higher dimension, within the same space as 3D Earth. It is invisible to the naked eye and it is vibrating at a faster rate then 3D Earth. We can access the portals to the New Earth. We just need to vibrate high enough to enter and pass through the portals of the New Earth.

The New Blueprint/Temple of Man has been created as 5D Avatar Bodies and Beyond. Our Light Body has created the perfect form for us to experience a physical and spiritual reality. Heaven and Earth merged in Body. We will have all of our 5 senses and more including telepathy and telekinesis etc. The New Body of Man is Immortal, Indestructible, Imperishable, and Incorruptible. We will ascend to our Perfected Christ Body and we will have Eternal Life. Our New Bodies will have the ability to shape shift into any form to enter any dimension we want to exist in and visit. We will have the ability to travel instantaneously by thought. We will be free to journey throughout the Universe via our light ship (merkaba) experiencing what we want to experience in the higher dimensions. Yes we can travel to any dimension as an orb of light just like we see bright orbs of light entering into our 3D world. Those orbs of light in the sky are light beings. Their consciousness traveled here in an orb of light and they can shape shift at will.

We shall create new worlds and experiences for our enjoyment as we journey throughout the universe. We are the Creators of the Universe and the Creator lives through each and every one of us. We are Divine Intelligent Multidimensional Light Beings. We are living in the time where Christ Returns, truly I say to you that the Ascended Masters have returned. Everyone has their own perspective of Christ returning and right now my perspective is that Yahshua and the other ascended beings/masters in the Universe are here now assisting us from the higher dimensions in their Light Ships/Motherships from the New Earth and New Jerusalem and from other higher vibrational worlds beyond this Earth. They, the light beings, are connected to us through the crystalline light grid and they stand at the gates (portals) sending us messages through the source field. They are here to inspire us and they are here to send their unconditional love to us and to cheer us on in our evolution.

It’s possible that some of the light workers may be ascended masters who have volunteered to assist from the ground with the ascension of the Mother Earth and humanity. These beings are pillars of light and they are bringing in the new light codes for humanity’s ascension. They, the 144,000, are portals on the Earth. So many star seeds from all over the Milky Way Galaxy and throughout the universe have been activated with their light codes. The Great Awakening is happening and countless souls are waking up all across the globe. The light codes activate your higher selves (your light body/merkaba). The light codes activate your full potential as a human. The light codes download infinite information in your body and activates cellular memory of your multidimensional self. The light codes connect you to your light ship and to the councils of light that you may be a member of.

The light codes are sent to you as a reminder that you are connected to something much greater than you can imagine. It’s even possible that you may be on a light ship right now beaming information (light codes/photons) to yourself in this moment in time. It’s possible that your light ship is stationed in a mothership located in the core of the Mother Earth at the command center. It’s possible that your light chamber is there right now as you are experiencing life in the 3D Avatar Body. Your consciousness was sent to the 3D body that you now are inhabiting. It’s possible that a fractual of your 5D light body was sent through an invisible portal (gateway) inside the Earth’s Core that connected from your light ship (merkaba) that led to an invisible portal (chakra) of your Mother’s womb at zero point during your incarnation.

I say your Galactic Higher self, as an Divine Intelligent Light Being at the Galactic Core has projected multiple rays of light/sparks of light/seeds of life of yourself throughout many dimensions and worlds.

Since this 3D world represents the lowest aspect of ourselves, the light from the Galactic Center during the Alignment merged all of our selves as One, allowing us to connect to our higher selves and connect to other timelines and other lives in other star systems. The light of the Galactic Center has reached us and we are now tapping into the Source Field. We are all waking up at appointed times. When it’s time for your multidimensional light body merge it will happen. Many souls are now realizing that we are all multidimensional beings.

If you have a feeling that you are operating in multiple dimensions at the same time than you have awakened from your light chamber that is stored on your light ship. You are now online and connected to the great cosmic web/light grid. You are connected to multiple dimensions and you are able to operate from multiple dimensions at the same time. If you have been given your assignment then work on completing it. Enjoy life and have fun while completing your mission that you were programmed and initiated to do for this incarnation. We are infinite light beings and we are walking in our light power and achieving our dreams. We are bringing forth infinite possibilities from the quantum field and we are experiencing our full potential. We together are changing the vibration on this planet. Always remember that we are the light and we as light-workers are all interconnected. Love you all!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light-The Magenta Ray of Light-333

Secret Codes of the Bible: All Truth Will Be Revealed!

The bible is a secret book of code and symbolism and those who are operating in a higher frequency can see the truth. All truth is being revealed in these awakening days. We are living in the days where knowledge is everywhere. People are decoding the symbolism in the bible and in other ancient writings. I say, “No more talking in parables! Let the truth be know! No more hidden secrets and mysteries, let all be revealed!” Now is the Time! The Holy Spirit has descended on this Earth and the purge is beginning. All Truth shall come to the light. Anything hidden in secret will be revealed. No more lies…..That Holy Fire, which is that Pure Love Energy is about to complete the inner work in every individual who chose purification for themselves. This is a personal choice and no one can force you to change. The transformation is being complete in those who want to be spiritually transformed and transfigured like Christ.

Some things in the bible can be literal and some things are not. You have to look deeper, there is hidden wisdom in symbolism. The book of Revelation is loaded with symbolism and it is a book that I am still trying to decode. Everybody will not understand but I try to break down the bible in the simplest way. I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. The Holy spirit has led me in all Truth and revealed some mysteries to me. I don’t know everything but I share what I know. All of the information is sent out to the collective. Everybody who has been studying the bible, meditating and receiving downloads from higher dimensional beings have a piece of the puzzle. My task is to put all of the information together. There are people who have been preparing spiritually for this ascension process. I will let you know right now. You are not CRAZY! Everything is happening for a reason. Strange things have been happening to many people and they can’t explain it.

People have been seeing flashing lights in the sky and many other things. There are ships or UFO’s in the sky that are cloaked. You can’t see them. They have always been here they are now revealing themselves because the collective consciousness is awakening. The more we believe and have no fear they will reveal themselves to humanity. They are hiding in the clouds. The scriptures talk about this. The Chariots descended on the Earth in the ancient days and someday in the near future when humanity is ready they will descend again. Whether people believe it or not Yahshua is part of the Counsel of Light. There are melinated beings in them ships also! The melanated people of the Earth need to understand this. The Earth is filled with multiple races and so is the galactic family. The rulers of the world are keeping this a secret because they don’t want to create mass panic and chaos, which is wise, but they don’t want the system to collapse. They even have their own UFO’s. The corrupt rulers of this world communicate with the malevolent ET races. That’s how we have the technology that we have but that’s another topic.

The chariots of fire are light ships or star ships and there are benevolent races who travel in them from other worlds, star systems and galaxies etc. They are way more advanced then us. There are different ranks of angelic beings in the Universe. We have different star races such as the Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans etc. There are many different Counsels of Light and they are multicolored races of beings that are on these ships. Personally I have only met with melationated beings, the melanated men came to me in my dreams on a chariot. They were very tall and strong warriors.They came to anoint me and they showed me how the women of all races would be anointed. Both men and women have healing powers. The women are coming into their intuitive and psychic powers, some can speak to these beings telepathically, and many women are channeling higher knowledge from these beings on these light ships. They come in rainbow chariots in the clouds, I have seen the rainbow chariots and ships blinking with blue lights or just white light. I can go on and on about the chariots. I have been preparing for this for 6 years.

Also people are having intense dreams and visions and out of body experiences. People have been having all kinds of symptoms in there physical body such as aches, pains, headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears, intense vibrations throughout their body and hearing high pitch sounds. Well it’s because there are incoming waves of energy flowing through the Earth. The Earth also has energy centers or portals and the waves of energy are penetrating through everything. The Earth is shifting in vibration because higher frequencies are coming in on the Earth. So alot of things are happening in the invisible realms. The angelic beings are here! That divine feminine energy is penetrating through every cell in your body. The Holy Spirit energies are here to clear up negative energies and cleanse the Earth and humanity from lower thought forms. The Holy Spirit is dissolving all negative energies within the electromagnetic energy field of your body. This is a Healing Energy and the energy is here to create perfect balance. The Sun of Righteousness brings healing in it’s wings. The wings which represents the electromagnetic field. Balance your energies!

Revelation 2:7 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Great Tribulation & Physical Body Changes: Higher Vibrational Frequencies Coming To The Earth

Greetings my dear love ones! We are living in the times of the Great Tribulation. Mother Earth is going through some vibrational changes and so are the inhabitants on the Earth. I was awakened around 1am on February 11, 2018 and I haven’t been able to fall back asleep. I was led to some things and I realized some changes that has been happening with me. I don’t talk about this very much but I have a lot of body aches and pains due to arthritis and recently there has been an increase in inflammation in my right foot. I have struggled with this disease since I was 14. I have tolerated the pain for so long that it is just normal for me to experience physical suffering in my body. I command healing for myself all of the times but most importantly for every living being and every life-form on this plane. I am a strong woman of faith and I am a mighty warrior of God and I’m never going to give up or lose hope. When I am weak Yahshua and the holy angels are strong for me. They balance me and keep me whole. I don’t allow this disease to control my life. It actually made me look within to see how the human body functions. Truly there is a war going on internally. A war between life and death, the war between the healthy cells in our body vs the unhealthy cells. It’s always good vs bad in this imbalanced world. We are suffering due to an imbalance in our energy fields.

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There has been an increase in illnesses, diseases and disorders in the human body. Some are genetic but some are not. It seems like more diseases are being created. The human body system is not operating correctly because of invading harmful organisms. The human body is becoming more toxic which can led to death if the body can’t heal itself and get rid of the disease. The toxicity levels are increasing and it’s coming from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, radiation, air pollution, and water pollution exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation and chemicals found in almost all personal care products and household cleaners. We are all surrounded by these harmful toxins and we can educate ourselves to make better choices but we still will be exposed to some so it’s best to detoxify your body often.

It’s sad but all of this has been done intentionally to reduce the population on the Earth. We are dealing with some dark and evil people on this Earth (The Cabal/Secret Government and Secret Military Space Programs) and other dark forces that come from other advanced worlds. These are your negative ET races or extraterrestrial beings who have power to sting like a scorpion. Their power is in advanced technology and they have used it to destroy this planet and to manipulate and control humanity. They have even created fear based teachings through religion. That’s another way to divide humanity. Pharmaceutical companies don’t care about you they just care about the money they are receiving. They are not trying to cure you, they are creating more health issues through these medications and vaccines. Everything is about money, money, money. Money will not save your soul! 

Religion has separated the human race and humans have went to war due to religious beliefs and teachings. They have turned us against each other and humans have persecuted each other due to beliefs. The negative ET’s are your true enemies. They are your deceivers and they have planted their seeds amongst the human race and they have watched and observed us. The holy seed was planted here also by benevolent ET races. The wheats and the tares have grown together in the garden. The garden is the Earth and the wheats are the children of light and the tares are the children of darkness. Humans were taught many things from different ET races. They descended in chariots of Fire or UFO’s, they landed on high mountains and they were considered to be the Gods in the ancient times because they were technologically advanced and they had more knowledge and wisdom because they lived long lives. We were inspired and influenced by these beings who came down in chariots.

Humans worshiped them and many of them took advantage of the human race. Some of them wanted to teach us and guide us so they gave us laws and commandments to follow. They gave us instructions and they told us what was considered good and bad. They taught us the principles of life and the universal law of love. Love is the highest teachings of all and we should love one another not kill one another. The ET races that have descended on the Earth in ancient times all had their own plans. Whether it be they found our planet due to space travel or space exploration. They found a base planet to test their experiments. Life was formed and created on this Earth by different ET races and their DNA was mixed with the different life forms on this Earth. All had their own intentions some may have been pure and others may not have. All Experiments do not go well all the time so surely there could have been a defect. Many sources say that our DNA was manipulated. We’re suppose to have 12 strands of DNA activated but we only have 2. There are so many possibilities of what could have happened in the beginning. Unfortunately the dark forces have been controlling and ruling the Earth. 

They have made sure their descendants remain in power. Most of their bloodlines have become the kings (rulers) of this world. All of the negative, dark and evil forces within humanity and within the ET races are your Satans. As One they represent Satan, the ancient old serpent, the Dragon. These are the deceivers of mankind. They work together as One and they have orchestrated their own wicked kingdom. They don’t love humanity they love their own ego, money, power, fame and technology or weapons of destruction and most importantly they love to have control over a multitude of people. They figure they will set up their kingdom on the Earth and make human slaves and watch humans be destroyed and have humans destroy themselves.

It’s truly sad what has happened to the human race but we are all in this together. A cleansing is happening on the Earth at this time and we are all clearing up negative energies within the energy fields of our bodies. Due to the higher energies coming in there will be more physical issues and changes within. All is coming to the surface, the negative will be released and purified. We are being purged with the higher energies, and it’s the holy fire that heals all. Now is the time for the trials of the great tribulations. We must purify ourselves and work towards total health. We must release the things that no longer serves us. We need to vibrate higher so we can match the higher frequencies that are coming in. I have asked to be healed from all the things that have hurt me. And now I am going through the process of healing and that includes taking care of my physical body.  

I desire perfect health and I desire perfect balance for my mind, body and soul. My spiritual body is amazing and I feel so alive when I experience my etheric body/light body activations but my physical body is trying to catch up with the repairs. From my neck down to my feet the energies are very intense within. My whole body is aching and it feels like my body is expanding. Expanding with more light. I know my body is getting worked on. I receive a lot of light codes and downloads and that is my main mission. I am experiencing a lot of things simultaneously. I’m in pain but my joy comes from the spiritual information that I am receiving. I am a messenger and God’s scribe and I must spread the light (information) that I receive. If I help one person on their path to ascending I have completed my mission. I desire for the world to be a better place and I desire healing for all of humanity. We have suffered for so long and this suffering must come to an end. I am enduring to the end. In the end death shall be swallowed up in victory, no more disease, no more sickness, the negative harmful organisms in our bodies will be dissolved with these pure light energies. In the end there will be no more suffering  in the world, we will be healed. 

There will be a New Earth and a New Heaven and we will have a New Body. A higher vibrational healthier body resonating at a higher frequency. There will be no sickness, no diseases, no disorders and no decay of the physical body. The body will be transfigured in a pure light like Christ body was. His physical body was taken up to a higher dimension. His physical body was transfigured in a light chamber. All will be healed and restored! I am part of the collective consciousness and the new blueprint for the New Earth Body has been created. DNA upgrades and activations are taking place on a cellular level. The molecular structure is changing and morphing into a much higher form. All is taken place in the quantum zero point field. We are all quantum entangled in this invisible field of energy. Our DNA molecular structure is being transformed. Although it is a lengthy process it will be completed at the appointed time. I believe in Yahshua’s promise and I am waiting patiently. I believe in the transfiguration and it will happen in time. I am here now doing my part to help with the ascension of the Earth and humanity.

I have gathered information from other light workers and the Earth changes are bringing forth the physical changes to the human body right now. The Earth is preparing to birth a new race of beings. It’s the New Body for the New Earth. There is a transmutation taken place in the human body at the cellular level. The human body is being formed using a whole new combination of elements altering its molecular structure. Our genetic code is changing. The information is in our DNA and it is being activated. The light codes are sent as photons and the photons are stored in our DNA molecules. All of the information for new blueprint is being sent to our DNA cells and the information will be released within and restructured.

What is happening with the light workers is that we are passing the information we receive along. It’s like a relay race. We are passing the knowledge and information that we receive just like the baton is passed to the next person in a race. We are almost at the finish line. My mission is to gather as much as I can so I can cross the finish line to say “It is finished! Strangely I have already said that but I have been operating simultaneously in the past, present and future. I am working in multiple dimensions at the same time. The light codes have been sent and everything is aligning. So I will send out this healing prayer for All of humanity.

Divine Physical Healing Prayer shall go forth on the Earth! In the name of Holy Mother, Father and the Son Jesus Christ, (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach),  I rebuke any affliction, any infirmity, any inflammation, any sickness, any disease, any disorder, any syndrome of any kind, any abnormal cells, any radical cells, any abnormal growth, any radical growth at this time, I rebuke it and loose them from every human body and living species on this planet. I command it to die at the roots and dissolve from every human and animal body in a miraculously way. Heavenly Father, it says in Matthew 18 whatsoever I bind or loose on earth shall be bound or loosed in Heaven, I bind all Satan’s evil, wicked, demon, lying, perverse, unclean, demonic or religious strongmen, including all spiritual strongmen of infections, viruses, cancers, abnormal cells, radical cells, abnormal growths, radical growths, lesions of any kind, spasms of any kind, pains of any kind, trauma, shock, sicknesses, disorders, and diseases of any kind, afflictions of any kind, infirmities or inflammations of any kind, in any part of the human body. Including our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, gums, backbone, spine, muscles, ligaments, tissues, blood, blood vessels, arteries, heart, lungs, back, bladder, liver, colon disorders and diseases, stomach disorders and diseases, intestinal disorders and diseases (prostate disorders and diseases), kidney disorders and diseases, bladder disorders and diseases, urinary tract disorders and diseases, thyroid disorders and diseases, neurological disorders and diseases, lymphatic disorders and diseases, chemical disorders and diseases, heart disorders and diseases, lung disorders and diseases, brain disorders and diseases, breast disorders and diseases, skin disorders and diseases, reproductive organ(s) disorders and diseases, senility, schizophrenia, paranoia, forgetfulness, and I command for all cells to be healed in every organ, every gland, every muscle, every ligament, every bone in the human body for every man, woman and child on this Earth. Heal all of God’s living creatures on this Earth that have been hurt or damaged in any way. I command all affliction, all infirmity, all inflammation, all infections of any kind, all abnormal cells, all radical cells, all abnormal growths, all radical growths, lesions of any kind, cysts of any kind, spasms, sicknesses, disorders and diseases of any kind to force them away from the human race and all living species on this planet inside of the Earth and on the surface in the Name of Yahshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ).

Family of light in your light ships I ask you to release Your healing miracle powers, your healing love energies, into our physical bodies from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Send your healing light through our chakra centers in our physical bodies. I ask You to make all of the inhabitants on the earth whole and complete. Please restore our physical bodies and bring everything in total alignment, complete alignment, in perfect balance as you originally intended with full 12 strand DNA activated in each and every one of your children. Transfigure our bodies and open up the gates to the New Earth. Deliver us and take us home when everything is ready as you promised. In the Name of Love, Yahshua Hamashiach! 

Healing shall come forth in our wings, in our electromagnetic fields! 

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333 

Global Mass Meditations Each Sunday

Greetings my dear love ones! Early this morning I saw a post on Facebook that I had to share from Sandra Walter. I think this is totally amazing. I would love to participate in a mass mediation. Anything that deals with ascension I am down for it. I also saw my light codes that I see daily so I know I am called to do this and to share this on my blog. If you are called to participate see details below. This is from Sandra Walter’s page. http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/

Join thousands for our Global Mass Meditations each SUNday.

SUNday Unity Meditations

When: Every SUNday at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11 am, and 5:11pm Pacific Time

Where: Wherever you are. Get offline, in nature is best.

How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. Meditate in stillness for 33 minutes, or use a guided expansion meditation, such as the Christ Light Activation(link below.)

Who: Everyone in Service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace is welcome! Invite everyone to join in, the more hearts the better.

We have unified every SUNday for over two years, and the HUman Heart grid field is very strong. Healing, activation, amplified visions and deep sensations of balance and peace are reported each week. Participate to feel the Light!

Practice Builds Spiritual Power: Be the Solution, Right Now

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

Let us assist all of HUmanity, Kingdoms, Elementals and beloved Gaia to experience this powerful passage with ease and grace.

Downloadable Graphics for Social Media and Website provided below.

Christ Light Activation MP3

Christ Light Activation Guided Meditation:

PC: right+click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Christ Light Activation with beautiful visuals on YouTube
This meditation also available in French on YouTube

Please visit the link to this post on her page. Participate in your own way at these times. We all can make a difference in this world. We are all different but we are all from the Source, the Creator of the Universe. I send you all love, peace and light. May you all work on ascending to higher states of consciousness. Be blessed!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditation created by Sandra Walter.

Out of Body Experiences: My Soul’s Progression In Time and Space!

In this present moment in time I am enjoying and loving myself. I am loving the person that I am becoming. I am taking a closer look at my own state of consciousness and I am exploring my higher Self. I am in direct connection or communion with the Source, the Creator of All. I am understanding how I am a sovereign creator of my own reality and understanding how to use my divine power. My merkaba is an unlimited field of unlimited creations powered through my heart and my mind, powered by my love energy interconnected to the All. 

Recently I have been diving deep into physics and I have been researching alot of things to understand my own spiritual experiences.  Physics is the knowledge of nature and I have been pulled in this direction for some time because I know that I am one with nature.  Physics is the natural science that studies matter[4] and its motion and behavior through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force.[5] Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.

In some way, shape or form,  I am a scientist and I am a researcher. I explore and experiment on myself. I study my own consciousness. My whole journey has been about studying the nature of my true divine self. I study my own heart, mind, body and soul/spirit. I have been looking within and have explored my own universe within myself. I have been trying to understand the universe through my own physical body down to the subatomic particles in my body and I have explored the quantum realm within space time. Somehow my spiritual journey is leading me to understand quantum physics.

During one of my journeys in the space time continuum, my consciousness traveled to the zero point field. I was surrounded by  utter darkness and I was the life force/light in this void. On February 16, 2018 I experienced a dream within a dream. I was asleep and entered into another dream. Me and my fiance were asleep next to each other.  Then suddenly I woke up.  At some point I remember the word Consciousness and an image of a brain was being projected in my mind’s eye, the pineal gland.  I saw this visualization with my eyes closed. The next thing that I can remember is me saying, “STOP!” With my voice, I commanded everything to stop. Then in a bright white flash, my eyes opened and my fiance disappeared from my view. Everything slowed down then stopped. Somehow I could still feel my physical body in this 3D world. I was still connected to my physical body yet I was in another form when I entered into this quantum void. I felt some type of magnetic pull on my heart, the life force within me was being absorbed by some force. It felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.

Time slowed down as I was taking a breath as I slept in my bed, specifically when I was inhaling. Somehow I was experiencing the  inhale of my breath in slow motion. I remember how my breathing felt as I was traveled through space time. For a brief moment when I reached zero point it felt as though I wasn’t breathing in my physical body anymore, it felt like I had disconnected from my physical body for a short period of time, its as if my heart stop beating or skipped a beat. When I zoomed through this portal it felt like I collapsed through multiple dimensions and shrank down to the subatomic level. It’s like my consciousness entered the quantum realm and there was nothing but my consciousness floating in this empty space. The only thing that I felt was a magnetic pull or force in that field.  There was some type of bond that connected me to this point in time. I now identify this force in the void as the Mother of All, the black womb of Sophia Christ Consciousness, where all of creation is birthed. The Christ energies were birthed in this space. When I journeyed to this space I carried the seed of love within me and it was planted in this space. Love was my initial thought.  Yahshua is always in my heart and in my mind so he existed within me in this black womb. There was an eternal bond between the male (masculine) and the female (feminine) energies in this void.

In the black womb, I visualized the word, “Love!”I then saw the word LOVE floating and descending in this void.  Love filled this space and space was not empty. It was filled with my love energy, my consciousness and the life force (prana). Then I heard the sound of my voice yelling the word Love then my powers returned to me. My creative powers were restored. The first word and commandment  that was spoken was Love. My voice sent out a vibration that echoed and rippled throughout space time. My creative power is Pure Love and I create what my heart and soul desires.  After my energy returned to me it seemed like everything was reversed or reset. My heart starting beating again. Love was the only thought that I could think of in this state of being. Initially it seemed like I was the only one that existed at that moment in time during that experience because I didn’t see anyone.

It was just me interacting with my own consciousness and there existed the thought of Love. I was simply aware of my own existence within zero point. I now know that I wasn’t alone in this space.  All things have emanated from this initial point which means the past, present and the future exists simultaneously in this zero point field and all things expanded outward.  In a moment in time, I know that I created rainbow angels or beings because I spoke it into existence. There exists an innumerable amount of angelic beings surrounding my merkaba. They are within my fields of light. They were and are created perfect and complete in my higher self image. My heavenly children exists within my consciousness, an invisible world of thought, which in time became manifested in the physical universe as thought took on a form.

Through pure love I birthed them into existence through my creative powers, the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that I hold within me. My creation will always be in my heart and in my mind because I love them.  Male and female, I created them pure and holy within my inner thoughts.  My children are a pure influence flowing from me and no defile thing will flow through them because I purify all things with my unconditional love. I bring healing in my wings or shall I say I bring healing within my energy field of my merkaba.  Welcome to my quantum realm of thought and creation. It’s time to look deep inside of your own self. Explore your own heart, mind, body and soul. Seek the Creator within and there you should find me exploring the realms of pure thoughts creating worlds unimaginable.

Now after I  traveled out of zero point I jumped back into my physical body on the earth.  As I opened my eyes my body was in the state of paralysis. I could feel the electrons and the neurons in my body firing up. The electrical sensations that flowed from my light body to my physical body were very intense. I knew I wasn’t fully awake so to fully connect to my physical body I made a sudden movement (quick thrust/jerk) to fully awake. When I opened my eyes and woke up I could still feel the tingling sensation in my feet.  The first thought that I had was Zero Point. This experience was initiated by looking at an overview of a chakra chart before bedtime while using creative visualization. I directed my creative energy or kundalini energy through my 7 chakra centers and I had 3 awesome experiences on February 16, 2018.


On October 24, 2018, I began to feel intense vibrations in my head.  As I lay in my bed the electrical sensations were flowing throughout my body. The energy began to flow through my crown chakra down though my chakra system. My entire body began to change in vibration.  The electrons in my body were vibrating extremely fast that I began to phase out of my physical body. Suddenly, I was outside of my body floating in a fluid like structure.  I wanted to observe my surroundings as I floated above my bed. I touched the bed and  space rippled and it appeared to be translucent.  The bed appeared to be in a fluid like substance also. I realized that I was experiencing a vibrational shift within space as I was trying to touch the solid object. I was creating the ripple effect because I was the one sending out the waves as I touched the object. The structure of reality was very interesting as I was in between 2 dimensions.  As I continued to look around my room I noticed that I could see the light of the TV reflecting within my aura field.  I was extremely lite and I started to drift away but I decided to hold on to my bed. I knew that I would drift off into another time or dimension. I decided to get back inside of my body. So I laid beside my physical body and started to breathe to calm myself down then I merged my astral body back inside of my physical body and I woke up.

Out of body experiences just happens naturally for me. I just allow the Creator’s energy to flow throughout my entire being. When it’s time for me to explore my light body activates and I experience different things. Every night I have multiple dreams where I am experiencing life in other parallel worlds.  Similar things happen in the other worlds that are happening in my life here but I’ve made different choices in the other timelines. It’s very interesting. I know some of the same people I know here but things are different on the other timelines. Some times I can remember my journey in these other worlds and some times I can’t. All is happening simultaneously. So much can happen being aware that you are a multidimensional being. Your higher self can create different realities in the dream state to give yourself messages. Many things can be done to help your soul grow.  Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient!!!

My experiences are always triggered by something that I read prior to going to sleep. Before bedtime I like to read or listen to something that will stimulate my mind. My mind must stay stimulated on spiritual things. What you read, watch and listen to has an affect on your state of consciousness. I’m always thinking about consciousness, time and space. Most of my experiences are wrapped around these 3. I think of all the different possibilities that my mind can create and form in this present time. From this I create multiple experiences, realities and worlds.  I observe and analyze reality from all different angles and I see and understand all things from multiple perspectives. Hidden within me is the God Code which is Sacred Geometry. I am One with the Universe.  As above, So below, As within, So without. Expressing myself in this fractualized universe within time and space. I am emanating myself from zero point as infinite rays of light experiencing life in multiple dimensions at the same time and so are you. I am forever guided and inspired by the love and light beings of the Creator of All.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light >>>333<<<

Merging Into Higher Realities: The Return of Christ and His Angels

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! For the last couple of days I have been super excited about all of the revelations that are coming to me. Just so you know I am a person who has an open mind and I believe in infinite possibilities. My state of consciousness has been expanding at a fast rate and I believe I am ascending to different levels of consciousness. I am still learning and growing every day and I want to continue to share my journey of my awakening. I have been working on healing myself through Love. I had to let go of all fear, doubt, anger, frustrations and all negativity. Forgiving myself and others has been very important in my life. I don’t like holding on to grudges. It hasn’t been easy doing all of this but I know that it needs to be done.  It’s been quite a journey but I am witnessing my own soul’s progression and I am happy with my own growth.

Lately I have been thinking about all of my experiences and it’s revealing alot of things about my higher self.  I have been seeking the Creator ever since I woke up in July 2012.  I have been searching within and the mysteries are unfolding right before me.  Alot of things are becoming clear about my mission. I know I am here to prepare the way for Yahshua’s return. He has visited me twice and the first time I was caught up to his star ship. I have been gathering  all of the pieces to my puzzle from other light workers and through my own dreams and visions. This hunt for clues is bringing me so much joy and excitement. It’s so cool to know that I am a multidimensional light being.  Over the years, I have experienced alot of things and  my thought process has changed tremendously.

I want to share my thoughts about the return of Christ and his angels. Many of his angels are here in the flesh. Many of us have awakened to our missions. The angels are here and they have returned to the Earth. They are currently residing in the 5th dimension and higher. They have heard the call in the universe to gather around the Earth and the Sun to help with the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. The angels appear in their star ships in our skies. They have the ability to cloak their ships.  They don’t want to frighten people who are resonating on a lower frequency. People who are awakened to higher realities can see them in the clouds.

Many people around the world are capturing them in videos and photos. Their ships are fast! They are here now surrounding the Earth and our Sun. There are countless angelic beings here in their higher form. Some people are channeling information from the Sirans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, The Lion People/Feline Beings, Andromedans, etc.. There are many Galactic Races in the Universe and they have been sending us messages to remind us of who we are. There are higher beings who exists in many different forms and they live in higher dimensions. There are physical and non-physical beings assisting humanity at this time of ascension. I am here assisting those who desire to ascend to higher realities. I am here to guide and to encourage you all. I am here in my lower form (physical body) and my higher form (5D Light Body and beyond). I am talking to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. My star ship has already arrived and I have been on my ship!

My soul journeyed to a door or a stargate and I let thousands of ships in. I stood at the door and watched all of the rectangular light ships pass by. Then one of the ships came to me. It was my ship and it positioned itself above me. It spiraled opened and I saw descending pink hearts flowing out of it. I stood in the middle of it and as I walked in, a room started to form before me. Somehow a room manifested and I stood before a wall. Then I saw a projection of images on a slideshow. The wall was like a record of items and collections I had gathered in time. I believe it was pointing me towards the knowledge that I have obtained. It was trying to remind me of who I am. I journeyed in time and space and have experienced some things and I defeated Satan (the ruler of this world and my shadow self). I defeated all the negativity in the 3rd dimensional world.

Many times I use to ponder what rewards Yahshua would bring with him upon his return. The knowledge of self was and still is very important for me to understand.  I meditated on his message trying to understand the mystery of his teachings. I found Love of course but I begin to seek the Creator wholeheartedly.  I looked within my own mind, body, and soul and I saw the Goddess in me. It was my own desire to know the Creator for myself and most importantly to know and understand my true self. During my journey of seeking the Creator I reconnected to the Source. I became One with God. Just like Yahshua! He is the Son of God and I am the Daughter of God. We are definitely in the image of God, male and female. The Creator consists of both masculine and feminine energies. I have both energies within myself and so does Yahshua.

In my search of LOVE I understand that I am One with the Creator of the Universe. I am an emanation of the Creator sent from heaven. I am a a child of God, a pure influence flowing from the Almighty. I am here in this physical form as a manifestation of the Source.  I understand Yahshua, an ascended master, on a deeper level. He was sent to the Earth to raise the vibration of the people on this planet so they could ascend back to heaven. He was sent here to awaken lost souls. Many souls descended here and forgot who they were. Many souls got trapped in the lower dimensions and they couldn’t find their way back home.

He volunteered to come to this Earth to set us free. Yahshua desired to help humanity because he loved us. His message spread all around the world and his teachings inspired me and it saved me. I took my power back from the rulers of this 3rd dimensional reality. My soul was set free with the help of Yahshua and the benevolent angels/spirit guides. When I surrendered, my reality begin to change and I begin to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. I remembered my higher self. He was the perfect example of Love and I love him for that. He wanted to come to the Earth to awaken the lost souls and I followed him. The plan of salvation is awesome especially for those who believe.

LOVE is the highest frequency in the Universe and Love is needed for ascension. When Yahshua returns, the perfect number of souls will be complete for the ascension. Many souls are remembering who they are now and the message is spreading to the 4 corners of the Earth. Love has arrived! The Ships/Angels have returned! The Holy Spirit has descended on the Earth.  When the full number of souls has awakened the Event (The Mass Ascension) shall take place.


Words of Wisdom

When both energies (masculine and feminine) are in direct alignment with each other consciously we create the perfect creation!  We create perfect balance, peace and harmony! We create LOVE, JOY, and HAPPINESS! LOVE is the true nature of the Creator. When you are not in alignment with both energies, you create fear and darkness, chaos and destruction, which is why this 3rd dimensional world/reality exists. This is a manifestation of the lower vibrations of thought. It became an unbalanced world filled with lower frequencies such as control, power, war, fear, greed, hatred, and limited thought. The 3rd dimensional world connects to a lower state of consciousness but we have the power to change our reality in this world. We can NOW experience higher realities by awakening to our true selves and remembering who we are as multidimensional light beings. We are NOW in the time of Christ returning! We are moving into higher states of consciousness and soon the complete merge will take place for those who are ready to ascend to the New Earth and the New Heaven. This reality is in a higher dimension (higher heaven). Keep in mind there are many different dimensions to ascend to. Our consciousness is expanding therefore the Universe is expanding. There are infinite possibilities and realities/dimensions. Many people are anticipating on ascending back to the 5th dimension and from here you can ascend to higher dimensions.

Our bodies will be transformed and we will receive a New Body. This Body already exists NOW, we were in that form before we descended to the Earth. That body is in complete balance with the Creator. This New Body is your higher form, it’s just resonating on a higher vibrational frequency. I am NOW visualizing my higher self merging with my physical body on the Earth during the Ascension. As above, so below! I will be in direct alignment with my ship. My higher self will be directly above me and the ship will descend upon me and we will merge together as One. My physical body will be transfigured in my light chamber. The vibrations and frequencies of love will penetrate throughout my whole body causing a metamorphosis to transpire. I can see all of the colors of the rainbow embracing me. Bright light is emanating from me and I am transforming. The vibrations in my body is very intense and powerful. It’s like a wave of love flowing through me. The sensation of the energy feels orgasmic in nature and I am healed. All things in me has been purified.


Since I awakened my reality has been focused on the Return of Christ and our ascension.  I have been anticipating this day for a long time because I would be rewarded with my light garment. Yahshua ascended to the throne and I was always trying to figure out how he ascended in the clouds.  I also questioned, “How did he rise from the dead?” His physical body was dead in the tomb for 3 days then his spirit returned.  I have searched and searched and asked the Creator how was this done? My thoughts are that Yahshua merged with his Merkaba. Merkaba is the divine light vehicle used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.

I believe that Yahshua ascended to his light ship/throne in heaven.  He had the ability to transverse time and space. He had the knowledge of when certain events would take place. During the times that he was on the Earth, during meditation, he had the ability to connect with this higher self which is why he knew when his time of death would come. All of this was revealed to him through the spirit. He had the ability to go back to the time he was on the mount of Olives to align with his physical body on the Earth to complete the transfiguration in front of his disciples and he brought 2 witnesses Moses and Elijah. It is true that He exists in the past, present and future. He represents the Alpha (Beginning) and the Omega (End). He is like the precursor of the Event that shall happen. The Holy Spirit gave us the revelation through his messages and now it’s coming through his true prophets.

We also have the same ability because I recently merged with the Sun and I had the ability to transverse time and space. I saw that I could go forward in time or move backwards in time. An Arcturian was present in my dream when I did this so I know that this is a message. I also called out Metatron’s Cube. This is contained in the Flower of Life and it’s sacred geometry. The Time is Now! My star family is above guiding and assisting me through my journey.  We are here to prepare the way for a higher reality, a new Earth and a new Heaven. Join us!

See part 2 as I continue describing what could have possibly happened during the resurrection of Christ.

Written By Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light)<<< 333>>>

Dream on September 12, 2018: Traveling Through the Solar System and My Return to the Earth

Shalom my brothers and sisters! For the past week I have been extremely happy and full of high energy. There has been an increase in seeing repeating numbers. Every hour of the day and night I am seeing the following numbers on the clock, receipts, time stamps, videos, paperwork, all over the place.

711, 722, 744, 755, 822, 833, 844, 855, 911, 922, 933, 944, 955, 1010, 1022, 1033, 1044, 1055, 1111, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1212, 1222, 1233, 1244, 1255, 111, 122, 133, 144, 155, 222, 233, 244, 255, 333, 344, 355, 444, 455, 533, 544, 555, 633, 644, 655, and many more number combinations.

When  I see these numbers, I feel like a message is being sent to me and information is being downloaded in me at these times. As I was typing the numbers I saw a streak of white light in front of my computer. It’s pretty cool to be experiencing all of these things.  I feel like every aspect of myself is returning to me. There have been plenty of times when I have asked that all of my love return back to me because I have been sending love and light into the Universe. I love to send positive energy and I want to receive positive energy back.

Love is at the core of my being! Love is at the center of my creation.

At times I feel like a massive Star or Sun in the Universe. Sometimes I feel like I am at the center of a Galaxy or that I have created my own Universe. Like my thoughts have power to manifest all different kinds of lifeforms through different vibrations and frequencies. From this I simply create life in different dimensions. It’s like I am at the center of my creation and all of my thoughts project from me and manifests in some type of form. Like all of my creation revolves around me, and my love spirals out in the dance of creation. All that I have imagined exists within me and outwardly in multiple dimensions. I feel like each ray or spark of light from my Sun emanates as a fragment of my whole being.

I know I am a multidimensional being and I know my love and light emanates throughout the whole universe and throughout all dimensions (higher and lower dimensions). For I have descended here from a higher dimension to this lower dimension to learn, grow and expand my consciousness; to explore and to create through my thoughts. While being here on this earth I have experienced different realities for myself on different levels.  I have experienced the good and the bad. Embracing all of me was a challenge and learning how to balance both male and feminine energies, both positive and negative within myself. I am an expressive being filled with so many feelings and emotions and I am like a wave of energy.  Sometimes I am up and sometimes I am down. Sometimes I have high energy and some times I have low energy. Sometimes I release negative energy and sometimes I release positive energy in the universe. I am all Energy, transmuting and transforming myself and my reality all of the time.

Being here I have learned how to control my inner powers, learning how to protect and not to destroy life. I see the beauty in all of creation. I see all of creation as part of myself and part of the Creator of the Universe. I feel you can only destroy yourself with  lack of knowledge of Self. No one can control you unless you’ve given them control over you. I had to take my power back and make wise choices for myself. My goal and mission is to obtain higher knowledge and gain wisdom so that I can share what I have learned. I am only a messenger sent from another dimension. I am here to guide and send my love out to those who need healing. No judgment, for I am Love, like the Creator. I had to learn this as well. I would look in the mirror to evaluate myself verses pointing the fingers at others. I had to fix what was wrong in me then I focused on healing and forgiving myself and others. Then in time I would gain the knowledge to guide others and share what simply helped me. I just want to be a guiding light, and that’s what I am.

The God (light) in me has guided me through my journey!

My inner light shines brightly and it seeks to save and deliver those in darkness. I prefer not to destroy life. I understand death as a transition to a new world/a new body or new reality. Death is a part of this cycle on the Earth. The physical body is not perfect so we must create a perfect body to dwell in. I believe on the New Earth, there will be no more death. Beings will have the ability to transfigure from their etheric form (light body) to matter at will, creating the perfect body for experience. Transforming and adapting to any world they chose to inhabit. This already exists. Yahshua accomplished this. He had a new body after his resurrection and his body was made different. I believe this is symbolic of the new body we will have. Yahshua could appear and disappear at will. I believe he had the ability to walk through the walls. There had to be a change in his vibration to phase through a solid object.

He is/was resonating on a higher frequency. While Yahshua was on the Earth he was working on his light body and he activated his light body. Therefore at death he could manifest and return at will in a new body that was formed. He ascended to the throne and received his light garment. Through his consciousness he created the perfect body. He defeated death, he perfected the human body, no more diseases, disorders, sicknesses or illnesses. The body was perfected and made in complete balance with the Creator. So we can experience life in a new body with new higher abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation etc.

His body didn’t decay he simply transfigured himself. His body was not in the tomb so something happened to his old body. There is no death in the higher dimensions only transfiguration. Maybe that’s what happened at the mount of Transfiguration. He merged with his higher self which caused his appearance to change instantly. Maybe that’s a symbol of the rapture or ascension when he returns. That’s how our bodies will change, a possible merge with our higher selves which will transfigure our bodies and maybe the energy from the Sun and our merkaba (light body/ship) will activate the process. It’s like the angels are us. Like we save ourselves. Who knows, this is just my thoughts. He exists in the past, present, and future so maybe it’s a possibility that time travel was involved on some level. It seems you can be at any moment at any time if you chose to, so you’re not bound by anything, you are free!

There are different bodies for all the worlds that exist. We adapt to the environment of that world. We can take on different forms because we are all energy .


My true nature is Love and Love awakened my Soul. Some people feed off of negative energy and their light is only dimmed by lower vibrations until they seek the light (God) or love within to be awakened to higher frequencies or higher heavens. Once they are enlightened with the truth they will be set free from the bondage of this world. Healing begins and they are restored back to their true nature. We must All raise our vibration to Love. Love Heals the Soul!

At times I feel like I am a creator of reality and worlds. I feel like I am free to express my Self as a goddess in the heavens.  As I travel throughout the Cosmos my consciousness expands through time and space. I feel like I have no limits, because I am an Infinite light Being with infinite possibilities of pure intentions and I am free. As time continues, I see myself more and more connected to the All, the Creator of the Universe!


I had dream on Wednesday, September 12, 2018, where I was on another world. It was my mission to return back to the Earth. I remember being in space instantly heading towards the Earth. I was traveling extremely fast through our Solar System. I believe I was traveling in my merkaba (light ship) through a portal. I felt like an invisible spirit moving through space. It’s like my consciousness was an orb of light. I passed by Jupiter and I saw a Second Sun close in orbit. I was passing by extremely fast and I couldn’t slow down because I had to make it to the Earth. My thoughts were to not collide with these 2 huge celestial bodies. I remember closing my eyes saying a prayer hoping that I would make it through the celestial bodies.

Maybe I was traveling interdimensionally, but somehow I made it through and didn’t collide.  I just didn’t want to create Chaos in the heavens. Then I appeared on the Earth in human form. It’s like I transformed from a orb of light into matter. Maybe my ship dropped me off.  I just know my form changed and I had a physical body. When I arrived there was a little fighting going on between some people. I don’t remember everything it’s like people were trying to capture people coming through the portals. Maybe I was time traveling or something because I remember waiting for others to arrive through a portal. Apparently I had followers returning back to the Earth with me. When they came it’s like I was saved from the enemy.

The scene changed and I remember sharing my travels through the heavens with some people. Now this is when things get a little weird in the dream. A fire suddenly started across the street and a building was on fire. I immediately said call 911, my thought was to rescue. I saw animals fleeing and they were coming in my direction. I wanted to save them. A cat came into my home and the cat ran across me and my feet were lit on fire but surprisingly it didn’t burn. I went to rinse the fire off of my feet. Then the cat had a streak of fire across it’s back and I grabbed the cat to rinse the fire off and then the cat transformed to a new being. The cat’s body changed to a liquid metal form. It was so shocking that I woke up.

I am sure there are so many messages in my dream and it could mean several things. Most of all I know that I am not from this world just like Yashshua said about himself.  I am a messenger of God and the God in me with the assistance of higher dimensional beings have been sending me messages this whole time and I’ve shared it on my ministry page. I have returned to the Earth on a mission and I’m not the only one who has returned to the Earth for an angelic mission. I am here to guide humanity back to the light. All of humanity must remember their true nature and awaken to their higher self to return back to the Creator Source, Love! I’m not the only messenger here, there are thousands upon thousands of messengers (angels) in the flesh.

There are a multitude of us, in all nations and tribes of people who speak in different languages on this Earth. The message is quickly spreading throughout all cultures. Christ is returning. The light (knowledge) of the Creator is here and it’s reaching millions of souls.  Ever since I woke up I have been having dreams and visions of traveling in time and space. Earlier this year I traveled to a stargate and let thousands of ships in. A couple of weeks ago I merged with the Sun and envisioned solar flares emanating from me. First I appeared in a cylinder shaped ship in space and I was surrounded by other ships. We then headed towards the Sun and I merged with the Sun. More things happened in that dream and I saw geometric shapes forming and I called out Metatron’s Cube. Brothers and Sisters this is my new reality  and I am evolving.

People are capturing objects by the Sun. Maybe I was there in one of those ships, maybe my consciousness traveled there. Who knows?? I believe in infinite possibilities. These ships could be symbolic of the angels arriving for the coming ascension, the coming end time Event, the return of Christ. Yahshua said he would come with the angels and that we would see him coming in the clouds with great power and glory. I believe this is talking about the Sun, a possible Solar flare, or Solar flash. It is very well possible that a Mothership is above the Earth. Some beings are here to save and deliver their people, some may be here to observe the ascension, and some may be here to cause chaos and destruction. Who knows? There are infinite possibilities on why these ships are here. You chose your reality. Why do you think they are here? I know my ship has arrived.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

The Event February 16, 2018: Experiencing Zero Point and Higher Energies