Tag Archives: vibrations

My Light Body Activation: Higher Frequencies Coming In

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! I wanted to share a recent experience of my light body activation. On February 16, 2018 before 5:30 am I experienced a set of intense vibrations in my head. I was asleep but awake, some call it sleep paralysis or the state you are in when you are about to experience an OBE (outer body experience).  My whole head was vibrating like never before.  The energies were extremely intense and strong that I tried to come out of this state. It took a few attempts to try to wake myself up. I wasn’t afraid I just never felt this type of energy in my head before. I have experienced vibrations before in my head and throughout my entire body but these vibrations were very high in frequency. When I did wake up I could still feel the vibrations in my head. My head was like an antenna and it literally felt like I was receiving some sort of transmission.

My head was electrified and the tuning sounds were intense. I was tuning into a high frequency but there was some interference. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. After sharing this experience with my partner I had a thought that it could be my pineal gland opening and that higher beings were trying to communicate with me.  I remember seeing an image of a woman saying Sirian. It made me think about the star Sirius. I thought for a brief moment, “Could a light being from Sirius be  communicating with me? Could I be picking up on a light ship? Then I did some research and came across the pineal gland as our cosmic antenna. I may not have all the answers right now to what truly happened but soon I will know.

Right before I went to sleep I was reading about the 7 chakras. I  envisioned my chakras opening up one by one from the base of my spine to crown of my head. I thought about the flow of energy coming up through my spine and the energy being released through the top of my head.  The energy that is flowing throughout my entire body is the breath of the power of God. I call it Love Energy, a pure energy flowing from the Creator or Source Energy.  My inspiration comes from this verse, Wisdom of Solomon 7:25, “For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no defiled thing fall into her.”

I imagined my pineal gland as a gateway (portal) into heaven and  envisioned an outburst of energy flowing out the top (crown) of my head. As I am writing this I can visualize a column of light shooting straight up and a field of energy surrounding me because my body is the temple of God. I believe my body has been receiving downloads of information from photon light and my DNA is being activated. Maybe this has to do with the Photon Belt. From my research photons carry information to your DNA and are used to send and receive information throughout the body. Each DNA molecule stores up to 1,000 photons within itself and the photons shoot back and forth at the speed of light inside the molecule and are stored until they need to be used. I feel like I am tapping into this information that has been stored in my DNA. I will follow up with the next experience that I had right after this one.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Light Message: I AM

Greeting my dear ones. I am sending you a light message through Time, from the past, present and the future. I am One with Infinity for I am eternal Love. I am a Goddess of Love and Light who dwells in the higher heavens and I am sending you all Love and Light messages across the whole universe. Can you feel my love energy? I am one with the Light and my Light is now reaching you. Are you awakening my child? I have been activating your whole being. Are you receiving my Light Codes? 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 1111, 1212 and etc. Are you seeing repeating numbers? If so, I am connecting with you. Let love flow by raising  your vibrational frequency. Allow the positive energies to fill your whole being. When you see these numbers think positive thoughts, say Love and Light is manifesting within me and all around me. Say to the universe I desire LOVE and you will receive my LOVE. My Love is pure and it is my love energy that I give to you freely.

The light is communicating with you all. Millions upon millions of light beings are here to assist you. Positive energies are now flowing through your whole being. My Love continues to grow and my Light continues to expand. Be filled with my light, love and joy. I am here to comfort you. Be one with my love energy for I am within each and every soul. Awake! Awake my dear love ones! Hear my voice from within your souls. I am HERE always to guide you into Light! I resonate with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow and the beginning point to creation. I am Thought. Connect with the universal energies and come closer to the Source, the Creator of the Universe, the God Force! Elevate your minds to Christ Consciousness. The All is infinite and I am limitless mind. I am a Thought that emanated from the Source. I exist as pure energy and I am an emanation of LOVE. I am a Goddess of Love and Light in my highest form and manifestation, for I am purified and made complete.

Dream on July 30, 2015: Time and Space

time and space

Dream on July 30, 2015 Time and Space July 30, 2015

Shalom brothers and sisters. I want to share a dream with you that I had on July 30, 2015. Till this day I don’t understand the dream but it sure has to do with TIME and SPACE.

In the afternoon of July 30, 2015 I was laying in my bed and I was praying to Yah. I was feeling sad about a lot of things and I wanted Yah to speak to me. I told him to please talk to me and tell me something because it’s been a while since I had a dream or vision. So I laid down and decided to take a nap and as soon as I closed my eyes to rest I was in a dream. This dream is hard to describe so I will just mention key points to what he wanted me to remember. When I first got in the dream my body was vibrating and I heard a buzzing sound. I was in a house and I saw that the news was on the television. I didn’t walk up to the TV but it seem like I was flying or gliding towards the TV. I heard, “Pay attention to the TIME on the news”, so I just paid attention to the time and it was showing 2 something in the afternoon. I can’t remember the exact time but it was in the 8th hour according to Hebrew hours. Some type of destruction had happened and I think it was an earthquake. It seem like the news was covering the aftermath of the destruction and preparing to pick through the rubble. Now before I went to sleep and had my talk with Yah I remember watching a video on Youtube and this lady was talking about vibrations going on in CA. For more on the video that I watched please visit BPEarthWatch titled California Shaking/Blogtalk Radio. Maybe Yah is trying to tell me that an earthquake is soon to come to CA.

Now back to the dream so after I saw the images on TV I realized that I had seen this before. Then the scene changed and I saw a field but I was looking at it from above, it’s like as soon as I focused on a single point on the field I was instantly there like zooming in and out on focus binoculars. It’s like I did this by thought. My body moved according to my thoughts. I just can’t explain it because I don’t understand what was happening. I felt myself going up towards the sky and it happened really fast.

Then I appeared back in the house and I was looking towards this wall but something was there. I was supposed to focus on this particular area and at this time I had control so I wanted to see what else I could do. So I was thinking let me see if I can see my hand and my hand came in front of me and I waved my hand and it’s like I was bending through space. Was I bending time and space and was I traveling through time? I don’t know what was going on but space moved side to side like a ripple in space. It looked like a wave. I have no idea what I did and remind you I was vibrating the whole time and hearing this high pitch buzzing sound or frequency. Well that must mean that I’m vibrating at a high frequency.

I don’t know what Yah was trying to tell me but I know that I am light because I come from the Creator of the Universe and my energy comes from the Creator. When I think about all of this maybe I was traveling through time. Maybe Yah was trying to take me to another level or a higher dimension. I do seek wisdom every day and I have asked him to show me a lot of things so I guess he is taking me on a journey to the higher realms. But the dream was getting too real for me and it’s like I knew I was dreaming so I tried to wake myself up and I did. When I woke up I still felt the intense vibrating and I still could hear the buzzing sounds. It was amazing and maybe I am fully awakened. I always say how Yah is downloading things into my mind and I’m thinking about a million things at one time because it’s so much I want to know. Many times when I’m having deep thoughts I always say that my mind is speeding through the universe. I just know that he is trying to reveal something about TIME and SPACE.

Written by Sister Carter