Tag Archives: wilderness

Dream in January 2015: Volcano Erupting

volcano eruption

Shalom brothers and sisters in January 2015 I had a dream of a volcano erupting. This is the second dream that I had of a volcano erupting. I just wonder if this is another warning. There are a lot of things going on across the world and I know the Most High is sending his people signs with warnings. Now I can’t remember the whole dream but I do remember saying something about an ash cloud in the dream. As I started to flee away I felt heat behind me and then I saw a huge fireball pass by me. Sparks of fire came down and all I can remember were people fleeing away. I saw many cars in front of me and they were stuck in traffic on the expressway. There was no way out of the city  because it was too much traffic. It seem like the whole city was evacuating.  Me and my family fled on foot and I remember standing by a river. I then looked up towards heaven and I saw what looked like the moon and it was day time. I stood there waiting for Yahshua to return.  It’s like I knew it was close to the time of his return. Then I woke up.  

This dream is very interesting to me. It appears that a major disaster is coming. Where? I don’t know but I know in the near future a volcano is going to erupt and it’s going to be devastating. I don’t know when this will happen but I had this dream in January 2016. When I fled on foot, it appears that I was running through a desert, it was a very large area and no houses around, it’s like I was in the wilderness or something. All I can say is something is definitely coming and it seem like it’s going to be unexpected. Please be ready for the coming of the Lord at all times. The Passover Feast is coming soon and all I can say is, “You don’t want the Destroyer to come your way because disaster after disaster follows.” The earth is already shaking and falling apart. We all need to stay prepared and we need to continue to watch all the signs that the Most High is giving us. Keep your eyes open and your ears open. Pray that you are worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this earth. We must endure till the end saints.

Father Yah please protect all of your children from all the coming plagues and judgments that will be poured out on the world. Please pass over us Father and keep us safe no matter where we are located at. in this world. Father please send your angels to us and let your angels lead and guide us to safety at all times. I know your children are scattered out over the whole world and I know soon we will all be gathered up by the angels when Yahshua returns. Help us Father in these ends days and give us strength to endure all things. When we are weak please be our strength Father. In the mighty name of your son Yahshua Ha’Mashiach. Halleluyah!!    

Written by Sister Carter (Athaleyah)

Revelation on 9-21-2015: Preparing for the Day of Atonement

throne of judgment

Revelation on 9-21-2015: Preparing for the Day of Atonement

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! I just got another revelation while the waters poured upon me. I saw a vision where the throne room was getting prepared. I saw the angels gathering and taking their seats in the courtroom in heaven. The angels were saying to themselves,”I hope we have done a good job with preparing his people. They will now be presented to the Father on the throne.” I saw an image of the Father sitting down with Yahshua on his right side. It’s like the court session was about to begin.

I immediately thought about all the preparation that the angels have assisted me with. Back in 2012 the angels were teaching me that I must have my house in order. They taught me that I needed to be purified and they taught me the Father’s commandments. I also stopped eating unclean foods and I became set apart. I had been in the wilderness preparing myself and during this time sin had to be purged out of me and I had to overcome the enemy. I had been tested and tried with many tribulations.  I messed up several times but I didn’t give up. The angels were preparing me to become like a wise virgin.

I began my ministry and I have received a wealth of knowledge over the course of 3 years. I have done so much work for the Kingdom of Heaven and I have prepared myself spiritually for the return of Yahshua. I have learned the fruits of the spirit and I have expressed love with my brothers and sisters. I have followed the Lamb everywhere and I have seeked the Most High like never before. It’s like the ministering spirits of heaven were preparing me to become a Bride. I have been going through a transformation for more than 3 years and I received my spiritual awakening code or number and I have been seeing repeating numbers since 2011. I have been experiencing so many things and I have been given many dreams and revelations during this period of time and I have put them on my ministry page to share with my brothers and sisters. But I know that few find wisdom and many people are too busy to read. I’m just glad that I didn’t reject the Holy Spirit and Yahshua when they came knocking on my door. I invited Yahshua in to eat with me and I have eaten the full word and received it gladly even though it was bitter at times. I have endured, kept the faith and experienced some losses during this time but I have received salvation and gained eternal life. HalleluYah! (Praise Yah) for everything that he is doing for me and for the children of Israel. We are truly blessed to have a loving Father. I love you all and please continue to prepare. I was given my robe of righteousness in a dream by an angel and he told me to walk in it. Truly this have been a blessing to share my experiences and testimonies with my people.

Daniel 7:9-10

I watched as thrones were put in place
and the Ancient One sat down to judge.
His clothing was as white as snow,
his hair like purest wool.
He sat on a fiery throne
with wheels of blazing fire,
10 and a river of fire was pouring out,
flowing from his presence.
Millions of angels ministered to him;
many millions stood to attend him.
Then the court began its session,
and the books were opened.

Written by Sister Carter