Tag Archives: seek deliverance

Word for Today 11-6-2015: Work on yourself

Shalom Brothers and Sisters I just have a short word for today. EVERYBODY ON THIS EARTH needs to understand that when you commit a sin you are going against the Most High. EVERYONE on this earth needs to TRY to overcome sin. Nobody said that it would be easy but you must TRY to overcome the works of the flesh. Many people don’t want to TRY and that’s the problem. Everyone wants to get into the Kingdom but nobody wants to do the WORK ON THEMSELVES.

Who is without sin? No one.


We must ALL work on fleeing from the works of the flesh.

People need to stop focusing on each other’s sin. We need to encourage each other to stop sinning. People need to stop attacking each other for their beliefs. If a person don’t want to be saved then that’s on them. We can’t save someone that don’t want to be saved PERIOD. We can’t force people to live in righteousness. We have to work on ourselves first before we can help somebody else. Everybody on this earth needs to evaluate their own lives.

We ALL need to cry out to the Most High so that he can deliver ALL of us from our sins. Stop worrying about other people sins especially if you haven’t conquered your own sins. You can’t preach REPENTANCE if you haven’t’ repented and turned away from your own sins. Focus on leading people to Yahshua so they can learn the truth themselves. The Holy Spirit will lead a person who is seeking into all truth. The Most High has a timeline for all his people and he knows when his people will be delivered. We must continue to pray and remain patient because he will set us free in his timing.

The truth is that people desire the works of the flesh more than holiness and righteousness. A person who is following Yahshua will be willing to give up those fleshly desires. That person will continue to work on themselves and they will allow the Holy Spirit to purge sin out of their life.

Everyday is an opportunity for you to grow and to learn something new. Dedicate some of your time to the Most High and read the Word daily. You can’t grow or mature if you are not reading and applying the Word. When you read, study and meditate on the Word please apply it to your life.

Written by Sister Carter