Tag Archives: et disclosure

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021: healing to the shadow self of the Collective Consciousness!

During the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 it appears that the Collective Consciousness on this planet are done with a lot of things. The Collective is becoming more aware of the Shadow Side. Everyone is finally ready to take their power back and we must harness our Collective Power and say Enough is Enough! We have the power to shift our reality on the Earth right NOW. For healing and transformation to occur with the collective, we all need to bring our shadow selves into the light. We must transmute the Darkness into the Light. Once we do this then I believe the Event that everyone has been waiting on will occur. There is great transformative power in facing the shadow self. When we are willingly looking at our shadow side then we can become free from its grip, and then we can easily enjoy the light that is ever-present.I gathered most of the things that the Collective are done with. Majority of people are saying the same things. If there is something that is not listed that you want to add please do. While I was caught up on the Mothership, I was taken to a room that had a chamber of fire. People were writing down on a piece of paper all the negative things (sins) that they were done with and it was being burned by the fire. The fire was a symbol of Purification! I saw lines of people going into this room where there was purification. In essence they were being purified in this room where there was a chamber of fire (light). As time progressed, I learned that the people who were headed to this room were being transformed in this chamber of light aboard the Mothership.

Let us see what the Collective Consciousness on this planet is done with. Let us review the records.

We are done with Duality, Cold Hearted and Cruel People that run around in the name of money and power. We are done with humanity being lied to. We are done with done with the children being tortured and living their lives in fear. We are done with innocent people getting killed. We are done with injustice. We are done with 3D, corruption and all the evil in the world. We are done with negativity from ourselves and others. We are done with pain and suffering in the world.

We are done with being a slave to the system. We are done with being controlled and manipulated. We are done with deceptions by those claiming authority. We are done with war and all the crimes against humanity. We are done with violence. We are done with this pandemic and all the fear. We are done with the fear of losing your job. We are done with disorder and chaos. We are done with the government lies. We are done with all the dark rulers of this world. We are done with the construct of separation. We are done with I am not good enough. We are done giving our power away. We are done with pain, frustration, hate and anger. We are done with Racism. We are done with emotional eating. We are done with sickness and disease.

We are done with injustice, society inequality. We are done with being controlled and manipulated by the Reptilians/Draconians. We are done with competition. We are done with working 9-5. We are done with living in a world full of lockdown. We are done with oppression. We are done with ignorance, cruelty to the animals, and Mother Earth. We are done with the toxic environment. We are done with poverty, toxic energy, rudeness, fakeness, and dishonesty. We are done with 3D. We are done with judgement. We are done with division and greed.
Now this is what the Collective is saying what we want. We want peace, unity, respect, community, and love driving the world. We are ready to understand how big and powerful we are together. We want our lives back.

We want freedom for everyone on earth. We want to feel like a kid again and be free, silly, full of wonder with no fear. We want to proclaim our sovereignty. We want to take Time to help each other, the animals, and Mother Earth. We want full disclosure of our ET friends and family right NOW. We want spiritual freedom, peace, joy, balance, and abundance for everyone. We want to live life pursuing our highest passions. We are ready to shift into new Earth. We want healing for everyone. We want peace and the truth. We want loyalty. We want happiness. We want equality, laughter, joy, creativity, fairness, kindness. We want ascension. We want to serve one another in love. We want to be brave. We want to be our authentic selves. We want to be strong. We are ready for the avalanche of light and love; we are ready to graduate. We are ready to bring in new earth energy. We want peace and compassion. We are ready for a higher dimension. We want to move forward. We want understanding. We want generosity. We are done with the old reality.

It looks to me that majority of humanity are ready for ascension. When we connect to our Higher Heart we will manifest our reality much quicker. Continue to prepare yourselves.

Written by Sophia (Wisdom) 333