Tag Archives: visions

6/4/14 dream – Heed the Call Guardians

warrior angel of god

Shalom Brother and Sisters! I wanted to provide you with a dream that I had on 6/4/14. I was the commander of an elite squad and each member had unique skills. I was in a research lab, when all of a sudden there were a lot of officers that came running into the room with their weapons. There was a loud banging sound. A guy had gained superhuman powers and was breaking through doors and walls in the research lab (Now the guy who gained the powers was a part of my elite team at one point, however he turned on us and was trying to kill us). Many of the officers had guns and I requested their back up weapons to arm myself. The banging continued and I could hear gunfire in the distance. I tried to hide a female team member of mine behind a machine; however in the end I decided it was better for her to come with me. We started walking up a long hallway. We heard banging in various places of the lab. While we were walking up the hallway a command was given over a Public Announcement System to have all doors/gates (portals) opened. As the doors/gates (portals) opened different search parties went in to search rooms for the man with the powers. I remember one search party team was completely covered in armor.

When my female team member and I turned around and headed in the other direction the gates/doors (portals) were opened and guardians and warriors from different worlds, galaxies, universes, etc. entered into the hallway. One of the female guardian commanders came to me and advised that guardians normally do not get involved in each other’s wars; however the command came from higher (I believe it was a call from Yahshua). As more guardians and warriors started to arrive we heard banging as if different doors and barriers were being broken down. We were all safe where we were. The enemy was nowhere near us. In my mind I could see the enemy, his eyes were red and he was wearing a black trench coat and metallic armor. I did not know exactly where he was but I could see him knocking down doors and barriers. All the guardians were gathering together under the call of Yahshua to face this enemy. We were prepared and ready for battle. I woke up and the enemy never got to us.

Please check out my post Calling All Guardians

Written by Brother Whitfield

My thoughts Part 2: Awakening

lioness 2

My thoughts Part 2

If people saw what the Most High showed me than many people would wake up. I have been warning people since I woke up in 2012. My life has been transformed and all I want to do is read and understand his Word. Honestly at this point it’s no going back because he chose me and I’m on assignment. I’m not afraid to say that I have lost all of my friends, I don’t have nobody in my life but family and Obadiyah Joseph Yisrael. Obadiyah Joseph Yisrael also known as Brother Whitfield is the only one that hears the revelation that Yah has given me and he is the only one that is willing to listen to me. I feel alone but now Yah has connected me with other Israelites. Finally my visions are coming together. I don’t understand everything that he has shown me but I believe there’s a time for everything.

The day after I woke up I spoke out of my mouth that the 144,000, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel will be awakened. At that time I had no understanding why I said that. It’s like Yah was speaking through me. I have felt like I was crazy for a long time because I couldn’t explain what was happening to me for that 7 days. I saw things, heard things, and I also remember going down a hallway in heaven talking with an angel. To be honest it felt like I was in heaven before and my knowledge was returning. Another thing that I can’t explain.

I knew that the hands of the Creator was upon me because during that 7 day experience all I could hear was a voice saying Creator of the Universe. In 2013 on the Sabbath day I heard a voice that said, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” I will always remember that day. Yah has been telling me a lot of things and I have been seeking wisdom this whole time. It’s like my mind is so connected to the spiritual realm.

What I do know for sure is that this is the time for the Bride to prepare. Right now the world is not ready for what’s going to happen in the near future. I saw something that is coming and when I say I saw the earth on FIRE. It was like a lake of Fire. I have warned all of the people that was in my visions and dreams and most of them are preparing but some of them are not paying attention. I have been doing the work of the Most High. I have started my ministry www.awakeninghigherself.com and I have a ministry page on Facebook which none of my so called friends or family visit. I’m not in the world anymore and I don’t do what I used to do so if you don’t want to hang around me because of this then you were never my friend to begin with. My top priority is serving the Most High.

I have put out revelation for some time now and all I want to do is help my brothers and sisters. I have been waiting for something to happen and it just happened recently with the children of Israel which made me smile. I was so excited to see how our people are coming together in LOVE. This is the KEY and this is the major sign that I have been watching for with our people. I have seen debates over and over again and I have seen hatred spread with our people. Now I see LOVE. It has been a transformation and it’s such a relief to finally see the children of Israel coming together in LOVE. With that said the Heavenly Father is so proud of us and he has remembered us. We have been through so much and since we are now learning to be obedient he will give us the desires of our hearts. We will rule in his Kingdom as Kings and Queens. When Yahshua returns he will bring his rewards with him and we will reign with him. So don’t let anyone take away your crown, keep doing the will of your Father. Love you all!

Written by Sister Carter