The forces of nature, the elements, have a positive and negative effect in the universe. The elements are comprised of the atoms that make up everything, it is earth, air, water and fire. These elemental forces are the powers of the Creator of the Universe. The Creator’s powers can create and destroy.
Isaiah 45:7 NLT: I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things.
The Creator of the Universe consists of the masculine (+) and feminine (-) energies and these two energies connected as one creates the perfect balance. They are whole, perfect and complete. While in perfect balance they create peace and harmony and good things manifest in their creation. When there is an imbalance in these energies, they create chaos and destruction and bad things manifest in their creation. We are gods and we can create and destroy because we have both masculine (+) and feminine energies (-) within us.
It’s very important that you understand that you are One with the Creator, One with Nature, One with the Elements.
As humans on this earth we should be in peace and harmony with one another but as you can see there is more chaos and destruction manifested on this planet. We are not in perfect alignment with the Creator which means we need to balance our masculine and feminine energies. Balance is the key! We have created the reality that we live in: chaos, fear and death. There is so much fear on this planet that darkness has been created instead of light and love. The negative energies are creating more darkness over this planet. There is an imbalance on this earth and the Mother Earth is crying out to all of her children, all those born on this planet. She has tried for thousands and thousands of years to teach humanity about the tree of life. She has brought forth wisdom and given instruction in all ages. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. – Proverbs 3:18
She has stood at the gates and cried out to you to awaken your souls yet many refused knowledge and have unknowingly chose ignorance. She has observed the hearts and minds of all humanity. She has observed the fruits of the spirit in humanity and has seen the negative works of our flesh. She as the Mother of the Universe, the feminine energy has obtained the knowledge of both good and evil, she is the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. The feminine energy has given birth to both negative and positive energies. So be careful with your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions. If you give out negative energy you will attract negative energy, if you give out positive energy you will attract positive energy.
She understands each and every one of us because she has viewed us from all angles. She lives within us and she has whispered into our ears and has given us instructions. She is our intuition and she is our guide but we must listen to our Mother. She is the Holy Spirit, She comforts us through trials and tribulations. She is the light when we are in darkness, she dwells with us in the times of darkness. She will never leave you because she loves you all. She contains the source of all knowledge of good and evil and she is the purifier, the holy fire that cleanses, restores and renews.
She has given birth to countless sons and daughters in the universe and in the beginning the light and the darkness were separated. The Father sent his son Yahshua Hamishiach to this planet to bring us back in alignment with the Creator and through him the world will be saved. Yahshua represents the light of the world, he represents peace, love and harmony. He represents the perfect mind, the perfect balance of both the masculine and feminine energies. He was, still is and will always be in perfect balance with the Creator.
Hear as wisdom speaks. It is important to balance both energies and project positive energies (love) into the universe. Whatever you send out will eventually return. The people on the earth has sent forth negative energies on this planet and it has manifested in the heavens. Chaos and destruction has manifested in our star system which means the earth is in danger, the earth is on a path of destruction. What goes up must come back down. As above so below. Humans created calamity and destruction on this planet not the True Creator. Remember the True Creator (Mother/Father) is in perfect balance with one another, he/she is in Perfect Harmony. They are at peace with one another! There is no war, no hate, no division between the two because they have become ONE! Pure love flows from the True Creator and when they create together they bring forth goodness and love which is pure light energy and that is how the children of the light are birthed into the universe. We were created from LOVE! Yahshua was, is and forever will be the light!
Yahshua is not alone in creating the world he has a female counterpart. It will always remain male and female as the whole, so please understand if there is a King there is also a Queen. It is through the marriage of the Father and Mother that the children are born. This is the perfect order of the universe anything contrary to this creates disorder and corruption. The Creator consists of negative and positive energies. When the two are separated you can identify the different traits of the positive and negative. Through experience is how humans have learned from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You contain both energies within you and you have power and authority over these energies. You can create light or you can create darkness so be careful with what you create because it can become your reality.
The negative aspect of Self is known to us as Satan, the adversary, the Devil, the Destroyer. We all must be aware of our self. We must evaluate ourselves in the mirror. To know the Creator is to know thyself. Our negative traits/thoughts/desires/emotions can birth sin so we must learn the fruits of the True God. If it is contrary to fruits of the spirit then it is a negative energy/evil spirit/work of the flesh. The negative Self manifests the works of Satan and the works of Satan are considered the sins of the world and sin is death. Death will be destroyed which means the sins of the world will be no more. 1 Corinthians 15;26 states, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”
This means the earth and the people on the earth must be purified. We as a people must repent of our sins and sin no more. The earth must be cleansed from all of the works of Satan and the earth is cleansed by two elements. The two elements that cleanses and purifies is water and fire. From the beginning we see the earth was cleansed by a flood to rid the earth of evil spirits and the bible states the earth will be purified by fire in the end. It is a cycle that the earth goes through. From the beginning to the end there is a transformation that takes place. If we humans have projected negative energy from this earth out into the universe then it’s bound to return to the earth and it’s inhabiters.
Like the scripture states, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” The earth is experiencing birth pains right now. Many are awakening in these last days and many people are preparing themselves spiritually and physically. It is a process up to the day of deliverance and the earth is going through some changes before she gives birth. We are also going through a transformation process. We are getting rid of evil in our lives and so is the earth. The Creator, both Father and Mother is speaking to your souls and they are trying to prepare you as wise virgins. They have been preparing you to become brides and bridegrooms, because where they dwell you will also dwell.
There is a place prepared for you and it’s the New Heaven and New Earth and you will be given a new body. This body is in perfect balance with the Creator. Love, peace and joy resides on this New Earth, it is a place filled with LOVE and LIGHT! You will have a body that is formed out of pure light energy. Yahshua makes all things New and he said that he would come back to get you after everything is finished. We will be taken to a higher region in the universe, a region filled with brilliant light. Right now we dwell in a lower region in the universe where chaos and destruction dwells but we will be taken to a higher place where the universe is in peace and in harmony with one another. Keep looking up and keep having faith of being delivered. Have no fear of the things that are coming to this earth because purification is needed. The Creator has already saved you. They came up with a plan to save their children. All of you play a part in these last days and everyone have a purpose.
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Light and Love) <<<333>>>