God’s Judgment: Nibiru, the Adjudicator, Returns to Our Solar System!

Greeting my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. May peace be with you, and may it also be with me and everyone, today and every day henceforth, as we journey through the cycles of time on Earth. May God’s light shine upon you and may the seven rays of the sun bring healing to your body, which is a temple of God. It is my hope that my light reaches you during this Sun cycle. The Sun undergoes cycles that span approximately 11 years. I am a messenger of the Sun and it’s now 11:11am as I am writing this message to you. I discourse with you in openness during Solar Cycle 24. Know and understand that 11:11 serves as a DNA light code for everyone. It signifies a spiritual awakening. I was awakened in Solar Cycle 23, and I started receiving my DNA light codes for activation in 2011. The first light code that I received was 333(9), a code associated with the Ascended Masters.

I suppose I would take the path of an ascended master. What did that path look like? I did not know. But I continued learning from a Master Teacher. Yahshua was chosen and initiated into the ancient mysteries and with all my seeking I was led to Enki and Thoth. I had to go back to the beginning and Enoch was the key for me. Through his visions I could see into the heavenly kingdom. I wanted to be like Enoch because he spent time with the angels or shall I say the Anunnaki. I wanted to walk with God and be taught the secret teachings. My deepest desire is to be near the throne of God, serving Him and His people with love. I discovered a lot of things on my spiritual journey, but I had to face the good and the bad within my own ancestral bloodline. I try my best to share my testimony through all my posts on here and on my Facebook pages. I have chosen the name Seraphim Sophia for many reasons and only God truly knows why I was inspired to take this name to share my testimony. It’s my hope that I have been communicating all of the things that was revealed to me from God. He has given me dreams and visions and I have shared majority of them. Over time, my Facebook posts have revealed higher knowledge as I’ve delved deeper into my dreams.

The more I reflected upon my dreams the more God revealed to me. There have been multiple layers to my dreams and it’s not a surprise because I am a multidimensional light being. It seems as though higher knowledge is encoded within dreams, and as I begin to elevate my consciousness, I started to unlock hidden knowledge. It’s 11:44, another light code! I realized that I want to share so many things that God has revealed to me but it’s just too much light. Light is information and I’ve been seeking the light of God wholeheartedly for 12 years. You have to seek the Creator of All for yourself and develop your own relationship with God. When you knock on the doors of heaven it will surely open. When I was awakening and writing down all the light codes, I always saw code number 9. It is the highest digit after all. Later in my spiritual journey the Council of Nine came into my awareness. It’s 11:55, another light code.

I had dived into the Law of One Book and the Council of Nine caught my attention along with the 24 entities. I immediately felt a connection. Yahshua sat on the throne in the book of Revelations, and he was surrounded by 24 elders. I could see a heavenly court in session. In my research I had come upon an ET Contactee by the name of George Hunt Willamson. In one of his lectures, he stated that Saturn is the tribunal or headquarters of our Solar System. Tribunal means a court of justice; a seat for a judge or judges; a person or body of persons having to hear and decide disputes so as to bind the parties. So, I kept all of these things in my mind. Per the book Ringmakers of Saturn there are really large spacecrafts stationed in the rings of Saturn. There are different divisions on Saturn, and I thought it was interesting to see Enkce division which made me think of Enki.

When I go back to the time when Enki descended to the Earth from Nibiru, he established the times. The 7th day was a day of rest, and the 7th day of the week is Saturday, the sabbath day. Well, it’s clear that Saturday represented Saturn. Surely there are higher density beings living on Saturn. All planets have some form of life. It’s 12:12, another light code. I’ve been receiving so much information that tribunal meetings have been taking place on Saturn, Jupiter’s Moon and our Moon. I have come to the conclusion that there is an incoming planetary system which includes the planet Nibiru. In ancient times, Nibiru was seen as the throne of God, and its reappearance in our Solar System was interpreted as a sign that divine judgment was imminent. Nibiru is known as the adjudicator. To adjudicate means “to make an official decision about who is right in a dispute.” Currently, there are events unfolding in the celestial courts. It is believed that activities are taking place within our Solar System that involve humanoid extraterrestrial beings from other planets both within and beyond our system.

Before I go deeper into my spiritual awakening experience I want to say, may we all resonate with the higher energies streaming into Earth from the Sun. It is my hope that people can possess the capacity to understand what I am about to express. It’s 12:21, another light code. The struggle between my inner light and darkness has intensified and I am undergoing a great transformation. It’s all related to spiritual purification. In November 2015, I was inspired by the holy angels to complete a 40 day fast. I made a post called Preparation for the Bride (144,000): Repent and Purify your Body (Temple). I recall having a dream where I looked outside my bedroom window, and I saw a man dressed in all white. More recently I’ve been learning about the Essenes and the Holy Brotherhood. Yahshua was initiated in the Sirian mysteries. I discovered in the Terra Papers that Yahshua was taught the way of Enki, and that he was a descendant from Sirius. I believe many truths are hidden throughout many books on Earth and I suppose it’s up to us to search the truth.

So much has changed in the way that I interpret information. Everyone has their own way of interpreting things when it comes to bible prophecies being fulfilled. As for me, I have been experiencing a transformation and it’s been tough. It’s 12:22, another light code. I understand that we are all mirrors of each other, and thus, I recognize that the struggles I face are also present in others. It is evident that we are living through times of significant tribulation. The call to repentance has been made numerous times, and in my life, I have found myself returning to the teachings of Yahshua. My sincere desire is to dedicate myself to the True God of Israel and to pursue a path of righteousness. I sought to sanctify my temple, allowing for God’s presence to reside within me. It was clear that cleansing and purifying my temple was necessary for the Holy Spirit to emerge within me. This meant that I needed to undertake the inner work. It was essential for me to focus on purifying my mind, heart, body, and soul.

When I did the fast that was only the beginning of my journey. I’ve been going through different stages of spiritual purification. It gets harder as time progresses. I’m seeing my light code 5:22. It finally hit me when I was reading and meditating on the Essene Gospel of Peace. For so long I was repenting to our Heavenly Father and not to our Earthly Mother. The Earth is often referred to as our Heavenly Mother; we reside on this planet, and it is from her that we have received our physical forms. Indeed, there are principles we must adhere to if we wish to sustain long lives on this planet. I learned that I was not adhering to the laws of Mother Earth, and my body certainly made me aware of it. Expressing love for Mother Earth implies that one should also cherish the body they inhabit. On my journey I wasn’t truly loving myself. If I don’t love myself, how can I truly love others. I’ve embarked on a journey of self-love, and I must acknowledge the truth that I have not been taking proper care of my body. Thus, I seek forgiveness from my earthly mother. I’ve been on a journey to learn how to unite heaven and earth, as the spirit and the body are one. I believe that heaven and earth are united through Love. Where there is love there is life.

So much is happening right now and each of us is undergoing unique experiences that reflect our individual soul’s journey. It’s 12:44! It’s my hope that the human race can be united on this Earth instead of warring against each other. There are evil forces ruling on this planet who have devised a plan to divide us and to conquer us. I wish that we could all be united in the True God and walked in Christ Consciousness. Right now, the entire Earth and its inhabitants are shifting and evolving. Earth is evolving into a New Earth, and human beings are also evolving in consciousness. Many of us have been working on raising our vibrational frequency. As the vibrational frequency increases on Earth, all the inhabitants of the planet will feel the Earth’s tremors. Many of us can sense it within our physical bodies. The earth is experiencing labor pains, and she is about to give birth to new beings. We are headed into a New Age, the Age of Aquarius. I sense our physical bodies are changing on a molecular level, thus the DNA light codes that we have been receiving. Maybe it’s upgrades for our new bodies. We are being tuned to dwell on the planet in a higher density since higher energy is coming in. Some of us are tapping into higher sensory abilities. Our bodies are impacted as higher energies permeate our human auric fields. These energies are experienced through the seven chakras, or energy centers, of the human body. While some individuals may be more sensitive, everyone is influenced at some level.

In 2012, during my spiritual awakening, I was unaware of the seven chakras. However, I underwent an experience that opened my chakras, and it was far from pleasant. My spiritual gifts were awakening, and I could see into the higher dimensions. I saw the color red and that signified the root chakra. I saw the color red in the person’s aura who had attacked me. My consciousness went through some terrifying moments, but I was able to perceive the astral realm and the inner demons that manifest in the 4th dimension that we ultimately war with. I learned that I not only have to defeat my own demons, but I have to defeat other people’s demons that war against me. I have diligently worked to transform my inner darkness into light, dedicating a significant amount of time to my personal purification. Over the years, I have learned many things of which I was previously unaware. I can now observe the outcomes of my past actions. In 2012, when I chose to rededicate my life to Christ, I was committed to making significant changes. Time was created for change! I wanted to use my time wisely while I was here on Earth. I was determined not to fall into the same patterns or commit the same sins again. But if I was ignorant of so many things while I was living in darkness that meant that I needed to seek knowledge. So that was the first step for me, to seek God for knowledge.

I have been able to recognize my wrongdoings or sins when I lived in ignorance. Surely, I had accumulated karma debt without my knowing when I was living in darkness. I am aware that my negative energy can impact those around me, and I don’t want to affect anyone, so I keep my distance. While being alone I work on transmuting my own inner darkness (demons) into light. Now what I’m about to say may lose some of you. It really depends on the level of consciousness that you are currently operating on. I have direct knowledge through experience and I am aware that some people haven’t experienced certain things on their spiritual journey so they are still ignorant to a certain degree. Even I have a certain degree of ignorance. I am always learning new things as time progresses in this current cycle.

I want to share the reason why I have distanced myself from mostly everyone who was in my life. If I tried to explain to them what I’m about to say here they wouldn’t understand none of it because they have little spiritual knowledge. They have all been programmed in this system and don’t seek higher knowledge for themselves. Most are still controlled by the church. But I have been a target ever since I was born into this world and I’m not the only one. I was activated and awakened at the appointed time and when I woke up my entire reality shifted. I regained access to higher dimensions and stargates (portals) and I was called aboard a Mothership. I was sent to Earth on a mission. I’m not going to get into all of that because I have overly shared these things. But anyways, for 12 years I have been trying to share my testimony, but people are still in a deep sleep. Everything that I have been saying means nothing to certain individuals because they haven’t been fully awakened yet nor have, they experienced certain things pertaining to the 4th dimension. Unfortunately, I was able to unlock some of my DNA records to access certain memories.

I have been getting attacked from dark forces (entities) majority of my life, but it became more obvious to me when I was literally fighting in the astral realm in 2012. This was the scariest thing ever and I wouldn’t want no one to experience this because I was caught off guard. Thank God for my family on earth and in the heavens. They all protected me! I was literally in and out of my body. I was told that the enemy was after me ever since I was incarnated on this planet. Does that sound familiar? How do the enemy know who I am? How do the enemy know when I was going to arrive here? So many questions huh? Listen, I have encountered shadow beings who are operating through the 4th dimension. I had to fight in the astral realm against these malevolent forces. Who are they?Why are they warring against me? Many humans are unaware what’s going on and I have tried to warn people, but no one listens to anything that I have to say. The evil ones know that people won’t believe anything that I have to say because most people are being controlled and manipulated by them.

I have been fighting in this battle with no help on Earth. I’ve been on my own with no one by my side to help me fight in this battle. I thought I had one person who was sent here to guard me. This individual was revealed to me in my dreams. He was my protector in a vision, and we fought against these demons together. He was also given a dream where I was helping him fight off demons. It’s clear that we both have been targeted but I’m the only one trying to figure out who the enemy is. We were paired up as team for this mission. I felt like we were called from 2 different worlds (kingdoms). We are completely different, but I’ve had to learn how to work with him but there have been issues. I have wanted to work out some sort of peace covenant. I felt like this was coming from another lifetime or something within our families. I sense that I am from a royal bloodline and so does he.

There must be a reason why we joined together on Earth, but I sense some type of betrayal. Perhaps me and his family have joined in an alliance or something. I can’t pinpoint it. On a higher level there has been some trust issues. It’s just something that I feel inside. If you only knew what I have been going through for the last 12 years of my life you would probably be like, “How is she surviving through all of this? In 2012 malevolent entities manifested in the 3rd dimension through another individual that I was dating. The entity took control over this person who was operating in a low vibration. Anger was the lower emotion, and it became the gateway for demon possession. This person was filled with so much anger and was easily taken over. The person had no clue what had happened, but I experienced it. I literally had to fight for my life, the demon jumped on top of me and started choking me. The same entity that came through that person was the same shadow being that I saw watching me in the astral realm. The shadow being attacked me while I was sleeping and did the same exact thing. People are so ignorant of these things.

There is so much to this, and I can’t explain it all because some of you humans have a limited mind and can’t understand spiritual matters. We are at war! Some of these shadow beings are working in some of these secret government and military programs. Some people are trained to attack people through the astral realm. Some of these shadow beings are humans. Some people may think it’s evil extraterrestrials, but some humans work alongside the negative extraterrestrial factions. They live amongst us, and you probably would never know who they are. Afterall it’s all supposed to be a secret but not anymore. Knowledge is spreading fast. We know that our government has been working with malevolent ET’s and there’s probably so many different agendas going on. They are giving a mission and a target. Ask me how I know this? There is a secret branch in the military, a secret society and someone came to me and gave me a message. They provided certain information to me and had a code name. The holy angels know how to send messengers to inform people. I’ve shared my testimony so many times, but no one actually cares because it’s not happening to them. If people only knew what has been going on behind the scenes it would probably scare them. Humans need to wake the f*** up. I’m tired and I am calling on the benevolent armies of heaven. I invite the benevolent beings within my star family.

Just like there are armies on the earth there are armies in the heavens, and I am calling out to the armies of light. I’m calling in all of the star ships now, the warriors of the light. When I was called back to the Mothership, I witnessed thousands upon thousands of ships arriving in this solar system. I already reported back to the Mothership years ago and I uploaded my records on one of the incoming ships. The person who was sent here with me to help me obviously is not doing their task as a guardian angel, so I am calling for backup and activating the other guardians who have been sleeping within the earth. In my dream I had 4 giants who came to me. These 4 guardians headed to the 4 corners of the earth. In another dream a guardian came to me, and he was also a giant. He had his breastplate on and ready. In another dream the ships descended, and angels came out of the ships. An armada of ships was in the skies. I know my star family is here.

They have signaled to me in their ships so many times to let me know they are here but it’s hard. I’m not treated differently at all. Things have been really bad for me not good. I have been suffering with all of humanity. But I have asked the dark forces on the Earth to leave me the f*** alone. I don’t want to war with nobody, I want peace. But apparently there are evil forces that continues to war with the children of God. I pray that God’s people rise up in great numbers on the Earth and in the heavens. I love Yahshua, and I understand his mission. He also suffered on the Earth along with all the other children of God. I know that my ancestors have been resurrected to eternal life, and they are with us in spirit. Perhaps they will join the heavenly armies. If so that means we are coming back even stronger. We are all ranked differently, and we operate in multiple dimensions. We all have different gifts and powers. Some have mastered the 4 elements. There has been a lot of evil things done in this country and the cries of our ancestors have been heard in the heavenly court.

The Courts of Heaven operate similarly to the legal systems we see on Earth. Many injustices have taken place around the world, and we are seeking true justice through the heavenly courts. It is crucial to pursue the justice system set forth by the True God. Yahshua serves as our advocate! Christ is our High Priest. He is the True King/God of Israel! The High Priest serves as the mediator for the sins of the community, seeking atonement and interceding on their behalf, ultimately leading to God’s forgiveness. Alternatively, one may view the High Priest as the individual authorized to approach God’s Throne, offering a substitute for the transgressions of others. Yahshua has an intercessory role, and I believe he is going to help deliver us. I believe that is why we were taught about his second coming, but he may be coming in a different body, perhaps an Ancient Immortal Body. There’s too many mysteries surrounding this and I will not get into this as this is my own theories.

But I will continue to present my cases in prayer before the Most High and his holy council. I learned that Saturn is the tribunal or headquarters of our solar system. Is that true? I learned that Saturn offers the limits of necessity and the balancing force of justice. Is there a throne set up on Saturn? Perhaps it is. I’ve learned that the sign of God’s judgment was when Nibiru returned to our Solar System. Perhaps Nibiru represents the Adjudicator. Is this the planet Nibiru or the Nibiru Mothership returning to execute judgment in this Solar System? An adjudicator is a person or group that makes an official decision about something, especially about who is right in a disagreement. We have been told that the Anunnaki is returning. We must ask the questions, “Who within the Anunnaki is returning?” Are we talking about the benevolent Anunnaki or the malevolent Ones? We really need to understand what is going on because Enlil didn’t like humans. I hope it’s Enki, Thoth and all the benevolent Anunnaki who is returning to Earth to help deliver us. We need to be set free from all malevolent beings who doesn’t have the true light of God within them. So many have fallen in consciousness and is not doing the will of the Creator of All. I believe many Anunnaki beings have repented of their sins, and they have also evolved within their consciousness.

So, I have to mention this, many people around the world have secretly plotted against others out of jealousy. Some may hold malicious intentions and partake in activities like witchcraft. It’s essential to understand that all actions will eventually come to light in the courtroom of life, where every deed is examined and judged. In the end, a just judgment will be delivered! In 2012, I believe I was called to a heavenly court, where I stood before a Judge. This experience happened during an open vision where my mind was caught up in another dimension. For me it felt like I was standing before a throne, and I was naked before God. That’s means nothing was hidden and all of me was present before the throne of God. It was as though my whole life was being examined before the courtroom in heaven. As I reflect on the experience, I believe my soul underwent some sort of trial in heaven that day. I remember being asked to recite the 10 commandments and I could not do it, and I felt ashamed before God. I couldn’t say them verbatim; I didn’t remember them. I felt like the Most High was dealing with me on some type of spiritual level. Surely, I needed to be raised up in consciousness because my state of consciousness was low at that time. I was in a state of darkness (ignorance) and even then, during the open vision I couldn’t perceive all that was taking place during that event. Over the years I had to learn a lot of things and I had to analyze the events that took place in my life leading up to the event.

I wrote a letter on July 2, 2012, and I was surrendering my life to God. I made a choice on that day to know God and to walk with Yahshua, the Christ. I started my letter off with, God is so good! He has delivered me from this world. I said that I have a gift and message to give to everyone. God sent Yahshua (Jesus) for us to have salvation. It’s clear that I chose the enter into the program of God’s salvation. On that day words came out of my mouth that I didn’t quite understand at that time. I mentioned the 144,000 and how they would be awakening. Later I understood the message as I was one of the 144,000 that was selected from the 12 Tribes of Israel. I was redeemed. I had lived a life filled with sin and I wanted to make it right with God. I knew that I had committed sins against God and that I wasn’t keeping the commandments. I feel like I’ve been on a journey for 12 years trying to redeem myself. I’ve been working to improve my life and trying to do what’s right in the sight of God. Honestly, I feel like I’ve been working off the karmic debt that I accumulated over 13 years of my life when I was sinning and living in darkness. I don’t want to be like everyone else who continues to put their sins on Yahshua. He shouldn’t have to bare our sins.

We are the ones who committed the sins not him. It is crucial for us to accept accountability and take responsibility for our behavior, mistakes, and actions. Otherwise, how will we each learn our lessons and grow from them. I seeked forgiveness from God and I wanted to make things right. I needed to learn and get to know God for myself. I needed to seek the kingdom of God and come out of the kingdom of Satan. So, I feel like God saw that I was sincere when I wrote my letter. I wasn’t running away from the kingdom of God anymore. I was running to God’s kingdom, and I was ready to be transformed. It was clear that I was assigned a mission. I had to complete some inner work and do some assignments which were to share the dreams and visions that I received. I consider it laboring for the kingdom of Christ. I had to spread the light which is to spread information to help with the awakening. I received a dream, and an angel was sent to me. He told me that he had a plan for me, and it was sent by God. It’s clear that he was a messenger angel delivering a message to me. He gave me a robe and told me to walk down the street in it and I accepted the robe and did as he instructed. The robe to me represented the robe of righteousness. I had become clothed with the garments of salvation.

Isaiah 61:10, I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

God not only blessed me with a dream that showed I was clothed in a robe of righteousness, but He also communicated to me that I was His Bride. In this dream, Yahshua appeared and invited me to become His Bride. It became clear to me that my purpose is to embody the Bride of Christ. It’s been clear that the Bride of Christ is the target. This ongoing war has been against the Bride of Christ, God’s holy people. When I was asleep in this world, I was a part of Satan’s kingdom. I was participating in worldly activities, and I was being deceived. All seemed well in my reality, but I was living in darkness (ignorance). Satan gained influence in my life because I chose to give him power by focusing on worldly pursuits that went against God’s will. His goal was to keep me trapped under his control. The struggle began the moment I started to recognize this truth.

Upon my decision to disengage from one of Satan’s deceptions and corrupted agendas, namely the LGBTQ community, I found myself under attack. I was able to escape this program that has trapped many souls. There are so many demons attached to this community and I’m so happy that God set me free and delivered me. I was warned but I didn’t listen the first time that God has delivered me from Satan and his demons. Now I know for myself what types of demons exist in that community and there is a demonic stronghold. The LGBTQ community is a work of demons, and it’s filled with sexual immorality, lies and corruption. They are only creating demonic energy. But I had to learn a lot of things and when I learned more truth the attacks kept coming. Satan can no longer control or manipulate my mind anymore. So, when you exit the programs of Satan and live a life pleasing to God, the enemy will try to come at you. Many believers have been dealing with spiritual warfare. Our ancestors dealt with it, and we are dealing with it now. I just want this war to end for good. I sense that we are in the Great Tribulation period and if that’s true then God’s judgment will go forth and we will begin to see change. The current system that is in place in this world has to be destroyed. The reign of Christ is meant to be revealed on Earth. It is essential to restore order within the realm. A shift in the current power dynamics is required. Those who have wielded control over this world for thousands of years must be displaced from their positions of authority. We have been living in an Antichrist System, and it existed during the life of Yahshua. May peace return to Earth and may the kingdom of Christ reign.

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