Tag Archives: light ships in the clouds

Out of body Experience on January 27, 2019: Light ships coming out of the clouds

Greeting my dear ones! My light body activations and out of body experiences are getting more intense. On January 27, 2019 I felt every atom and cell in my body spinning at a higher velocity. The vibrations were so strong and powerful that I could feel the energies in my merkaba field. I knew I was getting ready to take off but I wasn’t ready. I was trying to take it all in to figure out what was happening on a subatomic level in my body. High pitch buzzing sounds were emitting from me and it sounded like I was caught up in a whirlwind. The winds were extremely strong and I could feel that I was in the middle of counter-rotating fields of energy.

Then I took off extremely fast like hyperdrive. It was too fast for me that I tried to stop the experience. I wanted to slow down but I couldn’t. I didn’t know where I was about to go. I noticed that I was traveling through a house. Not sure whose house but I was passing through the rooms. Then I appeared in someone’s car. It all happened so fast. I looked up towards the sky and saw a huge fleet of light ships coming out of the clouds. It resembled a swarm of locusts and they covered the sky.

I’m not sure where I traveled to but I looked away and felt the ships behind me. Then suddenly I felt myself spiraling up through a portal. I was back in my bed and my body was still vibrating fast. It felt like no time had passed by. It all happened within a blink of an eye. I am so excited to be experiencing these things. So much is happening with our bodies.

Our Lightbody is a grid work of light and sacred geometry that brings together the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links the multidimensional self with the infinite universe.

At times I feel like I’m not doing enough but apparently I am. I think about higher dimensions all of the time. I’m always reading something new. I am so inspired by all of the things that I read and look at on Gaia. So much spiritual information is on the web. We are on fire!!! The children of the light are bringing forth the true knowledge. We love higher teachings. We love our higher selves. More revelations will continue to come forth. Keep your eyes to the sky! Love you all!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333