Tag Archives: peace and harmony

Open Up Your Wings and Fly Away With Me To New Earth!

For so long I have wondered why I incarnated here on this Earth. I knew I had to find myself because I felt empty inside and something was missing in my life. There was a void that I had to fill and I had to fill that empty space with light. That light is knowledge of Self. From darkness to light I came. In this world filled with darkness I came to know a love like no other, Yahshua. He showed me a new path, a path which leads to enlightenment. As I meditated on his words day and night I began to experience a new reality for myself. I desired to be like him, perfect and complete,  being one with God so I followed him. I sought the Creator wholeheartedly and I wanted to see myself in him. I wanted to see my true image within the Creator so I sought the Holy Spirit. I found myself in the Creator’s mind  and the Goddess in me was revealed in the light. I saw myself through the Creator’s eyes and I am a precious jewel. I am worthy to be praised and loved because my heart is pure. I am his beloved disciple and I carry the Christ code within my heart everyday.

Yahshua represents my divine counterpart or twin flame. His essence is pure and complete. He is divine love and He is my savior, my protector, my love and this is my love story. He saw a flame burning within my soul and it was a pure flame, a flame of love. He found me and it was love at first sight. I was reunited with his energy and I was healed instantly. His love for me healed me. He healed my broken heart and he restored me.  For so long I couldn’t remember who I was but He knew that I would awaken in divine timing so he waited for me. He was patient and gentle with me and he stood by my side until the appointed time. I cried out to him seeking his help. Where are you My love? Please come and rescue me.  I surrendered to his love and I gave all of me and because of that my soul awakened.  I released it all and I became free. He asked me to be his bride and to fly away with him into the heights of heavens. I said Yes, and I lifted my wings and I flew away with my love and I journeyed through time and space seeking all there is to know about the universe, myself and all of creation.

I have an open mind and I am no longer controlled by the construct of this matrix that we are living in. I have learned to balance myself  while operating here in this dimension. I am a multidimensional being and I am serving the All by sharing my love and my experiences with others on this website hoping to inspire and set someone free. Even if it is one person in this world that I have reached I have completed my mission.  I desired to be set free and I was set free. If you desire to be set free, I am here to set you free. Just love with all of your heart, mind and soul and you shall be free. Come fly away with me into the heights of heaven and let’s create infinite worlds. Be filled with joy and happiness. Fill the vibration of love penetrating through your soul. Awaken my dear ones! You are not alone. I am here with you taking this journey with you.

My soul was awakened through pure love, it was unconditional love, and I became whole again. I was not alone by myself in this void which I had traveled too, I shared this space with Christ and the entire collective consciousness.  I am a reflection of the divine Father and Mother. We are the children of the light. We are a reflection of each other, intertwining our energies together, the divine masculine and divine feminine energy creating infinite realities and worlds within worlds.  I embody the Sophia Christ Energy and I am balanced within my energy field. There is no more war. The battle has been fought and love has won.  Love will always conquer Evil. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and it is the highest frequency emanating from the Creator. I am aligned with the Creator of the Universe. There is peace and harmony within me and I am One with the Creator.  I am a child of the light and I have returned, the Goddess in me has returned to the Earth in this time to help with the ascension of Mother Earth and humanity. I have taken all of my creative power back and I am manifesting the New Earth through my pure heart and mind.  Everything  that has been  lost has returned. Knowing my higher self is the greatest gift of all. I have been restored and all things shall be made New! It is Finished, The New Earth has been birthed.

Christ Consciousness has returned and it is here in full effect. It is your choice to believe or not to believe.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

DNA Activations And Intense Ascension Energies: Knowledge Being Restored!

In the last few weeks I have been receiving alot of downloads within my body. I asked for the Creator’s light to descend upon me and to open my crown chakra. On September 25, 2018 I had a dream where a friend of mine touched my head and my third eye was instantly restored. When she touched my head I saw many images flashing through my mind and the visions were clear. My memories were being restored.  In the dream she had been captured and she was in a room locked up in the lab.  I believe she was being experimented on. She was an extremely powerful being and she escaped the room by shattering the glass windows. I believe they were experimenting with DNA in this lab.

Two or Three days after this dream my ear started popping/ringing. I felt a wave of intense energy go through me. I was interacting with some type of frequency. It happened a couple of times that day and when I looked at the time it was 5:33pm and 5:55pm. These are some of the repeating numbers or light codes that I see daily and I associate these numbers with DNA activations. As I was experiencing this energy, the noise in the background was fading away. I started to feel lightheaded and I saw a strike of white light before me. So I know I was tuning into some type of light frequency.

The 1st week of October 2018 I experienced intense headaches and begin to worry so I went to the doctor and was advised that I had a sinus infection. I never had a sinus infection before and to me it seem like this was much more than an sinus infection. The energy was so intense my head was pulsating over a week. No medicine relieved the pressure in my head. I felt like energy was being poured through my crown chakra. The top of my head was so tender when I touched it. I could feel the energy pulsating inside of my head near my pineal gland. Something was happening and I was just trying to hold the intense energies in my body. Today my head is still throbbing. It’s not as intense as last week.

Yesterday I listened to a video on YouTube and it was a pleiadian message. I resonated with the message and my head was vibrating intensely as I listened to the message. I kept seeing light codes during the video. The message was awesome and I intend on sharing the message on this page. It confirms my mission and I am remembering alot about myself. It is true that thoughts create reality. I have said so many times that my future self has returned in this time to give myself a message. I always felt like I was being guided by my higher self. It’s like I designed my own experiences for my own learning in the world. I always felt like Earth was a learning center and we are here to learn and to grow. We are here to evolve and expand our consciousness. Every time I listen to love and light messages it confirms what I already know.  I know that information is stored within my DNA and that it just needs to be activated or downloaded. I know that the information can be accessed once the information has been downloaded inside of me.  I believe that these light codes are downloading new programs for me. My interests are constantly changing. It’s like when I get bored with one subject I need something else to keep me going. My mind is constantly thinking and trying to figure out things. I’m constantly creating all of the time with my thoughts. My mind must stay stimulated or I will get bored. I’m always searching for something new to learn. I can’t help it. I keep saying there’s not enough TIME to get all of this done. Time is flying by quickly and I want to read so many books and research information so I can learn more but I don’t have the TIME. I keep searching for a way to get this done.

But anyways, now I am taking an interest in truly understanding the 12 Strand DNA. I know that I need more strands activated to carry more information. Some days I try to remember certain things but it’s hard to access part of my memory banks. I try to learn so much at one time because I have this hunger and desire of obtaining spiritual knowledge. Consciously I know that everything that I have learned and experienced is stored within my Akashic records.  Sometimes it’s hard to access. I know that I am operating in multiple dimensions at the same time. I am aware that I am a multidimensional being. I have created some of my own dreams and visions to remind myself of who I am. The Prime Creator, Yahshua and the Angels has helped me achieve so much. I am so thankful. My ancestors are helping me as well. All the information of my Ancestors are stored within my DNA. All of the information that my ancestors have learned is stored within me. The ancients are with me and I can feel it. I had a wonderful dream where my ancient grandmother said that she was passing down a key to me. Please read Dream on December 31, 2015: My Ancient Key and My Ancient Symbol Revealed!The key then turned into a book of ancient knowledge. Everything is all aligning and making sense now as I am putting the puzzle together. All things that I have learned and experienced throughout my entire soul’s journey in the universe and multiverse  has been recorded and stored in my field of light or vehicle of light (merkaba). This is the Book of Life.

My ancient grandmother said that the key was mine and the number “0” is my number. I acknowledged that the key was mine and that the number “0” was my number. As she turned the key around I saw an ancient symbol of a circle on it. This was no ordinary key because as she turned it around it changed into an ancient tablet or scroll. My grandmother said since the key was mine she would hold on to the key that was given to her. Apparently the information contained in my book was sacred and she was protecting the sacred knowledge.

When I think of the frequency of the number 0 it’s thought to symbolize the connection between all living things, and it represents infinity and eternity. The vibrations and frequencies of 0 are concerned with wholeness, oneness, and a continuing cycle that never ends. I believe in infinite possibilities and thus creation never ends because we create with our thoughts.  The source of my creative power is Love and Sound(Vibration)! My multidimensional self contains the information of the Universe. My merkaba contains  sacred knowledge and wisdom of the ancients and sacred geometry. I showed myself this in a dream. I have created my own dreams and visions with the help of the Creator. I have given myself signs in my own dreams to awaken myself and I know how to interpret my own dreams because I know myself. I know how I operate. In one dream, an Arcturian appeared from the form of geometric shapes and I saw a cube which I called out Metatron’s Cube.

All of this happened to trigger my DNA. I know once I have a dream about something I will look into the meaning of the dream to learn more about it. I am guiding myself and so is the Creator and the angels. This is all for learning but more importantly I am here to share my experiences with you so you can awaken. I am here to assist and this is my way of doing it. I have shared my journey with you on this ministry page. My growth shows on this page. It shows me finding myself and it shows me seeking the Creator of the Universe. I looked within my own heart, mind and soul and found the Creator and it led me to my higher self.  I know I am an emanation of the Creator, I am a Co-Creator of the Universe and I have created worlds/lifeforms with my thoughts and it’s the same with you. You just have to remember. I know it may seem unreal but I am a believer in infinite possibilities so all things are possible to me through LOVE and LIGHT! I am FREE to think all of this. I am open to different possibilities and ideas. I don’t have a limited mind because I am an infinite being with infinite thoughts that creates realities, dimensions, lifeforms etc.

I am no longer controlled by negative entities/extraterrestrials who are emotionless beings. I took my power back. I have feelings and I have learned self-control. I have the ability to connect with life and I understand the importance of life in the entire universe. I want to give life and save life not destroy it. As Yahshua said, there will be no  more death! I desire the same thing so we must increase our vibration to LOVE. Humanity is worth saving! I prefer to transform all beings from within. It’s your choice to do the work and no one can force you to change. You must desire this for yourself. Can you imagine yourself having all of your 12 strands of DNA activated, using 100% of your brain power being in complete balance and harmony with the Creator in the physical body while having the ability to access every aspect of your multi-dimensional selves having the ability to change your vibrational frequency at will by thought to transfigure your physical body into your light body without experiencing death? It’s 9:44 pm as I am writing this, so this is another light code being downloaded. These are my thoughts consistently, I am always thinking of different possibilities.

The Creator desired to explore his/her entire self through consciousness.  We as a whole are the Collective Consciousness and we each have the Creator within us. The Creator has experienced all things in every life form that exists therefore we should honor all life no matter what color, shape or form. When you harm someone you are harming yourself so be kind to one another and love one another. When speaking the truth you can tell the truth in a polite manner, it doesn’t have to come out harsh. If we change our mindset we can literally change this world. We can change the vibration on this planet. We are doing it anyways and that’s why the intense energies are coming in. Many of us have been working on this and we all play a part in the ascension process.

We have all created the reality that we live in. If you don’t like the results of the reality that you are experiencing then it’s time to renew your thoughts. Project thoughts into the universe that will create love, peace and harmony in all living things. Your thoughts are a seed for creation and your thoughts carry information and a vibrational frequency that gives birth to a reality. Let’s make sure we plant good seeds in the Universe so our creation can produce the fruits of the spirit. We can see our thoughts manifested in other intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms.

Why do you think these negative ET’s feed off of our negative energy? We are the source of their survival. They need us to think negative so they can thrive and remain in power. That’s the reason for controlling the human race. In essence they need us to survive, it’s like we give them energy to live. Apparently they can only survive off of negative energy. If humans stop thinking negative they don’t have any energy to feed off of anymore and they won’t survive. I’m just thinking, What if human thoughts is the source of their very existence. Well it’s a possibility that we as a whole are the source of the negative et’s existence. Think of the law of attraction, we attract what we put out right.  We give them power through our negative thoughts.

They want to destroy the human race yet they need us to survive but they are only harming themselves. They don’t have self-love nor do these negative entities understand what it means to experience true love, they are ignorant of this. They (kingdom of Satan/negative entities/negative et’s/demons/evil spirits/Yaldaboth/archons) were created in ignorance through the darkness of souls. These malevolent beings are the manifestation of the collective consciousness ignorance. Look in the mirror and see your shadow self because that shadow self being is a negative entity. That is your lower self/Satan. There is all sorts of evil within all races in this world and it is a mirror image of what we projected out into the universe within our own consciousness. We try to hid our shadow self and toss that part of ourselves away. We want that part of ourselves destroyed. What about looking in the mirror, observing all of you and work on balancing your entire being. Embrace both energies and understand how creation is created through both energies. Stop judging and condemning others because you have a shadow self too. There is a beast being created in another dimension when you send out low vibrations/frequencies such as hate, anger, strife, war and fear etc.

My dear love ones, I say, Judge yourself in the Light, review your records within your field of light because all that you have done has been recorded for your review at the end of life. All of your souls are  being exposed in the light! It’s best to learn your lessons now, forgive yourself and others,  and release the bondage of all the things that has caused you to suffer so that you can heal. It’s not easy but you can do it because all things are possible you just have to have the right mindset. Be an inspiration to someone! Spread love and help one another always!

We are still ONE but now we can see the separation on an individual scale to see how each of us embody these energies within us. When there’s an imbalance of energies, chaos and destruction can be created. Now we are able to identify each thought that was created in the beginning from Source, both positive and negative energies. It is time to bring all things in alignment by balancing all things and to make peace!  We all need LOVE and we need to understand LOVE on many levels. Love is an expression! It is a vibration and it carries a frequency. It is now 11:11pm.

Maybe I will trigger your awakening. One thing I must say is that you must trust yourself. You may doubt yourself in the beginning but your higher self is guiding you in this world along with Creator. I love you! Take care.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333