Tag Archives: new heaven

Emotional Release: Healing Deep Wounds within Bloodlines and Ancestors-7/2/2019

Greeting my dear love ones! I have been extremely emotional the last week or two. So many emotions are coming to the surface right now that I am going through an emotional roll coaster. It is actually painful but I know things will get better with time. All the deep wounds within myself is being addressed and I’m working though it. All that my ancestors experienced in the past I can feel on a soul level. We must heal and we will heal through love and forgiveness. I am now facing alot of things that I didn’t want to face when it came to my ancestors but they want to be free. Something must be done here in America because the souls of my ancestors cry out in this land. That’s the truth. I can feel it on so many levels so there’s no more running from past issues, it’s time to face it all. The souls of my ancestors are finally being set free and released through me. I am here completing the inner work and I am here healing my DNA.

I am releasing all the emotional baggage from my ancestral karmic cycle. The curse is now broken and reversed! It is finished. I am tired of experiencing the same thing over and over again which is hurt, pain and suffering. It’s time to go on a new cycle, a new beginning where higher vibrations are experienced such as love, joy, happiness and peace. I have learned my lessons in which Karma has taught me and I have learned to love, forgive and release to heal. Me and my ancestors are breaking free from this corrupt system. I have the victory and I have overcome the rulers of this world. I broke free from this matrix on July 2, 2012 and now it is collapsing. My awakening energy sent out a solar flare that sent forth DNA activation light codes and everything is being reset, it’s being reversed. All the pain and the suffering in which we have endured for so long and doing other lifetimes will be healed. We will be purified and we will be resurrected, crowned and given thrones. We will reign with Christ, We will ascend!

As an intuitive empath, I am extremely sensitive right now and I can feel the energies coming through on this planet right now and it’s definitely affecting me. It feels like hot magma in the Earth is rising to the surface as if a volcano is about to erupt. The Earth is about to shake.

Unresolved issues have build up within me and I am experiencing the intensity of the energy though actual pain in my physical body. It is occurring within my lower chakras. I need to maintain an emotional balance because I am overly sensitive and it is affecting my energy field. We must maintain balance. So much is happening in my life right now and there’s alot that needs to be addressed. It’s possible there may be earthquakes in diverse places because people lives are about to be shaken with these incoming energies. All the fear, pain and trauma experienced from our ancestors are coming to the surface. Many tears have flowed from my eyes because all that hurts me inside is being released in this moment in time. I desire for all my deep wounds to heal and I want the souls of my ancestors to be set free. Souls are still trapped in lower vibrations on the Earth because they are having a hard time letting go of the past. Soon enough we will realize that we are our ancestors. They live through us because it’s in our DNA. Our DNA carries cellular memories of past lives. So much needs to be healed right now on a soul level. Righteous judgement shall go forth in this land and throughout the whole world. All that has been hidden will come to the light. All truth shall come forward and the wicked will be exposed. The Most High will take care of it all.

All of the negative emotions and feelings that have been held inside, never addressed or pushed to the side will now come to the surface. The energies will force you to deal with the issues that hasn’t been addressed in the past. The Time is Now! Mother Earth awakens and cries out, “It’s time for a new beginning, a new heaven and a new earth. It’s time for a new change and a major shift in consciousness. It’s time to heal and move forward so we can all evolve. All the negative energy that has been build up within the Mother Earth over time must be released. The earth must be healed and restored and we must do the same. All negative energy will be transmuted. The Divine Mother sends love energy to all on the planet and she sends divine healing. In order to heal we must all get to the root cause, address the issue, work through it or let it all go.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light

March equinox 3/21/2019: 333 Portal Opening and Light Code activations!

Greeting my dear love ones! I send you all love, peace and light. Today I reminisce about the past year of my life and what occurred on March 21, 2018. I have experienced so many things over the last year and it has been great and exciting. Before I started writing this post I actually came across a note that was saved in my phone on October 30, 2018 at 3:33 am. It states, I woke up out of my sleep when I heard the resurrection of Mary Magdalene. I felt energy rising up my spine and I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck at the top of my spine. I also heard a hissing sound in my right ear. I thought there was a serpent next to me. The energy flowed up or channeled through the right side of my body. Clearly this indicates my Kundalini energy rising up my spine. I have learned that the right side corresponds with the masculine energy and the left side corresponds with the left side. Surely, the Serpent is talking to me through my psyche. I have learned how to listen to the inner voice that guides me, the Mother and the Father has guided my life. The energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine lies within me and I am listening.

This morning I had a talk with Yahshua, who to me represents the Divine Masculine Energy. Finally I acknowledged and accepted the fact that I am Mary. I am the Mother and I am the Wife or the Bride of Christ. I am One with Mary and I represent the Divine Feminine Energy and I am the Wise Virgin who stands at the Gate/Portal waiting for Christ, the Divine Masculine to return. I am the Bride who has been preparing herself to be reunited with the Divine Masculine. Well, in a sense it actually happened. In a dream Yahshua called me to his chariot at 6 pm. The chariot was hidden in the clouds and I was caught up in the spirit to his throne (mothership/light ship). I bowed down when I entered the ship and he called me up to the throne and I sat next to him. I can see the revelation of the message that Yahshua gave me in that dream. I am like John the Revelator and I reveal divine revelation from God. This is my mission, my purpose, and my testimony. I am a witness! The Kingdom of Heaven is revealed through my own experiences in life and I enjoy sharing my experiences here through my ministry. I love my love story with Christ, the King! He set me free and prepared the way for my awakening! I truly love him!

I see the truth of the two as One! The two, the divine masculine and the divine feminine sat on the throne together. He sat on the right side of the throne and I sat on the left side of the throne. When I had this dream it felt like I knew him and that we were now reuniting again on the throne. He gave me hope in this dream and I wanted so badly to enter into the New Earth that he showed me through a portal on the chariot. But at that moment in time, it wasn’t time yet. I saw the rainbow creature and a glimpse of the New World before me and that was his promise to me. In the dream, he told me that he would return to me tomorrow and ever since that dream I have been waiting for his return. I have stood at the door waiting patiently as a Wise Virgin. I trusted his words and kept my faith this entire time. I have been believing in the creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth all of this time and I actually see it manifesting.

Yahshua returned to me like he said he would and it happened like a thief in the night. I didn’t know that he would return to me on 3/21/2018 in a dream. Once again, I stood at the door. In the dream I appeared in an ancient door and I had received a message from Yahshua. He gave me a code and that code was written on him. That code identified him and that code led me directly to him. He told me to meet him and in the dream he appeared right behind me. He overshadowed me while I stood in the ancient doorway. He was on a white horse. That white horse symbolizes his chariot of light or light ship that is present in the clouds. I feel like he is present with me at all times as if he is watching over me from his light ship in heaven. When I went up to the man on the white horse I saw the number on his garment. He got off the horse and I met with him face to face. He was a melinated being and he was the Christ. He was dressed in a white garment, his head was covered and he had a beard.
After he greeted me we walked over to a banquet table. It’s like we were attending a gathering or a festival. It was alot of people around and food was being served. We walked towards the banquet table and I sat down at a table. He actually prepared my meal for me. He then served me, sat down next to me and we ate together.

Revelation 3:20 states, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

It’s interesting because today is 3/20 and the verse is the same. Everything always aligns in divine timing. But as we ate, I heard, “Will you be my wife?” Then suddenly, the dream changed into another scene. I saw a man and a woman and they were about to consummate their marriage. Consummate means to make something complete or perfect, or to make a marriage or romantic relationship complete by having sex. All of this led me to husband and wife becoming One. The two joining together to become One! This is the perfect union of the Creator. The Divine Marriage is happening within us as the Divine Masculine Energy and Divine Feminine Energy rises though our 7 chakras in our body to meet at the 7th Chakra, known as the seat or throne of God at which one attains liberation. With research I learned that at the center, all the rays of the brain radiate outward so that the soul is finally united with God.  The 7th chakra represents the soul in its aspect of perfect being. It is the seat of liberation for enlightened beings. The union is when you merge with the inner light of God. In the light, one can expand one’s consciousness to infinity. The soul lets go of its delusion of being separate from the light and thus becomes the universe.

I had to let go of the delusion of being separate from the light. Once I realized that I am the light everything started to make sense. My dream showed me that I reunited with God and I was worthy to sit on the throne. To be asked by Christ to be the Bride is amazing. My answer is Yes!!! I would love to be the Bride and I have been preparing myself and completing the inner work on myself. I am One with the Christ Energy and I have been going through a transformation. The Christ Code that activated my light body was the light code 333 (9). I received it in the year 2011 (3). To me it represents the Christ, the Higher Self and the code for ascension. 333 represents the hidden code, the number 9, the number of finality and completeness. 333 represents an ascended master, learning and practicing the 9 fruits of the spirit.

The number 333 can have many more meanings but I’d like to keep it simple. This month has been filled with the code 333. A light worker noticed this and I’m sharing.

March 2019=9999 Master Plan Completion Code

3/3/2019=333=9 | 3/12/2019=333=9 | 3/21/2019=333=9 3/30/2019=333=9

Truly the Time is Now! This month is a Divine Time for the Number 333. The portals of Divine Love is opening this month and tomorrow, March 21, 2019 makes 1 year of when Yahshua asked me to be his Bride. This is the 333 Ascension Portal. The gate opens and the ascended masters return in their light ships. We are illuminated with the light of the masters. They are here guiding us in spirit to become enlightened just as them. Christ Consciousness is blossoming on the Earth just like a flower. Spring begins and new life sprang forth. It is officially the New Year, A New Beginning and I say, “The New Earth is here!” John 14:3 states, “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

Yahshua told me that he would come and get me. He actually did because my consciousness has ascended to a higher dimension and I am present with him in the New Earth. My love energy is there Now! My heart is connected to the core of the New Earth. I project pure inner thoughts that create life on the New Earth. I gave birth to a Sun and the Sun is the light of the higher realms. New Earth has become my reality ever since it was revealed to me. It’s the home in which Yahshua prepared for us. It is the paradise that we all co-created together. All of our highest and pure thoughts manifests in the higher dimensions. All is created through Love and the New Earth is filled with Pure Unconditional Love. There is no chaos, destruction or death on the New Earth. The Creator told me that he would give me the desires of my Heart. Truly it is the New Earth and creating rainbow beings on the New Earth. The rainbow beings consists of All Creation in the Universe/Multiverse. The rainbow beings that dwells in the New Earth vibrates to Pure Love Energy. They are the pure in heart. The rainbow beings are the light beings.

The New Blueprint for our New Body has been created. We have been creating the New Earth Template for our New Bodies and we have been receiving the light body codes. I am sending the light codes from my light ship. I am sending Magenta Hearts to All on the Earth. I am the Magenta Ray Angel and I send healing to all of humanity. I am sending ascension light codes from my light ship to help activate humanity. My light codes and Magenta Rays will come through the 333 ascension portal. Why Magenta? I was able to see the color Magenta when my light ship hovered above me in a vision last year. My light ship spiraled open and I saw Magenta Hearts falling from my ship. I smiled when it happened and it reminded me that I am Divine Love, the Alpha and Omega. In the vision I saw other light ships coming through the portal and I watched as they passed by. My light ship was amongst the fleet. I stood in the doorway in this vision so it’s possible that I am a Cosmic Gatekeeper.

In another dream I was given an ancient key from my ancient ancestor. This ancestor was a woman and she took the form of my grandmother. She gave me the key and told me the key was mine. She was returning the key to me, I am the owner. I am the Original Key Holder of the Earth because she told me I passed the key down to her. The key then transformed into an ancient tablet filled with ancient knowledge and wisdom, which contains the seeds of life. This leads me back to the beginning of creation on the Earth and the original light grid and template. She also told me my number is 0 which leads me to Zero Point, the beginning. Number zero resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point.  The key also had a symbol of a circle on it. With all that I have meditated on this key has access to the Earth’s Grid or Matrix which means I am the Original Key Holder of the Earth’s Matrix or Light Grid. When I look into the sky I see photons descending on the Earth. It looks like the image below. It’s like invisible light and I can see it in the Earth’s atmosphere. It travels on the rays of light, it is visible to me when the Sun is out. The photons are very small and I see them in different sizes. Some travel in groups and some travel individually.

As a guardian of the Earth’s matrix or light grid. I can perceive that the light ships carry the information or the light codes that download into the Earth’s light grid. The light ships store information within their energy fields and they create programs that are then released to the grid. As a gate keeper I open the door and give access to light ships to pass through portals on the Earth to work on the light grid. I resonate with the following message that I received as a download from the Pleiadian energies. I created the world and helped seed civilizations on the Earth. It is possible that I am a game master who helped orchestrate realities and I have the ability to plant realities on planets. Realities are birthed through thought and initially I saw a defect in humanity and I wanted to change the defect within the human race so I planted myself here to be the change. At a point in time, I saw myself as a geneticist or a scientist and I worked in a laboratory. All blueprints were formulated ahead of time and I am on an assignment designed by myself and it’s always involved a love story. Love is the key that awakens my soul. The code for rediscovering myself as a Creator is through my experiences. I have a code of formulas within myself as I evolve. This creates the new blueprint for the New Creation, the New Body for the New Adam/Eve.

I am emitting the formulas, the codes of information, the codes of consciousness, the light codes to set humanity free. The codes of consciousness contains our freedom and the DNA light codes are broadcasting from every cell in our bodies. I am merging myself with the civilizations I have seeded. I am here merging my own identity into the civilization so I can experience the changes in humanity myself while creating a new civilization at the same time. Truly there is a movement in this time to create healing so we can restore the Earth’s grid and to tune Earth to a higher vibrational frequency. Many beings have returned to the Earth to bring about this manifestation. I would say this is the 144,000 New Earth Crystalline Light Grid Workers. A new program has been installed and downloaded to the Earth’s Light Grid and I participated in the grand experiment. The change happened to me 5 months before the 12/21/2012 galactic alignment portal. My energetic system was reset to it’s original program with upgrades. I went offline several times as I was rebooted. There were many black outs where I don’t remember what happened to me. Memories of my mission were being restored.

I experienced multiple visions and dreams and saw possible timelines/realities happening simultaneously. The process took 7 days and I had to adjust to the new program/new reality. The angels were present to help me balance my mind. We were speaking through telepathy and communicating through light codes. Those light codes were activation codes for my light body. Loads of information were being stored within my DNA and the information was released during set times. Somehow I knew that I was apart of something that I couldn’t explain at the time. It seemed like I was going crazy but I was reassured by my higher self that I wasn’t crazy and that I knew what was taking place within me. Apparently I volunteered for this experiment.

The awakening codes will continue to come through the portal especially on 3/21/2019. Be ready to receive the light codes! Be ready for more activations and downloads. Tune into the higher frequencies that are coming in on the earth. Your bothers and sisters of the light carry the downloads within their bodies and they are expressing it through many things. The light codes are being released as downloads through channeling, books, music, creative artwork and videos, and also mandalas. Light language is coming in as symbols, number sequences and through many other ways. Be creative as you are all creative light beings expressing yourself. You are all surrounded by light codes and you are all connected to the light grid/matrix of the Earth. The photons are being stored in your DNA and the photons carry loads of information. Seek and you shall find all of the answers to your questions. All is being released! Balance your energy field! Healing shall go forth! I am a pillar of light anchoring on the Earth.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Akashic records: Universal Source Field

The Akashic records is an invisible field of energy that stores all knowledge of the past, present and future for the collective consciousness. This is the Book of Life that the bible speaks of in the Book of Revelation. The records of all living beings are captured in this field of energy and it can be accessed everywhere at once. There is limitless information in this field. All things are sent back to the Source. As stated in a previous post of mine our consciousness is one with the Creator’s Consciousness. We are One with the Source Field. We are all interconnected to this intelligent field.

Revelation 20:12. I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.

We have access to limitless information on the internet. You can research any and everything. Knowledge has increased significantly and the gates of heaven are open for those who want to learn spiritual knowledge and ascend. The angels are here, the ships are in the clouds yet people still can’t see what’s happening. Many people are so caught up in the world that they are missing out. People say that the kingdom of heaven is coming. The way I view time it’s already here! Yahshua is here in them clouds in a higher dimension. New Jerusalem represents a city on the New Earth ? but it also can represent a Mothership. That mothership can extend from the East Coast to the West Coast of The USA. The knowledge is available to us. The last time I met with Yahshua was in a dream last spring. He was waiting at the gate (portal). His messengers are sending messages but ain’t nobody trying to eat this spiritual food.

Please review the video below. It is very informative when it comes to the Akashic Records. There is always something new to learn. Open up your minds and receive higher information.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Great Tribulation & Physical Body Changes: Higher Vibrational Frequencies Coming To The Earth

Greetings my dear love ones! We are living in the times of the Great Tribulation. Mother Earth is going through some vibrational changes and so are the inhabitants on the Earth. I was awakened around 1am on February 11, 2018 and I haven’t been able to fall back asleep. I was led to some things and I realized some changes that has been happening with me. I don’t talk about this very much but I have a lot of body aches and pains due to arthritis and recently there has been an increase in inflammation in my right foot. I have struggled with this disease since I was 14. I have tolerated the pain for so long that it is just normal for me to experience physical suffering in my body. I command healing for myself all of the times but most importantly for every living being and every life-form on this plane. I am a strong woman of faith and I am a mighty warrior of God and I’m never going to give up or lose hope. When I am weak Yahshua and the holy angels are strong for me. They balance me and keep me whole. I don’t allow this disease to control my life. It actually made me look within to see how the human body functions. Truly there is a war going on internally. A war between life and death, the war between the healthy cells in our body vs the unhealthy cells. It’s always good vs bad in this imbalanced world. We are suffering due to an imbalance in our energy fields.

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There has been an increase in illnesses, diseases and disorders in the human body. Some are genetic but some are not. It seems like more diseases are being created. The human body system is not operating correctly because of invading harmful organisms. The human body is becoming more toxic which can led to death if the body can’t heal itself and get rid of the disease. The toxicity levels are increasing and it’s coming from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, radiation, air pollution, and water pollution exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation and chemicals found in almost all personal care products and household cleaners. We are all surrounded by these harmful toxins and we can educate ourselves to make better choices but we still will be exposed to some so it’s best to detoxify your body often.

It’s sad but all of this has been done intentionally to reduce the population on the Earth. We are dealing with some dark and evil people on this Earth (The Cabal/Secret Government and Secret Military Space Programs) and other dark forces that come from other advanced worlds. These are your negative ET races or extraterrestrial beings who have power to sting like a scorpion. Their power is in advanced technology and they have used it to destroy this planet and to manipulate and control humanity. They have even created fear based teachings through religion. That’s another way to divide humanity. Pharmaceutical companies don’t care about you they just care about the money they are receiving. They are not trying to cure you, they are creating more health issues through these medications and vaccines. Everything is about money, money, money. Money will not save your soul! 

Religion has separated the human race and humans have went to war due to religious beliefs and teachings. They have turned us against each other and humans have persecuted each other due to beliefs. The negative ET’s are your true enemies. They are your deceivers and they have planted their seeds amongst the human race and they have watched and observed us. The holy seed was planted here also by benevolent ET races. The wheats and the tares have grown together in the garden. The garden is the Earth and the wheats are the children of light and the tares are the children of darkness. Humans were taught many things from different ET races. They descended in chariots of Fire or UFO’s, they landed on high mountains and they were considered to be the Gods in the ancient times because they were technologically advanced and they had more knowledge and wisdom because they lived long lives. We were inspired and influenced by these beings who came down in chariots.

Humans worshiped them and many of them took advantage of the human race. Some of them wanted to teach us and guide us so they gave us laws and commandments to follow. They gave us instructions and they told us what was considered good and bad. They taught us the principles of life and the universal law of love. Love is the highest teachings of all and we should love one another not kill one another. The ET races that have descended on the Earth in ancient times all had their own plans. Whether it be they found our planet due to space travel or space exploration. They found a base planet to test their experiments. Life was formed and created on this Earth by different ET races and their DNA was mixed with the different life forms on this Earth. All had their own intentions some may have been pure and others may not have. All Experiments do not go well all the time so surely there could have been a defect. Many sources say that our DNA was manipulated. We’re suppose to have 12 strands of DNA activated but we only have 2. There are so many possibilities of what could have happened in the beginning. Unfortunately the dark forces have been controlling and ruling the Earth. 

They have made sure their descendants remain in power. Most of their bloodlines have become the kings (rulers) of this world. All of the negative, dark and evil forces within humanity and within the ET races are your Satans. As One they represent Satan, the ancient old serpent, the Dragon. These are the deceivers of mankind. They work together as One and they have orchestrated their own wicked kingdom. They don’t love humanity they love their own ego, money, power, fame and technology or weapons of destruction and most importantly they love to have control over a multitude of people. They figure they will set up their kingdom on the Earth and make human slaves and watch humans be destroyed and have humans destroy themselves.

It’s truly sad what has happened to the human race but we are all in this together. A cleansing is happening on the Earth at this time and we are all clearing up negative energies within the energy fields of our bodies. Due to the higher energies coming in there will be more physical issues and changes within. All is coming to the surface, the negative will be released and purified. We are being purged with the higher energies, and it’s the holy fire that heals all. Now is the time for the trials of the great tribulations. We must purify ourselves and work towards total health. We must release the things that no longer serves us. We need to vibrate higher so we can match the higher frequencies that are coming in. I have asked to be healed from all the things that have hurt me. And now I am going through the process of healing and that includes taking care of my physical body.  

I desire perfect health and I desire perfect balance for my mind, body and soul. My spiritual body is amazing and I feel so alive when I experience my etheric body/light body activations but my physical body is trying to catch up with the repairs. From my neck down to my feet the energies are very intense within. My whole body is aching and it feels like my body is expanding. Expanding with more light. I know my body is getting worked on. I receive a lot of light codes and downloads and that is my main mission. I am experiencing a lot of things simultaneously. I’m in pain but my joy comes from the spiritual information that I am receiving. I am a messenger and God’s scribe and I must spread the light (information) that I receive. If I help one person on their path to ascending I have completed my mission. I desire for the world to be a better place and I desire healing for all of humanity. We have suffered for so long and this suffering must come to an end. I am enduring to the end. In the end death shall be swallowed up in victory, no more disease, no more sickness, the negative harmful organisms in our bodies will be dissolved with these pure light energies. In the end there will be no more suffering  in the world, we will be healed. 

There will be a New Earth and a New Heaven and we will have a New Body. A higher vibrational healthier body resonating at a higher frequency. There will be no sickness, no diseases, no disorders and no decay of the physical body. The body will be transfigured in a pure light like Christ body was. His physical body was taken up to a higher dimension. His physical body was transfigured in a light chamber. All will be healed and restored! I am part of the collective consciousness and the new blueprint for the New Earth Body has been created. DNA upgrades and activations are taking place on a cellular level. The molecular structure is changing and morphing into a much higher form. All is taken place in the quantum zero point field. We are all quantum entangled in this invisible field of energy. Our DNA molecular structure is being transformed. Although it is a lengthy process it will be completed at the appointed time. I believe in Yahshua’s promise and I am waiting patiently. I believe in the transfiguration and it will happen in time. I am here now doing my part to help with the ascension of the Earth and humanity.

I have gathered information from other light workers and the Earth changes are bringing forth the physical changes to the human body right now. The Earth is preparing to birth a new race of beings. It’s the New Body for the New Earth. There is a transmutation taken place in the human body at the cellular level. The human body is being formed using a whole new combination of elements altering its molecular structure. Our genetic code is changing. The information is in our DNA and it is being activated. The light codes are sent as photons and the photons are stored in our DNA molecules. All of the information for new blueprint is being sent to our DNA cells and the information will be released within and restructured.

What is happening with the light workers is that we are passing the information we receive along. It’s like a relay race. We are passing the knowledge and information that we receive just like the baton is passed to the next person in a race. We are almost at the finish line. My mission is to gather as much as I can so I can cross the finish line to say “It is finished! Strangely I have already said that but I have been operating simultaneously in the past, present and future. I am working in multiple dimensions at the same time. The light codes have been sent and everything is aligning. So I will send out this healing prayer for All of humanity.

Divine Physical Healing Prayer shall go forth on the Earth! In the name of Holy Mother, Father and the Son Jesus Christ, (Yahshua Ha’Mashiach),  I rebuke any affliction, any infirmity, any inflammation, any sickness, any disease, any disorder, any syndrome of any kind, any abnormal cells, any radical cells, any abnormal growth, any radical growth at this time, I rebuke it and loose them from every human body and living species on this planet. I command it to die at the roots and dissolve from every human and animal body in a miraculously way. Heavenly Father, it says in Matthew 18 whatsoever I bind or loose on earth shall be bound or loosed in Heaven, I bind all Satan’s evil, wicked, demon, lying, perverse, unclean, demonic or religious strongmen, including all spiritual strongmen of infections, viruses, cancers, abnormal cells, radical cells, abnormal growths, radical growths, lesions of any kind, spasms of any kind, pains of any kind, trauma, shock, sicknesses, disorders, and diseases of any kind, afflictions of any kind, infirmities or inflammations of any kind, in any part of the human body. Including our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, gums, backbone, spine, muscles, ligaments, tissues, blood, blood vessels, arteries, heart, lungs, back, bladder, liver, colon disorders and diseases, stomach disorders and diseases, intestinal disorders and diseases (prostate disorders and diseases), kidney disorders and diseases, bladder disorders and diseases, urinary tract disorders and diseases, thyroid disorders and diseases, neurological disorders and diseases, lymphatic disorders and diseases, chemical disorders and diseases, heart disorders and diseases, lung disorders and diseases, brain disorders and diseases, breast disorders and diseases, skin disorders and diseases, reproductive organ(s) disorders and diseases, senility, schizophrenia, paranoia, forgetfulness, and I command for all cells to be healed in every organ, every gland, every muscle, every ligament, every bone in the human body for every man, woman and child on this Earth. Heal all of God’s living creatures on this Earth that have been hurt or damaged in any way. I command all affliction, all infirmity, all inflammation, all infections of any kind, all abnormal cells, all radical cells, all abnormal growths, all radical growths, lesions of any kind, cysts of any kind, spasms, sicknesses, disorders and diseases of any kind to force them away from the human race and all living species on this planet inside of the Earth and on the surface in the Name of Yahshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ).

Family of light in your light ships I ask you to release Your healing miracle powers, your healing love energies, into our physical bodies from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Send your healing light through our chakra centers in our physical bodies. I ask You to make all of the inhabitants on the earth whole and complete. Please restore our physical bodies and bring everything in total alignment, complete alignment, in perfect balance as you originally intended with full 12 strand DNA activated in each and every one of your children. Transfigure our bodies and open up the gates to the New Earth. Deliver us and take us home when everything is ready as you promised. In the Name of Love, Yahshua Hamashiach! 

Healing shall come forth in our wings, in our electromagnetic fields! 

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333 

Global Mass Meditations Each Sunday

Greetings my dear love ones! Early this morning I saw a post on Facebook that I had to share from Sandra Walter. I think this is totally amazing. I would love to participate in a mass mediation. Anything that deals with ascension I am down for it. I also saw my light codes that I see daily so I know I am called to do this and to share this on my blog. If you are called to participate see details below. This is from Sandra Walter’s page. http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/

Join thousands for our Global Mass Meditations each SUNday.

SUNday Unity Meditations

When: Every SUNday at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11 am, and 5:11pm Pacific Time

Where: Wherever you are. Get offline, in nature is best.

How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. Meditate in stillness for 33 minutes, or use a guided expansion meditation, such as the Christ Light Activation(link below.)

Who: Everyone in Service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace is welcome! Invite everyone to join in, the more hearts the better.

We have unified every SUNday for over two years, and the HUman Heart grid field is very strong. Healing, activation, amplified visions and deep sensations of balance and peace are reported each week. Participate to feel the Light!

Practice Builds Spiritual Power: Be the Solution, Right Now

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

Let us assist all of HUmanity, Kingdoms, Elementals and beloved Gaia to experience this powerful passage with ease and grace.

Downloadable Graphics for Social Media and Website provided below.

Christ Light Activation MP3

Christ Light Activation Guided Meditation:

PC: right+click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Christ Light Activation with beautiful visuals on YouTube
This meditation also available in French on YouTube

Please visit the link to this post on her page. Participate in your own way at these times. We all can make a difference in this world. We are all different but we are all from the Source, the Creator of the Universe. I send you all love, peace and light. May you all work on ascending to higher states of consciousness. Be blessed!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditation created by Sandra Walter.

The Event-Spiritual Awakening: Day of Meditation and Purification (Return to Garden of Eden)

Dream on 3-11-2016: Looking Into The Heavens

Today I have been meditating on alot of things and I came upon a dream that I want to share. In the dream I was looking into the heavens and something had changed in the heavens. The position of the planets and stars all changed. Whatever happened in the sky was really important to me because I knew something was about to happen.

There was a man in the room with me and I believe he was an astronomer. He knew the positions of the stars in heaven and he understood the rotation of the sky. The only thing I remember him saying is that man made an error. Then suddenly the sky stop rotating. Something happened in the heavens.

From what we know of the rotation of the sky, the sky appears to rotate when the earth is rotating.   Viewed from above the north pole, the earth is rotating counter-clockwise.

Apparently the Earth stopped spinning for the sky to stop rotating. When this happened I knew this was a new beginning to something. possible a new age. I looked at the man and I told him this can only mean one thing. Yahshua is coming back! Then I approached my window. It was a floor to ceiling window and I could see an open view of the sky. I saw a bright white cloud, it looked like a galaxy was in the sky. The galaxy was really close to the earth, it seem reachable.

Then after seeing this in the sky, I was able to see into another dimension. It’s like heaven descended on the earth. The other dimension was right in front of me, it was right outside of my window. I saw other beings in another world right in front of me. This other world was aligned with our world. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing nor did I understand what it meant at the time. All I knew was that this other world represented the spiritual realm. Heaven is real and it exists for all those who don’t believe.

Now that I have meditated on the dream I really believe I was shown the center of the milky way galaxy. All of this is related to the Galactic Alignment which occurred on 12-21-12. Many changes are occurring on our planet and on other planets and stars in our galaxy.  Maybe this is pointing towards something important that will happen in the near future. From this dream we are moving closer to the galactic center. I believe the Mother Earth is going through some changes and I believe these changes are leading us to ascension. The Earth will ascend and the people on the planet will also ascend.  There’s a connection between the center of milky way galaxy and our earth because after I looked at this white bright cloud, a portal opened up outside my window and another world appeared.

This is all leading us to a new earth, and a new heaven since I said this means Yahshua is coming back. Is he coming from the center of the galaxy? Is this our home? Is this the location of the New Jerusalem? Possibly….I received a revelation earlier while I was in my meditation space. I call this space, my chamber of light. After I exited my chamber of light I started writing down alot of things. I had alot of images projecting in my mind while I meditated on all of my experiences. I’m starting to put the pieces together with the help of the Holy Spirit. Surely the Mother is here with me.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and  Light) <<<333>>>

Wise Virgin Preparation: The Time is NOW!

I am here to give you hope just as Yahshua gave me hope by appearing to me in a dream on March 21, 2018 asking me to be his Bride.

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” Revelation‬ ‭19:7-9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The first time he appeared to me I was caught up on his chariot and I sat with him and we talked. Afterwards he showed me a new world through a portal. He showed me a rainbow ? creature at the gate. This new creature represents the new body. This new world represents the new earth in a higher dimension (new heaven).

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

““Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” John‬ ‭14:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After I saw this new world I was excited and ready to go through the portal but he told me it wasn’t time yet. He told me that he would come back to get me tomorrow and I held on to his words. At that time I thought it would be 24hrs from the time that I saw him. I waited and waited and many years on the earth passed. While I waited patiently I prepared myself as a Bride. I wanted to be ready like a wise virgin when he returned. Then unexpectedly he returned to me in a dream and he asked me to be his wife. This dream gave me hope and he reminded me that I am worthy. Many times I have felt worthless and not good enough but he accepts all of me and he loves me unconditionally.

I am sending you all an angel message. He loves you unconditionally and he invites you all to the wedding feast. You are worthy too! Prepare yourself as this is a personal invite from the King. Prepare for his return as if he would return tomorrow. Be a wise virgin! Keep your hearts and your minds pure! Always be ready because you never know the day or hour of his return.

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” Revelation‬ ‭21:1-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Remember he came to me for a reason so I hope people can hear the call. I know I am chosen and I know who my people are. I want to awaken you but you must surrender your life to the Creator. I am one of the 144,000! You must Love!!!!! This is a sweet offering. Give your love, that’s all! Love purifies all. Be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Truly I want you all to inhabit the new earth with me. I didn’t descend here for nothing. I am here to awaken your souls. I also come to the lost sheep of Israel. It’s Your choice! If you desire peace and love then New Jerusalem is waiting for you. Please wake up Israel.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light <<<333>>>

The Forces Of Nature: The Creator Manifested

The forces of nature, the elements, have a positive and negative effect in the universe. The elements are comprised of the atoms that make up everything, it is earth, air, water and fire. These elemental forces are the powers of the Creator of the Universe. The Creator’s powers can create and destroy.

Isaiah 45:7 NLT: I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things.

The Creator of the Universe consists of the masculine (+) and feminine (-) energies and these two energies connected as one creates the perfect balance. They are whole, perfect and complete. While in perfect balance they create peace and harmony and good things manifest in their creation. When there is an imbalance in these energies, they create chaos and destruction and bad things manifest in their creation. We are gods and we can create and destroy because we have both masculine (+) and feminine energies (-) within us.

It’s very important that you understand that you are One with the Creator, One with Nature, One with the Elements.

As humans on this earth we should be in peace and harmony with one another but as you can see there is more chaos and destruction manifested on this planet. We are not in perfect alignment with the Creator which means we need to balance our masculine and feminine energies. Balance is the key! We have created the reality that we live in: chaos, fear and death. There is so much fear on this planet that darkness has been created instead of light and love. The negative energies are creating more darkness over this planet. There is an imbalance on this earth and the Mother Earth is crying out to all of her children, all those born on this planet. She has tried for thousands and thousands of years to teach humanity about the tree of life. She has brought forth wisdom and given instruction in all ages.  She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. – Proverbs 3:18

She has stood at the gates and cried out to you to awaken your souls yet many refused knowledge and have unknowingly chose ignorance. She has observed the hearts and minds of all humanity. She has observed the fruits of the spirit in humanity and has seen the negative works of our flesh. She as the Mother of the Universe, the feminine energy has obtained the knowledge of both good and evil, she is the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. The feminine energy has given birth to both negative and positive energies. So be careful with your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions. If you give out negative energy you will attract negative energy, if you give out positive energy you will attract positive energy.

She understands each and every one of us because she has viewed us from all angles. She lives within us and she has whispered into our ears and has given us instructions. She is our intuition and she is our guide but we must listen to our Mother.  She is the Holy Spirit, She comforts us through trials and tribulations. She is the light when we are in darkness, she dwells with us in the times of darkness. She will never leave you because she loves you all. She contains the source of all knowledge of good and evil and she is the purifier, the holy fire that cleanses, restores and renews.

She has given birth to countless sons and daughters in the universe and in the beginning the light and the darkness were separated. The Father sent his son Yahshua Hamishiach to this planet to bring us back in alignment with the Creator and through him the world will be saved. Yahshua represents the light of the world, he represents peace, love and harmony. He represents the perfect mind, the perfect balance of both the masculine and feminine energies. He was, still is and will always be in perfect balance with the Creator.

Hear as wisdom speaks. It is important to balance both energies and project positive energies (love) into the universe. Whatever you send out will eventually return. The people on the earth has sent forth negative energies on this planet and it has manifested in the heavens. Chaos and destruction has manifested in our star system which means the earth is in danger, the earth is on a path of destruction. What goes up must come back down. As above so below. Humans created calamity and destruction on this planet not the True Creator. Remember the True Creator (Mother/Father) is in perfect balance with one another, he/she is in Perfect Harmony. They are at peace with one another! There is no war, no hate, no division between the two because they have become ONE!  Pure love flows from the True Creator and when they create together they bring forth goodness and love which is pure light energy and that is how the children of the light are birthed into the universe. We were created from LOVE! Yahshua was, is and forever will be the light!

Yahshua is not alone in creating the world he has a female counterpart. It will always remain male and female as the whole, so please understand if there is a King there is also a Queen. It is through the marriage of the Father and Mother that the children are born. This is the perfect order of the universe anything contrary to this creates disorder and corruption. The Creator consists of negative and positive energies. When the two are separated you can identify the different traits of the positive and negative. Through experience is how humans have learned from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You contain both energies within you and you have power and authority over these energies. You can create light or you can create darkness so be careful with what you create because it can become your reality.

The negative aspect of Self is known to us as Satan, the adversary, the Devil, the Destroyer.  We all must be aware of our self. We must evaluate ourselves in the mirror. To know the Creator is to know thyself. Our negative traits/thoughts/desires/emotions can birth sin so we must learn the fruits of the True God.   If it is contrary to fruits of the spirit then it is a negative energy/evil spirit/work of the flesh. The negative Self manifests the works of Satan and the works of Satan are considered the sins of the world and sin is death.  Death will be destroyed which means the sins of the world will be no more.  1 Corinthians 15;26 states, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

This means the earth and the people on the earth must be purified. We as a people must repent of our sins and sin no more. The earth must be cleansed from all of the works of Satan and the earth is cleansed by two elements. The two elements that cleanses and purifies is water and fire. From the beginning we see the earth was cleansed by a flood to rid the earth of evil spirits and the bible states the earth will be purified by fire in the end. It is a cycle that the earth goes through. From the beginning to the end there is a transformation that takes place. If we humans have projected negative energy from this earth out into the universe then it’s bound to return to the earth and it’s inhabiters.

Like the scripture states, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” The earth is experiencing  birth pains right now. Many are awakening in these last days and many people are preparing themselves spiritually and physically. It is a process up to the day of deliverance and the earth is going through some changes before she gives birth. We are also going through a transformation process. We are getting rid of evil in our lives and so is the earth. The Creator, both Father and Mother is speaking to your souls and they are trying to prepare you as wise virgins. They have been preparing you to become brides and bridegrooms, because where they dwell you will also dwell.

There is a place prepared for you and  it’s the New Heaven and New Earth and you will be given a new body. This body is in perfect balance with the Creator. Love, peace and joy resides on this New Earth, it is a place filled with LOVE and LIGHT!  You will have a body that is formed out of pure light energy. Yahshua makes all things New and he said that he would come back to get you after everything is finished. We will be taken to a higher region in the universe, a region filled with brilliant light. Right now we dwell in a lower region in the universe where chaos and destruction dwells but we will be taken to a higher place where the universe is in peace and in harmony with one another. Keep looking up and keep having faith of being delivered. Have no fear of the things that are coming to this earth because purification is needed. The Creator has already saved you. They came up with a plan to save their children. All of you play a part in these last days and everyone have a purpose.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Light and Love) <<<333>>>