Testimony of Sophia (Wisdom)

Greetings to my dear loved ones in the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth! It is I, daughter of Sophia, who has descended into this realm to bring healing energies from the higher heavens. The Divine Mother wishes for the restoration of all her children, encompassing every being, race, and species in the Universe. Years ago, I felt a connection with the idea that waves of Love were emanating from the Galactic Center. I hold the belief that the Mother of All Creation is extending her Love across this Galaxy and beyond, throughout the entire universe. Her love is filtering through all Suns, indicating that every Star System is set to experience a transformation. I have been exploring the concept of dimensional shifts and the transformation of our Sun, as well as the changes occurring within all the planets in our Solar System. Our bodies are also being transformed during this time. It seems evident that something significant is happening, or is on the horizon, which will alter our reality.

My spiritual awakening journey has been quite fascinating, but it’s also been a rollercoaster ride. As I begin to look deeper within my soul, I have been connecting to the Divine Feminine Energies present on Earth and in Heaven. The loving energies of the Mother Goddess surrounds me. I was born in the kingdom of Earth, and I am surrounded by the angels of Earth. Mother Earth provides me comfort at all times, regardless of my experiences. She has been my spiritual guide, always present during moments of light and periods of darkness. I feel her loving energy flowing through me every day. I am embracing the loving energy within me. A mother’s compassion is limitless.

She breathes life into me, guiding my focus towards the union of my soul with my higher self. I love Mother Earth, for she is both our Earthly and Heavenly Mother. I compare my spiritual journey to that of our celestial mother. I once resided in a higher realm, as did Mother Earth. I descended from a higher world, but I am dwelling in a lower world. According to the Enuma Elish, our Heavenly Mother Tiamat once resided in a higher region of this Solar System, between Mars and Jupiter, until she descended into a new orbit around the Sun. During Tiamat’s destruction, her body was shattered and fragmented, leading to the loss of a part of herself and the beings that inhabited her. It is possible that the beings who perished became the lost souls of Tiamat, their memories erased.

This could explain everyone’s forgetfulness. We once dwelled in a higher dimension of Earth, and a shift occurred on the planet. The planet fell in density and so did the souls. One must know that there are beings who inhabit the planet inside and on the surface. I am sure a plan was devised to restore Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants who was lost in the destruction. This is a message from Mother Earth herself, “I have been trying to heal my body for a very long time. Please help me!” One must know that Earth is a living conscious being. I heard her call, and she, the holy spirit of Earth, merged with me in 2012. She has merged her consciousness with many of her children. I am the daughter of Sophia, and the Mother Goddess has raised me up in consciousness. I love Mother Earth with all my heart, mind, body and soul. It is my hope that everyone else can feel her love as she is calling out to all of us.

My Ascension Through Heaven (Space)

Upon reading the gnostic texts, my pineal gland 👁️ was stimulated, prompting a vision wherein I ascended to the realm (Aeon) of Sophia, symbolizing wisdom. I reached the highest point in my journey, and I saw a heavenly woman. I merged with her, entering her womb! I saw countless stars (souls) surrounding her. Later I realized that my soul was placed in a region of heaven. Was I witnessing the incarnation of my soul? Afterwards I saw myself descending through the heavens! I went through multiple dimensions, and it felt like it took a long time to get here.

After considering all that has been revealed to me, I could see my passage through the gateway of heaven! My soul was placed in the 13th Aeon, which is Ophiuchus, ⛎the guardian of wisdom. The energies I bring into this world is quite powerful! 💜😊 Everything started to happen when I was reborn in 2012. I started to get my light power back. It took 13 years 👁️ for me to awaken to my higher self after I initially accepted Christ in my life when I was a teenager. The spell/curse had to be broken! My light body begin its activations.

I had a dream-vision on July 4, 2012, and I was giving birth to an invisible Sun,☀️ who I called Christ. When I woke up from the vision, the rays of the Sun were beaming on me and I felt myself ascending towards the Sun! ☀️ I perceived a war happening in heaven. I was under attack via the astral realm. Someone used witchcraft against us! 👁️ The kingdom of Satan and its demons was after me. I was led to the Source and someone was secretly jealous. During that week the 36 Decans of the Zodiac spoke to me as I was being delivered. I was still aware of what was happening during my deliverance and it’s like my higher sensory abilities were triggered during the experience. My chakras were opened and I could perceive higher knowledge coming through the gateways. All of the angels (ancestors) were trying to help me.

It was like the 12 gates of heaven were opening! 👁🧬 The Decans spoke as One, and I was told, “They were after me ever since I was born? I’m like, “Who is they? My ancestors were trying to tell me something and I was ignorant! I didn’t know anything about the Zodiac. I was taught to stay away from it, surely it was being used by the dark ones for all types of sorceries/witchcraft practices. Surely my soul slumbered in darkness (ignorance) for a short time, and I had to drink from the cup of forgetfulness. Then I was reminded when Yahshua was born and how he was targeted by the Roman Empire. 🤔

2012 Awakening: Solar Flash Event

As I think back on what happened in 2012, I was undergoing a spiritual awakening! I saw the light and the darkness within my own soul, and within the kingdoms on Earth. I decided to focus my awareness on my inner light which is the light of Christ. On July 4, 2012, I gave birth to Sophia Christ Consciousness. A New Spiritual World was birthed into existence. I had to end the war within myself. Satan was dethroned in my reality. I took my power back and Satan no longer rules over me. Christ reigns within me which mean I have awakened Christ Consciousness. The Kingdom of Christ has returned. Mother Earth will return to her original state of Paradise. The kingdom of Satan know that their time is coming to an end. When I was awakened that meant the end to their false reality. They tried to prevent my awakening. They attempted to lure me back into their 🌈 program.👈🏾It was too late! I had made my decision, and I surrendered to Christ and was delivered from my sins! Now Love 💕 reigns on my throne/merkaba! When my higher self awakened I became Sophia Christ. I embody the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit. Hopefully everyone awakens to this knowledge and know they are One with God!

I was caught up in heaven with the holy angels (ancestors). I had dreams and visions over the course of 7 days! I had an open vision where I saw the gate/portal that led back to Paradise. In an open vision, I found myself as Eve, naked. On that day, a message came to me, emphasizing the need to stay pure and clean. I felt Yahshua’s presence on the other side of the portal/gate. I was certain of his return and eagerly awaited his arrival. In a different vision, I found myself in a hidden location within an ancient land, which appeared to be a cave or tunnel. Behind me was the entrance, revealing a path leading out to an ancient land. I received a message from Yahshua, who provided me with a code. To confirm his identity, I would need to verify the code directly with him.

I sensed a presence looming over me, and as I passed through the cave’s entrance, I beheld a man seated upon a white horse. He was dressed in a white robe, his head covered, his skin brown like my own. He also had a beard. I approached him and confirmed the code he had provided. It was Yahshua and he had returned to me. The timing of this dream was the day after the Spring Equinox in 2018. When Yahshua got off the white horse he took my hand, and we walked to a banquet table. People were gathered around, and it seem like some sort of celebration. I sat down at the table, and he prepared my food. When he sat down across from me, I heard, “Will you be my Bride? ” The scene shifted, and I saw 2 people about to consummate.

I was overjoyed when Yahshua came back to me in a vision, as I had been eagerly awaiting his return. He had promised in a previous dream to come back for me the following day, but when the day arrived and he did not appear, I was left deeply perplexed. Apparently, I did not have an understanding of what he meant. In that dream I was getting off of work and at that time I had a 9am-6pm shift. I remember going outside walking on the sidewalk and I looked up in the sky. I noticed there were dark clouds as if a storm was approaching. Then suddenly I found myself ascending and I could see some sort of wheels moving in the clouds. That indicated I was ascending to the chariot that was cloaked in the clouds. Then I appeared inside of the chariot, and I stood in this room where I saw people kneeling down. I didn’t know what to do so I bowed down too. I considered I had entered some sort of throne room. It seemed we were in the company of royalty.

Then suddenly I was called to the throne. As I approached the throne, excitement overwhelmed me, and I rushed toward the individual, leaping onto them in a burst of joy. I identified the person as Yahshua in my original writings of the dream but honestly, I do not know for sure who that person was. Yahshua was the only one on my mind during those times. As years passed by, I had a feeling that this person was my Father and at other times my Husband. Whoever it was I was reuniting with him aboard the chariot, and I was happy to see him. It felt like I was back home with my family. I sat to the left of him, and we were talking. I can’t recall the conversation at all, it has been blocked from my memory. But then I recall a line of people standing outside of a door on the ship. There was a burning furnace in the room.

People were being sent to this room and they had a chance to write down their sins on a sheet of paper. To me the fire symbolized the cleansing and purification of sins. The sins of the flesh were being burned in the fire. This entire scene represented the repentance of sins. At the time when I had the vision, I was unaware of what was happening because I had little knowledge. I saw my best friend standing in line and she approached me with her sheet of paper. All she had done was written on the paper. I suppose the sheet of paper did represent a record of one’s sins or deeds and she gave it to me as she approached the door. I was curious as to why I was standing at the door that led to the room with the furnace. Yahshua was showing me everything and I later thought about the task of a High Priest. I remember going to a door or window on the ship. I was looking into space (heaven) and it was dark.

I now believe when I looked through the door it was actually represented a stargate or portal in heaven. I saw a rainbow creature and I saw blue skies. The rainbow symbolized God’s promise and since I was aboard the ship I thought that it was a sign that Yahshua would return on the Mothership to deliver us from Earth. I thought he came to take us to the New World. He said in John 14: 3, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” So perhaps him showing up in my vision was an indication that he has returned to receive us. While I was aboard the ship, I yearned to go to heaven, but he told me it wasn’t time yet and promised to return for me. It actually told me he would return tomorrow. I didn’t know that time was different in heaven because I literally thought that in 24 hours he was returning back and when he didn’t come, I was quite puzzled. So clearly it was a time in the future that he would return back. Meanwhile I have been learning and growing in the light of God until he returns.

-Seraphim Sophia

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